path: root/numpy/random/_pcg64.pyx
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1 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/numpy/random/_pcg64.pyx b/numpy/random/_pcg64.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05d27db5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numpy/random/_pcg64.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+import numpy as np
+cimport numpy as np
+from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t, uint64_t
+from ._common cimport uint64_to_double, wrap_int
+from numpy.random cimport BitGenerator
+__all__ = ['PCG64']
+cdef extern from "src/pcg64/pcg64.h":
+ # Use int as generic type, actual type read from pcg64.h and is platform dependent
+ ctypedef int pcg64_random_t
+ struct s_pcg64_state:
+ pcg64_random_t *pcg_state
+ int has_uint32
+ uint32_t uinteger
+ ctypedef s_pcg64_state pcg64_state
+ uint64_t pcg64_next64(pcg64_state *state) nogil
+ uint32_t pcg64_next32(pcg64_state *state) nogil
+ void pcg64_jump(pcg64_state *state)
+ void pcg64_advance(pcg64_state *state, uint64_t *step)
+ void pcg64_set_seed(pcg64_state *state, uint64_t *seed, uint64_t *inc)
+ void pcg64_get_state(pcg64_state *state, uint64_t *state_arr, int *has_uint32, uint32_t *uinteger)
+ void pcg64_set_state(pcg64_state *state, uint64_t *state_arr, int has_uint32, uint32_t uinteger)
+cdef uint64_t pcg64_uint64(void* st) nogil:
+ return pcg64_next64(<pcg64_state *>st)
+cdef uint32_t pcg64_uint32(void *st) nogil:
+ return pcg64_next32(<pcg64_state *> st)
+cdef double pcg64_double(void* st) nogil:
+ return uint64_to_double(pcg64_next64(<pcg64_state *>st))
+cdef class PCG64(BitGenerator):
+ """
+ PCG64(seed_seq=None)
+ BitGenerator for the PCG-64 pseudo-random number generator.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ seed : {None, int, array_like[ints], SeedSequence}, optional
+ A seed to initialize the `BitGenerator`. If None, then fresh,
+ unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. If an ``int`` or
+ ``array_like[ints]`` is passed, then it will be passed to
+ `SeedSequence` to derive the initial `BitGenerator` state. One may also
+ pass in a `SeedSequence` instance.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ PCG-64 is a 128-bit implementation of O'Neill's permutation congruential
+ generator ([1]_, [2]_). PCG-64 has a period of :math:`2^{128}` and supports
+ advancing an arbitrary number of steps as well as :math:`2^{127}` streams.
+ The specific member of the PCG family that we use is PCG XSL RR 128/64
+ as described in the paper ([2]_).
+ ``PCG64`` provides a capsule containing function pointers that produce
+ doubles, and unsigned 32 and 64- bit integers. These are not
+ directly consumable in Python and must be consumed by a ``Generator``
+ or similar object that supports low-level access.
+ Supports the method :meth:`advance` to advance the RNG an arbitrary number of
+ steps. The state of the PCG-64 RNG is represented by 2 128-bit unsigned
+ integers.
+ **State and Seeding**
+ The ``PCG64`` state vector consists of 2 unsigned 128-bit values,
+ which are represented externally as Python ints. One is the state of the
+ PRNG, which is advanced by a linear congruential generator (LCG). The
+ second is a fixed odd increment used in the LCG.
+ The input seed is processed by `SeedSequence` to generate both values. The
+ increment is not independently settable.
+ **Parallel Features**
+ The preferred way to use a BitGenerator in parallel applications is to use
+ the `SeedSequence.spawn` method to obtain entropy values, and to use these
+ to generate new BitGenerators:
+ >>> from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64, SeedSequence
+ >>> sg = SeedSequence(1234)
+ >>> rg = [Generator(PCG64(s)) for s in sg.spawn(10)]
+ **Compatibility Guarantee**
+ ``PCG64`` makes a guarantee that a fixed seed and will always produce
+ the same random integer stream.
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] `"PCG, A Family of Better Random Number Generators"
+ <>`_
+ .. [2] O'Neill, Melissa E. `"PCG: A Family of Simple Fast Space-Efficient
+ Statistically Good Algorithms for Random Number Generation"
+ <>`_
+ """
+ cdef pcg64_state rng_state
+ cdef pcg64_random_t pcg64_random_state
+ def __init__(self, seed=None):
+ BitGenerator.__init__(self, seed)
+ self.rng_state.pcg_state = &self.pcg64_random_state
+ self._bitgen.state = <void *>&self.rng_state
+ self._bitgen.next_uint64 = &pcg64_uint64
+ self._bitgen.next_uint32 = &pcg64_uint32
+ self._bitgen.next_double = &pcg64_double
+ self._bitgen.next_raw = &pcg64_uint64
+ # Seed the _bitgen
+ val = self._seed_seq.generate_state(4, np.uint64)
+ pcg64_set_seed(&self.rng_state,
+ <uint64_t *>np.PyArray_DATA(val),
+ (<uint64_t *>np.PyArray_DATA(val) + 2))
+ self._reset_state_variables()
+ cdef _reset_state_variables(self):
+ self.rng_state.has_uint32 = 0
+ self.rng_state.uinteger = 0
+ cdef jump_inplace(self, jumps):
+ """
+ Jump state in-place
+ Not part of public API
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ jumps : integer, positive
+ Number of times to jump the state of the rng.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The step size is phi-1 when multiplied by 2**128 where phi is the
+ golden ratio.
