path: root/print/dbbibl.dsl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'print/dbbibl.dsl')
1 files changed, 868 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/print/dbbibl.dsl b/print/dbbibl.dsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38340a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/print/dbbibl.dsl
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+;; $Id: dbbibl.dsl,v 1.2 2002/06/09 12:04:09 nwalsh Exp $
+;; This file is part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution.
+;; See ../README or
+;; ......................... BIBLIOGRAPHY PARAMS .........................
+;; these should be in dbparam...
+(define %biblsep% ", ")
+(define %biblend% ".")
+(define %biblioentry-in-entry-order% #t)
+;; .................... BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIBLIODIV ......................
+(define (bibliography-content)
+ ;; Note that the code below works for both the case where the bibliography
+ ;; has BIBLIODIVs and the case where it doesn't, by the slightly subtle
+ ;; fact that if it does, then allentries will be (empty-node-list).
+ (let* ((allbibcontent (children (current-node)))
+ (prebibcontent (node-list-filter-by-not-gi
+ allbibcontent
+ (list (normalize "biblioentry")
+ (normalize "bibliomixed"))))
+ (allentries (node-list-filter-by-gi
+ allbibcontent
+ (list (normalize "biblioentry")
+ (normalize "bibliomixed"))))
+ (entries (if biblio-filter-used
+ (biblio-filter allentries)
+ allentries)))
+ (make sequence
+ (process-node-list prebibcontent)
+ (process-node-list entries))))
+(element (book bibliography)
+ (make simple-page-sequence
+ page-n-columns: %page-n-columns%
+ page-number-restart?: (or %page-number-restart%
+ (book-start?)
+ (first-chapter?))
+ page-number-format: ($page-number-format$)
+ use: default-text-style
+ left-header: ($left-header$)
+ center-header: ($center-header$)
+ right-header: ($right-header$)
+ left-footer: ($left-footer$)
+ center-footer: ($center-footer$)
+ right-footer: ($right-footer$)
+ start-indent: %body-start-indent%
+ input-whitespace-treatment: 'collapse
+ quadding: %default-quadding%
+ (make sequence
+ ($component-title$)
+ (bibliography-content))
+ (make-endnotes)))
+(element bibliography
+ ;; A bibliography that's inside something else...
+ (let* ((sect (ancestor-member (current-node)
+ (append (section-element-list)
+ (component-element-list))))
+ (hlevel (+ (SECTLEVEL sect) 1))
+ (hs (HSIZE (- 4 hlevel))))
+ (make sequence
+ (make paragraph
+ font-family-name: %title-font-family%
+ font-weight: (if (< hlevel 5) 'bold 'medium)
+ font-posture: (if (< hlevel 5) 'upright 'italic)
+ font-size: hs
+ line-spacing: (* hs %line-spacing-factor%)
+ space-before: (* hs %head-before-factor%)
+ space-after: (* hs %head-after-factor%)
+ start-indent: (if (or (>= hlevel 3)
+ (member (gi) (list (normalize "refsect1")
+ (normalize "refsect2")
+ (normalize "refsect3"))))
+ %body-start-indent%
+ 0pt)
+ first-line-start-indent: 0pt
+ quadding: %section-title-quadding%
+ keep-with-next?: #t
+ heading-level: (if %generate-heading-level% (+ hlevel 1) 0)
+ (element-title-sosofo (current-node)))
+ (bibliography-content))))
+(element (bibliography title) (empty-sosofo))
+(element bibliodiv
+ (let* ((allentries (node-list-filter-by-gi (children (current-node))
+ (list (normalize "biblioentry")
+ (normalize "bibliomixed"))))
+ (entries (if biblio-filter-used
+ (biblio-filter allentries)
+ allentries)))
+ (if (and biblio-filter-used (node-list-empty? entries))
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (make display-group
+ space-before: %block-sep%
+ space-after: %block-sep%
+ start-indent: %body-start-indent%
+ (make sequence
+ ($section-title$)
+ (process-node-list entries))))))
+(element (bibliodiv title) (empty-sosofo))
+;; ..................... BIBLIOGRAPHY ENTRIES .........................
