path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b8a7d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1248 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2017 Christoph Reiter <>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+import io
+import os
+import sys
+import errno
+import subprocess
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import posixpath
+from email import parser
+from setuptools import setup
+from distutils.core import Extension, Distribution, Command
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError, DistutilsOptionError
+from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
+from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib, customize_compiler
+from distutils import dir_util, log
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+WITH_CAIRO = not bool(os.environ.get("PYGOBJECT_WITHOUT_PYCAIRO"))
+"""Set PYGOBJECT_WITHOUT_PYCAIRO if you don't want to build with
+cairo/pycairo support. Note that this option might get removed in the future.
+def is_dev_version():
+ version = tuple(map(int, PYGOBJECT_VERSION.split(".")))
+ return version[1] % 2 != 0
+def get_command_class(name):
+ # Returns the right class for either distutils or setuptools
+ return Distribution({}).get_command_class(name)
+def get_version_requirement(pkg_config_name):
+ """Given a pkg-config module name gets the minimum version required"""
+ versions = {
+ "gobject-introspection-1.0": GI_VERSION_REQUIRED,
+ "cairo": "0",
+ "cairo-gobject": "0",
+ }
+ return versions[pkg_config_name]
+def get_versions():
+ version = PYGOBJECT_VERSION.split(".")
+ assert len(version) == 3
+ versions = {
+ "VERSION": ".".join(version),
+ }
+ return versions
+def parse_pkg_info(conf_dir):
+ """Returns an email.message.Message instance containing the content
+ of the PKG-INFO file.
+ """
+ versions = get_versions()
+ pkg_info = os.path.join(conf_dir, "")
+ with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as h:
+ text =
+ for key, value in versions.items():
+ text = text.replace("@%s@" % key, value)
+ p = parser.Parser()
+ message = p.parse(io.StringIO(text))
+ return message
+def pkg_config_get_install_hint():
+ """Returns an installation hint for installing pkg-config or None"""
+ if not sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
+ return
+ if find_executable("apt"):
+ return "sudo apt install pkg-config"
+ elif find_executable("dnf"):
+ return "sudo dnf install pkg-config"
+def pkg_config_get_package_install_hint(pkg_name):
+ """Returns an installation hint for a pkg-config name or None"""
+ if not sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
+ return
+ if find_executable("apt"):
+ dev_packages = {
+ "gobject-introspection-1.0": "libgirepository1.0-dev",
+ "glib-2.0": "libglib2.0-dev",
+ "gio-2.0": "libglib2.0-dev",
+ "cairo": "libcairo2-dev",
+ "cairo-gobject": "libcairo2-dev",
+ "libffi": "libffi-dev",
+ }
+ if pkg_name in dev_packages:
+ return "sudo apt install %s" % dev_packages[pkg_name]
+ elif find_executable("dnf"):
+ dev_packages = {
+ "gobject-introspection-1.0": "gobject-introspection-devel",
+ "glib-2.0": "glib2-devel",
+ "gio-2.0": "glib2-devel",
+ "cairo": "cairo-devel",
+ "cairo-gobject": "cairo-gobject-devel",
+ "libffi": "libffi-devel",
+ }
+ if pkg_name in dev_packages:
+ return "sudo dnf install %s" % dev_packages[pkg_name]
+class PkgConfigError(Exception):
+ pass
+class PkgConfigMissingError(PkgConfigError):
+ pass
+class PkgConfigMissingPackageError(PkgConfigError):
+ pass
+def _run_pkg_config(pkg_name, args, _cache={}):
+ """Raises PkgConfigError"""
+ command = tuple(["pkg-config"] + args)
+ if command not in _cache:
+ try:
+ result = subprocess.check_output(command)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+ raise PkgConfigMissingError(
+ "%r not found.\nArguments: %r" % (command[0], command))
+ raise PkgConfigError(e)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_output(["pkg-config", "--exists", pkg_name])
+ except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):
+ raise PkgConfigMissingPackageError(e)
+ else:
+ raise PkgConfigError(e)
+ else:
+ _cache[command] = result
+ return _cache[command]
+def _run_pkg_config_or_exit(pkg_name, args):
+ try:
+ return _run_pkg_config(pkg_name, args)
+ except PkgConfigMissingError as e:
+ hint = pkg_config_get_install_hint()
+ if hint:
+ raise SystemExit(
+ "%s\n\nTry installing it with: %r" % (e, hint))
+ else:
+ raise SystemExit(e)
+ except PkgConfigMissingPackageError as e:
+ hint = pkg_config_get_package_install_hint(pkg_name)
+ if hint:
+ raise SystemExit(
+ "%s\n\nTry installing it with: %r" % (e, hint))
+ else:
+ raise SystemExit(e)
+ except PkgConfigError as e:
+ raise SystemExit(e)
+def pkg_config_version_check(pkg_name, version):
+ _run_pkg_config_or_exit(pkg_name, [
+ "--print-errors",
+ "--exists",
+ '%s >= %s' % (pkg_name, version),
+ ])
+def pkg_config_parse(opt, pkg_name):
+ ret = _run_pkg_config_or_exit(pkg_name, [opt, pkg_name])
+ output = ret.decode()
+ opt = opt[-2:]
+ return [x.lstrip(opt) for x in output.split()]
+def list_headers(d):
+ return [os.path.join(d, e) for e in os.listdir(d) if e.endswith(".h")]
+def filter_compiler_arguments(compiler, args):
+ """Given a compiler instance and a list of compiler warning flags
+ returns the list of supported flags.
+ """
+ if compiler.compiler_type == "msvc":
+ # TODO, not much of need for now.
+ return []
+ extra = []
+ def check_arguments(compiler, args):
+ p = subprocess.Popen(
+ [compiler.compiler[0]] + args + extra + ["-x", "c", "-E", "-"],
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = p.communicate(b"int i;\n")
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ text = stderr.decode("ascii", "replace")
+ return False, [a for a in args if a in text]
+ else:
+ return True, []
+ def check_argument(compiler, arg):
+ return check_arguments(compiler, [arg])[0]
+ # clang doesn't error out for unknown options, force it to
+ if check_argument(compiler, '-Werror=unknown-warning-option'):
+ extra += ['-Werror=unknown-warning-option']
+ if check_argument(compiler, '-Werror=unused-command-line-argument'):
+ extra += ['-Werror=unused-command-line-argument']
+ # first try to remove all arguments contained in the error message
+ supported = list(args)
+ while 1:
+ ok, maybe_unknown = check_arguments(compiler, supported)
+ if ok:
+ return supported
+ elif not maybe_unknown:
+ break
+ for unknown in maybe_unknown:
+ if not check_argument(compiler, unknown):
+ supported.remove(unknown)
+ # hm, didn't work, try each argument one by one
+ supported = []
+ for arg in args:
+ if check_argument(compiler, arg):
+ supported.append(arg)
+ return supported
+class sdist_gnome(Command):
+ description = "Create a source tarball for GNOME"
+ user_options = []
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ pass
+ def finalize_options(self):
+ pass
+ def run(self):
+ # Don't use PEP 440 pre-release versions for GNOME releases
+ self.distribution.metadata.version = PYGOBJECT_VERSION
+ dist_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ try:
+ cmd = self.reinitialize_command("sdist")
+ cmd.dist_dir = dist_dir
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ base_name = self.distribution.get_fullname().lower()
+ cmd.make_release_tree(base_name, cmd.filelist.files)
+ try:
+ self.make_archive(base_name, "xztar", base_dir=base_name)
+ finally:
+ dir_util.remove_tree(base_name)
+ finally:
+ dir_util.remove_tree(dist_dir)
+du_sdist = get_command_class("sdist")
+class distcheck(du_sdist):
+ """Creates a tarball and does some additional sanity checks such as
+ checking if the tarball includes all files, builds successfully and
+ the tests suite passes.
+ """
+ def _check_manifest(self):
+ # make sure includes all tracked files
+ assert self.get_archive_files()
+ if["git", "status"],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE) != 0:
+ return
+ included_files = self.filelist.files
+ assert included_files
+ process = subprocess.Popen(
+ ["git", "ls-tree", "-r", "HEAD", "--name-only"],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
+ out, err = process.communicate()
+ assert process.returncode == 0
+ tracked_files = out.splitlines()
+ tracked_files = [
+ f for f in tracked_files
+ if os.path.basename(f) not in [".gitignore"]]
+ diff = set(tracked_files) - set(included_files)
+ assert not diff, (
+ "Not all tracked files included in tarball, check",
+ diff)
+ def _check_dist(self):
+ # make sure the tarball builds
+ assert self.get_archive_files()
+ distcheck_dir = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(self.dist_dir, "distcheck"))
+ if os.path.exists(distcheck_dir):
+ dir_util.remove_tree(distcheck_dir)
+ self.mkpath(distcheck_dir)
+ archive = self.get_archive_files()[0]
+ tfile =, "r:gz")
+ tfile.extractall(distcheck_dir)
+ tfile.close()
+ name = self.distribution.get_fullname()
+ extract_dir = os.path.join(distcheck_dir, name)
+ old_pwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(extract_dir)
+ try:
+ self.spawn([sys.executable, "", "build"])
+ self.spawn([sys.executable, "", "install",
+ "--root",
+ os.path.join(distcheck_dir, "prefix"),
+ "--record",
+ os.path.join(distcheck_dir, "log.txt"),
+ ])
+ self.spawn([sys.executable, "", "test"])
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(old_pwd)
+ def run(self):
+ self._check_manifest()
+ self._check_dist()
+class build_tests(Command):
+ description = "build test libraries and extensions"
+ user_options = [
+ ("force", "f", "force a rebuild"),
+ ]
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ self.build_temp = None
+ self.build_base = None
+ self.force = False
+ def finalize_options(self):
+ self.set_undefined_options(
+ 'build_ext',
+ ('build_temp', 'build_temp'))
+ self.set_undefined_options(
+ 'build',
+ ('build_base', 'build_base'))
+ def _newer_group(self, sources, *targets):
+ assert targets
+ from distutils.dep_util import newer_group
+ if self.force:
+ return True
+ else:
+ for target in targets:
+ if not newer_group(sources, target):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def run(self):
+ cmd = self.reinitialize_command("build_ext")
+ cmd.inplace = True
+ cmd.force = self.force
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ gidatadir = pkg_config_parse(
+ "--variable=gidatadir", "gobject-introspection-1.0")[0]
+ g_ir_scanner = pkg_config_parse(
+ "--variable=g_ir_scanner", "gobject-introspection-1.0")[0]
+ g_ir_compiler = pkg_config_parse(
+ "--variable=g_ir_compiler", "gobject-introspection-1.0")[0]
+ script_dir = get_script_dir()
+ gi_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "gi")
+ tests_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "tests")
+ gi_tests_dir = os.path.join(gidatadir, "tests")
+ schema_xml = os.path.join(tests_dir, "org.gnome.test.gschema.xml")
+ schema_bin = os.path.join(tests_dir, "gschemas.compiled")
+ if self._newer_group([schema_xml], schema_bin):
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ "glib-compile-schemas",
+ "--targetdir=%s" % tests_dir,
+ "--schema-file=%s" % schema_xml,
+ ])
+ compiler = new_compiler()
+ customize_compiler(compiler)
+ if == "nt":
+ compiler.shared_lib_extension = ".dll"
+ elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ compiler.shared_lib_extension = ".dylib"
+ if "-bundle" in compiler.linker_so:
+ compiler.linker_so = list(compiler.linker_so)
+ i = compiler.linker_so.index("-bundle")
+ compiler.linker_so[i] = "-dynamiclib"
+ else:
+ compiler.shared_lib_extension = ".so"
+ if compiler.compiler_type == "msvc":
+ g_ir_scanner_cmd = [sys.executable, g_ir_scanner]
+ else:
+ g_ir_scanner_cmd = [g_ir_scanner]
+ def build_ext(ext):
+ libname = compiler.shared_object_filename(
+ ext_paths = [os.path.join(tests_dir, libname)]
+ if == "nt":
+ if compiler.compiler_type == "msvc":
+ # MSVC: Get rid of the 'lib' prefix and the .dll
+ # suffix from libname, and append .lib so
+ # that we get the right .lib filename to
+ # pass to g-ir-scanner with --library
+ implibname = libname[3:libname.rfind(".dll")] + '.lib'
+ else:
+ implibname = libname + ".a"
+ ext_paths.append(os.path.join(tests_dir, implibname))
+ if self._newer_group(ext.sources + ext.depends, *ext_paths):
+ # MSVC: We need to define _GI_EXTERN explcitly so that
