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+UFunc API
+.. sectionauthor:: Travis E. Oliphant
+.. index::
+ pair: ufunc; C-API
+.. c:var:: UFUNC_ERR_{HANDLER}
+ ``{HANDLER}`` can be **IGNORE**, **WARN**, **RAISE**, or **CALL**
+.. c:var:: UFUNC_{THING}_{ERR}
+ ``{THING}`` can be **MASK**, **SHIFT**, or **FPE**, and ``{ERR}`` can
+.. c:var:: PyUFunc_{VALUE}
+ .. c:var:: PyUFunc_One
+ .. c:var:: PyUFunc_Zero
+ .. c:var:: PyUFunc_MinusOne
+ .. c:var:: PyUFunc_ReorderableNone
+ .. c:var:: PyUFunc_None
+ .. c:var:: PyUFunc_IdentityValue
+ Used in universal function code to only release the Python GIL if
+ loop->obj is not true (*i.e.* this is not an OBJECT array
+ loop). Requires use of :c:macro:`NPY_BEGIN_THREADS_DEF` in variable
+ declaration area.
+.. c:macro:: NPY_LOOP_END_THREADS
+ Used in universal function code to re-acquire the Python GIL if it
+ was released (because loop->obj was not true).
+.. c:function:: PyObject* PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData( \
+ PyUFuncGenericFunction* func, void** data, char* types, int ntypes, \
+ int nin, int nout, int identity, char* name, char* doc, int unused)
+ Create a new broadcasting universal function from required variables.
+ Each ufunc builds around the notion of an element-by-element
+ operation. Each ufunc object contains pointers to 1-d loops
+ implementing the basic functionality for each supported type.
+ .. note::
+ The *func*, *data*, *types*, *name*, and *doc* arguments are not
+ copied by :c:func:`PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData`. The caller must ensure
+ that the memory used by these arrays is not freed as long as the
+ ufunc object is alive.
+ :param func:
+ Must to an array of length *ntypes* containing
+ :c:type:`PyUFuncGenericFunction` items. These items are pointers to
+ functions that actually implement the underlying
+ (element-by-element) function :math:`N` times with the following
+ signature:
+ .. c:function:: void loopfunc(
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* data)
+ *args*
+ An array of pointers to the actual data for the input and output
+ arrays. The input arguments are given first followed by the output
+ arguments.
+ *dimensions*
+ A pointer to the size of the dimension over which this function is
+ looping.
+ *steps*
+ A pointer to the number of bytes to jump to get to the
+ next element in this dimension for each of the input and
+ output arguments.
+ *data*
+ Arbitrary data (extra arguments, function names, *etc.* )
+ that can be stored with the ufunc and will be passed in
+ when it is called.
+ This is an example of a func specialized for addition of doubles
+ returning doubles.
+ .. code-block:: c
+ static void
+ double_add(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps,
+ void *extra)
+ {
+ npy_intp i;
+ npy_intp is1 = steps[0], is2 = steps[1];
+ npy_intp os = steps[2], n = dimensions[0];
+ char *i1 = args[0], *i2 = args[1], *op = args[2];
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ *((double *)op) = *((double *)i1) +
+ *((double *)i2);
+ i1 += is1;
+ i2 += is2;
+ op += os;
+ }
+ }
+ :param data:
+ Should be ``NULL`` or a pointer to an array of size *ntypes*
+ . This array may contain arbitrary extra-data to be passed to
+ the corresponding loop function in the func array.
+ :param types:
+ Length ``(nin + nout) * ntypes`` array of ``char`` encoding the
+ `numpy.dtype.num` (built-in only) that the corresponding
+ function in the ``func`` array accepts. For instance, for a comparison
+ ufunc with three ``ntypes``, two ``nin`` and one ``nout``, where the
+ first function accepts `numpy.int32` and the the second
+ `numpy.int64`, with both returning `numpy.bool_`, ``types`` would
+ be ``(char[]) {5, 5, 0, 7, 7, 0}`` since ``NPY_INT32`` is 5,
+ ``NPY_INT64`` is 7, and ``NPY_BOOL`` is 0.
