diff options
authorKibum Kim <>2012-02-27 21:27:09 +0900
committerKibum Kim <>2012-02-27 21:27:09 +0900
commit994f2a0f1b5210cb5726963323d3af1f367d373b (patch)
tizen beta release
3 files changed, 731 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e182efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * modify packages
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.1-3
+ -- Kibum Kim <> Thu, 23 Feb 2012 00:47:22 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * add doodle-sample
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.1-2
+ -- Yang Inhyun <> Wed, 22 Feb 2012 11:36:39 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * add system-info-sample, font-viewer-sampl
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.1-1
+ -- Junho Lee <> Wed, 22 Feb 2012 11:30:56 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.1-0) lucid; urgency=low
+ * add package (reference to excel file)
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.1-0
+ -- Kibum Kim <> Tue, 21 Feb 2012 14:57:13 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.0-9) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add org.tizen.mp4-player-sample
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.0-9
+ -- Junho Lee <> Sat, 18 Feb 2012 14:21:34 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.0-8) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add mp4-player-sample
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.0-8
+ -- Junho Lee <> Sat, 18 Feb 2012 14:15:56 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.0-7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * add ug-nfc-efl
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.0-7
+ -- Junyong Sim <> Thu, 16 Feb 2012 17:53:40 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.0-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * add nfc-plugin-emul
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.0-6
+ -- Junyong Sim <> Tue, 14 Feb 2012 17:21:20 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.0-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Rename packages(clock, memo, calculator)
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.0-5
+ -- Goo Lee <> Fri, 23 Dec 2011 18:15:44 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.0-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Rename packages(call, ciss)
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.0-4
+ -- Jungmin Kim <> Fri, 23 Dec 2011 13:33:44 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * add packages
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.0-3
+ -- Jinhyuk Lee <> Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:48:38 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * add packages
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.0-2
+ -- Kibum Kim <> Thu, 15 Dec 2011 20:22:38 +0900
+tizen-clean-x86-pkgs (0.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * git init
+ * Git: pkgs/t/tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+ * Tag: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs_0.1.0-1
