path: root/src/Matrix.defs.hh
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1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Matrix.defs.hh b/src/Matrix.defs.hh
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index 000000000..df03d9c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Matrix.defs.hh
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+/* Matrix class declaration.
+ Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Roberto Bagnara <>
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2011 BUGSENG srl (
+This file is part of the Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL).
+The PPL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+option) any later version.
+The PPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+For the most up-to-date information see the Parma Polyhedra Library
+site: . */
+#ifndef PPL_Matrix_defs_hh
+#define PPL_Matrix_defs_hh 1
+#include "Matrix.types.hh"
+#include "Row.defs.hh"
+#include "Constraint_System.types.hh"
+#include "Generator_System.types.hh"
+#include "Coefficient.types.hh"
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstddef>
+//! A 2-dimensional matrix of coefficients.
+/*! \ingroup PPL_CXX_interface
+ A Matrix object is a sequence of Row objects and is characterized
+ by the matrix dimensions (the number of rows and columns).
+ All the rows in a matrix, besides having the same size (corresponding
+ to the number of columns of the matrix), are also bound to have the
+ same capacity.
+class Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Matrix {
+ //! Returns the maximum number of rows of a Matrix.
+ static dimension_type max_num_rows();
+ //! Returns the maximum number of columns of a Matrix.
+ static dimension_type max_num_columns();
+ //! Builds an empty matrix.
+ /*!
+ Rows' size and capacity are initialized to \f$0\f$.
+ */
+ Matrix();
+ //! Builds a zero matrix with specified dimensions and flags.
+ /*!
+ \param n_rows
+ The number of rows of the matrix that will be created;
+ \param n_columns
+ The number of columns of the matrix that will be created.
+ \param row_flags
+ The flags used to build the rows of the matrix;
+ by default, the rows will have all flags unset.
+ */
+ Matrix(dimension_type n_rows, dimension_type n_columns,
+ Row::Flags row_flags = Row::Flags());
+ //! Copy constructor.
+ Matrix(const Matrix& y);
+ //! Destructor.
+ ~Matrix();
+ //! Assignment operator.
+ Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& y);
+ //! An iterator over a matrix.
+ /*! \ingroup PPL_CXX_interface
+ A const_iterator is used to provide read-only access
+ to each row contained in a Matrix object.
+ */
+ class const_iterator {
+ private:
+ typedef std::vector<Row>::const_iterator Iter;
+ //! The const iterator on the rows' vector \p rows.
+ Iter i;
+ public:
+ typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type value_type;
+ typedef std::iterator_traits<Iter>::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef std::iterator_traits<Iter>::pointer pointer;
+ typedef std::iterator_traits<Iter>::reference reference;
+ //! Default constructor.
+ const_iterator();
+ /*! \brief
+ Builds a const iterator on the matrix starting from
+ an iterator \p b on the elements of the vector \p rows.
+ */
+ explicit const_iterator(const Iter& b);
+ //! Ordinary copy constructor.
+ const_iterator(const const_iterator& y);
+ //! Assignment operator.
+ const_iterator& operator=(const const_iterator& y);
+ //! Dereference operator.
+ reference operator*() const;
+ //! Indirect member selector.
+ pointer operator->() const;
+ //! Prefix increment operator.
+ const_iterator& operator++();
+ //! Postfix increment operator.
+ const_iterator operator++(int);
+ /*! \brief
+ Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if and only if
+ \p *this and \p y are identical.
+ */
+ bool operator==(const const_iterator& y) const;
+ /*! \brief
+ Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if and only if
+ \p *this and \p y are different.
+ */
+ bool operator!=(const const_iterator& y) const;
+ }; // class const_iterator
+ //! Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if and only if \p *this has no rows.
+ /*!
+ \note
+ The unusual naming for this method is \em intentional:
+ we do not want it to be named \c empty because this would cause
+ an error prone name clash with the corresponding methods in derived
+ classes Constraint_System and Congruence_System (which have a
+ different semantics).
+ */
+ bool has_no_rows() const;
+ /*! \brief
+ Returns the const_iterator pointing to the first row, if \p *this is
+ not empty; otherwise, returns the past-the-end const_iterator.
+ */
+ const_iterator begin() const;
+ //! Returns the past-the-end const_iterator.
+ const_iterator end() const;
+ // FIXME: the following section must become private.
+ //! Contains the rows of the matrix.
+ std::vector<Row> rows;
+ //! Size of the initialized part of each row.
+ dimension_type row_size;
+ //! Capacity allocated for each row.
+ dimension_type row_capacity;
+ //! Swaps \p *this with \p y.
+ void swap(Matrix& y);
+ //! Adds to the matrix \p n rows of zeroes with flags set to \p row_flags.
+ /*!
+ \param n
+ The number of rows to be added: must be strictly positive.
+ \param row_flags
+ Flags for the newly added rows.
+ Turns the \f$r \times c\f$ matrix \f$M\f$ into
+ the \f$(r+n) \times c\f$ matrix \f$\genfrac{(}{)}{0pt}{}{M}{0}\f$.
+ The matrix is expanded avoiding reallocation whenever possible.
+ */
+ void add_zero_rows(dimension_type n, Row::Flags row_flags);
+ //! Adds \p n columns of zeroes to the matrix.
+ /*!
+ \param n
+ The number of columns to be added: must be strictly positive.
+ Turns the \f$r \times c\f$ matrix \f$M\f$ into
+ the \f$r \times (c+n)\f$ matrix \f$(M \, 0)\f$.
+ The matrix is expanded avoiding reallocation whenever possible.
