diff options
authorRyan <>2009-07-14 18:31:50 +0200
committerRyan <>2009-07-14 18:31:50 +0200
commitef09b2c65dea6c2992d122f93c88dc743912fb06 (patch)
parent216e6204f072ebe826666fcef215e1383a54d29c (diff)
large http.js refactor
2 files changed, 262 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/src/http.js b/src/http.js
index 353437f38..1352b8164 100644
--- a/src/http.js
+++ b/src/http.js
@@ -139,27 +139,6 @@ function toRaw(string) {
return a;
-function send (output, data, encoding) {
- if (data.constructor === String)
- encoding = encoding || "ascii";
- else
- encoding = "raw";
- output.push([data, encoding]);
-/* This is a wrapper around the LowLevelServer interface. It provides
- * connection handling, overflow checking, and some data buffering.
- */
-node.http.createServer = function (requestListener, options) {
- var server = new node.http.LowLevelServer();
- server.addListener("connection", connectionListener);
- server.addListener("request", requestListener);
- //server.setOptions(options);
- return server;
/* Abstract base class for ServerRequest and ClientResponse. */
var IncomingMessage = function (connection) {
@@ -168,7 +147,14 @@ var IncomingMessage = function (connection) {
this.connection = connection;
this.httpVersion = null;
this.headers = [];
- this.last_was_value = false; // TODO: remove me.
+ // request (server) only
+ this.uri = "";
+ this.method = null;
+ // response (client) only
+ this.statusCode = null;
+ this.client = this.connection;
inherits(IncomingMessage, node.EventEmitter);
@@ -186,215 +172,301 @@ IncomingMessage.prototype._emitComplete = function () {
-var ServerRequest = function (connection) {
-, connection);
+var OutgoingMessage = function () {
- this.uri = "";
- this.method = null;
-inherits(ServerRequest, IncomingMessage);
+ this.output = [];
+ this.sent_connection_header = false;
+ this.sent_content_length_header = false;
+ this.sent_transfer_encoding_header = false;
-var ClientResponse = function (connection) {
-, connection);
+ this.closeOnFinish = false;
+ this.chunked_encoding = false;
+ this.should_keep_alive = true;
+ this.use_chunked_encoding_by_default = true;
- this.statusCode = null;
- this.client = this.connection;
+ this.finished = false;
-inherits(ClientResponse, IncomingMessage);
+inherits(OutgoingMessage, node.EventEmitter);
+OutgoingMessage.prototype.send = function (data, encoding) {
+ if (data.constructor === String) {
+ encoding = encoding || "ascii";
+ } else {
+ encoding = "raw";
+ }
+ this.output.push([data, encoding]);
+OutgoingMessage.prototype.sendHeaderLines = function (first_line, header_lines) {
+ header_lines = header_lines || [];
+ // first_line in the case of request is: "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ // in the case of response it is: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
+ var header = first_line;
+ for (var i = 0; i < header_lines.length; i++) {
+ var field = header_lines[i][0];
+ var value = header_lines[i][1];
-function connectionListener (connection) {
- // An array of responses for each connection. In pipelined connections
- // we need to keep track of the order they were sent.
- connection.responses = [];
+ header += field + ": " + value + CRLF;
+ if (connection_expression.exec(field)) {
+ this.sent_connection_header = true;
+ if (close_expression.exec(value)) this.closeOnFinish = true;
- // is this really needed?