+ -- Kibum Kim <> Thu, 15 Dec 2011 18:41:37 +0900
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..15a1a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+Source: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+Section: admin
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Hotae Kim <>, KiBum Kim <>, Jinhyuk Lee <>
+Uploaders: Kibum Kim <>
+Package: tizen-clean-x86-pkgs
+Section: admin
+Architecture: i386
+Depends: alarm-server,
+ libalarm-0,
+ alsa-scenario-scn-data-0,
+ alsa-scenario-scn-data-0-base,
+ alsa-scenario-scn-data-0-mc1n2,
+ alsa-utils,
+ libappsvc-0,
+ appsvc-tool,
+ apt,
+ apt-utils,
+ apt-transport-https,
+ base-files,
+ base-passwd,
+ libbluetooth-frwk-0,
+ bluetooth-frwk-agent,
+ libbluetooth3,
+ bluez,
+ boot-animation,
+ busybox,
+ busybox-symlinks-adduser,
+ busybox-symlinks-adjtimex,
+ busybox-symlinks-bridge-utils,
+ busybox-symlinks-bsdmainutils,
+ busybox-symlinks-busybox,
+ busybox-symlinks-console-tools,
+ busybox-symlinks-cpio,
+ busybox-symlinks-cron,
+ busybox-symlinks-daemontools,
+ busybox-symlinks-dc,
+ busybox-symlinks-dnsutils,
+ busybox-symlinks-dosfstools,
+ busybox-symlinks-ed,
+ busybox-symlinks-eject,
+ busybox-symlinks-fbset,
+ busybox-symlinks-fdflush,
+ busybox-symlinks-hdparm,
+ busybox-symlinks-ipcalc,
+ busybox-symlinks-iproute,
+ busybox-symlinks-ipsvd,
+ busybox-symlinks-iputils-arping,
+ busybox-symlinks-iputils-ping,
+ busybox-symlinks-klogd,
+ busybox-symlinks-loadlin,
+ busybox-symlinks-lrzsz,
+ busybox-symlinks-lzma,
+ busybox-symlinks-lzop,
+ busybox-symlinks-net-tools,
+ busybox-symlinks-openbsd-inetd,
+ busybox-symlinks-patch,
+ busybox-symlinks-ppp,
+ busybox-symlinks-procps,
+ busybox-symlinks-psmisc,
+ busybox-symlinks-rdate,
+ busybox-symlinks-realpath,
+ busybox-symlinks-rpm,
+ busybox-symlinks-runit,
+ busybox-symlinks-sharutils,
+ busybox-symlinks-ssmtp,
+ busybox-symlinks-sysklogd,
+ busybox-symlinks-telnetd,
+ busybox-symlinks-tftp,
+ busybox-symlinks-time,
+ busybox-symlinks-tofrodos,
+ busybox-symlinks-udhcpc,
+ busybox-symlinks-udhcpd,
+ busybox-symlinks-unzip,
+ busybox-symlinks-vlan,
+ busybox-symlinks-vlock,
+ busybox-symlinks-watchdog,
+ busybox-symlinks-wget,
+ busybox-symlinks-xterm,
+ busybox-symlinks-zcip,
+ libbz2-1.0,
+ bzip2,
+ ca-certificates,
+ capi-appfw-app-manager,
+ capi-appfw-application,
+ capi-content-media-content,
+ capi-location-geocoder,
+ capi-location-manager,
+ capi-media-audio-io,
+ capi-media-camera,
+ capi-media-image-util,
+ capi-media-player,
+ capi-media-radio,
+ capi-media-recorder,
+ capi-media-sound-manager,
+ capi-media-tone-player,
+ capi-media-wav-player,
+ capi-messaging-email,
+ capi-messaging-mms,
+ capi-messaging-sms,
+ capi-network-bluetooth,
+ capi-network-connection,
+ capi-network-nfc,
+ capi-social-calendar,
+ capi-social-call-log,
+ capi-social-contacts,
+ capi-system-device,
+ capi-system-haptic,
+ capi-system-info,
+ capi-system-power,
+ capi-system-runtime-info,
+ capi-system-sensor,
+ capi-telephony-call,
+ capi-telephony-network-info,
+ capi-telephony-sim,
+ capi-ui-efl-util,
+ capi-uix-feedback,