+(define (biblioentry-inline-sep node rest)
+ ;; Output the character that should separate inline node from rest
+ (cond
+ ((and (equal? (gi node) (normalize "title"))
+ (equal? (gi (node-list-first rest)) (normalize "subtitle")))
+ (make sequence
+ font-posture: 'italic
+ (literal ": ")))
+ (else
+ (literal %biblsep%))))
+(define (biblioentry-inline-end blocks)
+ ;; Output the character that should occur at the end of inline
+ (literal %biblend%))
+(define (biblioentry-block-sep node rest)
+ ;; Output the character that should separate block node from rest
+ (empty-sosofo))
+(define (biblioentry-block-end)
+ ;; Output the character that should occur at the end of block
+ (empty-sosofo))
+(element biblioentry
+ (let* ((expanded-children (expand-children
+ (children (current-node))
+ (biblioentry-flatten-elements)))
+ (all-inline-children (if %biblioentry-in-entry-order%
+ (titlepage-gi-list-by-nodelist
+ (biblioentry-inline-elements)
+ expanded-children)
+ (titlepage-gi-list-by-elements
+ (biblioentry-inline-elements)
+ expanded-children)))
+ (block-children (if %biblioentry-in-entry-order%
+ (titlepage-gi-list-by-nodelist
+ (biblioentry-block-elements)
+ expanded-children)
+ (titlepage-gi-list-by-elements
+ (biblioentry-block-elements)
+ expanded-children)))
+ (leading-abbrev (if (equal? (normalize "abbrev")
+ (gi (node-list-first
+ all-inline-children)))
+ (node-list-first all-inline-children)
+ (empty-node-list)))
+ (inline-children (if (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev)
+ all-inline-children
+ (node-list-rest all-inline-children)))
+ (has-leading-abbrev? (not (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev)))
+ (xreflabel (if (or has-leading-abbrev? biblio-number)
+ #f
+ (attribute-string (normalize "xreflabel")))))
+ (make display-group
+ (make paragraph
+ space-before: %para-sep%
+ space-after: %para-sep%
+ start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent) 2pi)
+ first-line-start-indent: -2pi
+ (if (or biblio-number xreflabel has-leading-abbrev?)
+ (make sequence
+ (literal "[")
+ (if biblio-number
+ (literal (number->string (bibentry-number (current-node))))
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (if xreflabel
+ (literal xreflabel)
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (if has-leading-abbrev?
+ (with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode
+ (process-node-list leading-abbrev))
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (literal "]\no-break-space;"))
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (let loop ((nl inline-children))
+ (if (node-list-empty? nl)
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (make sequence
+ (with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode
+ (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)))
+ (if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
+ (biblioentry-inline-end block-children)
+ (biblioentry-inline-sep (node-list-first nl)
+ (node-list-rest nl)))
+ (loop (node-list-rest nl))))))
+ (make display-group
+ start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent) 2pi)
+ (let loop ((nl block-children))
+ (if (node-list-empty? nl)
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (make sequence
+ (with-mode biblioentry-block-mode
+ (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)))
+ (if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
+ (biblioentry-block-end)
+ (biblioentry-block-sep (node-list-first nl)
+ (node-list-rest nl)))
+ (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))))
+(mode biblioentry-inline-mode
+ (element abbrev
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element affiliation
+ (let ((inline-children (node-list-filter-by-not-gi
+ (children (current-node))
+ (list (normalize "address")))))
+ (let loop ((nl inline-children))
+ (if (node-list-empty? nl)
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (make sequence
+ (process-node-list (node-list-first nl))
+ (if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (literal ", "))
+ (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))
+ (element artpagenums
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element author
+ (literal (author-list-string)))
+ (element authorgroup
+ (process-children))
+ (element authorinitials
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element collab
+ (let* ((nl (children (current-node)))
+ (collabname (node-list-first nl))
+ (affil (node-list-rest nl)))
+ (make sequence
+ (process-node-list collabname)
+ (if (node-list-empty? affil)
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (let loop ((nl affil))
+ (if (node-list-empty? nl)
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (make sequence
+ (literal ", ")
+ (process-node-list (node-list-first nl))
+ (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))))
+ (element (collab collabname)
+ (process-children))
+ (element confgroup
+ (let ((inline-children (node-list-filter-by-not-gi
+ (children (current-node))
+ (list (normalize "address")))))
+ (let loop ((nl inline-children))
+ (if (node-list-empty? nl)
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (make sequence
+ (process-node-list (node-list-first nl))
+ (if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (literal ", "))
+ (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))
+ (element contractnum
+ (process-children))
+ (element contractsponsor
+ (process-children))
+ (element contrib
+ (process-children))
+ (element copyright
+ ;; Just print the year(s)
+ (let ((years (select-elements (children (current-node))
+ (normalize "year"))))
+ (process-node-list years)))
+ (element (copyright year)
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)
+ (if (not (last-sibling? (current-node)))
+ (literal ", ")
+ (empty-sosofo))))
+ (element corpauthor
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element corpname
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element date
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element edition
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element editor
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (gentext-edited-by))
+ (literal " ")
+ (literal (author-list-string))))
+ (element firstname
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element honorific
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element invpartnumber
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element isbn
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element issn
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element issuenum
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element lineage
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element orgname
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element othercredit
+ (literal (author-list-string)))
+ (element othername
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element pagenums
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element productname
+ (make sequence
+ ($charseq$)
+; this is actually a problem since "trade" is the default value for
+; the class attribute. we can put this back in in DocBook 5.0, when
+; class becomes #IMPLIED
+; (if (equal? (attribute-string "class") (normalize "trade"))
+; (literal "\trade-mark-sign;")
+; (empty-sosofo))
+ ))
+ (element productnumber
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element pubdate
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element publisher
+ (let ((pubname (select-elements (children (current-node))
+ (normalize "publishername")))
+ (cities (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
+ (normalize "city"))))
+ (make sequence
+ (process-node-list pubname)
+ (if (node-list-empty? cities)
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (literal ", "))
+ (process-node-list cities))))
+ (element publishername
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element (publisher address city)
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)
+ (if (not (last-sibling? (current-node)))
+ (literal ", ")
+ (empty-sosofo))))
+ (element pubsnumber
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element releaseinfo
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element seriesvolnums
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element subtitle
+ (make sequence
+ font-posture: 'italic
+ (process-children)))
+ (element surname
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element title
+ (make sequence
+ font-posture: 'italic
+ (process-children)))
+ (element titleabbrev
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element volumenum
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)))
+ (element (bibliomixed title)
+ (make sequence
+ font-posture: 'italic
+ (process-children)))
+ (element (bibliomixed subtitle)
+ (make sequence
+ font-posture: 'italic
+ (process-children)))
+ (element (biblioset title)
+ (let ((rel (case-fold-up
+ (inherited-attribute-string (normalize "relation")))))
+ (cond
+ ((equal? rel "ARTICLE") (make sequence
+ (literal (gentext-start-quote))
+ (process-children)
+ (literal (gentext-end-quote))))
+ (else (make sequence
+ font-posture: 'italic
+ (process-children))))))
+ (element (bibliomset title)
+ (let ((rel (case-fold-up
+ (inherited-attribute-string (normalize "relation")))))
+ (cond
+ ((equal? rel "ARTICLE") (make sequence
+ (literal (gentext-start-quote))
+ (process-children)
+ (literal (gentext-end-quote))))
+ (else (make sequence
+ font-posture: 'italic
+ (process-children))))))
+(mode biblioentry-block-mode
+ (element abstract
+ (make display-group
+ (process-children)))
+ (element (abstract title)
+ (make paragraph
+ font-weight: 'bold
+ (process-children)))
+ (element address
+ ($linespecific-display$ %indent-address-lines% %number-address-lines%))
+ (element authorblurb
+ (make display-group
+ (process-children)))
+ (element printhistory
+ (make display-group
+ (process-children)))
+ (element revhistory
+ (make sequence
+ (make paragraph
+ font-weight: 'bold
+ (literal (gentext-element-name (current-node))))
+ (make table
+ before-row-border: #f
+ (make table-column
+ column-number: 1
+ width: (/ (- %body-width% (inherited-start-indent)) 3))
+ (make table-column
+ column-number: 2
+ width: (/ (- %body-width% (inherited-start-indent)) 3))
+ (make table-column
+ column-number: 3
+ width: (/ (- %body-width% (inherited-start-indent)) 3))
+ (process-children))))
+ (element (revhistory revision)
+ (let ((revnumber (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
+ (normalize "revnumber")))
+ (revdate (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
+ (normalize "date")))
+ (revauthor (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
+ (normalize "authorinitials")))
+ (revremark (node-list-filter-by-gi
+ (descendants (current-node))
+ (list (normalize "revremark")
+ (normalize "revdescription")))))
+ (make sequence
+ (make table-row
+ (make table-cell
+ column-number: 1
+ n-columns-spanned: 1
+ n-rows-spanned: 1
+ (if (not (node-list-empty? revnumber))
+ (make paragraph
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (gentext-element-name-space (current-node)))
+ (process-node-list revnumber)))
+ (empty-sosofo)))
+ (make table-cell
+ column-number: 2
+ n-columns-spanned: 1
+ n-rows-spanned: 1
+ (if (not (node-list-empty? revdate))
+ (make paragraph
+ (process-node-list revdate))
+ (empty-sosofo)))
+ (make table-cell
+ column-number: 3
+ n-columns-spanned: 1
+ n-rows-spanned: 1
+ (if (not (node-list-empty? revauthor))
+ (make paragraph
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (gentext-revised-by))
+ (process-node-list revauthor)))
+ (empty-sosofo))))
+ (make table-row
+ cell-after-row-border: #f
+ (make table-cell
+ column-number: 1
+ n-columns-spanned: 3
+ n-rows-spanned: 1
+ (if (not (node-list-empty? revremark))
+ (make paragraph
+ space-after: %block-sep%
+ (process-node-list revremark))
+ (empty-sosofo)))))))
+ (element (revision revnumber) (process-children-trim))
+ (element (revision date) (process-children-trim))
+ (element (revision authorinitials) (process-children-trim))
+ (element (revision revremark) (process-children-trim))
+ (element (revision revdescription) (process-children))
+ (element seriesinfo
+ ;; This is a nearly biblioentry recursively...
+ (let* ((expanded-children (expand-children
+ (children (current-node))
+ (biblioentry-flatten-elements)))
+ (all-inline-children (if %biblioentry-in-entry-order%
+ (titlepage-gi-list-by-nodelist
+ (biblioentry-inline-elements)
+ expanded-children)
+ (titlepage-gi-list-by-elements
+ (biblioentry-inline-elements)
+ expanded-children)))
+ (block-children (if %biblioentry-in-entry-order%
+ (titlepage-gi-list-by-nodelist
+ (biblioentry-block-elements)
+ expanded-children)
+ (titlepage-gi-list-by-elements
+ (biblioentry-block-elements)
+ expanded-children)))
+ (inline-children all-inline-children))
+ (make display-group
+ (make paragraph
+ space-before: %para-sep%
+ space-after: %para-sep%
+ start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent) 2pi)
+ first-line-start-indent: -2pi
+ (let loop ((nl inline-children))
+ (if (node-list-empty? nl)
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (make sequence
+ (with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode
+ (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)))
+ (if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
+ (biblioentry-inline-end block-children)
+ (biblioentry-inline-sep (node-list-first nl)
+ (node-list-rest nl)))
+ (loop (node-list-rest nl))))))
+ (make display-group
+ start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent) 2pi)
+ (let loop ((nl block-children))
+ (if (node-list-empty? nl)
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (make sequence
+ (with-mode biblioentry-block-mode
+ (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)))
+ (if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
+ (biblioentry-block-end)
+ (biblioentry-block-sep (node-list-first nl)
+ (node-list-rest nl)))
+ (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))))
+(element bibliomixed
+ (let* ((all-inline-children (children (current-node)))
+ (leading-abbrev (if (equal? (normalize "abbrev")
+ (gi (node-list-first
+ all-inline-children)))
+ (node-list-first all-inline-children)
+ (empty-node-list)))
+ (inline-children (if (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev)
+ all-inline-children
+ (node-list-rest all-inline-children)))
+ (has-leading-abbrev? (not (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev)))
+ (xreflabel (if (or has-leading-abbrev? biblio-number)
+ #f
+ (attribute-string (normalize "xreflabel")))))
+ (make paragraph
+ space-before: %para-sep%
+ space-after: %para-sep%
+ start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent) 2pi)
+ first-line-start-indent: -2pi
+ (if (or biblio-number xreflabel has-leading-abbrev?)
+ (make sequence
+ (literal "[")
+ (if biblio-number
+ (literal (number->string (bibentry-number (current-node))))
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (if xreflabel
+ (literal xreflabel)
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (if has-leading-abbrev?
+ (with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode
+ (process-node-list leading-abbrev))
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (literal "]\no-break-space;"))
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode
+ (process-children)))))
+;; ....................... BIBLIOGRAPHY ELEMENTS .......................
+;; These are element construction rules for bibliography elements that
+;; may occur outside of a BIBLIOENTRY or BIBLIOMIXED.
+(element bibliomisc (process-children))
+(element bibliomset (process-children))
+(element biblioset (process-children))
+(element bookbiblio (process-children))
+(element street ($charseq$))
+(element pob ($charseq$))
+(element postcode ($charseq$))
+(element city ($charseq$))
+(element state ($charseq$))
+(element country ($charseq$))
+(element phone ($charseq$))
+(element fax ($charseq$))
+(element otheraddr ($charseq$))
+(element affiliation ($charseq$))
+(element shortaffil ($charseq$))
+(element jobtitle ($charseq$))
+(element orgdiv ($charseq$))
+(element artpagenums ($charseq$))
+(element author
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (author-list-string))))
+(element authorgroup (process-children))
+(element collab (process-children))
+(element collabname ($charseq$))
+(element authorinitials ($charseq$))
+(element confgroup (process-children))
+(element confdates ($charseq$))
+(element conftitle ($charseq$))
+(element confnum ($charseq$))
+(element confsponsor ($charseq$))
+(element contractnum ($charseq$))
+(element contractsponsor ($charseq$))
+(element copyright
+ (make paragraph
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (gentext-element-name (current-node)))
+ (literal "\no-break-space;")
+ (literal (dingbat "copyright"))
+ (literal "\no-break-space;")
+ (process-children-trim))))
+(element year
+ (make sequence
+ (process-children)
+ (if (not (last-sibling? (current-node)))
+ (literal ", ")
+ (literal " "))))
+(element holder ($charseq$))
+(element corpauthor
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (author-list-string))))
+(element corpname ($charseq$))
+(element date ($charseq$))
+(element edition ($charseq$))
+(element editor ($charseq$))
+(element isbn ($charseq$))
+(element issn ($charseq$))
+(element invpartnumber ($charseq$))
+(element issuenum ($charseq$))
+(element legalnotice ($semiformal-object$))
+(element (legalnotice title) (empty-sosofo))
+(element modespec (empty-sosofo))
+(element orgname ($charseq$))
+(element othercredit
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (author-list-string))))
+(element pagenums ($charseq$))
+(element contrib ($charseq$))
+(element firstname ($charseq$))
+(element honorific ($charseq$))
+(element lineage ($charseq$))
+(element othername ($charseq$))
+(element surname ($charseq$))
+(element printhistory (empty-sosofo))
+(element productname
+ (make sequence
+ ($charseq$)
+; this is actually a problem since "trade" is the default value for
+; the class attribute. we can put this back in in DocBook 5.0, when
+; class becomes #IMPLIED
+; (if (equal? (attribute-string "class") (normalize "trade"))
+; (literal "\trade-mark-sign;")
+; (empty-sosofo))
+(element productnumber ($charseq$))
+(element pubdate ($charseq$))
+(element publisher (process-children))
+(element publishername ($charseq$))
+(element pubsnumber ($charseq$))
+(element releaseinfo (empty-sosofo))
+(element revision ($charseq$))
+(element revnumber ($charseq$))
+(element revremark ($charseq$))
+(element revdescription ($block-container$))
+(element seriesvolnums ($charseq$))
+(element volumenum ($charseq$))
+;; The (element (bookinfo revhistory)) construction rule is in dbinfo.dsl
+;; It calls $book-revhistory$...
+(define ($book-revhistory$)
+ (make sequence
+ (make paragraph
+ use: title-style
+ font-family-name: %title-font-family%
+ font-weight: 'bold
+ space-before: (* (HSIZE 3) %head-before-factor%)
+ space-after: (* (HSIZE 1) %head-before-factor%)
+ (literal (gentext-element-name (current-node))))
+ (make table
+ before-row-border: #f
+ (process-children))))
+(element (revhistory revision)
+ (let ((revnumber (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
+ (normalize "revnumber")))
+ (revdate (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
+ (normalize "date")))
+ (revauthor (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
+ (normalize "authorinitials")))
+ (revremark (node-list-filter-by-gi
+ (descendants (current-node))
+ (list (normalize "revremark")
+ (normalize "revdescription")))))
+ (make sequence
+ (make table-row
+ (make table-cell
+ column-number: 1
+ n-columns-spanned: 1
+ n-rows-spanned: 1
+ (if (not (node-list-empty? revnumber))
+ (make paragraph
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (gentext-element-name-space (current-node)))
+ (process-node-list revnumber)))
+ (empty-sosofo)))
+ (make table-cell
+ column-number: 2
+ n-columns-spanned: 1
+ n-rows-spanned: 1
+ (if (not (node-list-empty? revdate))
+ (make paragraph
+ (process-node-list revdate))
+ (empty-sosofo)))
+ (make table-cell
+ column-number: 3
+ n-columns-spanned: 1
+ n-rows-spanned: 1
+ (if (not (node-list-empty? revauthor))
+ (make paragraph
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (gentext-revised-by))
+ (process-node-list revauthor)))
+ (empty-sosofo))))
+ (make table-row
+ cell-after-row-border: #f
+ (make table-cell
+ column-number: 1
+ n-columns-spanned: 3
+ n-rows-spanned: 1
+ (if (not (node-list-empty? revremark))
+ (make paragraph
+ space-after: %block-sep%
+ (process-node-list revremark))
+ (empty-sosofo)))))))
+(element (revision revnumber) (process-children-trim))
+(element (revision date) (process-children-trim))
+(element (revision authorinitials) (process-children-trim))
+(element (revision revremark) (process-children-trim))
+(element (revision revdescription) (process-children))