path: root/numpy/core/tests/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-03-24TST: Rename some compiled c test modulesCharles Harris1-3/+3
2018-01-06MAINT: cleanup yield testsxoviat1-1/+1
2017-02-28TST: mark some tests with slow decoratorJulian Taylor1-1/+6
2017-01-21BUG: core/umath: fix cornercase for overlapping operands with internal overlapPauli Virtanen1-18/+40
2017-01-20TST: core: streamline and extend test_mem_overlap.TestUFunc testsPauli Virtanen1-60/+54
2017-01-19STY: break long linePauli Virtanen1-2/+2
2017-01-19BUG: umath: in reduceat, arrays must be copied on overlap even if they are th...Pauli Virtanen1-0/+29
2017-01-19ENH: core: handle memory overlap in ufunc.atPauli Virtanen1-0/+24
2017-01-19TST: core: add tests for memory overlap in ufunc reductionsPauli Virtanen1-15/+114
2017-01-19TST: core: add tests to check that basic ufunc calls deal with memory overlapPauli Virtanen1-22/+274
2017-01-19STY: core: change test docstring to comment, to prettify nose outputPauli Virtanen1-1/+1
2016-10-03BUG: core: add missing error check after PyLong_AsSsize_tPauli Virtanen1-0/+6
2016-02-16BUG: Enforce dtype for randint singletonsgfyoung1-2/+2
2016-01-02TST,BUG: Fix use of randint in Harris1-17/+24
2015-12-10MAINT: Replace assert with assert_(...) in some tests.Charles Harris1-4/+5
2015-11-12BUG: don't use PyArray_Converter in may_share_memoryPauli Virtanen1-0/+28
2015-08-29ENH: solve also internal overlap problemsPauli Virtanen1-2/+140
2015-08-29ENH: add shares_memory, implement may_share_memory using itPauli Virtanen1-8/+24
2015-08-29ENH: use 128-bit integers to avoid overflows in solve_diophantinePauli Virtanen1-6/+6
2015-08-29TST: add tests checking diophantine and memory overlap solversPauli Virtanen1-0/+332