+ capi-uix-tts,
+ cbhm,
+ connman,
+ libcontacts-service,
+ contacts-service-bin,
+ dbus,
+ libdbus-1-0,
+ debconf,
+ debconf-i18n,
+ debconf-english,
+ debianutils,
+ default-files-emulator,
+ default-fonts-fc-sdk,
+ default-fonts-sdk,
+ libdlog-0,
+ dlogutil-bin,
+ dpkg,
+ drm-service-0,
+ e17,
+ e17-data,
+ e17-extra-modules,
+ e17-misc,
+ efl-theme-tizen-hd,
+ efl-theme-tizen-black-hd,
+ elm-misc,
+ email-service-0,
+ prelink,
+ execstack,
+ libexpat1,
+ fontconfig,
+ fontconfig-config,
+ libfontconfig1,
+ libgconf-dbus,
+ gconf-dbus-utils,
+ geoclue,
+ libgeoclue,
+ geoclue-nominatim,
+ libgif4,
+ glib-networking,
+ gnupg,
+ gpgv,
+ gps-manager,
+ location-gps-manager,
+ libgstreamer0.10-0,
+ gstreamer0.10-tools,
+ gstreamer-tools,
+ gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps,
+ libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0,
+ gstreamer0.10-alsa,
+ gstreamer0.10-plugins-base,
+ gstreamer0.10-x,
+ gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg,
+ gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad,
+ gstreamer0.10-plugins-ext,
+ gstreamer0.10-plugins-good,
+ gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly,
+ libicu,
+ ifupdown,
+ iniparser,
+ initscripts,
+ sysv-rc,
+ sysvinit,
+ sysvinit-utils,
+ insserv,
+ iptables,
+ ise-default,
+ ise-engine-default,
+ libreadline5,
+ readline-common,
+ rlfe,
+ libaccounts-svc-0,
+ libail-0,
+ libapp-checker-0,
+ libapp-checker-server-0,
+ libappcore-common-0,
+ libappcore-efl-0,
+ libascenario-0,
+ libasound2,
+ libaudiosessionmgr-0,
+ libaul-1,
+ libaul-1-executable,
+ libavcodec,
+ libavformat,
+ libavutil,
+ libswscale,
+ libavsystem-0,
+ libbundle-0,
+ libc-ares2,
+ libc-bin,
+ libc6,
+ locales,
+ libcairo2,
+ libcamsrcjpegenc,
+ libcamsrcjpegenc-sw-libjpeg,
+ libcap2,
+ libcert-svc-0,
+ libperl5.10,
+ perl,
+ perl-base,
+ perl-modules,
+ perl-suid,
+ libcurl3,
+ libcurl,
+ libdbus-glib-1-2,
+ libdevman-0,
+ libdownload-agent-0,
+ libdri2,
+ libdrm2,
+ libdrm-slp1,
+ libkms1,
+ libeas-common,
+ libecore,
+ libecore-con,
+ libecore-config,
+ libecore-evas,
+ libecore-fb,
+ libecore-file,
+ libecore-imf,
+ libecore-input,
+ libecore-ipc,
+ libecore-data,
+ libecore-x,
+ libecore-bin,
+ libedbus,
+ libedje,
+ libedje-bin,
+ libeet1,
+ libeet-bin,
+ libefreet,
+ libeina,
+ libelfg0,
+ libelm,
+ libelm-bin,
+ libelm-webview,
+ libembryo0,
+ libembryo-bin,
+ libemotion0,
+ libemotion0-gstreamer,
+ libethumb,
+ libethumb-bin,
+ libevas,
+ libevas-engines,
+ libevas-engines-extras,
+ libexif12,
+ libfontenc1,
+ libfreealut,
+ libfreetype6,
+ libfribidi0,
+ libgcrypt11,
+ libglib2.0-0,
+ libglib2.0-bin,
+ libglib2.0-data,
+ libglib2.0-0-refdbg,
+ libgnutls26,
+ libgpg-error0,
+ libharfbuzz,
+ libheynoti-0,
+ libice6,
+ libidn11,
+ libiri,
+ libisf-bin,
+ libjpeg8,
+ libjpeg-turbo,
+ libjson-glib,
+ lua5.1,
+ libleveldb,
+ liblua5.1-0,
+ liblzo2-2,
+ libmedia-service,
+ libmedia-thumbnail,
+ media-thumbnail-server,
+ libmedia-utils,
+ media-server,
+ libmm-camcorder,
+ libmm-common,
+ libmm-fileinfo,
+ mm-fileinfo-tools,