+ # symbols get exported properly
+ if compiler.compiler_type == "msvc":
+ extra_defines = [('_GI_EXTERN',
+ '__declspec(dllexport)extern')]
+ else:
+ extra_defines = []
+ objects = compiler.compile(
+ ext.sources,
+ output_dir=self.build_temp,
+ include_dirs=ext.include_dirs,
+ macros=ext.define_macros + extra_defines)
+ if == "nt":
+ if compiler.compiler_type == "msvc":
+ postargs = ["-implib:%s" %
+ os.path.join(tests_dir, implibname)]
+ else:
+ postargs = ["-Wl,--out-implib=%s" %
+ os.path.join(tests_dir, implibname)]
+ else:
+ postargs = []
+ compiler.link_shared_object(
+ objects,
+ compiler.shared_object_filename(,
+ output_dir=tests_dir,
+ libraries=ext.libraries,
+ library_dirs=ext.library_dirs,
+ extra_postargs=postargs)
+ return ext_paths
+ ext = Extension(
+ name='libgimarshallingtests',
+ sources=[
+ os.path.join(gi_tests_dir, "gimarshallingtests.c"),
+ os.path.join(tests_dir, "gimarshallingtestsextra.c"),
+ ],
+ include_dirs=[
+ gi_tests_dir,
+ tests_dir,
+ ],
+ depends=[
+ os.path.join(gi_tests_dir, "gimarshallingtests.h"),
+ os.path.join(tests_dir, "gimarshallingtestsextra.h"),
+ ],
+ )
+ add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "glib-2.0")
+ add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "gio-2.0")
+ ext_paths = build_ext(ext)
+ # We want to always use POSIX-style paths for g-ir-compiler
+ # because it expects the input .gir file and .typelib file to use
+ # POSIX-style paths, otherwise it fails
+ gir_path = posixpath.join(
+ tests_dir, "GIMarshallingTests-1.0.gir")
+ typelib_path = posixpath.join(
+ tests_dir, "GIMarshallingTests-1.0.typelib")
+ gimarshal_g_ir_scanner_cmd = g_ir_scanner_cmd + [
+ "--no-libtool",
+ "--include=Gio-2.0",
+ "--namespace=GIMarshallingTests",
+ "--nsversion=1.0",
+ "--symbol-prefix=gi_marshalling_tests",
+ "--warn-all",
+ "--warn-error",
+ "--library-path=%s" % tests_dir,
+ "--library=gimarshallingtests",
+ "--pkg=glib-2.0",
+ "--pkg=gio-2.0",
+ "--cflags-begin",
+ "-I%s" % gi_tests_dir,
+ "--cflags-end",
+ "--output=%s" % gir_path,
+ ]
+ if self._newer_group(ext_paths, gir_path):
+ subprocess.check_call(gimarshal_g_ir_scanner_cmd +
+ ext.sources + ext.depends)
+ if self._newer_group([gir_path], typelib_path):
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ g_ir_compiler,
+ gir_path,
+ "--output=%s" % typelib_path,
+ ])
+ regress_macros = []
+ if not WITH_CAIRO:
+ regress_macros.append(("_GI_DISABLE_CAIRO", "1"))
+ ext = Extension(
+ name='libregress',
+ sources=[
+ os.path.join(gi_tests_dir, "regress.c"),
+ os.path.join(tests_dir, "regressextra.c"),
+ ],
+ include_dirs=[
+ gi_tests_dir,
+ ],
+ depends=[
+ os.path.join(gi_tests_dir, "regress.h"),
+ os.path.join(tests_dir, "regressextra.h"),
+ ],
+ define_macros=regress_macros,
+ )
+ add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "glib-2.0")
+ add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "gio-2.0")
+ add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "cairo")
+ add_ext_pkg_config_dep(
+ ext, compiler.compiler_type, "cairo-gobject")
+ ext_paths = build_ext(ext)
+ # We want to always use POSIX-style paths for g-ir-compiler
+ # because it expects the input .gir file and .typelib file to use
+ # POSIX-style paths, otherwise it fails
+ gir_path = posixpath.join(tests_dir, "Regress-1.0.gir")
+ typelib_path = posixpath.join(tests_dir, "Regress-1.0.typelib")
+ regress_g_ir_scanner_cmd = g_ir_scanner_cmd + [
+ "--no-libtool",
+ "--include=Gio-2.0",
+ "--namespace=Regress",
+ "--nsversion=1.0",
+ "--warn-all",
+ "--warn-error",
+ "--library-path=%s" % tests_dir,
+ "--library=regress",
+ "--pkg=glib-2.0",
+ "--pkg=gio-2.0"]
+ if self._newer_group(ext_paths, gir_path):
+ regress_g_ir_scanner_cmd += ["--include=cairo-1.0"]
+ # MSVC: We don't normally have the pkg-config files for
+ # cairo and cairo-gobject, so use --extra-library
+ # instead of --pkg to pass those to the linker, so that
+ # g-ir-scanner won't fail due to linker errors
+ if compiler.compiler_type == "msvc":
+ regress_g_ir_scanner_cmd += [
+ "--extra-library=cairo",
+ "--extra-library=cairo-gobject"]
+ else:
+ regress_g_ir_scanner_cmd += [
+ "--pkg=cairo",
+ "--pkg=cairo-gobject"]
+ else:
+ regress_g_ir_scanner_cmd += ["-D_GI_DISABLE_CAIRO"]
+ regress_g_ir_scanner_cmd += ["--output=%s" % gir_path]
+ subprocess.check_call(regress_g_ir_scanner_cmd +
+ ext.sources + ext.depends)
+ if self._newer_group([gir_path], typelib_path):
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ g_ir_compiler,
+ gir_path,
+ "--output=%s" % typelib_path,
+ ])
+ ext = Extension(
+ name='tests.testhelper',
+ sources=[
+ os.path.join(tests_dir, "testhelpermodule.c"),
+ os.path.join(tests_dir, "test-floating.c"),
+ os.path.join(tests_dir, "test-thread.c"),
+ os.path.join(tests_dir, "test-unknown.c"),
+ ],
+ include_dirs=[
+ gi_dir,
+ tests_dir,
+ ],
+ depends=list_headers(gi_dir) + list_headers(tests_dir),
+ define_macros=[("PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN", None)],
+ )
+ add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "glib-2.0")
+ add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, "gio-2.0")
+ add_ext_compiler_flags(ext, compiler)
+ dist = Distribution({"ext_modules": [ext]})
+ build_cmd = dist.get_command_obj("build")
+ build_cmd.build_base = os.path.join(self.build_base, "pygobject_tests")
+ build_cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ cmd = dist.get_command_obj("build_ext")
+ cmd.inplace = True
+ cmd.force = self.force
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+def get_suppression_files_for_prefix(prefix):
+ """Returns a list of valgrind suppression files for a given prefix"""
+ # Most specific first (/usr/share/doc is Fedora, /usr/lib is Debian)
+ # Take the first one found
+ major = str(sys.version_info[0])
+ minor = str(sys.version_info[1])
+ pyfiles = []
+ pyfiles.append(
+ os.path.join(
+ prefix, "share", "doc", "python%s%s" % (major, minor),
+ "valgrind-python.supp"))
+ pyfiles.append(
+ os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "valgrind", "python%s.supp" % major))
+ pyfiles.append(
+ os.path.join(
+ prefix, "share", "doc", "python%s-devel" % major,
+ "valgrind-python.supp"))
+ pyfiles.append(os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "valgrind", "python.supp"))
+ files = []
+ for f in pyfiles:
+ if os.path.isfile(f):
+ files.append(f)
+ break
+ files.append(os.path.join(
+ prefix, "share", "glib-2.0", "valgrind", "glib.supp"))
+ return [f for f in files if os.path.isfile(f)]
+def get_real_prefix():
+ """Returns the base Python prefix, even in a virtualenv/venv"""
+ return getattr(sys, "base_prefix", getattr(sys, "real_prefix", sys.prefix))
+def get_suppression_files():
+ """Returns a list of valgrind suppression files"""
+ prefixes = [
+ sys.prefix,
+ get_real_prefix(),
+ pkg_config_parse("--variable=prefix", "glib-2.0")[0],
+ ]
+ files = []
+ for prefix in prefixes:
+ files.extend(get_suppression_files_for_prefix(prefix))
+ files.append(os.path.join(get_script_dir(), "tests", "valgrind.supp"))
+ return sorted(set(files))
+class test(Command):
+ user_options = [
+ ("valgrind", None, "run tests under valgrind"),
+ ("valgrind-log-file=", None, "save logs instead of printing them"),
+ ("gdb", None, "run tests under gdb"),
+ ("no-capture", "s", "don't capture test output"),
+ ]
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ self.valgrind = None
+ self.valgrind_log_file = None
+ self.gdb = None
+ self.no_capture = None
+ def finalize_options(self):
+ self.valgrind = bool(self.valgrind)
+ if self.valgrind_log_file and not self.valgrind:
+ raise DistutilsOptionError("valgrind not enabled")
+ self.gdb = bool(self.gdb)
+ self.no_capture = bool(self.no_capture)
+ def run(self):
+ cmd = self.reinitialize_command("build_tests")
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ env.pop("MSYSTEM", None)
+ if self.no_capture:
+ env["PYGI_TEST_VERBOSE"] = "1"
+ env["MALLOC_PERTURB_"] = "85"
+ env["MALLOC_CHECK_"] = "3"
+ env["G_SLICE"] = "debug-blocks"
+ pre_args = []
+ if self.valgrind:
+ env["G_SLICE"] = "always-malloc"
+ env["G_DEBUG"] = "gc-friendly"
+ env["PYTHONMALLOC"] = "malloc"
+ pre_args += [
+ "valgrind", "--leak-check=full", "--show-possibly-lost=no",
+ "--num-callers=20", "--child-silent-after-fork=yes",
+ ] + ["--suppressions=" + f for f in get_suppression_files()]
+ if self.valgrind_log_file:
+ pre_args += ["--log-file=" + self.valgrind_log_file]
+ if self.gdb:
+ env["PYGI_TEST_GDB"] = "1"
+ pre_args += ["gdb", "--args"]
+ if pre_args:
+" ".join(pre_args))
+ tests_dir = os.path.join(get_script_dir(), "tests")
+ sys.exit( + [
+ sys.executable,
+ os.path.join(tests_dir, ""),
+ ], env=env))
+class quality(Command):
+ description = "run code quality tests"
+ user_options = []
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ pass
+ def finalize_options(self):
+ pass
+ def run(self):
+ status =[
+ sys.executable, "-m", "flake8",
+ ], cwd=get_script_dir())
+ if status != 0:
+ raise SystemExit(status)
+def get_script_dir():
+ return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+def get_pycairo_include_dir():
+ """Returns the best guess at where to find the pycairo headers.
+ A bit convoluted because we have to deal with multiple pycairo
+ versions.
+ Raises if pycairo isn't found or it's too old.
+ """
+ pkg_config_name = "py3cairo"
+ min_version = get_version_requirement(pkg_config_name)
+ def parse_version(string):
+ return tuple(int(p) for p in string.split("."))
+ def check_path(include_dir):
+"pycairo: trying include directory: %r" % include_dir)
+ header_path = os.path.join(include_dir, "%s.h" % pkg_config_name)
+ if os.path.exists(header_path):
+"pycairo: found %r" % header_path)
+ return True
+"pycairo: header file (%r) not found" % header_path)
+ return False
+ def find_path(paths):
+ for p in reversed(paths):
+ if check_path(p):
+ return p
+ def find_python():
+ """This tries to find the pycairo module without importing it"""
+ from importlib.util import find_spec
+ # Find the module path
+ spec = find_spec("cairo")
+ if spec is None:
+"pycairo: cairo module not found via importlib")
+ return []
+ package_path = os.path.dirname(spec.origin)
+ # With Python 3.8 we can also check the package version
+ try:
+ from importlib.metadata import distribution, PackageNotFoundError
+ except ImportError:
+ # Python <3.8
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ d = distribution("pycairo")
+ except PackageNotFoundError:
+"pycairo: pycairo distribution not found via importlib")
+ else:
+ if parse_version(d.version) < parse_version(min_version):
+ raise DistutilsSetupError(
+ "pycairo >= %s required, %s found (%s)." % (
+ min_version, d.version, package_path))
+ return [os.path.join(package_path, 'include')]
+ def find_pkg_config():
+"pycairo: pkg-config")
+ pkg_config_version_check(pkg_config_name, min_version)
+ return pkg_config_parse("--cflags-only-I", pkg_config_name)
+ # First look in the current Python installation/venv
+ include_dir = find_path(find_python())
+ if include_dir is not None:
+ return include_dir
+ # Finally, fall back to pkg-config
+ include_dir = find_path(find_pkg_config())
+ if include_dir is not None:
+ return include_dir
+ raise DistutilsSetupError("Could not find pycairo headers")
+def add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler_type, name):
+ msvc_libraries = {
+ "glib-2.0": ["glib-2.0"],
+ "gio-2.0": ["gio-2.0", "gobject-2.0", "glib-2.0"],
+ "gobject-introspection-1.0":
+ ["girepository-1.0", "gobject-2.0", "glib-2.0"],
+ "cairo": ["cairo"],
+ "cairo-gobject":
+ ["cairo-gobject", "cairo", "gobject-2.0", "glib-2.0"],
+ "libffi": ["ffi"],
+ }
+ def add(target, new):
+ for entry in new:
+ if entry not in target:
+ target.append(entry)
+ fallback_libs = msvc_libraries[name]
+ if compiler_type == "msvc":
+ # assume that INCLUDE and LIB contains the right paths
+ add(ext.libraries, fallback_libs)
+ else:
+ min_version = get_version_requirement(name)
+ pkg_config_version_check(name, min_version)
+ add(ext.include_dirs, pkg_config_parse("--cflags-only-I", name))
+ add(ext.library_dirs, pkg_config_parse("--libs-only-L", name))
+ add(ext.libraries, pkg_config_parse("--libs-only-l", name))
+def add_ext_compiler_flags(ext, compiler, _cache={}):
+ if compiler.compiler_type == "msvc":
+ # MSVC: Just force-include msvc_recommended_pragmas.h so that
+ # we can look out for compiler warnings that we really
+ # want to look out for, and filter out those that don't
+ # really matter to us.
+ ext.extra_compile_args += ['-FImsvc_recommended_pragmas.h']
+ else:
+ cache_key = compiler.compiler[0]
+ if cache_key not in _cache:
+ args = [
+ "-Wall",
+ "-Warray-bounds",
+ "-Wcast-align",
+ "-Wduplicated-branches",
+ "-Wextra",
+ "-Wformat=2",
+ "-Wformat-nonliteral",
+ "-Wformat-security",
+ "-Wimplicit-function-declaration",
+ "-Winit-self",
+ "-Wjump-misses-init",
+ "-Wlogical-op",
+ "-Wmissing-declarations",
+ "-Wmissing-format-attribute",
+ "-Wmissing-include-dirs",
+ "-Wmissing-noreturn",
+ "-Wmissing-prototypes",
+ "-Wnested-externs",
+ "-Wnull-dereference",
+ "-Wold-style-definition",
+ "-Wpacked",
+ "-Wpointer-arith",
+ "-Wrestrict",
+ "-Wreturn-type",
+ "-Wshadow",
+ "-Wsign-compare",
+ "-Wstrict-aliasing",
+ "-Wstrict-prototypes",
+ "-Wswitch-default",
+ "-Wundef",
+ "-Wunused-but-set-variable",
+ "-Wwrite-strings",
+ ]
+ args += [
+ "-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types-discards-qualifiers",
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers",
+ "-Wno-unused-parameter",
+ "-Wno-discarded-qualifiers",
+ "-Wno-sign-conversion",
+ "-Wno-cast-function-type",
+ "-Wno-int-conversion",
+ ]
+ # silence clang for unused gcc CFLAGS added by Debian
+ args += [
+ "-Wno-unused-command-line-argument",
+ ]
+ args += [
+ "-fno-strict-aliasing",
+ "-fvisibility=hidden",
+ ]
+ # force GCC to use colors
+ if hasattr(sys.stdout, "isatty") and sys.stdout.isatty():
+ args.append("-fdiagnostics-color")
+ _cache[cache_key] = filter_compiler_arguments(compiler, args)
+ ext.extra_compile_args += _cache[cache_key]
+du_build_ext = get_command_class("build_ext")
+class build_ext(du_build_ext):
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ du_build_ext.initialize_options(self)
+ self.compiler_type = None
+ def finalize_options(self):
+ du_build_ext.finalize_options(self)
+ self.compiler_type = new_compiler(compiler=self.compiler).compiler_type
+ def _write_config_h(self):
+ script_dir = get_script_dir()
+ target = os.path.join(script_dir, "config.h")
+ versions = get_versions()
+ content = u"""
+/* Configuration header created by - do not edit */
+#ifndef _CONFIG_H
+#define _CONFIG_H 1
+#include <glib.h>
+#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 67, 4)
+#define g_memdup2(ptr,sz) (G_LIKELY(((guint64)(sz)) < G_MAXUINT)) ? g_memdup(ptr,sz) : (g_abort(),NULL)
+#define VERSION "%(VERSION)s"
+#endif /* _CONFIG_H */
+""" % versions
+ try:
+ with, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as h:
+ if == content:
+ return
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ pass
+ with, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as h:
+ h.write(content)
+ def _setup_extensions(self):
+ ext = { e for e in self.extensions}
+ compiler = new_compiler(compiler=self.compiler)
+ customize_compiler(compiler)
+ def add_dependency(ext, name):
+ add_ext_pkg_config_dep(ext, compiler.compiler_type, name)
+ def add_pycairo(ext):
+ ext.include_dirs += [get_pycairo_include_dir()]
+ gi_ext = ext["gi._gi"]
+ add_dependency(gi_ext, "glib-2.0")
+ add_dependency(gi_ext, "gio-2.0")
+ add_dependency(gi_ext, "gobject-introspection-1.0")
+ add_dependency(gi_ext, "libffi")
+ add_ext_compiler_flags(gi_ext, compiler)
+ gi_cairo_ext = ext["gi._gi_cairo"]
+ add_dependency(gi_cairo_ext, "glib-2.0")
+ add_dependency(gi_cairo_ext, "gio-2.0")
+ add_dependency(gi_cairo_ext, "gobject-introspection-1.0")
+ add_dependency(gi_cairo_ext, "libffi")
+ add_dependency(gi_cairo_ext, "cairo")
+ add_dependency(gi_cairo_ext, "cairo-gobject")
+ add_pycairo(gi_cairo_ext)
+ add_ext_compiler_flags(gi_cairo_ext, compiler)
+ def run(self):
+ self._write_config_h()
+ self._setup_extensions()
+class install_pkgconfig(Command):
+ description = "install .pc file"
+ user_options = []
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ self.install_base = None
+ self.install_platbase = None
+ self.install_data = None
+ self.compiler_type = None
+ self.outfiles = []
+ def finalize_options(self):
+ self.set_undefined_options(
+ 'install',
+ ('install_base', 'install_base'),
+ ('install_data', 'install_data'),
+ ('install_platbase', 'install_platbase'),
+ )
+ self.set_undefined_options(
+ 'build_ext',
+ ('compiler_type', 'compiler_type'),
+ )
+ def get_outputs(self):
+ return self.outfiles
+ def get_inputs(self):
+ return []
+ def run(self):
+ cmd = self.distribution.get_command_obj("bdist_wheel", create=False)
+ if cmd is not None:
+ log.warn(
+ "Python wheels and pkg-config is not compatible. "
+ "No pkg-config file will be included in the wheel. Install "
+ "from source if you need one.")
+ return
+ if self.compiler_type == "msvc":
+ return
+ script_dir = get_script_dir()
+ pkgconfig_in = os.path.join(script_dir, "")
+ with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as h:
+ content =
+ config = {
+ "prefix": self.install_base,
+ "exec_prefix": self.install_platbase,
+ "includedir": "${prefix}/include",
+ "datarootdir": "${prefix}/share",
+ "datadir": "${datarootdir}",
+ }
+ for key, value in config.items():
+ content = content.replace("@%s@" % key, value)
+ libdir = os.path.dirname(get_python_lib(True, True, self.install_data))
+ pkgconfig_dir = os.path.join(libdir, "pkgconfig")
+ self.mkpath(pkgconfig_dir)
+ target = os.path.join(pkgconfig_dir, "pygobject-3.0.pc")
+ with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as h:
+ h.write(content)
+ self.outfiles.append(target)
+du_install = get_command_class("install")
+class install(du_install):
+ sub_commands = du_install.sub_commands + [
+ ("install_pkgconfig", lambda self: True),
+ ]
+def main():
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ raise Exception("Python 2 no longer supported")
+ script_dir = get_script_dir()
+ pkginfo = parse_pkg_info(script_dir)
+ gi_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "gi")
+ sources = [
+ os.path.join("gi", n) for n in os.listdir(gi_dir)
+ if os.path.splitext(n)[-1] == ".c"
+ ]
+ cairo_sources = [os.path.join("gi", "pygi-foreign-cairo.c")]
+ for s in cairo_sources:
+ sources.remove(s)
+ readme = os.path.join(script_dir, "README.rst")
+ with, encoding="utf-8") as h:
+ long_description =
+ ext_modules = []
+ install_requires = []
+ gi_ext = Extension(
+ name='gi._gi',
+ sources=sorted(sources),
+ include_dirs=[script_dir, gi_dir],
+ depends=list_headers(script_dir) + list_headers(gi_dir),
+ define_macros=[("PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN", None)],
+ )
+ ext_modules.append(gi_ext)
+ gi_cairo_ext = Extension(
+ name='gi._gi_cairo',
+ sources=cairo_sources,
+ include_dirs=[script_dir, gi_dir],
+ depends=list_headers(script_dir) + list_headers(gi_dir),
+ define_macros=[("PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN", None)],
+ )
+ ext_modules.append(gi_cairo_ext)
+ install_requires.append(
+ "pycairo>=%s" % get_version_requirement("py3cairo"))
+ version = pkginfo["Version"]
+ if is_dev_version():
+ # This makes it a PEP 440 pre-release and pip will only install it from
+ # PyPI in case --pre is passed.
+ version += ".dev0"
+ setup(
+ name=pkginfo["Name"],
+ version=version,
+ description=pkginfo["Summary"],
+ url=pkginfo["Home-page"],
+ author=pkginfo["Author"],
+ author_email=pkginfo["Author-email"],
+ maintainer=pkginfo["Maintainer"],
+ maintainer_email=pkginfo["Maintainer-email"],
+ license=pkginfo["License"],
+ long_description=long_description,
+ platforms=pkginfo.get_all("Platform"),
+ classifiers=pkginfo.get_all("Classifier"),
+ packages=[
+ "pygtkcompat",
+ "gi",
+ "gi.repository",
+ "gi.overrides",
+ ],
+ ext_modules=ext_modules,
+ cmdclass={
+ "build_ext": build_ext,
+ "distcheck": distcheck,
+ "sdist_gnome": sdist_gnome,
+ "build_tests": build_tests,
+ "test": test,
+ "quality": quality,
+ "install": install,
+ "install_pkgconfig": install_pkgconfig,
+ },
+ install_requires=install_requires,
+ python_requires=pkginfo["Requires-Python"],
+ data_files=[
+ ('include/pygobject-3.0', ['gi/pygobject.h']),
+ ],
+ zip_safe=False,
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()