path: root/windll
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'windll')
-rw-r--r--windll/Vb/VBZipBas.bas (renamed from windll/vb/VBZipBas.bas)19
-rw-r--r--windll/Vb/Vbzip.vbp (renamed from windll/vb/Vbzip.vbp)0
-rw-r--r--windll/Vb/Vbzipfrm.frm (renamed from windll/vb/Vbzipfrm.frm)0
-rw-r--r--windll/Vb/readmeVB.txt (renamed from windll/vb/readmeVB.txt)21
-rw-r--r--windll/visualc/dll/zip32z64.dsp (renamed from windll/visualc/dll/zip32.dsp)30
-rw-r--r--windll/visualc/dll/zip32z64.dsw (renamed from windll/visualc/dll/zip32.dsw)2
-rw-r--r--windll/visualc/lib/zip32z64.dsp (renamed from windll/visualc/lib/zip32.dsp)24
-rw-r--r--windll/visualc/lib/zip32z64.dsw (renamed from windll/visualc/lib/zip32.dsw)2
-rw-r--r--windll/windll.apsbin0 -> 1652 bytes
30 files changed, 1149 insertions, 1679 deletions
diff --git a/windll/VBz64/VBZIP.VBP b/windll/VBz64/VBZIP.VBP
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4161be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windll/VBz64/VBZIP.VBP
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Module=VBZipBas; VBZipBas.bas
diff --git a/windll/VBz64/VBZIP.vbw b/windll/VBz64/VBZIP.vbw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b4e7f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windll/VBz64/VBZIP.vbw
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Form1 = 7, 9, 712, 539, , 22, 22, 660, 466, C
+VBZipBas = 26, -4, 716, 492,
diff --git a/windll/VBz64/VBZipBas.bas b/windll/VBz64/VBZipBas.bas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99547a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windll/VBz64/VBZipBas.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+Attribute VB_Name = "VBZipBas"
+Option Explicit
+'-- Please Do Not Remove These Comments!!!
+'-- Sample VB 6 code to drive zip32z64.dll
+'-- Based on the code contributed to the Info-ZIP project
+'-- by Mike Le Voi
+'-- See the original VB example in a separate directory for
+'-- more information
+'-- Use this code at your own risk. Nothing implied or warranted
+'-- to work on your machine :-)
+'-- The Source Code Is Freely Available From Info-ZIP At:
+'-- A Very Special Thanks To Mr. Mike Le Voi
+'-- And Mr. Mike White Of The Info-ZIP
+'-- For Letting Me Use And Modify His Orginal
+'-- Visual Basic 5.0 Code! Thank You Mike Le Voi.
+' This example is redesigned to work with Zip32z64.dll compiled from
+' Zip 3.0 with Zip64 enabled. This allows for archives with more
+' and larger files than allowed in previous versions.
+' Modified 4/24/2004, 12/4/2007 by Ed Gordon
+' Usage notes:
+' This code uses Zip32z64.dll. You DO NOT need to register the
+' DLL to use it. You also DO NOT need to reference it in your
+' VB project. You DO have to copy the DLL to your SYSTEM
+' directory, your VB project directory, or place it in a directory
+' on your command PATH.
+' Note that Zip32z64 is probably not thread safe so you should avoid
+' using the dll in multiple threads at the same time without first
+' testing for interaction.
+' All code provided under the Info-Zip license. If you have
+' any questions please contact Info-Zip.
+' April 24 2004 EG
+'-- C Style argv
+'-- Holds The Zip Archive Filenames
+' Max for zFiles just over 8000 as each pointer takes up 4 bytes and
+' VB only allows 32 kB of local variables and that includes function
+' parameters. - 3/19/2004 EG
+' Can put names in strZipFileNames instead of using this array,
+' which avoids this limit. File names are separated by spaces.
+' Enclose names in quotes if include spaces.
+Public Type ZIPnames
+ zFiles(1 To 100) As String
+End Type
+'-- Call Back "String"
+Public Type ZipCBChar
+ ch(4096) As Byte
+End Type
+'-- Version Structure
+Public Type VerType
+ Major As Byte
+ Minor As Byte
+ PatchLevel As Byte
+ NotUsed As Byte
+End Type
+Public Type ZipVerType
+ structlen As Long ' Length Of The Structure Being Passed
+ flag As Long ' Bit 0: is_beta bit 1: uses_zlib
+ Beta As String * 10 ' e.g., "g BETA" or ""
+ date As String * 20 ' e.g., "4 Sep 95" (beta) or "4 September 1995"
+ ZLIB As String * 10 ' e.g., "1.0.5" or NULL
+ encryption As Long ' 0 if encryption not available
+ ZipVersion As VerType
+ os2dllVersion As VerType
+ windllVersion As VerType
+End Type
+'-- ZPOPT Is Used To Set The Options In The ZIP32z64.DLL
+Public Type ZpOpt
+ date As String ' Date in either US 12/31/98 or 1998-12-31 format
+ szRootDir As String ' Root Directory Pathname (Up To 256 Bytes Long)
+ szTempDir As String ' Temp Directory Pathname (Up To 256 Bytes Long)
+ fTemp As Long ' 1 If Temp dir Wanted, Else 0
+ fSuffix As Long ' Include Suffixes (Not Yet Implemented!)
+ fEncrypt As Long ' 1 If Encryption Wanted, Else 0
+ fSystem As Long ' 1 To Include System/Hidden Files, Else 0
+ fVolume As Long ' 1 If Storing Volume Label, Else 0
+ fExtra As Long ' 1 If Excluding Extra Attributes, Else 0
+ fNoDirEntries As Long ' 1 If Ignoring Directory Entries (end with /), Else 0
+ fExcludeDate As Long ' 1 If Excluding Files After Specified Date, Else 0
+ fIncludeDate As Long ' 1 If Including Files After Specified Date, Else 0
+ fVerbose As Long ' 1 If Full Messages Wanted, Else 0
+ fQuiet As Long ' 1 If Minimum Messages Wanted, Else 0
+ fCRLF_LF As Long ' 1 If Translate CR/LF To LF, Else 0
+ fLF_CRLF As Long ' 1 If Translate LF To CR/LF, Else 0
+ fJunkDir As Long ' 1 If Junking Directory Names on entries, Else 0
+ fGrow As Long ' 1 If Allow Appending To Zip File, Else 0
+ fForce As Long ' 1 If Making Entries Using DOS File Names, Else 0
+ fMove As Long ' 1 If Deleting Files Added Or Updated, Else 0
+ fDeleteEntries As Long ' 1 If Files Passed Have To Be Deleted, Else 0
+ fUpdate As Long ' 1 If Updating Zip File-Overwrite Only If Newer, Else 0
+ fFreshen As Long ' 1 If Freshing Zip File-Overwrite Only, Else 0
+ fJunkSFX As Long ' 1 If Junking SFX Prefix, Else 0
+ fLatestTime As Long ' 1 If Setting Zip File Time To Time Of Latest File In Archive, Else 0
+ fComment As Long ' 1 If Putting Comment In Zip File, Else 0
+ fOffsets As Long ' 1 If Updating Archive Offsets For SFX Files, Else 0
+ fPrivilege As Long ' 1 If Not Saving Privileges, Else 0
+ fEncryption As Long ' Read Only Property!!!
+ szSplitSize As String ' Size of split if splitting, Else NULL (empty string)
+ ' This string contains the size that you want to
+ ' split the archive into. i.e. 100 for 100 bytes,
+ ' 2K for 2 k bytes, where K is 1024, m for meg
+ ' and g for gig.
+ szIncludeList As String ' If used, space separated list of Include filename
+ ' patterns where match includes file - put quotes
+ ' around each filename pattern.
+ IncludeListCount As Long ' place filler (not for VB) - (inits to 0) DO NOT USE
+ IncludeList As Long ' place filler (not for VB) - (inits to 0) DO NOT USE
+ szExcludeList As String ' If used, space separated list of Exclude filename
+ ' patterns where match excludes file - put quotes
+ ' around each filename pattern.