+ The bit-width names can also be used (e.g. :c:data:`NPY_INT32`,
+ :c:data:`NPY_COMPLEX128` ) if desired.
+ :ref:`ufuncs.casting` will be used at runtime to find the first
+ ``func`` callable by the input/output provided.
+ :param ntypes:
+ How many different data-type-specific functions the ufunc has implemented.
+ :param nin:
+ The number of inputs to this operation.
+ :param nout:
+ The number of outputs
+ :param identity:
+ Either :c:data:`PyUFunc_One`, :c:data:`PyUFunc_Zero`,
+ :c:data:`PyUFunc_MinusOne`, or :c:data:`PyUFunc_None`.
+ This specifies what should be returned when
+ an empty array is passed to the reduce method of the ufunc.
+ The special value :c:data:`PyUFunc_IdentityValue` may only be used with
+ the :c:func:`PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignatureAndIdentity` method, to
+ allow an arbitrary python object to be used as the identity.
+ :param name:
+ The name for the ufunc as a ``NULL`` terminated string. Specifying
+ a name of 'add' or 'multiply' enables a special behavior for
+ integer-typed reductions when no dtype is given. If the input type is an
+ integer (or boolean) data type smaller than the size of the `numpy.int_`
+ data type, it will be internally upcast to the `numpy.int_` (or
+ `numpy.uint`) data type.
+ :param doc:
+ Allows passing in a documentation string to be stored with the
+ ufunc. The documentation string should not contain the name
+ of the function or the calling signature as that will be
+ dynamically determined from the object and available when
+ accessing the **__doc__** attribute of the ufunc.
+ :param unused:
+ Unused and present for backwards compatibility of the C-API.
+.. c:function:: PyObject* PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignature( \
+ PyUFuncGenericFunction* func, void** data, char* types, int ntypes, \
+ int nin, int nout, int identity, char* name, char* doc, int unused, char *signature)
+ This function is very similar to PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData above, but has
+ an extra *signature* argument, to define a
+ :ref:`generalized universal functions <c-api.generalized-ufuncs>`.
+ Similarly to how ufuncs are built around an element-by-element operation,
+ gufuncs are around subarray-by-subarray operations, the
+ :ref:`signature <details-of-signature>` defining the subarrays to operate on.
+ :param signature:
+ The signature for the new gufunc. Setting it to NULL is equivalent
+ to calling PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData. A copy of the string is made,
+ so the passed in buffer can be freed.
+.. c:function:: PyObject* PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignatureAndIdentity( \
+ PyUFuncGenericFunction *func, void **data, char *types, int ntypes, \
+ int nin, int nout, int identity, char *name, char *doc, int unused, \
+ char *signature, PyObject *identity_value)
+ This function is very similar to `PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignature` above,
+ but has an extra *identity_value* argument, to define an arbitrary identity
+ for the ufunc when ``identity`` is passed as ``PyUFunc_IdentityValue``.
+ :param identity_value:
+ The identity for the new gufunc. Must be passed as ``NULL`` unless the
+ ``identity`` argument is ``PyUFunc_IdentityValue``. Setting it to NULL
+ is equivalent to calling PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignature.
+.. c:function:: int PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForType( \
+ PyUFuncObject* ufunc, int usertype, PyUFuncGenericFunction function, \
+ int* arg_types, void* data)
+ This function allows the user to register a 1-d loop with an
+ already- created ufunc to be used whenever the ufunc is called
+ with any of its input arguments as the user-defined
+ data-type. This is needed in order to make ufuncs work with
+ built-in data-types. The data-type must have been previously
+ registered with the numpy system. The loop is passed in as
+ *function*. This loop can take arbitrary data which should be
+ passed in as *data*. The data-types the loop requires are passed
+ in as *arg_types* which must be a pointer to memory at least as
+ large as ufunc->nargs.
+.. c:function:: int PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForDescr( \
+ PyUFuncObject* ufunc, PyArray_Descr* userdtype, \
+ PyUFuncGenericFunction function, PyArray_Descr** arg_dtypes, void* data)
+ This function behaves like PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForType above, except
+ that it allows the user to register a 1-d loop using PyArray_Descr
+ objects instead of dtype type num values. This allows a 1-d loop to be
+ registered for structured array data-dtypes and custom data-types
+ instead of scalar data-types.
+.. c:function:: int PyUFunc_ReplaceLoopBySignature( \
+ PyUFuncObject* ufunc, PyUFuncGenericFunction newfunc, int* signature, \
+ PyUFuncGenericFunction* oldfunc)
+ Replace a 1-d loop matching the given *signature* in the
+ already-created *ufunc* with the new 1-d loop newfunc. Return the
+ old 1-d loop function in *oldfunc*. Return 0 on success and -1 on
+ failure. This function works only with built-in types (use
+ :c:func:`PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForType` for user-defined types). A
+ signature is an array of data-type numbers indicating the inputs
+ followed by the outputs assumed by the 1-d loop.
+.. c:function:: int PyUFunc_GenericFunction( \
+ PyUFuncObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds, PyArrayObject** mps)
+ A generic ufunc call. The ufunc is passed in as *self*, the arguments
+ to the ufunc as *args* and *kwds*. The *mps* argument is an array of
+ :c:type:`PyArrayObject` pointers whose values are discarded and which
+ receive the converted input arguments as well as the ufunc outputs
+ when success is returned. The user is responsible for managing this
+ array and receives a new reference for each array in *mps*. The total
+ number of arrays in *mps* is given by *self* ->nin + *self* ->nout.
+ Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
+.. c:function:: int PyUFunc_checkfperr(int errmask, PyObject* errobj)
+ A simple interface to the IEEE error-flag checking support. The
+ *errmask* argument is a mask of :c:data:`UFUNC_MASK_{ERR}` bitmasks
+ indicating which errors to check for (and how to check for
+ them). The *errobj* must be a Python tuple with two elements: a
+ string containing the name which will be used in any communication
+ of error and either a callable Python object (call-back function)
+ or :c:data:`Py_None`. The callable object will only be used if
+ :c:data:`UFUNC_ERR_CALL` is set as the desired error checking
+ method. This routine manages the GIL and is safe to call even
+ after releasing the GIL. If an error in the IEEE-compatible
+ hardware is determined a -1 is returned, otherwise a 0 is
+ returned.
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_clearfperr()
+ Clear the IEEE error flags.
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_GetPyValues( \
+ char* name, int* bufsize, int* errmask, PyObject** errobj)
+ Get the Python values used for ufunc processing from the
+ thread-local storage area unless the defaults have been set in
+ which case the name lookup is bypassed. The name is placed as a
+ string in the first element of *\*errobj*. The second element is
+ the looked-up function to call on error callback. The value of the
+ looked-up buffer-size to use is passed into *bufsize*, and the
+ value of the error mask is placed into *errmask*.
+Generic functions
+At the core of every ufunc is a collection of type-specific functions
+that defines the basic functionality for each of the supported types.
+These functions must evaluate the underlying function :math:`N\geq1`
+times. Extra-data may be passed in that may be used during the
+calculation. This feature allows some general functions to be used as
+these basic looping functions. The general function has all the code
+needed to point variables to the right place and set up a function
+call. The general function assumes that the actual function to call is
+passed in as the extra data and calls it with the correct values. All
+of these functions are suitable for placing directly in the array of
+functions stored in the functions member of the PyUFuncObject
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_f_f_As_d_d( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_d_d( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_f_f( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_g_g( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_F_F_As_D_D( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_F_F( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_D_D( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_G_G( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_e_e( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_e_e_As_f_f( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_e_e_As_d_d( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+ Type specific, core 1-d functions for ufuncs where each
+ calculation is obtained by calling a function taking one input
+ argument and returning one output. This function is passed in
+ ``func``. The letters correspond to dtypechar's of the supported
+ data types ( ``e`` - half, ``f`` - float, ``d`` - double,
+ ``g`` - long double, ``F`` - cfloat, ``D`` - cdouble,
+ ``G`` - clongdouble). The argument *func* must support the same
+ signature. The _As_X_X variants assume ndarray's of one data type
+ but cast the values to use an underlying function that takes a
+ different data type. Thus, :c:func:`PyUFunc_f_f_As_d_d` uses
+ ndarrays of data type :c:data:`NPY_FLOAT` but calls out to a
+ C-function that takes double and returns double.
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_ff_f_As_dd_d( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_ff_f( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_dd_d( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_gg_g( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_FF_F_As_DD_D( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_DD_D( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_FF_F( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_GG_G( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_ee_e( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_ee_e_As_ff_f( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_ee_e_As_dd_d( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+ Type specific, core 1-d functions for ufuncs where each
+ calculation is obtained by calling a function taking two input
+ arguments and returning one output. The underlying function to
+ call is passed in as *func*. The letters correspond to
+ dtypechar's of the specific data type supported by the
+ general-purpose function. The argument ``func`` must support the
+ corresponding signature. The ``_As_XX_X`` variants assume ndarrays
+ of one data type but cast the values at each iteration of the loop
+ to use the underlying function that takes a different data type.
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_O_O( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_OO_O( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+ One-input, one-output, and two-input, one-output core 1-d functions
+ for the :c:data:`NPY_OBJECT` data type. These functions handle reference
+ count issues and return early on error. The actual function to call is
+ *func* and it must accept calls with the signature ``(PyObject*)
+ (PyObject*)`` for :c:func:`PyUFunc_O_O` or ``(PyObject*)(PyObject *,
+ PyObject *)`` for :c:func:`PyUFunc_OO_O`.
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_O_O_method( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+ This general purpose 1-d core function assumes that *func* is a string
+ representing a method of the input object. For each
+ iteration of the loop, the Python object is extracted from the array
+ and its *func* method is called returning the result to the output array.
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_OO_O_method( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+ This general purpose 1-d core function assumes that *func* is a
+ string representing a method of the input object that takes one
+ argument. The first argument in *args* is the method whose function is
+ called, the second argument in *args* is the argument passed to the
+ function. The output of the function is stored in the third entry
+ of *args*.
+.. c:function:: void PyUFunc_On_Om( \
+ char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+ This is the 1-d core function used by the dynamic ufuncs created
+ by umath.frompyfunc(function, nin, nout). In this case *func* is a
+ pointer to a :c:type:`PyUFunc_PyFuncData` structure which has definition
+ .. c:type:: PyUFunc_PyFuncData
+ .. code-block:: c
+ typedef struct {
+ int nin;
+ int nout;
+ PyObject *callable;
+ } PyUFunc_PyFuncData;
+ At each iteration of the loop, the *nin* input objects are extracted
+ from their object arrays and placed into an argument tuple, the Python
+ *callable* is called with the input arguments, and the nout
+ outputs are placed into their object arrays.
+Importing the API
+.. c:var:: NO_IMPORT_UFUNC
+.. c:function:: void import_ufunc(void)
+ These are the constants and functions for accessing the ufunc
+ C-API from extension modules in precisely the same way as the
+ array C-API can be accessed. The ``import_ufunc`` () function must
+ always be called (in the initialization subroutine of the
+ extension module). If your extension module is in one file then
+ that is all that is required. The other two constants are useful
+ if your extension module makes use of multiple files. In that
+ case, define :c:data:`PY_UFUNC_UNIQUE_SYMBOL` to something unique to
+ your code and then in source files that do not contain the module
+ initialization function but still need access to the UFUNC API,
+ define :c:data:`PY_UFUNC_UNIQUE_SYMBOL` to the same name used previously
+ and also define :c:data:`NO_IMPORT_UFUNC`.
+ The C-API is actually an array of function pointers. This array is
+ created (and pointed to by a global variable) by import_ufunc. The
+ global variable is either statically defined or allowed to be seen
+ by other files depending on the state of
+ :c:data:`PY_UFUNC_UNIQUE_SYMBOL` and :c:data:`NO_IMPORT_UFUNC`.
+.. index::
+ pair: ufunc; C-API