+ libmm-imgp-gstcs,
+ libmm-log,
+ libmm-player,
+ libmm-radio,
+ libmm-session-0,
+ libmm-sound-0,
+ libmm-ta,
+ libmm-utility,
+ libncurses5,
+ ncurses-base,
+ ncurses-bin,
+ ncurses-term,
+ libnetwork-0,
+ libnfc-manager-0,
+ libnfc-common-lib-0,
+ libnotification-0,
+ libogg0,
+ liboil0.3,
+ libopenal-soft,
+ libopencore-amrnb,
+ libopencore-amrwb,
+ libpango1.0,
+ libpango1.0-common,
+ pciutils,
+ libpci3,
+ libpciaccess0,
+ libpcre,
+ libpixman-1-0,
+ libpkgmgr-client-0,
+ pkgmgr-server,
+ libpkgmgr-installer,
+ libpng12-0,
+ libprivilege-control-0,
+ libpthread-stubs0,
+ pulseaudio,
+ pulseaudio-utils,
+ pulseaudio-module-bluetooth,
+ libpulse0,
+ librua-0,
+ libsecurity-server-client-0,
+ security-server,
+ libslp-alarm-0,
+ libslp-calendar-0,
+ libslp-db-util-0,
+ libslp-location,
+ libslp-memo,
+ libslp-mms-plugin,
+ libslp-msg-service-0,
+ libslp-sms-plugin,
+ msg-service-tools,
+ libslp-pm-0,
+ libslp-sensor-0,
+ libslp-setting-0,
+ libvconf-0,
+ libslp-shortcut-0,
+ libslp-sysman,
+ libslp-tapi-0,
+ libslp-telplugin-0,
+ libslp-utilx-0,
+ libsm6,
+ libsmack-0,
+ libsndfile1,
+ libsoup2.4,
+ libspeex1,
+ libspeexdsp1,
+ sqlite3,
+ libsqlite3-0,
+ libss-client-0,
+ ss-server,
+ openssl,
+ libssl1.0.0,
+ libstt,
+ libsvi-0,
+ libsys-assert-0,
+ libtheora0,
+ libtts,
+ libudev0,
+ libug-calendar-picker-efl,
+ libug-image-viewer-efl,
+ libug-memo-efl,
+ libug-myfile-efl,
+ libug-picker-efl,
+ libug-setting-call-efl,
+ libug-setting-gallery-efl,
+ libug-setting-location-efl,
+ libug-setting-manage-applications-efl-0,
+ libug-setting-theme-efl,
+ libug-worldclock-efl,
+ libui-gadget-0,
+ libui-idlecapture-0,
+ libusb-0.1-4,
+ libuuid1,
+ libuw-imap-toolkit-0,
+ libvorbis0a,
+ libvorbisenc2,
+ libvorbisfile3,
+ libwbxml2-0,
+ libwebkit-engine,
+ libx11-6,
+ libx11-data,
+ libx11-xcb1,
+ libxau6,
+ libxaw7,
+ libxcb-atom1,
+ libxcb-aux0,
+ libxcb-event1,
+ libxcb-image0,
+ libxcb-keysyms1,
+ libxcb-property1,
+ libxcb-render-util0,
+ libxcb-reply1,
+ libxcb-icccm1,
+ libxcb1,
+ libxcb-composite0,
+ libxcb-damage0,
+ libxcb-dpms0,
+ libxcb-glx0,
+ libxcb-randr0,
+ libxcb-record0,
+ libxcb-render0,
+ libxcb-res0,
+ libxcb-screensaver0,
+ libxcb-shape0,
+ libxcb-shm0,
+ libxcb-sync0,
+ libxcb-xevie0,
+ libxcb-xf86dri0,
+ libxcb-xfixes0,
+ libxcb-xinerama0,
+ libxcb-xprint0,
+ libxcb-xtest0,
+ libxcb-xv0,
+ libxcb-xvmc0,
+ libxcb-dri2-0,
+ libxcomposite1,
+ libxcursor1,
+ libxdamage1,
+ libxdgmime,
+ libxdmcp6,
+ libxext6,
+ libxfixes3,
+ libxfont1,
+ libxft2,
+ libxgesture0,
+ libxi6,
+ libxinerama1,
+ libxkbfile1,
+ libxml2-0,
+ libxml2,
+ libxmlsec1,
+ libxmlsec1-openssl,
+ libxpm4,
+ xpmutils,
+ libxrandr2,
+ libxrender1,
+ libxres1,
+ libxslt1.1,
+ libxt6,
+ libxtrap6,
+ libxtst6,
+ libxv1,
+ libxxf86dga1,
+ libxxf86misc1,
+ libxxf86vm1,
+ locales-init,
+ location-geoclue-nominatim,
+ login,
+ passwd,
+ lsb-base,
+ ltrace,
+ mawk,
+ media-data-sdk,
+ menu-daemon,
+ module-init-tools,
+ native-installer,
+ netbase,
+ opengl-es,
+ openssh-client,
+ openssh-server,
+ org.tizen.alert-3g-syspopup,
+ org.tizen.browser,
+ org.tizen.calculator,