+ */
+ void add_zero_columns(dimension_type n);
+ //! Adds \p n rows and \p m columns of zeroes to the matrix.
+ /*!
+ \param n
+ The number of rows to be added: must be strictly positive.
+ \param m
+ The number of columns to be added: must be strictly positive.
+ \param row_flags
+ Flags for the newly added rows.
+ Turns the \f$r \times c\f$ matrix \f$M\f$ into
+ the \f$(r+n) \times (c+m)\f$ matrix
+ \f$\bigl(\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{M}{0} \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{0}{0}\bigr)\f$.
+ The matrix is expanded avoiding reallocation whenever possible.
+ */
+ void add_zero_rows_and_columns(dimension_type n, dimension_type m,
+ Row::Flags row_flags);
+ //! Adds a copy of the row \p y to the matrix.
+ /*!
+ \param y
+ The row to be copied: it must have the same number of columns as
+ the matrix.
+ Turns the \f$r \times c\f$ matrix \f$M\f$ into
+ the \f$(r+1) \times c\f$ matrix
+ \f$\genfrac{(}{)}{0pt}{}{M}{y}\f$.
+ The matrix is expanded avoiding reallocation whenever possible.
+ */
+ void add_row(const Row& y);
+ //! Adds the row \p y to the matrix.
+ /*!
+ \param y
+ The row to be added: it must have the same size and capacity as
+ \p *this. It is not declared <CODE>const</CODE> because its
+ data-structures will recycled to build the new matrix row.
+ Turns the \f$r \times c\f$ matrix \f$M\f$ into
+ the \f$(r+1) \times c\f$ matrix
+ \f$\genfrac{(}{)}{0pt}{}{M}{y}\f$.
+ The matrix is expanded avoiding reallocation whenever possible.
+ */
+ void add_recycled_row(Row& y);
+ //! Makes the matrix shrink by removing its \p n trailing columns.
+ void remove_trailing_columns(dimension_type n);
+ //! Resizes the matrix without worrying about the old contents.
+ /*!
+ \param new_n_rows
+ The number of rows of the resized matrix;
+ \param new_n_columns
+ The number of columns of the resized matrix.
+ \param row_flags
+ The flags of the rows eventually added to the matrix.
+ The matrix is expanded to the specified dimensions avoiding
+ reallocation whenever possible.
+ The contents of the original matrix is lost.
+ */
+ void resize_no_copy(dimension_type new_n_rows, dimension_type new_n_columns,
+ Row::Flags row_flags);
+ //! Swaps the columns having indexes \p i and \p j.
+ void swap_columns(dimension_type i, dimension_type j);
+ //! Permutes the columns of the matrix.
+ /*
+ \param cycles
+ A vector representing the non-trivial cycles of the permutation
+ according to which the columns must be rearranged.
+ The \p cycles vector contains, one after the other, the
+ non-trivial cycles (i.e., the cycles of length greater than one)
+ of a permutation of \e non-zero column indexes. Each cycle is
+ terminated by zero. For example, assuming the matrix has 7
+ columns, the permutation \f$ \{ 1 \mapsto 3, 2 \mapsto 4,
+ 3 \mapsto 6, 4 \mapsto 2, 5 \mapsto 5, 6 \mapsto 1 \}\f$ can be
+ represented by the non-trivial cycles \f$(1 3 6)(2 4)\f$ that, in
+ turn can be represented by a vector of 6 elements containing 1, 3,
+ 6, 0, 2, 4, 0.
+ \note
+ The first column of the matrix, having index zero, is never involved
+ in a permutation.
+ */
+ void permute_columns(const std::vector<dimension_type>& cycles);
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //@{
+ //! Returns the number of columns of the matrix (i.e., the size of the rows).
+ dimension_type num_columns() const;
+ //! Returns the number of rows in the matrix.
+ dimension_type num_rows() const;
+ //@} // Accessors
+ //! \name Subscript operators
+ //@{
+ //! Returns a reference to the \p k-th row of the matrix.
+ Row& operator[](dimension_type k);
+ //! Returns a constant reference to the \p k-th row of the matrix.
+ const Row& operator[](dimension_type k) const;
+ //@} // Subscript operators
+ //! Clears the matrix deallocating all its rows.
+ void clear();
+ /*! \brief
+ Loads from \p s an ASCII representation (as produced by
+ ascii_dump(std::ostream&) const) and sets \p *this accordingly.
+ Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if successful, <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
+ */
+ bool ascii_load(std::istream& s);
+ //! Returns the total size in bytes of the memory occupied by \p *this.
+ memory_size_type total_memory_in_bytes() const;
+ //! Returns the size in bytes of the memory managed by \p *this.
+ memory_size_type external_memory_in_bytes() const;
+ /*! \brief
+ Erases from the matrix all the rows but those having
+ an index less than \p first_to_erase.
+ */
+ void erase_to_end(dimension_type first_to_erase);
+ //! Checks if all the invariants are satisfied.
+ bool OK() const;
+namespace std {
+ //! Specializes <CODE>std::swap</CODE>.
+ /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Matrix */
+void swap(Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Matrix& x,
+ Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Matrix& y);
+} // namespace std
+namespace Parma_Polyhedra_Library {
+//! Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if and only if \p x and \p y are identical.
+/*! \relates Matrix */
+bool operator==(const Matrix& x, const Matrix& y);
+//! Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if and only if \p x and \p y are different.
+/*! \relates Matrix */
+bool operator!=(const Matrix& x, const Matrix& y);
+} // namespace Parma_Polyhedra_Library
+#include "Matrix.inlines.hh"
+#endif // !defined(PPL_Matrix_defs_hh)