+ ExcludeListCount As Long ' place filler (not for VB) - (inits to 0) DO NOT USE
+ ExcludeList As Long ' place filler (not for VB) - (inits to 0) DO NOT USE
+ fRecurse As Long ' 1 (-r), 2 (-R) If Recursing Into Sub-Directories, Else 0
+ fRepair As Long ' 1 = Fix Archive, 2 = Try Harder To Fix, Else 0
+ flevel As Byte ' Compression Level - 0 = Stored 6 = Default 9 = Max
+End Type
+' Used by SetZipOptions
+Public Enum ZipModeType
+ Add = 0
+ Delete = 1
+ Update = 2
+ Freshen = 3
+End Enum
+Public Enum CompressionLevelType
+ c0_NoCompression = 0
+ c1_Fast = 1
+ c2_Fast = 2
+ c3_Fast = 3
+ c4_Med = 4
+ c5_Med = 5
+ c6_Default = 6
+ c7_Extra = 7
+ c8_Extra = 8
+ c9_Max = 9
+End Enum
+Public Enum Translate_LF_Type
+ No_Line_End_Trans = 0
+ LF_To_CRLF = 1
+ CRLF_To_LF = 2
+End Enum
+Public Enum RepairType
+ NoRepair = 0
+ TryFix = 1
+ TryFixHarder = 2
+End Enum
+Public Enum VerbosenessType
+ Quiet = 0
+ Normal = 1
+ Verbose = 2
+End Enum
+Public Enum RecurseType
+ NoRecurse = 0
+ r_RecurseIntoSubdirectories = 1
+ R_RecurseUsingPatterns = 2
+End Enum
+'-- This Structure Is Used For The ZIP32z64.DLL Function Callbacks
+' Assumes Zip32z64.dll with Zip64 enabled
+ ZDLLPrnt As Long ' Callback ZIP32z64.DLL Print Function
+ ZDLLCOMMENT As Long ' Callback ZIP32z64.DLL Comment Function
+ ZDLLPASSWORD As Long ' Callback ZIP32z64.DLL Password Function
+ ZDLLSPLIT As Long ' Callback ZIP32z64.DLL Split Select Function
+ ' There are 2 versions of SERVICE, we use one does not need 64-bit data type
+ ZDLLSERVICE As Long ' Callback ZIP32z64.DLL Service Function
+ ZDLLSERVICE_NO_INT64 As Long ' Callback ZIP32z64.DLL Service Function
+End Type
+'-- Default encryption password (used in callback if not empty string)
+Public EncryptionPassword As String
+'-- For setting the archive comment
+Public ArchiveCommentText
+'-- version info
+Public ZipVersion As ZipVerType
+'-- Local Declarations
+Public ZOPT As ZpOpt
+'-- This Assumes ZIP32z64.DLL Is In Your \windows\system directory
+'-- or a copy is in the program directory or in some other directory
+'-- listed in PATH
+Private Declare Function ZpInit Lib "zip32z64.dll" _
+ (ByRef Zipfun As ZIPUSERFUNCTIONS) As Long '-- Set Zip Callbacks
+Private Declare Function ZpArchive Lib "zip32z64.dll" _
+ (ByVal argc As Long, ByVal funame As String, _
+ ByRef argv As ZIPnames, ByVal strNames As String, ByRef Opts As ZpOpt) As Long '-- Real Zipping Action
+Private Declare Sub ZpVersion Lib "zip32z64.dll" _
+ (ByRef ZipVersion As ZipVerType) '-- Version of DLL
+'-- Public Variables For Setting The ZPOPT Structure...
+'-- (WARNING!!!) You Must Set The Options That You
+'-- Want The ZIP32.DLL To Do!
+'-- Before Calling VBZip32!
+'-- NOTE: See The Above ZPOPT Structure Or The VBZip32
+'-- Function, For The Meaning Of These Variables
+'-- And How To Use And Set Them!!!
+'-- These Parameters Must Be Set Before The Actual Call
+'-- To The VBZip32 Function!
+'-- Public Program Variables
+Public zArgc As Integer ' Number Of Files To Zip Up
+Public zZipArchiveName As String ' The Zip File Name ie:
+Public zZipFileNames As ZIPnames ' File Names To Zip Up
+Public strZipFileNames As String ' String of names to Zip Up
+Public zZipInfo As String ' Holds The Zip File Information
+'-- Public Constants
+'-- For Zip & UnZip Error Codes!
+Public Const ZE_OK = 0 ' Success (No Error)
+Public Const ZE_EOF = 2 ' Unexpected End Of Zip File Error
+Public Const ZE_FORM = 3 ' Zip File Structure Error
+Public Const ZE_MEM = 4 ' Out Of Memory Error
+Public Const ZE_LOGIC = 5 ' Internal Logic Error
+Public Const ZE_BIG = 6 ' Entry Too Large To Split Error
+Public Const ZE_NOTE = 7 ' Invalid Comment Format Error
+Public Const ZE_TEST = 8 ' Zip Test (-T) Failed Or Out Of Memory Error
+Public Const ZE_ABORT = 9 ' User Interrupted Or Termination Error
+Public Const ZE_TEMP = 10 ' Error Using A Temp File
+Public Const ZE_READ = 11 ' Read Or Seek Error
+Public Const ZE_NONE = 12 ' Nothing To Do Error
+Public Const ZE_NAME = 13 ' Missing Or Empty Zip File Error
+Public Const ZE_WRITE = 14 ' Error Writing To A File
+Public Const ZE_CREAT = 15 ' Could't Open To Write Error
+Public Const ZE_PARMS = 16 ' Bad Command Line Argument Error
+Public Const ZE_OPEN = 18 ' Could Not Open A Specified File To Read Error
+'-- These Functions Are For The ZIP32z64.DLL
+'-- Puts A Function Pointer In A Structure
+'-- For Use With Callbacks...
+Public Function FnPtr(ByVal lp As Long) As Long
+ FnPtr = lp
+End Function
+'-- Callback For ZIP32z64.DLL - DLL Print Function
+Public Function ZDLLPrnt(ByRef fname As ZipCBChar, ByVal x As Long) As Long
+ Dim s0 As String
+ Dim xx As Long
+ '-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
+ On Error Resume Next
+ s0 = ""
+ '-- Get Zip32.DLL Message For processing
+ For xx = 0 To x
+ If = 0 Then
+ Exit For
+ Else
+ s0 = s0 + Chr(
+ End If
+ Next
+ '----------------------------------------------
+ '-- This Is Where The DLL Passes Back Messages
+ '-- To You! You Can Change The Message Printing
+ '-- Below Here!
+ '----------------------------------------------
+ '-- Display Zip File Information
+ '-- zZipInfo = zZipInfo & s0
+ Form1.Print s0;
+ DoEvents
+ ZDLLPrnt = 0
+End Function
+'-- Callback For ZIP32z64.DLL - DLL Service Function
+Public Function ZDLLServ(ByRef mname As ZipCBChar, _
+ ByVal LowSize As Long, _
+ ByVal HighSize As Long) As Long
+ Dim s0 As String
+ Dim xx As Long
+ Dim FS As Currency ' for large file sizes
+ '-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
+ On Error Resume Next
+ FS = (HighSize * &H10000 * &H10000) + LowSize
+ ' Form1.Print "ZDLLServ returned File Size High " & HighSize & _
+ ' " Low " & LowSize & " = " & FS & " bytes"
+ s0 = ""
+ '-- Get Zip32.DLL Message For processing
+ For xx = 0 To 4096 ' x
+ If = 0 Then
+ Exit For
+ Else
+ s0 = s0 + Chr(
+ End If
+ Next
+ ' At this point, s0 contains the message passed from the DLL
+ ' It is up to the developer to code something useful here :)
+ ZDLLServ = 0 ' Setting this to 1 will abort the zip!
+End Function
+'-- Callback For ZIP32z64.DLL - DLL Password Function
+Public Function ZDLLPass(ByRef p As ZipCBChar, _
+ ByVal n As Long, ByRef m As ZipCBChar, _
+ ByRef Name As ZipCBChar) As Integer
+ Dim filename As String
+ Dim prompt As String
+ Dim xx As Integer
+ Dim szpassword As String
+ '-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
+ On Error Resume Next
+ ZDLLPass = 1
+ '-- User Entered A Password So Proccess It
+ '-- Enter or Verify
+ For xx = 0 To 255
+ If = 0 Then
+ Exit For
+ Else
+ prompt = prompt & Chr(
+ End If
+ Next
+ '-- If There Is A Password Have The User Enter It!
+ '-- This Can Be Changed
+ '-- Now skip asking if default password set
+ If EncryptionPassword <> "" Then
+ szpassword = EncryptionPassword
+ Else
+ szpassword = InputBox("Please Enter The Password!", prompt)
+ End If
+ '-- The User Did Not Enter A Password So Exit The Function
+ If szpassword = "" Then Exit Function
+ For xx = 0 To n - 1
+ = 0
+ Next
+ For xx = 0 To Len(szpassword) - 1
+ = Asc(Mid(szpassword, xx + 1, 1))
+ Next
+ = Chr(0) ' Put Null Terminator For C
+ ZDLLPass = 0
+End Function
+'-- Callback For ZIP32z64.DLL - DLL Comment Function
+Public Function ZDLLComm(ByRef s1 As ZipCBChar) As Integer
+ Dim comment As String
+ Dim xx%, szcomment$
+ '-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
+ On Error Resume Next
+ ZDLLComm = 1
+ If Not IsEmpty(ArchiveCommentText) Then
+ ' use text given to SetZipOptions
+ szcomment = ArchiveCommentText
+ Else
+ For xx = 0 To 4095
+ szcomment = szcomment & Chr(
+ If = 0 Then
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next
+ comment = InputBox("Enter or edit the comment", Default:=szcomment)
+ If comment = "" Then
+ ' either empty comment or Cancel button
+ If MsgBox("Remove comment?" & Chr(13) & "Hit No to keep existing comment", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
+ szcomment = comment
+ Else
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ szcomment = comment
+ End If
+ 'If szcomment = "" Then Exit Function
+ For xx = 0 To Len(szcomment) - 1
+ = Asc(Mid$(szcomment, xx + 1, 1))
+ Next xx
+ = 0 ' Put null terminator for C
+End Function
+' This function can be used to set options in VB
+Public Function SetZipOptions(ByRef ZipOpts As ZpOpt, _
+ Optional ByVal ZipMode As ZipModeType = Add, _
+ Optional ByVal RootDirToZipFrom As String = "", _
+ Optional ByVal CompressionLevel As CompressionLevelType = c6_Default, _
+ Optional ByVal RecurseSubdirectories As RecurseType = NoRecurse, _
+ Optional ByVal Verboseness As VerbosenessType = Normal, _
+ Optional ByVal i_IncludeFiles As String = "", _
+ Optional ByVal x_ExcludeFiles As String = "", _
+ Optional ByVal UpdateSFXOffsets As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal JunkDirNames As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional ByVal Encrypt As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal Password As String = "", _
+ Optional ByVal Repair As RepairType = NoRepair, Optional ByVal NoDirEntries As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional ByVal GrowExistingArchive As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional ByVal JunkSFXPrefix As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal ForceUseOfDOSNames As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional ByVal Translate_LF As Translate_LF_Type = No_Line_End_Trans, _
+ Optional ByVal Move_DeleteAfterAddedOrUpdated As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional ByVal SetZipTimeToLatestTime As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional ByVal IncludeSystemAndHiddenFiles As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional ByVal ExcludeEarlierThanDate As String = "", _
+ Optional ByVal IncludeEarlierThanDate As String = "", _
+ Optional ByVal IncludeVolumeLabel As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional ByVal ArchiveComment As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional ByVal ArchiveCommentTextString = Empty, _
+ Optional ByVal UsePrivileges As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional ByVal ExcludeExtraAttributes As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal SplitSize As String = "", _
+ Optional ByVal TempDirPath As String = "") As Boolean
+ Dim SplitNum As Long
+ Dim SplitMultS As String
+ Dim SplitMult As Long
+ ' set some defaults
+ = vbNullString
+ ZipOpts.szRootDir = vbNullString
+ ZipOpts.szTempDir = vbNullString
+ ZipOpts.fTemp = 0
+ ZipOpts.fSuffix = 0
+ ZipOpts.fEncrypt = 0
+ ZipOpts.fSystem = 0
+ ZipOpts.fVolume = 0
+ ZipOpts.fExtra = 0
+ ZipOpts.fNoDirEntries = 0
+ ZipOpts.fExcludeDate = 0
+ ZipOpts.fIncludeDate = 0
+ ZipOpts.fVerbose = 0
+ ZipOpts.fQuiet = 0
+ ZipOpts.fCRLF_LF = 0
+ ZipOpts.fLF_CRLF = 0
+ ZipOpts.fJunkDir = 0
+ ZipOpts.fGrow = 0
+ ZipOpts.fForce = 0
+ ZipOpts.fMove = 0
+ ZipOpts.fDeleteEntries = 0
+ ZipOpts.fUpdate = 0
+ ZipOpts.fFreshen = 0
+ ZipOpts.fJunkSFX = 0
+ ZipOpts.fLatestTime = 0
+ ZipOpts.fComment = 0
+ ZipOpts.fOffsets = 0
+ ZipOpts.fPrivilege = 0
+ ZipOpts.szSplitSize = vbNullString
+ ZipOpts.IncludeListCount = 0
+ ZipOpts.szIncludeList = vbNullString
+ ZipOpts.ExcludeListCount = 0
+ ZipOpts.szExcludeList = vbNullString
+ ZipOpts.fRecurse = 0
+ ZipOpts.fRepair = 0
+ ZipOpts.flevel = 0
+ If RootDirToZipFrom <> "" Then
+ ZipOpts.szRootDir = RootDirToZipFrom
+ End If
+ ZipOpts.flevel = Asc(CompressionLevel)
+ If UpdateSFXOffsets Then ZipOpts.fOffsets = 1
+ If i_IncludeFiles <> "" Then
+ ZipOpts.szIncludeList = i_IncludeFiles
+ End If
+ If x_ExcludeFiles <> "" Then
+ ZipOpts.szExcludeList = x_ExcludeFiles
+ End If
+ If ZipMode = Add Then
+ ' default
+ ElseIf ZipMode = Delete Then
+ ZipOpts.fDeleteEntries = 1
+ ElseIf ZipMode = Update Then
+ ZipOpts.fUpdate = 1
+ Else
+ ZipOpts.fFreshen = 1
+ End If
+ ZipOpts.fRepair = Repair
+ If GrowExistingArchive Then ZipOpts.fGrow = 1
+ If Move_DeleteAfterAddedOrUpdated Then ZipOpts.fMove = 1
+ If Verboseness = Quiet Then
+ ZipOpts.fQuiet = 1
+ ElseIf Verboseness = Verbose Then
+ ZipOpts.fVerbose = 1
+ End If
+ If ArchiveComment = False And Not IsEmpty(ArchiveCommentTextString) Then
+ MsgBox "Must set ArchiveComment = True to set ArchiveCommentTextString"
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If IsEmpty(ArchiveCommentTextString) Then
+ ArchiveCommentText = Empty
+ Else
+ ArchiveCommentText = ArchiveCommentTextString
+ End If
+ If ArchiveComment Then ZipOpts.fComment = 1
+ If NoDirEntries Then ZipOpts.fNoDirEntries = 1
+ If JunkDirNames Then ZipOpts.fJunkDir = 1
+ If Encrypt Then ZipOpts.fEncrypt = 1
+ EncryptionPassword = Password
+ If JunkSFXPrefix Then ZipOpts.fJunkSFX = 1
+ If ForceUseOfDOSNames Then ZipOpts.fForce = 1
+ If Translate_LF = LF_To_CRLF Then ZipOpts.fLF_CRLF = 1
+ If Translate_LF = CRLF_To_LF Then ZipOpts.fCRLF_LF = 1
+ ZipOpts.fRecurse = RecurseSubdirectories
+ If IncludeSystemAndHiddenFiles Then ZipOpts.fSystem = 1
+ If SetZipTimeToLatestTime Then ZipOpts.fLatestTime = 1
+ If ExcludeEarlierThanDate <> "" And IncludeEarlierThanDate <> "" Then
+ MsgBox "Both ExcludeEarlierThanDate and IncludeEarlierThanDate not " & Chr(10) & _
+ "supported at same time"
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If ExcludeEarlierThanDate <> "" Then
+ ZipOpts.fIncludeDate = 1
+ = ExcludeEarlierThanDate
+ End If
+ If IncludeEarlierThanDate <> "" Then
+ ZipOpts.fExcludeDate = 1
+ = IncludeEarlierThanDate
+ End If
+ If TempDirPath <> "" Then
+ ZipOpts.szTempDir = TempDirPath
+ ZipOpts.fTemp = 1
+ End If
+ If SplitSize <> "" Then
+ SplitSize = Trim(SplitSize)
+ SplitMultS = Right(SplitSize, 1)
+ SplitMultS = UCase(SplitMultS)
+ If (SplitMultS = "K") Then
+ SplitMult = 1024
+ SplitNum = Val(Left(SplitSize, Len(SplitSize) - 1))
+ ElseIf SplitMultS = "M" Then
+ SplitMult = 1024 * 1024&
+ SplitNum = Val(Left(SplitSize, Len(SplitSize) - 1))
+ ElseIf SplitMultS = "G" Then
+ SplitMult = 1024 * 1024 * 1024&
+ SplitNum = Val(Left(SplitSize, Len(SplitSize) - 1))
+ Else
+ SplitMult = 1024 * 1024&
+ SplitNum = Val(SplitSize)
+ End If
+ SplitNum = SplitNum * SplitMult
+ If SplitNum = 0 Then
+ MsgBox "SplitSize of 0 not supported"
+ Exit Function
+ ElseIf SplitNum < 64 * 1024& Then
+ MsgBox "SplitSize must be at least 64k"
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ ZipOpts.szSplitSize = SplitSize
+ End If
+ If IncludeVolumeLabel Then ZipOpts.fVolume = 1
+ If UsePrivileges Then ZipOpts.fPrivilege = 1
+ If ExcludeExtraAttributes Then ZipOpts.fExtra = 1
+ SetZipOptions = True
+End Function
+Function ChopNulls(ByVal Str) As String
+ Dim A As Integer
+ Dim C As String
+ For A = 1 To Len(Str)
+ If Mid(Str, A, 1) = Chr(0) Then
+ ChopNulls = Left(Str, A - 1)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ Next
+ ChopNulls = Str
+End Function
+Sub DisplayVersion()
+ ' display version of DLL
+ Dim Beta As Boolean
+ Dim ZLIB As Boolean
+ Dim Zip64 As Boolean
+ Dim Flags As String
+ Dim A As Integer
+ ZipVersion.structlen = Len(ZipVersion)
+ ZpVersion ZipVersion
+ ' Check flag
+ If ZipVersion.flag And 1 Then
+ Flags = Flags & " Beta,"
+ Beta = True
+ Else
+ Flags = Flags & " No Beta,"
+ End If
+ If ZipVersion.flag And 2 Then
+ Flags = Flags & " ZLIB,"
+ ZLIB = True
+ Else
+ Flags = Flags & " No ZLIB,"
+ End If
+ If ZipVersion.flag And 4 Then
+ Flags = Flags & " Zip64, "
+ Zip64 = True
+ Else
+ Flags = Flags & " No Zip64, "
+ End If
+ If ZipVersion.encryption Then
+ Flags = Flags & "Encryption"
+ Else
+ Flags = Flags & " No encryption"
+ End If
+ Form1.Caption = "Using Zip32z64.DLL Version " & _
+ ZipVersion.ZipVersion.Major & "." & ZipVersion.ZipVersion.Minor & " " & _
+ ChopNulls(ZipVersion.Beta) & " [" & ChopNulls( & "]" & _
+ " - FLAGS: " & Flags
+ If Not Zip64 Then
+ A = MsgBox("Zip32z64.dll not compiled with Zip64 enabled - continue?", _
+ vbOKCancel, _
+ "Wrong dll")
+ If A = vbCancel Then
+ End
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+'-- Main ZIP32.DLL Subroutine.
+'-- This Is Where It All Happens!!!
+'-- (WARNING!) Do Not Change This Function!!!
+Public Function VBZip32() As Long
+ Dim retcode As Long
+ Dim FileNotFound As Boolean
+ ' On Error Resume Next '-- Nothing Will Go Wrong :-)
+ On Error GoTo ZipError
+ retcode = 0
+ '-- Set Address Of ZIP32.DLL Callback Functions
+ '-- (WARNING!) Do Not Change!!! (except as noted below)
+ ZUSER.ZDLLPrnt = FnPtr(AddressOf ZDLLPrnt)
+ ' If you need to set destination of each split set this
+ 'ZUSER.ZDLLSPLIT = FnPtr(AddressOf ZDLLSplitSelect)
+ '-- Set ZIP32.DLL Callbacks - return 1 if DLL loaded 0 if not
+ retcode = ZpInit(ZUSER)
+ If retcode = 0 And FileNotFound Then
+ MsgBox "Probably could not find Zip32z64.DLL - have you copied" & Chr(10) & _
+ "it to the System directory, your program directory, " & Chr(10) & _
+ "or a directory on your command PATH?"
+ VBZip32 = retcode
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ DisplayVersion
+ If strZipFileNames = "" Then
+ ' not using string of names to zip (so using array of names)
+ strZipFileNames = vbNullString
+ End If
+ '-- Go Zip It Them Up!
+ retcode = ZpArchive(zArgc, zZipArchiveName, zZipFileNames, strZipFileNames, ZOPT)
+ '-- Return The Function Code
+ VBZip32 = retcode
+ Exit Function
+ MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description
+ If Err = 48 Then
+ FileNotFound = True
+ End If
+ Resume Next
+End Function
diff --git a/windll/VBz64/Vbzipfrm.frm b/windll/VBz64/Vbzipfrm.frm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57c4df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windll/VBz64/Vbzipfrm.frm
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+Begin VB.Form Form1
+ AutoRedraw = -1 'True
+ Caption = "Form1"
+ ClientHeight = 3150
+ ClientLeft = 60
+ ClientTop = 345
+ ClientWidth = 6570
+ BeginProperty Font
+ Name = "MS Sans Serif"
+ Size = 9.75
+ Charset = 0
+ Weight = 700
+ Underline = 0 'False
+ Italic = 0 'False
+ Strikethrough = 0 'False
+ EndProperty
+ LinkTopic = "Form1"
+ ScaleHeight = 3150
+ ScaleWidth = 6570
+ StartUpPosition = 1 'CenterOwner
+Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
+Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
+Attribute VB_Creatable = False
+Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
+Attribute VB_Exposed = False
+Option Explicit
+'-- Sample VB 6 code to drive zip32z64.dll
+'-- Based on code contributed to the Info-ZIP project by Mike Le Voi
+'-- See the Original VB example in a separate directory for
+'-- more information
+'-- Use this code at your own risk. Nothing implied or warranted
+'-- to work on your machine :-)
+'-- The Source Code Is Freely Available From Info-ZIP At:
+'-- and
+'-- A Very Special Thanks To Mr. Mike Le Voi
+'-- And Mr. Mike White Of The Info-ZIP project
+'-- For Letting Me Use And Modify His Orginal
+'-- Visual Basic 5.0 Code! Thank You Mike Le Voi.
+'-- Contributed To The Info-ZIP Project By Raymond L. King
+'-- Modified June 21, 1998
+'-- By Raymond L. King
+'-- Custom Software Designers
+'-- Contact Me At:
+'-- ICQ 434355
+'-- Or Visit Our Home Page At:
+' Zip32z64.dll is the new Zip32.dll based on Zip 3.0 and compiled
+' with Zip64 support enabled. See windll.txt in the windll directory
+' for more on Zip32z64 and the comments in VBZipBas.bas.
+' Contact Info-Zip if problems. This code is
+' provided under the Info-Zip license.
+' 4/24/2004, 12/4/2007 EG
+Private Sub Form_Click()
+ Dim retcode As Integer ' For Return Code From ZIP32.DLL
+ Dim iFiles As String
+ Dim FilesToZip() As String
+ Dim i As Long
+ Cls
+ '-- Set Options - Only The Common Ones Are Shown Here
+ '-- These Must Be Set Before Calling The VBZip32 Function
+ ' In VB 6 you can see the list of possible options and the defaults
+ ' by adding a space between any parameters which should make the tip box
+ ' appear. Delete a := and retype to see a list of choices.
+ ' Be warned: There are bugs in the previous dll. See the Original VB
+ ' example in the VB directory for details.
+ If Not SetZipOptions(ZOPT, _
+ ZipMode:=Add, _
+ CompressionLevel:=c6_Default) Then
+ ' Some additional options ...
+ ' RootDirToZipFrom:="", _
+ ' strip paths and just store names:
+ ' JunkDirNames:=False, _
+ ' do not store entries for the directories themselves:
+ ' NoDirEntries:=True _
+ ' include files only if match one of these patterns:
+ ' i_IncludeFiles:="*.vbp *.frm", _
+ ' exclude files that match these patterns:
+ ' x_ExcludeFiles:="*.bas", _
+ ' Verboseness:=Verbose, _
+ ' IncludeEarlierThanDate:="2004-4-1", _
+ ' RecurseSubdirectories:=r_RecurseIntoSubdirectories, _
+ ' Encrypt:=False, _
+ ' ArchiveComment:=False
+ ' date example (format mmddyyyy or yyyy-mm-dd):
+ ' ExcludeEarlierThanDate:="2002-12-10", _
+ ' split example (can only create, can't update split archives in VB):
+ ' SplitSize:="110k", _
+' Delete
+ ' If Not SetZipOptions(ZOPT, _
+ ' ZipMode:=Delete) Then
+ ' a problem if get here - error message already displayed so just exit
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ '-- Select Some Files - Wildcards Are Supported
+ '-- Change The Paths Here To Your Directory
+ '-- And Files!!!
+ ' default to current (VB project) directory and zip up project files
+ zZipArchiveName = ""
+ ' Files to zip - use one of below
+ '---------------
+ ' Example using file name array
+ ' Store the file paths
+ ' Change Dim of zFiles at top of VBZipBas.bas if more than 100 files
+ ' See note at top of VBZipBas.bas for limit on number of files
+' zArgc = 2 ' Number Of file paths below
+' zZipFileNames.zFiles(1) = "*.bas"
+' zZipFileNames.zFiles(2) = "*.frm"
+ '---------------
+ ' Example using file list string
+ ' List of files to zip as string of names with space between
+ ' Set zArgc = 0 as not using array
+ ' Using string for file list avoids above array limit
+ zArgc = 0
+' ReDim FilesToZip(1) ' dim to number of files below
+' FilesToZip(1) = "x:*.*"
+ ReDim FilesToZip(2) ' dim to number of files below
+ FilesToZip(1) = "*.bas"
+ FilesToZip(2) = "*.frm"
+ ' Build string of file names
+ ' Best to put double quotes around each in case of spaces
+ strZipFileNames = ""
+ For i = 1 To UBound(FilesToZip)
+ strZipFileNames = strZipFileNames & """" & FilesToZip(i) & """ "
+ Next
+ '---------------
+ '-- Go Zip Them Up!
+ retcode = VBZip32()
+ '-- Display The Returned Code Or Error!
+ Print "Return code:" & Str(retcode)
+End Sub
+Private Sub Form_Load()
+ Me.Show
+ Print "Click me!"
+End Sub
diff --git a/windll/VBz64/readVB64.txt b/windll/VBz64/readVB64.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2876b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windll/VBz64/readVB64.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+On Windows open this file in WordPad.
+Contents of the "windll/vbz64" sub-archive
+This directory contains a Visual Basic project example for using the
+zip32z64.dll library (Zip 3.0 with Zip64 enabled). See the comments in
+the form and project files for details.
+This new project and the new zip32z64.dll library are not compatible
+with previous VB examples using the zip32.dll interface as this new
+interface supports more files and handles file sizes larger than 2 GB.
+It should be simple to convert a VB program using zip32.dll to
+zip32z64.dll but the program may need some changes. For a compatible
+replacement use the dll compiled from Zip 2.32 (released separately)
+and see the zip32.dll example in the VB directory of this source tree.
+Note that the files may be saved in unix format with carriage returns
+stripped. These must be restored before the project can be successfully
+used. This can be done by using the -a option to unzip. Another way to
+do this is to open each file in WordPad, select and cut a line, paste
+the line back, and save the file. This will force WordPad to change the
+line ends in the entire file. Newer versions of WordPad may not do this.
+Ed Gordon
diff --git a/windll/Vb/VBZIP.vbw b/windll/Vb/VBZIP.vbw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f8339a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windll/Vb/VBZIP.vbw
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Form1 = 0, 0, 0, 0, C, 22, 22, 563, 389, C
+VBZipBas = 44, 44, 659, 489,
diff --git a/windll/vb/VBZipBas.bas b/windll/Vb/VBZipBas.bas
index 18ec77a..2b766e9 100644
--- a/windll/vb/VBZipBas.bas
+++ b/windll/Vb/VBZipBas.bas
@@ -36,11 +36,13 @@ Option Explicit
-' This is the original example with some small changes. Only
-' use with the original Zip32.dll (Zip 2.3). Do not use this VB
-' example with Zip32z64.dll (Zip 3.0).
+' This is the original example with some small changes. Only
+' use with the original Zip32.dll (compiled from Zip 2.31 or
+' later). Do not use this VB example with Zip32z64.dll
+' (compiled from Zip 3.0). To check the version of a dll,
+' right click on the file and check properties.
-' 4/29/2004 Ed Gordon
+' 6/24/2008 Ed Gordon
' Usage notes:
@@ -62,9 +64,10 @@ Option Explicit
' can result in unpredictable behavior. A kluge is available
' for Zip32.dll, just replacing api.c in Zip 2.3, but better to just
' use the new Zip32z64.dll where these bugs are fixed. However,
-' the kluge has been added to Zip 2.31. To determine the version
-' of the dll you have right click on it, select the Version tab,
-' and verify the Product Version is at least 2.31.
+' the kluge has been added to Zip 2.31 and later and these are
+' now stable. To determine the version of the dll you have
+' right click on it, select the Version tab, and verify the
+' Product Version is at least 2.31.
' Another bug is where -R is used with some other options and can
' crash the dll. This is a bug in how zip processes the command
@@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ Option Explicit
' If you have any questions please contact Info-Zip at
-' 4/29/2004 EG (Updated 3/1/2005 EG)
+' 4/29/2004 EG (Updated 3/1/2005, 6/24/2008 EG)
diff --git a/windll/vb/Vbzip.vbp b/windll/Vb/Vbzip.vbp
index b5e5827..b5e5827 100644
--- a/windll/vb/Vbzip.vbp
+++ b/windll/Vb/Vbzip.vbp
diff --git a/windll/vb/Vbzipfrm.frm b/windll/Vb/Vbzipfrm.frm
index de323cd..de323cd 100644
--- a/windll/vb/Vbzipfrm.frm
+++ b/windll/Vb/Vbzipfrm.frm
diff --git a/windll/vb/readmeVB.txt b/windll/Vb/readmeVB.txt
index f1fc19f..1c36949 100644
--- a/windll/vb/readmeVB.txt
+++ b/windll/Vb/readmeVB.txt
@@ -6,23 +6,22 @@ This directory contains a Visual Basic project example for
using the zip32.dll library. This project updates the Zip 2.3 VB
project example and includes some bug fixes and many additional notes
but is still compatible with zip32.dll. See the comments in the form
-and project files for details. It has been tested on VB 5 and VB6.
+and project files for details. It has been tested on VB 5 and VB 6.
-Zip 2.31 itself has bug fixes as well, including some related to the
-dll, and you should now use a version of zip32.dll from that. This
-dll includes a fix for the VB dll bug where Date, szRootDir, and
+Zip 2.31 itself had bug fixes as well, including some related to the
+dll, and you should now use a version of zip32.dll from that or later.
+This dll includes a fix for the VB dll bug where Date, szRootDir, and
szTempDir were not passed in correctly and setting these to anything
but NULL could impact the dll and maybe crash it. You can tell which
version you have by right clicking on zip32.dll in a file listing,
looking at properties, selecting the Version tab, and verifying the
Product Version is at least 2.31.
-A new dll is available as part of the new Zip 3.0 beta. A new
-VB project included with that release now supports Zip64 and large
-files and it fixes even more bugs but is not backward compatible
-with zip32.dll. You will need the new dll zip32z64.dll to use that
-VB project, which can be compiled from the Zip 3.0 source. See
-windll/VBz64 in that release for details.
+A new dll is available as part of this Zip 3.0 release and a
+new VB project is included in the VBz64 directory. This dll and
+project supports Zip64 and large files but is not backward compatible
+with Zip32.dll. You will need the new zip32z64.dll to use this project,
+which can be compiled from Zip 3.0. See windll/VBz64 for details.
Note that the files may saved in unix format with carriage returns
stripped. These must be restored before the project can be successfully
@@ -32,4 +31,4 @@ the line back, and save the file. This will force WordPad to format
the entire file.
Ed Gordon
diff --git a/windll/contents b/windll/contents
index c063c26..36da176 100644
--- a/windll/contents
+++ b/windll/contents
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Contents of the "windll" sub-archive for Zip 2.31 and later:
+Contents of the "windll" sub-archive for Zip 2.2 and later:
contents this file
windll16.def definition file for 16-bit Zip DLL
@@ -16,22 +16,27 @@ Contents of the "windll" sub-archive for Zip 2.31 and later:
a call into it.
example.h header file for example.c
- visualc\dll <dir> contains Visual C++ 6.0 project and make files for
+ borland\dll <dir> contains 16 and 32 bit make files for the zip dlls.
+ borland\lib <dir> contains 32 bit make files for the zip32 static library
+ visualc\dll <dir> contains Visual C++ 5.0 project and make files for
zip32 dll.
- visualc\lib <dir> contains Visual C++ 6.0 project and make files for
+ visualc\lib <dir> contains Visual C++ 5.0 project and make files for
zip32 static library.
- vb-orig <dir> contains old version of a Visual Basic frontend example
- using zip32.dll
- vb <dir> new version of the Visual Basic dll frontend example,
- many bugfixes and enhancements
-The dll and static library port was developed and tested under Microsoft
-Visual C++ 6.0. The former support for the Borland C++ compilers has been
-discontinued; bcc-compiled DLLs are not universally usable because of their
-requirements for special Borland runtime libs (and probably some calling
-convention specialities).
-Compilation for 16-bit Windows 3.x is no longer supported.
+The Microsoft C port has not been tested as completely as the Borland port.
+Note that Borland C++ 5.0 is full of bugs version 4.5 is recommended instead.
+If you must use Borland C++ 5.0, using the Intel optimizing compiler is
+required to avoid crashes (possibly due to a bug in the stat() function
+in the normal Borland compiler.) This does have the advantage of giving you
+a smaller code size than the 4.52 compiler.
-Last updated February 22, 2005
+Borland C++ 5.01 has resolved many of the problems seen with 5.0, and
+can now reliably be used.
+Note that I have been singularly unsuccessful in getting this to compile
+and run under MSVC 1.52c.
+Last updated October 13, 1997
+Mike White
-Mike White, Christian Spieler
diff --git a/windll/example.c b/windll/example.c
index 05939af..f1a1936 100644
--- a/windll/example.c
+++ b/windll/example.c
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- Copyright (c) 1990-2005 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
- See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2004-May-22 or later
+ See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 1999-Oct-05 or later
(the contents of which are also included in zip.h) for terms of use.
If, for some reason, both of these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
- also may be found at:
+ also may be found at:
A very simplistic example of how to load the zip dll and make a call into it.
diff --git a/windll/example.h b/windll/example.h
index 0061d5e..da52598 100644
--- a/windll/example.h
+++ b/windll/example.h
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- Copyright (c) 1990-2005 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
- See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2004-May-22 or later
+ See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 1999-Oct-05 or later
(the contents of which are also included in zip.h) for terms of use.
If, for some reason, both of these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
- also may be found at:
+ also may be found at:
Example header file
diff --git a/windll/resource.h b/windll/resource.h
deleted file mode 100644
index be10954..0000000
--- a/windll/resource.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
-// Used by windll.rc
-// Next default values for new objects
-#define _APS_NO_MFC 1
-#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
-#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
diff --git a/windll/structs.h b/windll/structs.h
index f3c11a5..0f36df6 100644
--- a/windll/structs.h
+++ b/windll/structs.h
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
- Copyright (c) 1990-2005 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
+ windll/structs.h - Zip 3
- See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2004-May-22 or later
+ Copyright (c) 1990-2003 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
+ See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2003-May-08 or later
(the contents of which are also included in zip.h) for terms of use.
- If, for some reason, both of these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
+ If, for some reason, all these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
also may be found at:
#ifndef _ZIP_STRUCTS_H
diff --git a/windll/vb/VBZIP.vbw b/windll/vb/VBZIP.vbw
deleted file mode 100644
index 907a008..0000000
--- a/windll/vb/VBZIP.vbw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Form1 = 22, 22, 668, 535, , 22, 22, 456, 360, C
-VBZipBas = 68, 5, 691, 512,
diff --git a/windll/visualc/dll/zip32.mak b/windll/visualc/dll/zip32.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index c3e33a6..0000000
--- a/windll/visualc/dll/zip32.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,858 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE File, Based on zip32.dsp
-!IF "$(CFG)" == ""
-CFG=zip32 - Win32 Debug
-!MESSAGE No configuration specified. Defaulting to zip32 - Win32 Debug.
-!IF "$(CFG)" != "zip32 - Win32 Release" && "$(CFG)" != "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
-!MESSAGE Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified.
-!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
-!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zip32.mak" CFG="zip32 - Win32 Debug"
-!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
-!MESSAGE "zip32 - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
-!MESSAGE "zip32 - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
-!ERROR An invalid configuration is specified.
-!IF "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
-# Begin Custom Macros
-# End Custom Macros
-!IF "$(RECURSE)" == "0"
-ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.dll"
-ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.dll"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\api.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crc32.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crctab.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crypt.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\deflate.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\fileio.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\globals.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\nt.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\trees.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\ttyio.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\util.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\vc50.idb"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\win32.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\windll.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\windll.res"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zip.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zipfile.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zipup.obj"
- -@erase "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.dll"
- -@erase "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.exp"
- -@erase "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib"
-"$(OUTDIR)" :
- if not exist "$(OUTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(OUTDIR)"
-"$(INTDIR)" :
- if not exist "$(INTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(INTDIR)"
-CPP_PROJ=/nologo /Zp4 /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\..\.." /I "..\..\..\WINDLL" /I "..\..\..\WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "WIN32" /D "NO_ASM" /D "WINDLL" /D\
- "MSDOS" /D "USE_ZIPMAIN" /Fp"$(INTDIR)\zip32.pch" /YX\
- /Fo"$(INTDIR)\\" /Fd"$(INTDIR)\\" /FD /c
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
-MTL_PROJ=/nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
-RSC_PROJ=/l 0x409 /fo"$(INTDIR)\windll.res" /d "NDEBUG" /d "WIN32"
-BSC32_FLAGS=/nologo /o"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.bsc"
-BSC32_SBRS= \
-LINK32_FLAGS=kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib\
- /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /incremental:no\
- /pdb:"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.pdb" /machine:I386\
- /def:"..\..\..\windll\windll32.def" /out:"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.dll"\
- /implib:"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib"
- "..\..\..\windll\windll32.def"
- "$(INTDIR)\api.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crc32.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crctab.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crypt.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\deflate.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\fileio.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\globals.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\nt.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\trees.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\ttyio.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\util.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\win32.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\windll.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\windll.res" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zip.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zipfile.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zipup.obj"
-"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.dll" : "$(OUTDIR)" $(DEF_FILE) $(LINK32_OBJS)
- $(LINK32) @<<
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
-# Begin Custom Macros
-# End Custom Macros
-!IF "$(RECURSE)" == "0"
-ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.dll"
-ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.dll"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\api.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crc32.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crctab.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crypt.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\deflate.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\fileio.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\globals.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\nt.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\trees.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\ttyio.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\util.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\vc50.idb"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\vc50.pdb"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\win32.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\windll.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\windll.res"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zip.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zipfile.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zipup.obj"
- -@erase "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.dll"
- -@erase "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.exp"
- -@erase "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.ilk"
- -@erase "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib"
- -@erase "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.pdb"
-"$(OUTDIR)" :
- if not exist "$(OUTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(OUTDIR)"
-"$(INTDIR)" :
- if not exist "$(INTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(INTDIR)"
-CPP_PROJ=/nologo /Zp4 /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /I "..\..\.." /I\
- "..\..\..\WINDLL" /I "..\..\..\WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "WIN32" /D\
- /Fp"$(INTDIR)\zip32.pch" /YX /Fo"$(INTDIR)\\" /Fd"$(INTDIR)\\" /FD /c
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
-MTL_PROJ=/nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
-RSC_PROJ=/l 0x409 /fo"$(INTDIR)\windll.res" /d "_DEBUG" /d "WIN32"
-BSC32_FLAGS=/nologo /o"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.bsc"
-BSC32_SBRS= \
-LINK32_FLAGS=kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib\
- /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /incremental:yes\
- /pdb:"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.pdb" /debug /machine:I386\
- /def:"..\..\..\windll\windll32.def" /out:"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.dll"\
- /implib:"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib" /pdbtype:sept
- "..\..\..\windll\windll32.def"
- "$(INTDIR)\api.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crc32.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crctab.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crypt.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\deflate.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\fileio.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\globals.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\nt.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\trees.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\ttyio.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\util.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\win32.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\windll.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\windll.res" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zip.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zipfile.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zipup.obj"
-"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.dll" : "$(OUTDIR)" $(DEF_FILE) $(LINK32_OBJS)
- $(LINK32) @<<
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release" || "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\revision.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\structs.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\windll.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\api.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_API_C) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\crc32.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_CRC32) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\crc32.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_CRC32) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\crctab.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_CRCTA) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\crctab.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_CRCTA) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\ttyio.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\crypt.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_CRYPT) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\ttyio.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\crypt.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_CRYPT) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\deflate.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_DEFLA) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\deflate.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_DEFLA) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\fileio.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_FILEI) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\fileio.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_FILEI) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\globals.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_GLOBA) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\globals.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_GLOBA) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\nt.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\nt.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_NT_C10) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\nt.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\nt.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_NT_C10) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\trees.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_TREES) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\trees.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_TREES) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\ttyio.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\ttyio.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_TTYIO) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\ttyio.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\ttyio.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_TTYIO) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\ebcdic.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\util.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_UTIL_) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\ebcdic.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\util.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_UTIL_) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\win32zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\win32.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_WIN32) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\win32zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\win32.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_WIN32) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\nt.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\win32zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_WIN32Z) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\nt.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\win32zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_WIN32Z) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\structs.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\windll.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\windll.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_WINDL) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
-"$(INTDIR)\windll.res" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)"
- $(RSC) /l 0x409 /fo"$(INTDIR)\windll.res" /i "\wiz\zip\windll" /d "NDEBUG" /d\
- "WIN32" $(SOURCE)
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
-"$(INTDIR)\windll.res" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)"
- $(RSC) /l 0x409 /fo"$(INTDIR)\windll.res" /i "\wiz\zip\windll" /d "_DEBUG" /d\
- "WIN32" $(SOURCE)
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\revision.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\ttyio.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\structs.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\windll.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\zip.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_ZIP_C) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\revision.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\ttyio.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\structs.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\windll.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\zip.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_ZIP_C) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\revision.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\zipfile.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_ZIPFI) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\revision.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\zipfile.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_ZIPFI) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\revision.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\zipup.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\zipup.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_ZIPUP) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\revision.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\zipup.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\zipup.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_ZIPUP) "$(INTDIR)"
diff --git a/windll/visualc/dll/zip32.dsp b/windll/visualc/dll/zip32z64.dsp
index 91d01d8..46bea99 100644
--- a/windll/visualc/dll/zip32.dsp
+++ b/windll/visualc/dll/zip32z64.dsp
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="zip32" - Package Owner=<4>
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="zip32z64" - Package Owner=<4>
# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
# ** DO NOT EDIT **
# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102
-CFG=zip32 - Win32 Debug
+CFG=zip32z64 - Win32 Debug
!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zip32.mak".
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zip32z64.mak".
!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zip32.mak" CFG="zip32 - Win32 Debug"
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zip32z64.mak" CFG="zip32z64 - Win32 Debug"
!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
-!MESSAGE "zip32 - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
-!MESSAGE "zip32 - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
+!MESSAGE "zip32z64 - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
+!MESSAGE "zip32z64 - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
# Begin Project
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ CPP=cl.exe
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32z64 - Win32 Release"
# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ LINK32=link.exe
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32z64 - Win32 Debug"
# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
@@ -79,15 +79,15 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
-# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /debug /machine:I386 /out:"..\Debug\app/zip32z64.dll" /pdbtype:sept
# Begin Target
-# Name "zip32 - Win32 Release"
-# Name "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
+# Name "zip32z64 - Win32 Release"
+# Name "zip32z64 - Win32 Debug"
# Begin Source File
@@ -98,10 +98,6 @@ SOURCE=..\..\..\crc32.c
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
@@ -138,6 +134,10 @@ SOURCE=..\..\..\win32\win32.c
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
diff --git a/windll/visualc/dll/zip32.dsw b/windll/visualc/dll/zip32z64.dsw
index cb9248d..4643105 100644
--- a/windll/visualc/dll/zip32.dsw
+++ b/windll/visualc/dll/zip32z64.dsw
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00
-Project: "zip32"=.\zip32.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
+Project: "zip32z64"=.\zip32z64.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
diff --git a/windll/visualc/lib/zip32.mak b/windll/visualc/lib/zip32.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea7923..0000000
--- a/windll/visualc/lib/zip32.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE File, Based on zip32.dsp
-!IF "$(CFG)" == ""
-CFG=zip32 - Win32 Debug
-!MESSAGE No configuration specified. Defaulting to zip32 - Win32 Debug.
