path: root/package/build.linux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'package/build.linux')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/package/build.linux b/package/build.linux
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..07c4de454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/build.linux
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+ build_id=${package_name}
+ build_type=N
+ build_result_directory=${build_type}.${build_id}
+ build_result_path="$build_path/$build_result_directory"
+ architecture=x86
+ ide_root_path_name=IDE
+ case ${platform} in
+ linux)
+ archive_platform_name=linux
+ windowing=gtk
+ ;;
+ windows)
+ archive_platform_name=win32
+ windowing=win32
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "${platform} is not support yet."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ result_archive_file=${build_id}-${archive_platform_name}.${windowing}.${architecture}.zip
+ case ${platform} in
+ linux)
+ reference_ide_path=${ROOTDIR}/indigo-pde/eclipse
+ ;;
+ windows)
+ reference_ide_path=${ROOTDIR}/indigo-winpde/eclipse
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "${platform} is not support yet."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ INSTALL_DIR=${SRCDIR}/package/${package_name}.package.${platform}/data
+ if [ -d $build_path ]
+ then
+ echo "Build result directory : [$build_path]"
+ else
+ echo "Make build result directory [$build_path]"
+ mkdir -p $build_path
+ fi
+ echo "Remove legacy build files..."
+ if [ -d ${build_result_path}/${archive_platform_name}.${windowing}.${architecture} ]
+ then
+ rm -rf ${build_result_path}/${archive_platform_name}.${windowing}.${architecture}
+ fi
+ if [ -e ${build_result_path}/${result_archive_file} ]
+ then
+ rm -rf ${build_result_path}/${result_archive_file}
+ fi
+ if [ -d ${build_path}/tmp ]
+ then
+ rm -rf ${build_path}/tmp
+ fi
+ if [ -d ${build_path}/buildRepo ]
+ then
+ rm -rf ${build_path}/buildRepo
+ fi
+ rm -r ${build_path}/*.xml
+ rm -r ${build_path}/*.properties
+ rm -r ${build_path}/*.clean
+ if [ -d $build_path/plugins ]
+ then
+ echo "plugins directory recreate..."
+ rm -rf $build_path/plugins
+ mkdir $build_path/plugins
+ else
+ echo "Make plugins directory..."
+ mkdir $build_path/plugins
+ fi
+ if [ -d $build_path/features/ ]
+ then
+ echo "features directory recreate..."
+ rm -rf $build_path/features
+ mkdir $build_path/features
+ else
+ echo "Make features directory..."
+ mkdir $build_path/features
+ fi
+ echo "Copy features from $SRCDIR to $build_path/features"
+ cp -r $SRCDIR/* $build_path/features
+ echo "Copy plugins from $SRCDIR to $build_path/plugins"
+ cp -r $SRCDIR/* $build_path/plugins
+ dependency_plugin_path=${ROOTDIR}/${ide_root_path_name}
+ if [ -d ${dependency_plugin_path} ]
+ then
+ cp -rf ${dependency_plugin_path}/features/* ${build_path}/features/
+ cp -rf ${dependency_plugin_path}/plugins/* ${build_path}/plugins/
+ fi
+ builder_path="${SRCDIR}/builder"
+ parent_path_of_based_eclipse=${reference_ide_path}/..
+ echo "Make file..."
+ if [ ! -e $builder_path/ ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR : \"\" file does not exist..."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cp $builder_path/ $build_path
+ cp $builder_path/customTargets.xml $build_path
+ if [ -d $reference_ide_path ]
+ then
+ sed -e "s;\(^buildDirectory=\).*;\1${build_path};g" \
+ -e "s;\(^base=\).*;\1${parent_path_of_based_eclipse};g" \
+ -e "s;\(^baseLocation=\).*;\1${reference_ide_path};g" \
+ -e "s;\(^configs=\).*;\1${archive_platform_name},${windowing},${architecture};g" \
+ -e "s;\(^buildType=\).*;\1${build_type};g" \
+ -e "s;\(^buildId=\).*;\1${build_id};g" \
+ -e "s;\(^archivePrefix=\).*;\1${build_id};g" \
+ < $build_path/ > $build_path/
+ else
+ echo "ERROR : target eclipse is not exist."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Execute Product Ant Builder..."