- connection.addListener("eof", function () {
- if (connection.responses.length == 0) {
- connection.close();
+ } else if (transfer_encoding_expression.exec(field)) {
+ this.sent_transfer_encoding_header = true;
+ if (chunk_expression.exec(value)) this.chunked_encoding = true;
+ } else if (content_length_expression.exec(field)) {
+ this.sent_content_length_header = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // keep-alive logic
+ if (this.sent_connection_header == false) {
+ if (this.should_keep_alive) {
+ header += "Connection: keep-alive\r\n";
} else {
- connection.responses[connection.responses.length-1].closeOnFinish = true;
+ this.closeOnFinish = true;
+ header += "Connection: close\r\n";
- });
+ }
+ if (this.sent_content_length_header == false && this.sent_transfer_encoding_header == false) {
+ if (this.use_chunked_encoding_by_default) {
+ header += "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n";
+ this.chunked_encoding = true;
+ }
+ }
+ header += CRLF;
+ this.send(header);
+OutgoingMessage.prototype.sendBody = function (chunk, encoding) {
+ /*
+ if (this.sent_content_length_header == false && this.chunked_encoding == false) {
+ throw "Content-Length header (or Transfer-Encoding:chunked) not set";
+ }
+ */
+ if (this.chunked_encoding) {
+ this.send(chunk.length.toString(16));
+ this.send(CRLF);
+ this.send(chunk, encoding);
+ this.send(CRLF);
+ } else {
+ this.send(chunk, encoding);
+ }
- var req, res;
+ this.flush();
+OutgoingMessage.prototype.flush = function () {
+ this.emit("flush");
+OutgoingMessage.prototype.finish = function () {
+ if (this.chunked_encoding) this.send("0\r\n\r\n"); // last chunk
+ this.finished = true;
+ this.flush();
+var ServerResponse = function () {
+ this.should_keep_alive = true;
+ this.use_chunked_encoding_by_default = true;
+inherits(ServerResponse, OutgoingMessage);
+ServerResponse.prototype.sendHeader = function (statusCode, headers) {
+ var reason = node.http.STATUS_CODES[statusCode] || "unknown";
+ var status_line = "HTTP/1.1 " + statusCode.toString() + " " + reason + CRLF;
+ this.sendHeaderLines(status_line, headers);
+var ClientRequest = function (method, uri, header_lines) {
+ this.should_keep_alive = false;
+ this.use_chunked_encoding_by_default = false;
+ this.closeOnFinish = true;
+ this.sendHeaderLines(method + " " + uri + " HTTP/1.1\r\n", header_lines);
+inherits(ClientRequest, OutgoingMessage);
+ClientRequest.prototype.finish = function (responseListener) {
+ this.addListener("response", responseListener);
+function createIncomingMessageStream (connection, incoming_listener) {
+ var stream = new node.EventEmitter();
+ stream.addListener("incoming", incoming_listener);
+ var incoming;
+ var last_header_was_a_value = false;
connection.addListener("message_begin", function () {
- req = new ServerRequest(connection);
- res = new node.http.ServerResponse(connection);
+ incoming = new IncomingMessage(connection);
+ // Only servers will get URI events.
connection.addListener("uri", function (data) {
- req.uri += data;
+ incoming.uri += data;
connection.addListener("header_field", function (data) {
- if (req.headers.length > 0 && req.last_was_value == false)
- req.headers[req.headers.length-1][0] += data;
- else
- req.headers.push([data]);
- req.last_was_value = false;
+ if (incoming.headers.length > 0 && last_header_was_a_value == false) {
+ incoming.headers[incoming.headers.length-1][0] += data;
+ } else {
+ incoming.headers.push([data]);
+ }
+ last_header_was_a_value = false;
connection.addListener("header_value", function (data) {
- var last_pair = req.headers[req.headers.length-1];
- if (last_pair.length == 1)
+ var last_pair = incoming.headers[incoming.headers.length-1];
+ if (last_pair.length == 1) {
last_pair[1] = data;
- else
+ } else {
last_pair[1] += data;
- req.last_was_value = true;
+ }
+ last_header_was_a_value = true;
connection.addListener("headers_complete", function (info) {
- req.httpVersion = info.httpVersion;
- req.method = info.method;
- req.uri = node.http.parseUri(req.uri); // TODO parse the URI lazily?