+ """
+ step = 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15f39cc0605cedc835
+ self.advance(step * int(jumps))
+ def jumped(self, jumps=1):
+ """
+ jumped(jumps=1)
+ Returns a new bit generator with the state jumped.
+ Jumps the state as-if jumps * 210306068529402873165736369884012333109
+ random numbers have been generated.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ jumps : integer, positive
+ Number of times to jump the state of the bit generator returned
+ Returns
+ -------
+ bit_generator : PCG64
+ New instance of generator jumped iter times
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The step size is phi-1 when multiplied by 2**128 where phi is the
+ golden ratio.
+ """
+ cdef PCG64 bit_generator
+ bit_generator = self.__class__()
+ bit_generator.state = self.state
+ bit_generator.jump_inplace(jumps)
+ return bit_generator
+ @property
+ def state(self):
+ """
+ Get or set the PRNG state
+ Returns
+ -------
+ state : dict
+ Dictionary containing the information required to describe the
+ state of the PRNG
+ """
+ cdef np.ndarray state_vec
+ cdef int has_uint32
+ cdef uint32_t uinteger
+ # state_vec is state.high, state.low, inc.high, inc.low
+ state_vec = <np.ndarray>np.empty(4, dtype=np.uint64)
+ pcg64_get_state(&self.rng_state,
+ <uint64_t *>np.PyArray_DATA(state_vec),
+ &has_uint32, &uinteger)
+ state = int(state_vec[0]) * 2**64 + int(state_vec[1])
+ inc = int(state_vec[2]) * 2**64 + int(state_vec[3])
+ return {'bit_generator': self.__class__.__name__,
+ 'state': {'state': state, 'inc': inc},
+ 'has_uint32': has_uint32,
+ 'uinteger': uinteger}
+ @state.setter
+ def state(self, value):
+ cdef np.ndarray state_vec
+ cdef int has_uint32
+ cdef uint32_t uinteger
+ if not isinstance(value, dict):
+ raise TypeError('state must be a dict')
+ bitgen = value.get('bit_generator', '')
+ if bitgen != self.__class__.__name__:
+ raise ValueError('state must be for a {0} '
+ 'RNG'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
+ state_vec = <np.ndarray>np.empty(4, dtype=np.uint64)
+ state_vec[0] = value['state']['state'] // 2 ** 64
+ state_vec[1] = value['state']['state'] % 2 ** 64
+ state_vec[2] = value['state']['inc'] // 2 ** 64
+ state_vec[3] = value['state']['inc'] % 2 ** 64
+ has_uint32 = value['has_uint32']
+ uinteger = value['uinteger']
+ pcg64_set_state(&self.rng_state,
+ <uint64_t *>np.PyArray_DATA(state_vec),
+ has_uint32, uinteger)
+ def advance(self, delta):
+ """
+ advance(delta)
+ Advance the underlying RNG as-if delta draws have occurred.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ delta : integer, positive
+ Number of draws to advance the RNG. Must be less than the
+ size state variable in the underlying RNG.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ self : PCG64
+ RNG advanced delta steps
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Advancing a RNG updates the underlying RNG state as-if a given
+ number of calls to the underlying RNG have been made. In general
+ there is not a one-to-one relationship between the number output
+ random values from a particular distribution and the number of
+ draws from the core RNG. This occurs for two reasons:
+ * The random values are simulated using a rejection-based method
+ and so, on average, more than one value from the underlying
+ RNG is required to generate an single draw.
+ * The number of bits required to generate a simulated value
+ differs from the number of bits generated by the underlying
+ RNG. For example, two 16-bit integer values can be simulated
+ from a single draw of a 32-bit RNG.
+ Advancing the RNG state resets any pre-computed random numbers.
+ This is required to ensure exact reproducibility.
+ """
+ delta = wrap_int(delta, 128)
+ cdef np.ndarray d = np.empty(2, dtype=np.uint64)
+ d[0] = delta // 2**64
+ d[1] = delta % 2**64
+ pcg64_advance(&self.rng_state, <uint64_t *>np.PyArray_DATA(d))
+ self._reset_state_variables()
+ return self