+ equinox_launcher=`echo org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar`
+ pde_build=`echo org.eclipse.pde.build_*`
+ java -jar ${reference_ide_path}/plugins/$equinox_launcher -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile ${reference_ide_path}/plugins/$pde_build/scripts/productBuild/productBuild.xml -Dbuilder=$build_path -Dosgi.locking=none 2>&1
+ if [ $? != 0 ];
+ then
+ echo "Build failed..."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "unzip to $build_result_path"
+ unzip -a $build_result_path/${result_archive_file} -d $build_result_path/${archive_platform_name}.${windowing}.${architecture}
+ case ${platform} in
+ linux)
+ echo "build plugin for ${platform}"
+ ;;
+ windows)
+ echo "build plugin for ${platform}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "${platform} is not support yet."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ __set_parameter
+ __set_build_parameter
+ __clean_build_environment
+ __copy_build_sources
+ __copy_dependency_plugins
+ __make_ant_build_properties_file
+ __execute_pde_build
+ __unzip_plugin_pack
+ echo "Build SUCCESS. You will find SDK IDE in \"${build_result_path}\"."
+ if [ -d ${INSTALL_DIR} ]
+ then
+ rm -rf ${INSTALL_DIR}
+ else
+ mkdir -p ${INSTALL_DIR}
+ fi
+ echo "add necessary files."
+ ## ex) cp -rf ~~~~/file.file ${INSTALL_DIR}/${ide_root_path_name}/
+ __set_parameter
+ __set_install_parameter
+ __clean_packaging_environment
+ __copy_necessary_binaries
+ install_ide_path=${INSTALL_DIR}/${ide_root_path_name}
+ if [ ! -d ${install_ide_path} ]
+ then
+ mkdir -p ${install_ide_path}
+ fi
+ cp -rf ${build_result_path}/${archive_platform_name}.${windowing}.${architecture}/${package_name}/* ${install_ide_path}/
+# clean
+ echo "=========================================CLEAN============================================"
+ make clean
+ rm -rf ${SRCDIR}/*.zip
+ rm -rf ${SRCDIR}/*.tar.gz
+ rm -rf ${build_path}
+# build
+ echo "=========================================BUILD============================================"
+ pkgname_and_platform_list=`awk 'BEGIN{RS="\n\n"; FS="\n"} /Package:/{for(i=1;i<NF;i++){if($i ~ /^OS:/){print $1,$i}}}' ${SRCDIR}/package/pkginfo.manifest | tr ' ' '@'`
+ for pkgname_and_platform in ${pkgname_and_platform_list}
+ do
+ pkgname_and_platform=`echo $pkgname_and_platform | tr '@' ' '`
+ package_name=`echo ${pkgname_and_platform} | cut -f1 -d " " | cut -f2 -d ":"`
+ platform=`echo ${pkgname_and_platform} | cut -f2 -d " " | cut -f2 -d ":"`
+ if [ "x${BUILD_TARGET_OS}" = "x${platform}" ]
+ then
+ build_plugins
+ else
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ done
+# install
+ pkgname_and_platform_list=`awk 'BEGIN{RS="\n\n"; FS="\n"} /Package:/{for(i=1;i<NF;i++){if($i ~ /^OS:/){print $1,$i}}}' ${SRCDIR}/package/pkginfo.manifest | tr ' ' '@'`
+ for pkgname_and_platform in ${pkgname_and_platform_list}
+ do
+ echo "=========================================INSTALL============================================"
+ pkgname_and_platform=`echo $pkgname_and_platform | tr '@' ' '`
+ package_name=`echo ${pkgname_and_platform} | cut -f1 -d " " | cut -f2 -d ":"`
+ platform=`echo ${pkgname_and_platform} | cut -f2 -d " " | cut -f2 -d ":"`
+ if [ "x${BUILD_TARGET_OS}" = "x${platform}" ]
+ then
+ packaging_plugins
+ else
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ done
+[ "$1" = "clean" ] && clean
+[ "$1" = "build" ] && build
+[ "$1" = "install" ] && install
+exit 0