-!IF "$(CFG)" != "zip32 - Win32 Release" && "$(CFG)" != "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
-!MESSAGE Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified.
-!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
-!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zip32.mak" CFG="zip32 - Win32 Debug"
-!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
-!MESSAGE "zip32 - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
-!MESSAGE "zip32 - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
-!ERROR An invalid configuration is specified.
-!IF "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
-# Begin Custom Macros
-# End Custom Macros
-!IF "$(RECURSE)" == "0"
-ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib"
-ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\api.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crc32.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crctab.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crypt.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\deflate.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\fileio.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\globals.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\nt.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\trees.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\ttyio.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\util.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\vc50.idb"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\win32.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\windll.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zip.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zipfile.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zipup.obj"
- -@erase "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib"
-"$(OUTDIR)" :
- if not exist "$(OUTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(OUTDIR)"
-"$(INTDIR)" :
- if not exist "$(INTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(INTDIR)"
-CPP_PROJ=/nologo /ML /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\..\.." /I "..\..\..\WIN32" /I\
- "..\..\..\WINDLL" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "WIN32" /D "NO_ASM" /D\
- /Fo"$(INTDIR)\\" /Fd"$(INTDIR)\\" /FD /c
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
-BSC32_FLAGS=/nologo /o"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.bsc"
-BSC32_SBRS= \
-LIB32=link.exe -lib
-LIB32_FLAGS=/nologo /out:"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib"
-LIB32_OBJS= \
- "$(INTDIR)\api.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crc32.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crctab.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crypt.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\deflate.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\fileio.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\globals.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\nt.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\trees.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\ttyio.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\util.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\win32.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\windll.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zip.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zipfile.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zipup.obj"
-"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib" : "$(OUTDIR)" $(DEF_FILE) $(LIB32_OBJS)
- $(LIB32) @<<
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
-# Begin Custom Macros
-# End Custom Macros
-!IF "$(RECURSE)" == "0"
-ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib"
-ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\api.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crc32.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crctab.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\crypt.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\deflate.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\fileio.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\globals.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\nt.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\trees.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\ttyio.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\util.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\vc50.idb"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\win32.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\windll.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zip.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zipfile.obj"
- -@erase "$(INTDIR)\zipup.obj"
- -@erase "$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib"
-"$(OUTDIR)" :
- if not exist "$(OUTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(OUTDIR)"
-"$(INTDIR)" :
- if not exist "$(INTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(INTDIR)"
-CPP_PROJ=/nologo /MLd /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /I "..\..\.." /I "..\..\..\WIN32" /I\
- "..\..\..\WINDLL" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "WIN32" /D "NO_ASM" /D\
- /Fo"$(INTDIR)\\" /Fd"$(INTDIR)\\" /FD /c
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
- $(CPP) @<<
- $(CPP_PROJ) $<
-BSC32_FLAGS=/nologo /o"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.bsc"
-BSC32_SBRS= \
-LIB32=link.exe -lib
-LIB32_FLAGS=/nologo /out:"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib"
-LIB32_OBJS= \
- "$(INTDIR)\api.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crc32.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crctab.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\crypt.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\deflate.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\fileio.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\globals.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\nt.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\trees.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\ttyio.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\util.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\win32.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\windll.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zip.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zipfile.obj" \
- "$(INTDIR)\zipup.obj"
-"$(OUTDIR)\zip32.lib" : "$(OUTDIR)" $(DEF_FILE) $(LIB32_OBJS)
- $(LIB32) @<<
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release" || "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\revision.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\structs.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\windll.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\api.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_API_C) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\crc32.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_CRC32) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\crctab.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_CRCTA) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\ttyio.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\crypt.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_CRYPT) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\deflate.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_DEFLA) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\fileio.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_FILEI) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\globals.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_GLOBA) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\nt.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\nt.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_NT_C10) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\nt.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\nt.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_NT_C10) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\trees.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_TREES) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\ttyio.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\ttyio.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_TTYIO) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\ebcdic.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\util.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_UTIL_) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\ebcdic.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\util.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_UTIL_) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\win32zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\win32.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_WIN32) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\win32zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\win32.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_WIN32) "$(INTDIR)"
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\nt.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\win32zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_WIN32Z) "$(INTDIR)"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\nt.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\win32zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\win32zip.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_WIN32Z) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\structs.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\windll.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\windll.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_WINDL) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\revision.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\ttyio.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\structs.h"\
- "..\..\..\windll\windll.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\zip.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_ZIP_C) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\revision.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\zipfile.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_ZIPFI) "$(INTDIR)"
- "..\..\..\api.h"\
- "..\..\..\crypt.h"\
- "..\..\..\revision.h"\
- "..\..\..\tailor.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\osdep.h"\
- "..\..\..\win32\zipup.h"\
- "..\..\..\zip.h"\
- "..\..\..\ziperr.h"\
-"$(INTDIR)\zipup.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_ZIPUP) "$(INTDIR)"
diff --git a/windll/visualc/lib/zip32.dsp b/windll/visualc/lib/zip32z64.dsp
index d23896c..a610912 100644
--- a/windll/visualc/lib/zip32.dsp
+++ b/windll/visualc/lib/zip32z64.dsp
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="zip32" - Package Owner=<4>
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="zip32z64" - Package Owner=<4>
# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
# ** DO NOT EDIT **
# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Static Library" 0x0104
-CFG=zip32 - Win32 Debug
+CFG=zip32z64 - Win32 Debug
!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zip32.mak".
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zip32z64.mak".
!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zip32.mak" CFG="zip32 - Win32 Debug"
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zip32z64.mak" CFG="zip32z64 - Win32 Debug"
!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
-!MESSAGE "zip32 - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
-!MESSAGE "zip32 - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
+!MESSAGE "zip32z64 - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
+!MESSAGE "zip32z64 - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
# Begin Project
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ CFG=zip32 - Win32 Debug
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Release"
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "zip32z64 - Win32 Release"
# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ LIB32=link.exe -lib
# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
# ADD LIB32 /nologo
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "zip32z64 - Win32 Debug"
# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ LIB32=link.exe -lib
# Begin Target
-# Name "zip32 - Win32 Release"
-# Name "zip32 - Win32 Debug"
+# Name "zip32z64 - Win32 Release"
+# Name "zip32z64 - Win32 Debug"
# Begin Source File
@@ -92,10 +92,6 @@ SOURCE=..\..\..\crc32.c
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
diff --git a/windll/visualc/lib/zip32.dsw b/windll/visualc/lib/zip32z64.dsw
index cb9248d..4643105 100644
--- a/windll/visualc/lib/zip32.dsw
+++ b/windll/visualc/lib/zip32z64.dsw
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00
-Project: "zip32"=.\zip32.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
+Project: "zip32z64"=.\zip32z64.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
diff --git a/windll/windll.aps b/windll/windll.aps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73e3468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windll/windll.aps
Binary files differ
diff --git a/windll/windll.c b/windll/windll.c
index 7da7304..f825108 100644
--- a/windll/windll.c
+++ b/windll/windll.c
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
- Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
+ windll/windll.c - Zip 3
- See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 1999-Oct-05 or later
+ Copyright (c) 1990-2004 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
+ See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2003-May-08 or later
(the contents of which are also included in zip.h) for terms of use.
- If, for some reason, both of these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
- also may be found at:
+ If, for some reason, all these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
+ also may be found at:
* windll.c by Mike White loosly based on Mark Adler's zip.c
@@ -168,7 +170,7 @@ return len;
void __far __cdecl perror(const char *parm1)
+printf("%s", parm1);
diff --git a/windll/windll.h b/windll/windll.h
index fc20027..0a45fc1 100644
--- a/windll/windll.h
+++ b/windll/windll.h
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
- Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
+ windll/windll.h - Zip 3
- See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 1999-Oct-05 or later
+ Copyright (c) 1990-2004 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
+ See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2003-May-08 or later
(the contents of which are also included in zip.h) for terms of use.
- If, for some reason, both of these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
- also may be found at:
+ If, for some reason, all these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
+ also may be found at:
WiZ 1.0 header file for zip dll
@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@
#define cchFilesMax 4096
-extern int WINAPI ZpArchive(ZCL C);
+extern int WINAPI ZpArchive(ZCL C, LPZPOPT Opts);
extern HWND hGetFilesDlg;
extern char szFilesToAdd[80];
extern char rgszFiles[cchFilesMax];
diff --git a/windll/windll.rc b/windll/windll.rc
index 23adef4..4fab86a 100644
--- a/windll/windll.rc
+++ b/windll/windll.rc
@@ -1,115 +1,57 @@
-//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script.
-#include "resource.h"
-// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
-#include "windows.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+#if (defined(WIN32) && !defined(__EMX__) && !defined(__MINGW32__))
+#include <winver.h>
-#include "zipver.h"
+#include "../revision.h"
-// English (U.S.) resources
-#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma code_page(1252)
-#endif //_WIN32
-#ifndef _MAC
// Version
#ifdef _DEBUG
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
- BLOCK "040904e4"
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+ BLOCK "040904B0"
+ BLOCK "040904E4"
- VALUE "Comments", "\0"
- VALUE "CompanyName", "Info-ZIP\0"
+ VALUE "CompanyName", IZ_COMPANY_NAME "\0"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Info-ZIP's Zip dll\0"
- VALUE "FileVersion", "2.31\0"
- VALUE "InternalName", "Zip32\0"
- VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Info-ZIP 2005\0"
- VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\0"
- VALUE "OriginalFilename", "ZIP32.DLL\0"
- VALUE "PrivateBuild", "\0"
+ VALUE "FileVersion", VERSION "\0"
+ VALUE "InternalName", "Zip32z64\0"
+ VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Info-ZIP 1997 - 2008\0"
+ VALUE "OriginalFilename", "ZIP32Z64.DLL\0"
VALUE "ProductName", "Info-ZIP's WiZ\0"
- VALUE "ProductVersion", "2.31\0"
- VALUE "SpecialBuild", "\0"
+ VALUE "ProductVersion", VERSION "\0"
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+ VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200
VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252
-#endif // !_MAC
- "resource.h\0"
- "#include ""windows.h""\r\n"
- "#include ""zipver.h""\r\n"
- "\0"
- "\r\n"
- "\0"
-#endif // English (U.S.) resources
-// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.
-#endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED
diff --git a/windll/windll.txt b/windll/windll.txt
index 2166412..8df4bae 100644
--- a/windll/windll.txt
+++ b/windll/windll.txt
@@ -2,10 +2,7 @@ The code set out below is not intended to be compiled, but is only intended as
a very simplistic pointer to how to load and call the dll. You will have to
look in the files referenced below for actual, working code.
-There are two entry points that use the structure shown below:
-BOOL WINAPI ZpSetOptions(ZPOPT) and
-ZPOPT WINAPI ZpGetOptions(void)
+There is one entry point that uses the structure shown below:
typedef struct {
LPSTR Date; /* Date to include after */
@@ -38,31 +35,35 @@ BOOL fOffsets; /* Update archive offsets for SFX files */
BOOL fPrivilege; /* Use privileges (WIN32 only) */
BOOL fEncryption; /* TRUE if encryption supported, else FALSE.
this is a read-only flag */
+LPSTR szSplitSize; /* This string contains the size that you want to
+ split the archive into. i.e. 100 for 100 bytes,
+ 2K for 2 k bytes, where K is 1024, m for meg
+ and g for gig. If this string is not NULL it
+ will automatically be assumed that you wish to
+ split an archive. */
+LPSTR szIncludeList; /* Pointer to include file list string (for VB) */
+long IncludeListCount; /* Count of file names in the include list array */
+char **IncludeList; /* Pointer to include file list array. Note that the last
+ entry in the array must be NULL */
+LPSTR szExcludeList; /* Pointer to exclude file list (for VB) */
+long ExcludeListCount; /* Count of file names in the include list array */
+char **ExcludeList; /* Pointer to exclude file list array. Note that the last
+ entry in the array must be NULL */
int fRecurse; /* Recurse into subdirectories. 1 => -r, 2 => -R */
int fRepair; /* Repair archive. 1 => -F, 2 => -FF */
char fLevel; /* Compression level (0 - 9) */
-This call will simply set the options in the zip dll until such time as
-another call to this function is made. This must be made before the initial
-call to make or update an archive.
-ZPOPT WINAPI ZpGetOptions(void);
-The call will return the above structure from the dll, with the fEncryption
-flag set to the appropriate value based on whether encryption is supported
-in this dll or not. It is currently used in WiZ only to determine if
-encryption is actually supported.
-The main entry point is ZpArchive(ZCL) where the structure shown below
+The main entry point is ZpArchive(ZCL, *Opts) where the structure shown below
is passed to the DLL when it is called.
typedef struct {
int argc; = Count of files to zip
LPSTR lpszZipFN; = Archive file name
char **FNV; = file names to zip up. Think of this an argv
+LPSTR lpszAltFNL; /* pointer to a string containing a list of file names to zip up,
+ separated by whitespace. Intended for use only by VB users, all
+ others should set this to NULL. */
} ZCL, _far *LPZCL;
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ example.c and example.h. Note that this example does not implement any
command line switches at all, and is merely intended as a guide for those
brave enough to enter a new world.
-There are four additional (at the moment) entry points:
+There are three additional (at the moment) entry points:
ZpInit, defined as
@@ -100,33 +101,47 @@ typedef struct _ZpVer {
char *betalevel; /* e.g., "g BETA" or "" */
char *date; /* e.g., "4 Sep 95" (beta) or "4 September 1995" */
char *zlib_version; /* e.g., "0.95" or NULL */
+ BOOL fEncryption; /* TRUE if encryption enabled, FALSE otherwise */
_zip_version_type zip;
_zip_version_type os2dll;
_zip_version_type windll;
} ZpVer;
See api.c for exactly what ZpVersion does, but the short version of
-what it does is return the unzip and dll versions in the ZpVer structure.
-The structure typedef's are in api.h
+what it does is return the zip and dll versions in the ZpVer structure.
+The structure typedef's are in api.h. It will also tell you if encryption
+is enabled.
The typedef's for the function pointers in the structure ZIPUSERFUNCTIONS
are shown immediately below.
typedef int (WINAPI DLLPRNT) (LPSTR, unsigned long);
+typedef int (WINAPI DLLSPLIT) (LPSTR);
+#ifdef ZIP64_SUPPORT
+typedef int (WINAPI DLLSERVICE) (LPCSTR, __int64);
+typedef int (WINAPI DLLSERVICE_NO_INT64) (LPCSTR, unsigned long, unsigned long);
typedef int (WINAPI DLLSERVICE) (LPCSTR, unsigned long);
typedef struct {
-DLLPRNT *print; = pointer to application's print function.
-DLLCOMMENT *comment; = pointer to application's function for processing
- comments.
-DLLPASSWORD *password; = pointer to application's function for processing
- passwords.
-DLLSERVICE *ServiceApplication; = Optional callback function for processing
- messages, relaying information.
+DLLPRNT *print;
+DLLCOMMENT *comment;
+DLLPASSWORD *password;
+DLLSPLIT *split; /* This MUST be set to NULL unless you want to be queried
+ for a destination for each split archive. */
+#ifdef ZIP64_SUPPORT
+DLLSERVICE *ServiceApplication64;
+DLLSERVICE_NO_INT64 *ServiceApplication64_No_Int64;
+DLLSERVICE *ServiceApplication;
-Last revised January 5, 1999.
+Last revised April 26, 2004.
Mike White
diff --git a/windll/windll32.def b/windll/windll32.def
index cd2e021..f1426ee 100644
--- a/windll/windll32.def
+++ b/windll/windll32.def
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
;module-definition file for Windows Zip DLL -- used by link.exe
-LIBRARY ZIP32 ; Library module name
-DESCRIPTION 'Windows Info-ZIP Zip DLL 1.01 by Info-ZIP, Mike White 1997'
+LIBRARY ZIP32Z64 ; Library module name
+DESCRIPTION 'Windows Info-ZIP Zip DLL 3.0 by Info-ZIP, Mike White 2004'
@@ -10,6 +11,4 @@ EXPORTS
- ZpSetOptions
- ZpGetOptions
diff --git a/windll/ziplib.def b/windll/ziplib.def
index 0fcd139..a768740 100644
--- a/windll/ziplib.def
+++ b/windll/ziplib.def
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-;module-definition file for Windows Zip DLL -- used by link.exe
-LIBRARY ZIP32 ; Library module name
+;module-definition file for Windows Zip static library -- used by link.exe
+LIBRARY ZIP64 ; Library module name
DESCRIPTION 'Windows Info-ZIP Zip Library 1.02 by Info-ZIP, Mike White 1997'
diff --git a/windll/zipver.h b/windll/zipver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c4b41f6..0000000
--- a/windll/zipver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 1990-2005 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
- See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2004-May-22 or later
- (the contents of which are also included in zip.h) for terms of use.
- If, for some reason, both of these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
- also may be found at:
-#ifndef __zipver_h /* prevent multiple inclusions */
-#define __zipver_h
-#define ZIP_DLL_VERSION "2.31\0"
-#define COMPANY_NAME "Info-ZIP\0"
-#endif /* __zipver_h */