diff options
authorAlexander Mazuruk <>2018-08-15 14:41:49 +0200
committerPawel Wieczorek <>2018-10-01 16:34:14 +0200
commit4c2c6886cebdf8acbca4e1165e7ec8bc793eeb5d (patch)
parenta4ae7889d804f7d784a1cc9d65d2a68cef446a6e (diff)
Adjust database tests
Make artifacts/database tests faster (8s->2.5s) by restructurizing before/afterEach clauses to omit unneccessary setup before TCs. Finished packing setups into single transactions with db. Merged tests for pagination into database tests. Add tests for sorting Less magic Change-Id: I49c82c4d0bfc000498b555c0d56490d939e24713 Signed-off-by: Alexander Mazuruk <>
3 files changed, 288 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/artifacts/database/database_suite_test.go b/artifacts/database/database_suite_test.go
index 1bd072f..27a1ee0 100644
--- a/artifacts/database/database_suite_test.go
+++ b/artifacts/database/database_suite_test.go
@@ -38,26 +38,42 @@ var (
tmpDirPath string
+const (
+ dbToRead = "test-db-pagination.db"
+ tmpDirPrefix = "weles-"
+ generatedRecordsCount = 100
+ pageLimit = 30
+ pageCount = generatedRecordsCount/pageLimit + 1
var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {
+ var (
+ err error
+ db ArtifactDB
+ )
- var err error
- tmpDirPath, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "weles-")
+ tmpDirPath, err = ioutil.TempDir("", tmpDirPrefix)
- err = silverHoneybadger.Open(filepath.Join(tmpDirPath, "test_pagination.db"))
+ err = db.Open(filepath.Join(tmpDirPath, dbToRead))
- artifacts := fixtures.CreateArtifactInfoSlice(100)
- trans, err := silverHoneybadger.dbmap.Begin()
+ silverHoneybadgerArtifacts := fixtures.CreateArtifactInfoSlice(generatedRecordsCount)
+ trans, err := db.dbmap.Begin()
- for _, artifact := range artifacts {
- err = silverHoneybadger.InsertArtifactInfo(&artifact)
+ for _, artifact := range silverHoneybadgerArtifacts {
+ err = trans.Insert(&artifact)
+ db.Close()
+ err = silverHoneybadger.Open(filepath.Join(tmpDirPath, dbToRead))
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
var _ = AfterSuite(func() {
err := silverHoneybadger.Close()
err = os.RemoveAll(tmpDirPath)
diff --git a/artifacts/database/database_test.go b/artifacts/database/database_test.go
index bb9debc..1b96839 100644
--- a/artifacts/database/database_test.go
+++ b/artifacts/database/database_test.go
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ var _ = Describe("ArtifactDB", func() {
invalidStatus weles.ArtifactStatus = "invalidStatus"
invalidType weles.ArtifactType = "invalidType"
invalidAlias weles.ArtifactAlias = "invalidAlias"
- goldenUnicorn ArtifactDB
- tmpDir string
artifact = weles.ArtifactInfo{
ArtifactDescription: weles.ArtifactDescription{
@@ -174,180 +172,302 @@ var _ = Describe("ArtifactDB", func() {
Alias: nil,
emptyFilter = weles.ArtifactFilter{}
- //default values of sorter passed by server
- defaultSorter = weles.ArtifactSorter{
+ emptyPaginator = weles.ArtifactPagination{}
+ descendingSorter = weles.ArtifactSorter{
SortOrder: weles.SortOrderDescending,
SortBy: weles.ArtifactSortByID,
- )
- jobsInDB := func(job weles.JobID) int64 {
- n, err := goldenUnicorn.dbmap.SelectInt(`SELECT COUNT(*)
- FROM artifacts
- WHERE JobID = ?`, job)
- Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
- return n
- }
- BeforeEach(func() {
- var err error
- tmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "weles-")
- Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
- err = goldenUnicorn.Open(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "test.db"))
- Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
- })
- AfterEach(func() {
- err := goldenUnicorn.Close()
- Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
- err = os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
- Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
- })
+ defaultSorter = descendingSorter
- It("should open new database, with artifact table", func() {
- n, err := goldenUnicorn.dbmap.SelectInt(`SELECT COUNT(*)
- FROM sqlite_master
- WHERE name = 'artifacts'
- AND type = 'table'`)
+ ascendingSorter = weles.ArtifactSorter{
+ SortOrder: weles.SortOrderAscending,
+ SortBy: weles.ArtifactSortByID,
+ }
+ )
+ jobInDB := func(job weles.JobID, db ArtifactDB) bool {
+ n, err := db.dbmap.SelectInt(
+ FROM artifacts
+ WHERE JobID = ?`, job)
- Expect(n).To(BeNumerically("==", 1))
- })
+ return bool(n > 0)
+ }
- It("should fail to open database on invalid path", func() {
- // sql.Open only validates arguments.
- // db.Ping must be called to check the connection.
- invalidDatabasePath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "invalid", "test.db")
- err := goldenUnicorn.Open(invalidDatabasePath)
- Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred())
- Expect(invalidDatabasePath).ToNot(BeAnExistingFile())
- })
+ Describe("Not pagination", func() {
- It("should insert new artifact to database", func() {
- Expect(jobsInDB(job)).To(BeNumerically("==", 0))
+ var (
+ goldenUnicorn ArtifactDB
+ tmpDir string
+ )
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ var err error
+ tmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", tmpDirPrefix)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ err = goldenUnicorn.Open(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "test.db"))
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ })
- err := goldenUnicorn.InsertArtifactInfo(&artifact)
- Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ AfterEach(func() {
+ err := goldenUnicorn.Close()
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ err = os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ })
+ It("should open new database, with artifact table", func() {
+ n, err := goldenUnicorn.dbmap.SelectInt(
+ FROM sqlite_master
+ WHERE name = 'artifacts'
+ AND type = 'table'`)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ Expect(n).To(BeNumerically("==", 1))
+ })
- Expect(jobsInDB(artifact.JobID)).To(BeNumerically("==", 1))
- })
+ It("should fail to open database on invalid path", func() {
+ // sql.Open only validates arguments.
+ // db.Ping must be called to check the connection.
+ invalidDatabasePath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "invalid", "test.db")
+ err := goldenUnicorn.Open(invalidDatabasePath)
+ Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred())
+ Expect(invalidDatabasePath).ToNot(BeAnExistingFile())
+ })
- Describe("SelectPath", func() {
+ It("should insert new artifact to database", func() {
+ Expect(jobInDB(job, goldenUnicorn)).To(BeFalse())
- BeforeEach(func() {
err := goldenUnicorn.InsertArtifactInfo(&artifact)
- Expect(jobsInDB(artifact.JobID)).To(BeNumerically("==", 1))
+ Expect(jobInDB(artifact.JobID, goldenUnicorn)).To(BeTrue())
- DescribeTable("database selectpath",
- func(path weles.ArtifactPath, expectedErr error, expectedArtifact weles.ArtifactInfo) {
- result, err := goldenUnicorn.SelectPath(path)
- if expectedErr != nil {
- Expect(err).To(Equal(expectedErr))
- } else {
+ Describe("SetStatus", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ trans, err := goldenUnicorn.dbmap.Begin()
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ defer trans.Commit()
+ for _, a := range testArtifacts {
+ err := trans.Insert(&a)
- expectedArtifact.ID = result.ID
- Expect(result).To(Equal(expectedArtifact))
- },
- Entry("retrieve artifact based on path",
- artifact.Path, nil, artifact),
- Entry("retrieve artifact based on invalid path",
- invalidPath, sql.ErrNoRows, weles.ArtifactInfo{}),
- )
- })
+ })
+ DescribeTable("artifact status change",
+ func(change weles.ArtifactStatusChange, expectedErr error) {
+ var a weles.ArtifactInfo
+ err := goldenUnicorn.SetStatus(change)
+ if expectedErr == nil {
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ a, err = goldenUnicorn.SelectPath(change.Path)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ Expect(a.Status).To(Equal(change.NewStatus))
+ } else {
+ Expect(err).To(Equal(expectedErr))
+ a, err = goldenUnicorn.SelectPath(change.Path)
+ Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred())
+ Expect(a).To(Equal(weles.ArtifactInfo{}))
+ }
+ },
+ Entry("change status of artifact not present in ArtifactDB",
+ weles.ArtifactStatusChange{
+ Path: invalidPath,
+ NewStatus: weles.ArtifactStatusDOWNLOADING,
+ },
+ sql.ErrNoRows),
+ Entry("change status of artifact present in ArtifactDB",
+ weles.ArtifactStatusChange{
+ Path: artifact.Path,
+ NewStatus: weles.ArtifactStatusDOWNLOADING,
+ },
+ nil),
+ )
+ })
- Describe("List", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- trans, err := goldenUnicorn.dbmap.Begin()
- Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
- defer trans.Commit()
- for _, a := range testArtifacts {
- err := trans.Insert(&a)
+ Describe("SelectPath", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ err := goldenUnicorn.InsertArtifactInfo(&artifact)
- }
+ Expect(jobInDB(artifact.JobID, goldenUnicorn)).To(BeTrue())
+ })
+ DescribeTable("database selectpath",
+ func(path weles.ArtifactPath, expectedErr error,
+ expectedArtifact weles.ArtifactInfo) {
+ result, err := goldenUnicorn.SelectPath(path)
+ if expectedErr != nil {
+ Expect(err).To(Equal(expectedErr))
+ } else {
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ }
+ expectedArtifact.ID = result.ID
+ Expect(result).To(Equal(expectedArtifact))
+ },
+ Entry("retrieve artifact based on path", artifact.Path, nil, artifact),
+ Entry("retrieve artifact based on invalid path", invalidPath, sql.ErrNoRows,
+ weles.ArtifactInfo{}),
+ )
- DescribeTable("list artifacts matching filter",
- func(filter weles.ArtifactFilter, expected ...weles.ArtifactInfo) {
- results, _, err := goldenUnicorn.Filter(filter, defaultSorter,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{})
+ Describe("List", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ trans, err := goldenUnicorn.dbmap.Begin()
- //TODO: match all fields except ID.
- for i := range results {
- for j := range expected {
- if results[i].JobID == expected[j].JobID {
- if results[i].URI == expected[j].URI {
- expected[j].ID = results[i].ID
+ defer trans.Commit()
+ for _, a := range testArtifacts {
+ err := trans.Insert(&a)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ }
+ })
+ DescribeTable("list artifacts matching filter",
+ func(filter weles.ArtifactFilter, expected ...weles.ArtifactInfo) {
+ results, _, err := goldenUnicorn.Filter(filter, defaultSorter, emptyPaginator)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ //TODO: match all fields except ID.
+ for i := range results {
+ for j := range expected {
+ if results[i].JobID == expected[j].JobID {
+ if results[i].URI == expected[j].URI {
+ expected[j].ID = results[i].ID
+ }
+ Expect(results).To(ConsistOf(expected))
+ },
+ Entry("filter one JobID", oneJobFilter, artifact),
+ Entry("filter more than one JobIDs", twoJobsFilter, artifact, aImageReady,
+ aYamlFailed),
+ Entry("filter one Type", oneTypeFilter, aYamlFailed),
+ Entry("filter more than one Type", twoTypesFilter, aYamlFailed, aTestFailed),
+ Entry("filter one Status", oneStatusFilter, artifact),
+ Entry("filter more than one Status", twoStatusFilter, artifact, aTestFailed,
+ aYamlFailed),
+ Entry("filter one Alias", oneAliasFilter, artifact),
+ Entry("filter more than one Alias", twoAliasFilter, artifact, aImageReady,
+ aYamlFailed),
+ Entry("filter is completly set up", fullFilter, aYamlFailed),
+ Entry("filter is empty", emptyFilter, artifact, aImageReady, aYamlFailed,
+ aTestFailed),
+ )
+ DescribeTable("return artifact not found error",
+ func(filter weles.ArtifactFilter, expected ...weles.ArtifactInfo) {
+ _, _, err := goldenUnicorn.Filter(filter, defaultSorter, emptyPaginator)
+ Expect(err).To(Equal(weles.ErrArtifactNotFound))
+ },
+ Entry("filter JobID not in db", noJobFilter),
+ Entry("filter Type not in db", noTypeFilter),
+ Entry("filter Status not in db", noStatusFilter),
+ Entry("filter Alias not in db", noAliasFilter),
+ Entry("no artifact in db matches filter", noMatchFilter),
+ )
+ })
+ Describe("Sorting", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ trans, err := goldenUnicorn.dbmap.Begin()
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ defer trans.Commit()
+ for _, a := range testArtifacts {
+ err := trans.Insert(&a)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
- Expect(results).To(ConsistOf(expected))
- },
- Entry("filter one JobID", oneJobFilter, artifact),
- Entry("filter more than one JobIDs", twoJobsFilter, artifact, aImageReady, aYamlFailed),
- Entry("filter one Type", oneTypeFilter, aYamlFailed),
- Entry("filter more than one Type", twoTypesFilter, aYamlFailed, aTestFailed),
- Entry("filter one Status", oneStatusFilter, artifact),
- Entry("filter more than one Status", twoStatusFilter, artifact, aTestFailed,
- aYamlFailed),
- Entry("filter one Alias", oneAliasFilter, artifact),
- Entry("filter more than one Alias", twoAliasFilter, artifact, aImageReady, aYamlFailed),
- Entry("filter is completly set up", fullFilter, aYamlFailed),
- Entry("filter is empty", emptyFilter, artifact, aImageReady, aYamlFailed, aTestFailed),
- )
+ })
+ DescribeTable("Should return correctly sorted artifacts",
+ func(sorter weles.ArtifactSorter) {
+ result, _, err := goldenUnicorn.Filter(emptyFilter, sorter, emptyPaginator)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ var currID int
+ if sorter.SortOrder == weles.SortOrderAscending {
+ for _, a := range result {
+ if currID == 0 {
+ currID = int(a.ID)
+ continue
+ }
+ Expect(a.ID).To(BeEquivalentTo(currID + 1))
+ currID = int(a.ID)
+ }
+ } else {
+ for _, a := range result {
+ if currID == 0 {
+ currID = int(a.ID)
+ continue
+ }
+ Expect(a.ID).To(BeEquivalentTo(currID - 1))
+ currID = int(a.ID)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ Entry("By ID, Ascending", ascendingSorter),
+ Entry("By ID, Descending", descendingSorter),
+ )
- DescribeTable("return artifact not found error",
- func(filter weles.ArtifactFilter, expected ...weles.ArtifactInfo) {
- _, _, err := goldenUnicorn.Filter(filter, defaultSorter, weles.ArtifactPagination{})
- Expect(err).To(Equal(weles.ErrArtifactNotFound))
- },
- Entry("filter JobID not in db", noJobFilter),
- Entry("filter Type not in db", noTypeFilter),
- Entry("filter Status not in db", noStatusFilter),
- Entry("filter Alias not in db", noAliasFilter),
- Entry("no artifact in db matches filter", noMatchFilter),
- )
- })
- Describe("SetStatus", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- for _, a := range testArtifacts {
- err := goldenUnicorn.InsertArtifactInfo(&a)
- Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
- }
- DescribeTable("artifact status change",
- func(change weles.ArtifactStatusChange, expectedErr error) {
+ })
+ Describe("Pagination", func() {
+ Context("Database is filled with generatedRecordsCount records", func() {
+ DescribeTable("paginating through artifacts",
+ func(paginator weles.ArtifactPagination,
+ expectedResponseLength, expectedRemainingRecords int) {
- var a weles.ArtifactInfo
- err := goldenUnicorn.SetStatus(change)
- if expectedErr == nil {
+ result, list, err := silverHoneybadger.Filter(emptyFilter, defaultSorter, paginator)
- a, err = goldenUnicorn.SelectPath(change.Path)
- Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
- Expect(a.Status).To(Equal(change.NewStatus))
- } else {
- Expect(err).To(Equal(expectedErr))
- a, err = goldenUnicorn.SelectPath(change.Path)
- Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred())
- Expect(a).To(Equal(weles.ArtifactInfo{}))
- }
- },
- Entry("change status of artifact not present in ArtifactDB",
- weles.ArtifactStatusChange{
- Path: invalidPath,
- NewStatus: weles.ArtifactStatusDOWNLOADING,
- },
- sql.ErrNoRows),
- Entry("change status of artifact present in ArtifactDB",
- weles.ArtifactStatusChange{
- Path: artifact.Path,
- NewStatus: weles.ArtifactStatusDOWNLOADING,
+ Expect(len(result)).To(BeEquivalentTo(expectedResponseLength))
+ Expect(list.TotalRecords).To(BeEquivalentTo(generatedRecordsCount))
+ Expect(list.RemainingRecords).To(BeEquivalentTo(expectedRemainingRecords))
- nil),
- )
+ // please keep in mind that data is sorted in descending order.
+ Entry("first and last page (limit is 0)",
+ weles.ArtifactPagination{ID: 0, Limit: 0, Forward: true},
+ generatedRecordsCount, 0),
+ Entry("first page, paginating forward",
+ weles.ArtifactPagination{ID: 0, Limit: pageLimit, Forward: true},
+ pageLimit, (generatedRecordsCount-pageLimit)),
+ Entry("second page, paginating forward",
+ weles.ArtifactPagination{
+ ID: (generatedRecordsCount - pageLimit + 1),
+ Limit: pageLimit,
+ Forward: true,
+ },
+ pageLimit,
+ (generatedRecordsCount-(2*pageLimit))),
+ Entry("last page, paginating forward",
+ weles.ArtifactPagination{
+ ID: int64(generatedRecordsCount -
+ (pageLimit * int(generatedRecordsCount/pageLimit)) + 1),
+ Limit: pageLimit,
+ Forward: true,
+ },
+ generatedRecordsCount-(pageLimit*(pageCount-1)),
+ 0),
+ Entry("second to last page, paginating backward",
+ weles.ArtifactPagination{
+ ID: int64(generatedRecordsCount -
+ (pageLimit * int(generatedRecordsCount/pageLimit))),
+ Limit: pageLimit,
+ Forward: false,
+ },
+ pageLimit,
+ pageLimit*(pageCount-2)),
+ Entry("first page, paginating backward",
+ weles.ArtifactPagination{
+ ID: int64(generatedRecordsCount - pageLimit),
+ Limit: pageLimit,
+ Forward: false,
+ },
+ pageLimit,
+ 0),
+ )
+ })
diff --git a/artifacts/database/pagination_test.go b/artifacts/database/pagination_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d128aa..0000000
--- a/artifacts/database/pagination_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License
- */
-package database
-import (
- . ""
- . ""
- . ""
- ""
-//TODO: add some consts and limit 'magic' to multipliers
-var _ = Describe("ArtifactDB pagination", func() {
- emptyF := weles.ArtifactFilter{}
- //below struct is not empty but filled with default values passed from server.
- descS := weles.ArtifactSorter{
- SortOrder: weles.SortOrderDescending,
- SortBy: weles.ArtifactSortByID,
- }
- ascS := weles.ArtifactSorter{
- SortOrder: weles.SortOrderAscending,
- SortBy: weles.ArtifactSortByID,
- }
- Context("Database is filled with 100 records", func() {
- DescribeTable("paginating through artifacts",
- func(
- filter weles.ArtifactFilter,
- paginator weles.ArtifactPagination,
- sorter weles.ArtifactSorter,
- expectedResponseLength, expectedTotalRecords, expectedRemainingRecords int) {
- result, list, err := silverHoneybadger.Filter(filter, sorter, paginator)
- Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
- Expect(len(result)).To(BeEquivalentTo(expectedResponseLength))
- Expect(list.TotalRecords).To(BeEquivalentTo(expectedTotalRecords))
- Expect(list.RemainingRecords).To(BeEquivalentTo(expectedRemainingRecords))
- },
- Entry("p1/1, no limit, forward, sort desc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{Forward: true},
- descS, 100, 100, 0),
- Entry("p1/4, limit 30, forward, sort desc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{Limit: 30, Forward: true},
- descS, 30, 100, 70),
- Entry("p2/4, limit 30, forward, sort desc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{ID: 71, Limit: 30, Forward: true},
- descS, 30, 100, 40),
- Entry("p3/4, limit 30, forward, sort desc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{ID: 41, Limit: 30, Forward: true},
- descS, 30, 100, 10),
- Entry("p4/4, limit 30, forward, sort desc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{ID: 11, Limit: 30, Forward: true},
- descS, 10, 100, 0),
- Entry("p3/4, limit 30, backward, sort desc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{ID: 10, Limit: 30, Forward: false},
- descS, 30, 100, 60),
- Entry("p2/4, limit 30, backward, sort desc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{ID: 40, Limit: 30, Forward: false},
- descS, 30, 100, 30),
- Entry("p1/4, limit 30, backward, sort desc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{ID: 70, Limit: 30, Forward: false},
- descS, 30, 100, 0),
- Entry("p1/1, no limit, forward, sort asc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{Forward: true},
- ascS, 100, 100, 0),
- Entry("1/4, no limit, forward, sort asc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{Limit: 30, Forward: true},
- ascS, 30, 100, 70),
- Entry("p2/4, no limit, forward, sort asc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{ID: 30, Limit: 30, Forward: true},
- ascS, 30, 100, 40),
- Entry("p3/4, no limit, forward, sort asc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{ID: 60, Limit: 30, Forward: true},
- ascS, 30, 100, 10),
- Entry("p4/4, no limit, forward, sort asc", emptyF,
- weles.ArtifactPagination{ID: 90, Limit: 30, Forward: true},
- ascS, 10, 100, 0),
- )
- })