+ incoming.httpVersion = info.httpVersion;
- res.should_keep_alive = info.should_keep_alive;
+ if (info.method) {
+ // server only
+ incoming.method = info.method;
+ incoming.uri = node.http.parseUri(incoming.uri); // TODO parse the URI lazily?
+ } else {
+ // client only
+ incoming.statusCode = info.statusCode;
+ }
- connection.server.emit("request", [req, res]);
+ stream.emit("incoming", [incoming, info.should_keep_alive]);
connection.addListener("body", function (chunk) {
- req._emitBody(chunk);
+ incoming.emit("body", [chunk]);
connection.addListener("message_complete", function () {
- req._emitComplete()
+ incoming.emit("complete");
+ return stream;
-node.http.ServerResponse = function (connection) {
- var responses = connection.responses;
- responses.push(this);
- this.connection = connection;
- this.closeOnFinish = false;
- var output = [];
- var chunked_encoding = false;
- this.sendHeader = function (statusCode, headers) {
- var sent_connection_header = false;
- var sent_transfer_encoding_header = false;
- var sent_content_length_header = false;
- var reason = node.http.STATUS_CODES[statusCode] || "unknown";
- var header = "HTTP/1.1 " + statusCode.toString() + " " + reason + CRLF;
- for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
- var field = headers[i][0];
- var value = headers[i][1];
- header += field + ": " + value + CRLF;
- if (connection_expression.exec(field)) {
- sent_connection_header = true;
- if (close_expression.exec(value)) this.closeOnFinish = true;
- } else if (transfer_encoding_expression.exec(field)) {
- sent_transfer_encoding_header = true;
- if (chunk_expression.exec(value)) chunked_encoding = true;
- } else if (content_length_expression.exec(field)) {
- sent_content_length_header = true;
- }
- }
+/* Returns true if the message queue is finished and the connection
+ * should be closed. */
+function flushMessageQueue (connection, queue) {
+ if (connection.readyState === "closed" || connection.readyState === "readOnly") {
+ return false;
+ }
- // keep-alive logic
- if (sent_connection_header == false) {
- if (this.should_keep_alive) {
- header += "Connection: keep-alive\r\n";
- } else {
- this.closeOnFinish = true;
- header += "Connection: close\r\n";
- }
- }
+ while (queue[0]) {
+ var message = queue[0];
- if ( sent_content_length_header == false && sent_transfer_encoding_header == false ) {
- header += "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n";
- chunked_encoding = true;
+ while (message.output.length > 0) {
+ var out = message.output.shift();
+ connection.send(out[0], out[1]);
+ if (!message.finished) break;
- header += CRLF;
+ message.emit("sent");
+ queue.shift();
- send(output, header);
- };
+ if (message.closeOnFinish) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
- this.sendBody = function (chunk, encoding) {
- if (chunked_encoding) {
- send(output, chunk.length.toString(16));
- send(output, CRLF);
- send(output, chunk, encoding);
- send(output, CRLF);
- } else {
- send(output, chunk, encoding);
- }
+/* This is a wrapper around the LowLevelServer interface. It provides
+ * connection handling, overflow checking, and some data buffering.
+ */
+node.http.createServer = function (requestListener, options) {
+ var server = new node.http.LowLevelServer();
+ //server.setOptions(options);
+ server.addListener("request", requestListener);
+ server.addListener("connection", connectionListener);
+ return server;
- this.flush();
- };
+function connectionListener (connection) {
+ // An array of responses for each connection. In pipelined connections
+ // we need to keep track of the order they were sent.
+ var responses = [];
- this.flush = function () {
- if (connection.readyState === "closed" || connection.readyState === "readOnly")
- {
- responses = [];
- return;
- }
- if (responses.length > 0 && responses[0] === this) {
- while (output.length > 0) {
- var out = output.shift();
- connection.send(out[0], out[1]);
- }
+ // is this really needed?