+ org.tizen.efl-calendar,
+ org.tizen.calendar-viewer,
+ libug-calendar-efl,
+ org.tizen.ciss,
+ org.tizen.clock,
+ org.tizen.contacts,
+ org.tizen.contacts-viewer,
+ libug-contacts-efl,
+ org.tizen.crash-worker-sdk,
+ libug-gallery-efl-0,
+ org.tizen.image-viewer,
+ org.tizen.indicator,
+ org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup,
+ org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup,
+ org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup,
+ org.tizen.memo,
+ libug-phone-efl,
+ org.tizen.pwlock,
+ org.tizen.quickpanel,
+ org.tizen.setting,
+ org.tizen.smartsearch,
+ org.tizen.taskmgr,
+ usb-setting-app,
+ org.tizen.usb-syspopup,
+ org.tizen.volume,
+ wifi-efl-ug,
+ org.tizen.wifi-qs,
+ pciutils,
+ libpci3,
+ pkg-config,
+ popt,
+ power-manager-bin,
+ ragel,
+ rfkill,
+ sdbd,
+ sensor-framework,
+ shared-mime-info,
+ simulator-opengl,
+ smackutils,
+ sonet0,
+ sqlfs-bin,
+ starter,
+ strace,
+ svi-data-sdk,
+ sys-string-0,
+ syspopup-caller-0,
+ syspopup-0,
+ system-server-bin,
+ telephony-server,
+ tzdata-slp,
+ usbutils,
+ wrt,
+ wrt-test,
+ wrt-commons,
+ wrt-plugins-common,
+ wrt-plugins-tizen,
+ wrt-plugins-w3c,
+ wrt-installer,
+ wrt-security,
+ x11-apps,
+ x11-common,
+ x11-utils,
+ x11-xkb-utils,
+ x11-xserver-utils,
+ xinit,
+ xinput,
+ xkb-data,
+ xkb-data-i18n,
+ xrestop,
+ xserver-xorg-core,
+ xserver-common,
+ xserver-xorg-tools,
+ xserver-xorg-input-evdev,
+ xserver-xorg-input-evdev-multitouch,
+ xserver-xorg-input-gesture,
+ xserver-xorg-misc-emulfb,
+ xserver-xorg-video-emulfb,
+ zlib1g,
+ e17-extra-private-modules,
+ capi-pkgs,
+ emuld,
+ sensord,
+ gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg-emul,
+ vmodemd-emul,
+ efl-theme-grey-hd,
+ libnfc-plugin-emul-0,
+ libslp-lbs-plugin-replay,
+ libug-setting-nfc-efl,
+ sf-plugin-accel-emul,
+ sf-plugin-filter-accel-emul,
+ sf-plugin-proc-accel-emul,
+ sf-plugin-geo-emul,
+ sf-plugin-filter-geo-emul,
+ sf-plugin-proc-geo-emul,
+ sf-plugin-gyro-emul-pkgs,
+ sf-plugin-light-emul,
+ sf-plugin-filter-light-emul,
+ sf-plugin-proc-light-emul,
+ sf-plugin-proc-motion-emul,
+ sf-plugin-proxi-emul,
+ sf-plugin-filter-proxi-emul,
+ sf-plugin-proc-proxi-emul,
+ libosmesa6,
+ org.tizen.system-info-sample,
+ org.tizen.font-viewer-sample,
+ org.tizen.doodle-sample,
+ mmfw-sysconf-simulator,
+ e2fsck-static
+Description: Meta package to describe list of tizen packages for x86 Emulator.
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b076968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+ifneq (,$(findstring arm,$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)))
+ export ARCH = arm
+ export ARCH = i686
+ dh_clean
+install: build
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_clean -k
+ dh_installdirs
+# Build architecture-dependent files here.
+binary-arch: install
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_installchangelogs
+ dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp
+ dh_installdeb
+ dh_gencontrol
+ dh_md5sums
+ dh_builddeb
+binary: binary-arch
+.PHONY: binary-arch binary install