+ connection.addListener("eof", function () {
+ if (responses.length == 0) {
+ connection.close();
+ } else {
+ responses[responses.length-1].closeOnFinish = true;
- };
- this.finished = false;
- this.finish = function () {
- if (chunked_encoding) send(output, "0\r\n\r\n"); // last chunk
- this.finished = true;
+ });
- while (responses.length > 0 && responses[0].finished) {
- var res = responses[0];
- res.flush();
- if (res.closeOnFinish)
- connection.fullClose();
- responses.shift();
+ var flushResponse = function () {
+ if(flushMessageQueue(connection, responses)) {
+ connection.fullClose();
+ createIncomingMessageStream(connection, function (incoming, should_keep_alive) {
+ var req = incoming;
-node.http.Client = node.http.LowLevelClient; // FIXME
+ var res = new ServerResponse(connection);
+ res.should_keep_alive = should_keep_alive;
+ res.addListener("flush", flushResponse);
+ responses.push(res);
+ connection.server.emit("request", [req, res]);
+ });
-node.http.Client.prototype.flush = function (request) {
- //p(request);
- if (this.readyState == "closed") {
- this.reconnect();
- return;
- }
- //node.debug("HTTP CLIENT flush. readyState = " + connection.readyState);
- while ( request === this.requests[0] && request.output.length > 0 && this.readyState == "open" ) {
- var out = request.output.shift();
- this.send(out[0], out[1]);
- }
+node.http.Client = node.http.LowLevelClient; // FIXME
node.http.createClient = function (port, host) {
var client = new node.http.Client();
- client.requests = [];
+ var requests = [];
- client.reconnect = function () { return client.connect(port, host); };
+ client._pushRequest = function (req) {
+ req.addListener("flush", function () {
+ if (client.readyState == "closed") {
+ //node.debug("HTTP CLIENT request flush. reconnect. readyState = " + client.readyState);
+ client.connect(port, host); // reconnect
+ return;
+ }
+ if (req == requests[0]) flushMessageQueue(client, [req]);
+ });
+ requests.push(req);
+ };
client.addListener("connect", function () {
//node.debug("HTTP CLIENT onConnect. readyState = " + client.readyState);
//node.debug("client.requests[0].uri = '" + client.requests[0].uri + "'");
- client.flush(client.requests[0]);
+ requests[0].flush();
client.addListener("eof", function () {
+ //node.debug("client got eof closing. readyState = " + client.readyState);
@@ -405,159 +477,61 @@ node.http.createClient = function (port, host) {
//node.debug("HTTP CLIENT onDisconnect. readyState = " + client.readyState);
// If there are more requests to handle, reconnect.
- if (client.requests.length > 0) {
- //node.debug("HTTP CLIENT: reconnecting");
- client.connect(port, host);
+ if (requests.length > 0 && client.readyState != "opening") {
+ //node.debug("HTTP CLIENT: reconnecting readyState = " + client.readyState);
+ client.connect(port, host); // reconnect
- var req, res;
- client.addListener("message_begin", function () {
- req = client.requests.shift();
- res = new ClientResponse(client);
- });
+ createIncomingMessageStream(client, function (res) {
+ //node.debug("incoming response!");
- client.addListener("header_field", function (data) {
- if (res.headers.length > 0 && res.last_was_value == false)
- res.headers[res.headers.length-1][0] += data;
- else
- res.headers.push([data]);
- res.last_was_value = false;
- });
- client.addListener("header_value", function (data) {
- var last_pair = res.headers[res.headers.length-1];
- if (last_pair.length == 1) {
- last_pair[1] = data;
- } else {
- last_pair[1] += data;
- }
- res.last_was_value = true;
- });
- client.addListener("headers_complete", function (info) {
- res.statusCode = info.statusCode;
- res.httpVersion = info.httpVersion;
+ res.addListener("complete", function ( ) {
+ //node.debug("request complete disconnecting. readyState = " + client.readyState);
+ client.close();
+ });
+ var req = requests.shift();
req.emit("response", [res]);
- client.addListener("body", function (chunk) {
- res._emitBody(chunk);
- });
- client.addListener("message_complete", function () {
- client.close();
- res._emitComplete();
- });
return client;
node.http.Client.prototype.get = function (uri, headers) {
- var req = createClientRequest(this, "GET", uri, headers);
- this.requests.push(req);
+ var req = new ClientRequest("GET", uri, headers);
+ this._pushRequest(req);
return req;
node.http.Client.prototype.head = function (uri, headers) {
- var req = createClientRequest(this, "HEAD", uri, headers);
- this.requests.push(req);
+ var req = new ClientRequest("HEAD", uri, headers);
+ this._pushRequest(req);
return req;
}; = function (uri, headers) {
- var req = createClientRequest(this, "POST", uri, headers);
- this.requests.push(req);
+ var req = new ClientRequest("POST", uri, headers);
+ this._pushRequest(req);
return req;
node.http.Client.prototype.del = function (uri, headers) {
- var req = createClientRequest(this, "DELETE", uri, headers);
- this.requests.push(req);
+ var req = new ClientRequest("DELETE", uri, headers);
+ this._pushRequest(req);
return req;
node.http.Client.prototype.put = function (uri, headers) {
- var req = createClientRequest(this, "PUT", uri, headers);
- this.requests.push(req);
+ var req = new ClientRequest("PUT", uri, headers);
+ this._pushRequest(req);
return req;
-function createClientRequest (connection, method, uri, header_lines) {
- var req = new node.EventEmitter;
- req.uri = uri;
- var chunked_encoding = false;
- req.closeOnFinish = false;
- var sent_connection_header = false;
- var sent_transfer_encoding_header = false;
- var sent_content_length_header = false;
- var header = method + " " + uri + " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
- header_lines = header_lines || [];
- for (var i = 0; i < header_lines.length; i++) {
- var field = header_lines[i][0];
- var value = header_lines[i][1];
- header += field + ": " + value + CRLF;
- if (connection_expression.exec(field)) {
- sent_connection_header = true;
- if (close_expression.exec(value)) req.closeOnFinish = true;
- } else if (transfer_encoding_expression.exec(field)) {
- sent_transfer_encoding_header = true;
- if (chunk_expression.exec(value)) chunked_encoding = true;
- } else if (content_length_expression.exec(field)) {
- sent_content_length_header = true;
- }
- }
- if (sent_connection_header == false) {
- header += "Connection: keep-alive\r\n";
- }
- header += CRLF;
- req.output = [];
- send(req.output, header);
- req.sendBody = function (chunk, encoding) {
- if (sent_content_length_header == false && chunked_encoding == false) {
- throw "Content-Length header (or Transfer-Encoding:chunked) not set";
- }
- if (chunked_encoding) {
- send(req.output, chunk.length.toString(16));
- send(req.output, CRLF);
- send(req.output, chunk, encoding);
- send(req.output, CRLF);
- } else {
- send(req.output, chunk, encoding);
- }
- connection.flush(req);
- };
- req.finished = false;
- req.finish = function (responseListener) {
- req.addListener("response", responseListener);
- if (chunked_encoding)
- send(req.output, "0\r\n\r\n"); // last chunk
- connection.flush(req);
- };
- return req;
-} = function (url, encoding) {
var promise = new node.Promise();
diff --git a/src/net.h b/src/net.h
index 22d097506..5992febf5 100644
--- a/src/net.h
+++ b/src/net.h
@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ private:
static void on_close (evnet_socket *s) {
Connection *connection = static_cast<Connection*> (s->data);
+ assert(connection->socket_.fd < 0);
+ assert(connection->socket_.read_action == NULL);
+ assert(connection->socket_.write_action == NULL);
if (s->errorno) {
@@ -95,6 +100,7 @@ private: