diff options
authorIgor Zlatkovic <>2002-03-24 21:04:43 +0000
committerIgor Zlatkovic <>2002-03-24 21:04:43 +0000
commitcc532f426ce2ed2fff9acaef4afbfdad954afcd5 (patch)
parent81345a9e4439aebe7bf9d22a76ee3d9cbc122e2b (diff)
Windows command-line build components added.
6 files changed, 1095 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/win32/Makefile.msvc b/win32/Makefile.msvc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6e1e82c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/Makefile.msvc
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# Makefile for libxslt, specific for Windows, MSVC and NMAKE.
+# Take a look at the beginning and modify the variables to suit your
+# environment. Having done that, you can do a
+# nmake [all] to build the libxml and the accompanying utilities.
+# nmake clean to remove all compiler output files and return to a
+# clean state.
+# nmake rebuild to rebuild everything from scratch. This basically does
+# a 'nmake clean' and then a 'nmake all'.
+# nmake install to install the library and its header files.
+# March 2002, Igor Zlatkovic <>
+AUTOCONF = .\configure.txt
+# If you cannot run the configuration script, which would take the burden of
+# editing this file from your back, then remove the following line...
+!include $(AUTOCONF)
+# ...and enable the following lines and adapt them to your environment.
+#BASEDIR = ..
+#XSLT_SRCDIR = $(BASEDIR)\libxslt
+#EXSLT_SRCDIR = $(BASEDIR)\libexslt
+#UTILS_SRCDIR = $(BASEDIR)\xsltproc
+#BINDIR = binaries
+#LIBXSLT_MAJOR_VERSION = 0 # set this to the right value.
+#LIBXSLT_MINOR_VERSION = 0 # set this to the right value.
+#LIBXSLT_MICRO_VERSION = 0 # set this to the right value.
+#LIBEXSLT_MAJOR_VERSION = 0 # set this to the right value.
+#LIBEXSLT_MINOR_VERSION = 0 # set this to the right value.
+#LIBEXSLT_MICRO_VERSION = 0 # set this to the right value.
+#DEBUG = 0
+#STATIC = 0
+#PREFIX = . # set this to the right value.
+#INCPREFIX = $(PREFIX)\include
+# There should never be a need to modify anything below this line.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Names of various input and output components.
+XSLT_NAME = xslt
+EXSLT_NAME = exslt
+# Places where intermediate files produced by the compiler go
+# The preprocessor and its options.
+CPP = cl.exe /EP
+CPPFLAGS = /nologo
+# The compiler and its options.
+CC = cl.exe
+CFLAGS = /nologo /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /W3 /MD
+# The linker and its options.
+LD = link.exe
+LDFLAGS = /nologo
+!if "$(STATIC)" == "1"
+LIBS = libxml2_a.lib iconv_a.lib wsock32.lib
+LIBS = libxml2.lib
+# The archiver and its options.
+AR = lib.exe
+ARFLAGS = /nologo
+# Optimisation and debug symbols.
+!if "$(DEBUG)" == "1"
+# Libxslt object files.
+XSLT_OBJS = $(XSLT_INTDIR)\attributes.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\documents.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\extensions.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\extra.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\functions.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\imports.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\keys.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\namespaces.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\numbers.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\pattern.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\preproc.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\templates.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\transform.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\variables.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\xslt.obj\
+ $(XSLT_INTDIR)\xsltutils.obj
+# Libexslt object files.
+EXSLT_OBJS = $(EXSLT_INTDIR)\common.obj\
+ $(EXSLT_INTDIR)\date.obj\
+ $(EXSLT_INTDIR)\exslt.obj\
+ $(EXSLT_INTDIR)\functions.obj\
+ $(EXSLT_INTDIR)\math.obj\
+ $(EXSLT_INTDIR)\saxon.obj\
+ $(EXSLT_INTDIR)\sets.obj\
+ $(EXSLT_INTDIR)\strings.obj
+# Xsltproc and friends executables.
+UTILS = $(BINDIR)\xsltproc.exe
+all : libxslt libexslt utils
+libxslt : $(BINDIR)\$(XSLT_SO) $(BINDIR)\$(XSLT_A)
+libexslt : $(BINDIR)\$(EXSLT_SO) $(BINDIR)\$(EXSLT_A)
+utils : $(UTILS)
+clean :
+ if exist $(XSLT_INTDIR) rmdir /S /Q $(XSLT_INTDIR)
+ if exist $(EXSLT_INTDIR) rmdir /S /Q $(EXSLT_INTDIR)
+ if exist $(UTILS_INTDIR) rmdir /S /Q $(UTILS_INTDIR)
+ if exist $(BINDIR) rmdir /S /Q $(BINDIR)
+rebuild : clean all
+install : all
+ if not exist $(BINPREFIX) mkdir $(BINPREFIX)
+ if not exist $(LIBPREFIX) mkdir $(LIBPREFIX)
+ copy $(BINDIR)\*.exe $(BINPREFIX)
+# This is a target for me, to make a binary distribution. Not for the public use,
+# keep your hands off :-)
+bindist : all
+ $(MAKE) /nologo PREFIX=$(BDPREFIX) BINPREFIX=$(BDPREFIX)\util install
+ cscript //NoLogo configure.js genreadme $(XSLT_BASENAME) $(BDVERSION) $(BDPREFIX)\readme.txt
+# Makes the compiler output directory.
+$(BINDIR) :
+ if not exist $(BINDIR) mkdir $(BINDIR)
+# Makes the libxslt intermediate directory.
+ if not exist $(XSLT_INTDIR) mkdir $(XSLT_INTDIR)
+# An implicit rule for libxslt compilation.
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /Fo$(XSLT_INTDIR)\ /c $<
+# Compiles libxslt source. Uses the implicit rule for commands.
+# Creates the export definition file (DEF) for libxslt.
+# Creates the libxslt shared object.
+# Creates the libxslt archive.
+# Creates the libxslt intermediate directory.
+ if not exist $(EXSLT_INTDIR) mkdir $(EXSLT_INTDIR)
+# An implicit rule for libexslt compilation.
+# Compiles libxslt source. Uses the implicit rule for commands.
+# Creates the export definition file (DEF) for libxslt.
+# Creates the libexslt shared object.
+# Creates the libexslt archive.
+# Creates the utils intermediate directory.
+ if not exist $(UTILS_INTDIR) mkdir $(UTILS_INTDIR)
+# An implicit rule for xmllint and friends.
+!if "$(STATIC)" == "1"
+ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) /OUT:$@ $(XSLT_A) $(EXSLT_A) $(LIBS) $(UTILS_INTDIR)\$(<B).obj
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /Fo$(UTILS_INTDIR)\ /c $<
+# Builds xsltproc and friends. Uses the implicit rule for commands.
+$(UTILS) : $(UTILS_INTDIR) $(BINDIR) libxslt libexslt
+# Source dependences should be autogenerated somehow here, but how to
+# do it? I have no clue.
diff --git a/win32/Readme.txt b/win32/Readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8006d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/Readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ Windows port
+ ------------
+This directory contains the files required to build this software on the
+native Windows platform.
+As a rule of thumb, the root of this directory contains files needed
+to build the library using the command-line tools, while various
+subdirectories contain project files for various IDEs.
+ 1. Building from the command-line
+ =================================
+This is the easiest, preferred and currently supported method.
+In order to build from the command-line you need to make sure that
+your compiler works from the command line. This is not always the
+case, often the required environment variables are missing. If you are
+not sure, test if this works first. If it doesn't, you will first have
+to configure your compiler suite to run from the command-line - please
+refer to your compiler's documentation regarding that.
+The first thing you want to do is configure the source. You can have
+the configuration script do this automatically for you. The
+configuration script is written in JScript, a Microsoft's
+implementation of the ECMS scripting language. Almost every Windows
+machine can execute this through the Windows Scripting Host. If your
+system lacks the ability to execute JScript for some reason, you must
+perform the configuration manually.
+The second step is compiling the source and, optionally, installing it
+to the location of your choosing.
+ 1.1 Configuring the source automatically
+ ----------------------------------------
+The configuration script accepts numerous options. Some of these
+affect features which will be available in the compiled software,
+others affect the way the software is built and installed. To see a
+full list of options supported by the configuration script, run
+ cscript configure.js help
+from the win32 subdirectory. The configuration script will present you
+the options it accepts and give a biref explanation of these. In every
+case you will have two sets of options. The first set is specific to
+the software you are building and the second one is specific to the
+Windows port.
+Once you have decided which options suit you, run the script with that
+options. Here is an example:
+ cscript configure.js prefix=c:\opt include=c:\opt\include
+ lib=c:\opt\lib debug=yes
+The previous example will configure the process to install the library
+in c:\opt, use c:\opt\include and c:\opt\lib as additional search
+paths for the compiler and the linker and build executables with debug
+Note: Please do not use path names which contain spaces. This will
+fail. Allowing this would require me to put almost everything in the
+Makefile in quotas and that looks quite ugly with my
+syntax-highlighting engine. If you absolutely must use spaces in paths
+send me an email and tell me why. If there are enough of you out there
+who need this, or if a single one has a very good reason, I will
+modify the Makefile to allow spaces in paths.
+ 1.2 (Not) Configuring the source manually
+ -----------------------------------------
+The manual configuration is pretty straightforward, but I would
+suggest rather to get a JScript engine and let the configure script do
+it for you. This process involves editing the apropriate Makefile to
+suit your needs, as well as manually generating certain *.h files from
+their * sources.
+If you really have no idea what I am talking about and ask yourself
+what in Gods name do I mean with '*.h files and their * sources',
+then you really should do an automatic configuration. Which files must
+be generated and what needs to be done with their sources in order to
+generate them is something people who have built this software before
+allready know. You will not find any explanations for that
+here. Please configure the source manually only if you allready know
+what you must do. Otherwise, you have the choice of either getting a
+precompiled binary distribution, or performing the automatic
+ 1.3 Compiling
+ -------------
+After the configuration stage has been completed, you want to build
+the software. To do that, type
+ nmake
+in the win32 subdirectory.When the building completes, you will find
+the executable files in win32\binaries directory.
+You can install the software into the directory you specified to the
+configure script during the configure stage by typing
+ nmake install
+That would be it, enjoy.
+ 2. Building with the IDE
+ ========================
+Each supported IDE has its project files placed in a subdirectory of
+win32. If you use a particular IDE, you should be able to
+instinctively recognise its project files. When you have found your
+favourites, load them into the IDE and do whatever you would do with
+any other project files. If you are a novice and puzzled about how to
+use particular project files with a particular IDE, check for a readme
+file in that IDEs subdirectory. I won't discuss any particular IDE
+here, because I would like to keep this document as general as
+possible, and there is also a chance that support exists for IDEs
+which I have never seen.
+March 2002, Igor Zlatkovic <>
diff --git a/win32/configure.js b/win32/configure.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bdf80de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/configure.js
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+/* Configure script for libxslt, specific for Windows with Scripting Host.
+ *
+ * This script will configure the libxslt build process and create necessary files.
+ * Run it with an 'help', or an invalid option and it will tell you what options
+ * it accepts.
+ *
+ * March 2002, Igor Zlatkovic <>
+ */
+/* The source directory, relative to the one where this file resides. */
+var baseDir = "..";
+var srcDirXslt = baseDir + "\\libxslt";
+var srcDirExslt = baseDir + "\\libexslt";
+var srcDirUtils = baseDir + "\\xsltproc";
+/* The directory where we put the binaries after compilation. */
+var binDir = "binaries";
+/* Base name of what we are building. */
+var baseNameXslt = "libxslt";
+var baseNameExslt = "libexslt";
+/* Configure file which contains the version and the output file where
+ we can store our build configuration. */
+var configFile = baseDir + "\\";
+var versionFile = ".\\configure.txt";
+/* Input and output files regarding the lib(e)xml features. The second
+ output file is there for the compatibility reasons, otherwise it
+ is identical to the first. */
+var optsFileInXslt = srcDirXslt + "\\";
+var optsFileXslt = srcDirXslt + "\\xsltconfig.h";
+var optsFileXslt2 = srcDirXslt + "\\xsltwin32config.h";
+var optsFileInExslt = srcDirExslt + "\\";
+var optsFileExslt = srcDirExslt + "\\exsltconfig.h";
+var optsFileExslt2 = srcDirExslt + "\\exsltwin32config.h";
+/* Version strings for the binary distribution. Will be filled later
+ in the code. */
+var verMajorXslt;
+var verMinorXslt;
+var verMicroXslt;
+var verMajorExslt;
+var verMinorExslt;
+var verMicroExslt;
+/* Libxslt features. */
+var withXsltDebug = true;
+var withMemDebug = false;
+var withDebugger = true;
+/* Win32 build options. */
+var buildDebug = 0;
+var buildStatic = 0;
+var buildPrefix = ".";
+var buildBinPrefix = "$(PREFIX)\\bin";
+var buildIncPrefix = "$(PREFIX)\\include";
+var buildLibPrefix = "$(PREFIX)\\lib";
+var buildSoPrefix = "$(PREFIX)\\lib";
+var buildInclude = ".";
+var buildLib = ".";
+/* Local stuff */
+var error = 0;
+/* Helper function, transforms the option variable into the 'Enabled'
+ or 'Disabled' string. */
+function boolToStr(opt)
+ if (opt == false)
+ return "Disabled";
+ else if (opt == true)
+ return "Enabled";
+ error = 1;
+ return "Undefined";
+/* Helper function, transforms the argument string into the boolean
+ value. */
+function strToBool(opt)
+ if (opt == "0" || opt == "no")
+ return false;
+ else if (opt == "1" || opt == "yes")
+ return true;
+ error = 1;
+ return false;
+/* Displays the details about how to use this script. */
+function usage()
+ var txt;
+ txt = "Usage:\n";
+ txt += " cscript " + WScript.ScriptName + " <options>\n";
+ txt += " cscript " + WScript.ScriptName + " help\n\n";
+ txt += "Options can be specified in the form <option>=<value>, where the value is\n";
+ txt += "either 'yes' or 'no'.\n\n";
+ txt += "XSLT processor options, default value given in parentheses:\n\n";
+ txt += " xslt_debug: Enable XSLT debbugging module (" + (withXsltDebug? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
+ txt += " mem_debug: Enable memory debugger (" + (withMemDebug? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
+ txt += " debugger: Enable external debugger support (" + (withDebugger? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
+ txt += "\nWin32 build options, default value given in parentheses:\n\n";
+ txt += " debug: Build unoptimised debug executables (" + (buildDebug? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
+ txt += " static: Link xsltproc statically to libxslt (" + (buildStatic? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
+ txt += " prefix: Base directory for the installation (" + buildPrefix + ")\n";
+ txt += " bindir: Directory where xsltproc and friends should be installed\n";
+ txt += " (" + buildBinPrefix + ")\n";
+ txt += " incdir: Directory where headers should be installed\n";
+ txt += " (" + buildIncPrefix + ")\n";
+ txt += " libdir: Directory where static and import libraries should be\n";
+ txt += " installed (" + buildLibPrefix + ")\n";
+ txt += " sodir: Directory where shared libraries should be installed\n";
+ txt += " (" + buildSoPrefix + ")\n";
+ txt += " include: Additional search path for the compiler, particularily\n";
+ txt += " where libxml headers can be found (" + buildInclude + ")\n";
+ txt += " lib: Additional search path for the linker, particularily\n";
+ txt += " where libxml library can be found (" + buildLib + ")\n";
+ WScript.Echo(txt);
+/* Discovers the version we are working with by reading the apropriate
+ configuration file. Despite its name, this also writes the configuration
+ file included by our makefile. */
+function discoverVersion()
+ var fso, cf, vf, ln, s;
+ fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
+ cf = fso.OpenTextFile(configFile, 1);
+ vf = fso.CreateTextFile(versionFile, true);
+ vf.WriteLine("# " + versionFile);
+ vf.WriteLine("# This file is generated automatically by " + WScript.ScriptName + ".");
+ vf.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ while (cf.AtEndOfStream != true) {
+ ln = cf.ReadLine();
+ s = new String(ln);
+ if (^LIBXSLT_MAJOR_VERSION/) != -1) {
+ vf.WriteLine(s);
+ verMajorXslt = s.substring(s.indexOf("=") + 1, s.length)
+ } else if(^LIBXSLT_MINOR_VERSION/) != -1) {
+ vf.WriteLine(s);
+ verMinorXslt = s.substring(s.indexOf("=") + 1, s.length)
+ } else if(^LIBXSLT_MICRO_VERSION/) != -1) {
+ vf.WriteLine(s);
+ verMicroXslt = s.substring(s.indexOf("=") + 1, s.length)
+ } else if (^LIBEXSLT_MAJOR_VERSION/) != -1) {
+ vf.WriteLine(s);
+ verMajorExslt = s.substring(s.indexOf("=") + 1, s.length)
+ } else if(^LIBEXSLT_MINOR_VERSION/) != -1) {
+ vf.WriteLine(s);
+ verMinorExslt = s.substring(s.indexOf("=") + 1, s.length)
+ } else if(^LIBEXSLT_MICRO_VERSION/) != -1) {
+ vf.WriteLine(s);
+ verMicroExslt = s.substring(s.indexOf("=") + 1, s.length)
+ }
+ }
+ cf.Close();
+ vf.WriteLine("BASEDIR=" + baseDir);
+ vf.WriteLine("XSLT_SRCDIR=" + srcDirXslt);
+ vf.WriteLine("EXSLT_SRCDIR=" + srcDirExslt);
+ vf.WriteLine("UTILS_SRCDIR=" + srcDirUtils);
+ vf.WriteLine("BINDIR=" + binDir);
+ vf.WriteLine("WITH_DEBUG=" + (withXsltDebug? "1" : "0"));
+ vf.WriteLine("WITH_MEM_DEBUG=" + (withMemDebug? "1" : "0"));
+ vf.WriteLine("WITH_DEBUG=" + (withDebugger? "1" : "0"));
+ vf.WriteLine("DEBUG=" + (buildDebug? "1" : "0"));
+ vf.WriteLine("STATIC=" + (buildStatic? "1" : "0"));
+ vf.WriteLine("PREFIX=" + buildPrefix);
+ vf.WriteLine("BINPREFIX=" + buildBinPrefix);
+ vf.WriteLine("INCPREFIX=" + buildIncPrefix);
+ vf.WriteLine("LIBPREFIX=" + buildLibPrefix);
+ vf.WriteLine("SOPREFIX=" + buildSoPrefix);
+ vf.WriteLine("INCLUDE=$(INCLUDE);" + buildInclude);
+ vf.WriteLine("LIB=$(LIB);" + buildLib);
+ vf.Close();
+/* Configures libxslt. This one will generate xsltconfig.h from
+ taking what the user passed on the command line into account. */
+function configureXslt()
+ var fso, ofi, of, ln, s;
+ fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
+ ofi = fso.OpenTextFile(optsFileInXslt, 1);
+ of = fso.CreateTextFile(optsFileXslt, true);
+ while (ofi.AtEndOfStream != true) {
+ ln = ofi.ReadLine();
+ s = new String(ln);
+ if (\@VERSION\@/) != -1) {
+ of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@VERSION\@/,
+ verMajorXslt + "." + verMinorXslt + "." + verMicroXslt));
+ } else if (\@LIBXSLT_VERSION_NUMBER\@/) != -1) {
+ of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@LIBXSLT_VERSION_NUMBER\@/,
+ verMajorXslt*10000 + verMinorXslt*100 + verMicroXslt*1));
+ } else if (\@WITH_XSLT_DEBUG\@/) != -1) {
+ of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_XSLT_DEBUG\@/, withXsltDebug? "1" : "0"));
+ } else if (\@WITH_MEM_DEBUG\@/) != -1) {
+ of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_MEM_DEBUG\@/, withMemDebug? "1" : "0"));
+ } else if (\@WITH_DEBUGGER\@/) != -1) {
+ of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_DEBUGGER\@/, withDebugger? "1" : "0"));
+ } else
+ of.WriteLine(ln);
+ }
+ ofi.Close();
+ of.Close();
+ fso.CopyFile(optsFileXslt, optsFileXslt2, true);
+/* Configures libexslt. This one will generate exsltconfig.h from
+ taking what the user passed on the command line into account. */
+function configureExslt()
+ var fso, ofi, of, ln, s;
+ fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
+ ofi = fso.OpenTextFile(optsFileInExslt, 1);
+ of = fso.CreateTextFile(optsFileExslt, true);
+ while (ofi.AtEndOfStream != true) {
+ ln = ofi.ReadLine();
+ s = new String(ln);
+ if (\@VERSION\@/) != -1) {
+ of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@VERSION\@/,
+ verMajorExslt + "." + verMinorExslt + "." + verMicroExslt));
+ } else if (\@LIBEXSLT_VERSION_NUMBER\@/) != -1) {
+ of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@LIBEXSLT_VERSION_NUMBER\@/,
+ verMajorExslt*10000 + verMinorExslt*100 + verMicroExslt*1));
+ } else
+ of.WriteLine(ln);
+ }
+ ofi.Close();
+ of.Close();
+ fso.CopyFile(optsFileExslt, optsFileExslt2, true);
+/* Creates the readme file for the binary distribution of 'bname', for the
+ version 'ver' in the file 'file'. This one is called from the Makefile when
+ generating a binary distribution. The parameters are passed by make. */
+function genReadme(bname, ver, file)
+ var fso, f;
+ fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
+ f = fso.CreateTextFile(file, true);
+ f.WriteLine(" " + bname + " " + ver);
+ f.WriteLine(" --------------");
+ f.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ f.WriteLine(" This is " + bname + ", version " + ver + ", binary package for the native Win32/IA32");
+ f.WriteLine("platform.");
+ f.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ f.WriteLine(" The directory named 'include' contains the header files. Place its");
+ f.WriteLine("contents somewhere where it can be found by the compiler.");
+ f.WriteLine(" The directory which answers to the name 'lib' contains the static and");
+ f.WriteLine("dynamic libraries. Place them somewhere where they can be found by the");
+ f.WriteLine("linker. The files whose names end with '_a.lib' are aimed for static");
+ f.WriteLine("linking, the other files are lib/dll pairs.");
+ f.WriteLine(" The directory called 'util' contains various programs which count as a");
+ f.WriteLine("part of " + bname + ".");
+ f.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ f.WriteLine(" If there is something you cannot keep for yourself, such as a problem,");
+ f.WriteLine("a cheer of joy, a comment or a suggestion, feel free to contact me using");
+ f.WriteLine("the address below.");
+ f.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ f.WriteLine(" Igor Zlatkovic (");
+ f.Close();
+ * main(),
+ * Execution begins here.
+ */
+/* Parse the command-line arguments. */
+for (i = 0; (i < WScript.Arguments.length) && (error == 0); i++) {
+ var arg, opt;
+ arg = WScript.Arguments(i);
+ opt = arg.substring(0, arg.indexOf("="));
+ if (opt.length == 0)
+ opt = arg.substring(0, arg.indexOf(":"));
+ if (opt.length > 0) {
+ if (opt == "xslt_debug")
+ withXsltDebug = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
+ else if (opt == "mem_debug")
+ withMemDebug = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
+ else if (opt == "debugger")
+ withDebugger = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
+ else if (opt == "debug")
+ buildDebug = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
+ else if (opt == "static")
+ buildStatic = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
+ else if (opt == "prefix")
+ buildPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
+ else if (opt == "incdir")
+ buildIncPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
+ else if (opt == "bindir")
+ buildBinPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
+ else if (opt == "libdir")
+ buildLibPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
+ else if (opt == "sodir")
+ buildSoPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
+ else if (opt == "incdir")
+ buildIncPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
+ else if (opt == "include")
+ buildInclude = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
+ else if (opt == "lib")
+ buildLib = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
+ else
+ error = 1;
+ } else if (i == 0) {
+ if (arg == "genreadme") {
+ // This command comes from the Makefile and will not be checked
+ // for errors, because Makefile will always supply right parameters.
+ genReadme(WScript.Arguments(1), WScript.Arguments(2), WScript.Arguments(3));
+ WScript.Quit(0);
+ } else if (arg == "help") {
+ usage();
+ WScript.Quit(0);
+ }
+ } else
+ error = 1;
+// If we have an error here, it is because the user supplied bad parameters.
+if (error != 0) {
+ usage();
+ WScript.Quit(error);
+// Discover the version.
+if (error != 0) {
+ WScript.Echo("Version discovery failed, aborting.");
+ WScript.Quit(error);
+WScript.Echo(baseNameXslt + " version: " + verMajorXslt + "." + verMinorXslt + "." + verMicroXslt);
+WScript.Echo(baseNameExslt + " version: " + verMajorExslt + "." + verMinorExslt + "." + verMicroExslt);
+// Configure libxslt.
+if (error != 0) {
+ WScript.Echo("Configuration failed, aborting.");
+ WScript.Quit(error);
+// Configure libexslt.
+if (error != 0) {
+ WScript.Echo("Configuration failed, aborting.");
+ WScript.Quit(error);
+// Create the Makefile.
+var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
+fso.CopyFile(".\\Makefile.msvc", ".\\Makefile", true);
+WScript.Echo("Created Makefile.");
+// Display the final configuration.
+var txtOut = "\nXSLT processor configuration\n";
+txtOut += "----------------------------\n";
+txtOut += " Debugging module: " + boolToStr(withXsltDebug) + "\n";
+txtOut += " Memory debugging: " + boolToStr(withMemDebug) + "\n";
+txtOut += " Debugger support: " + boolToStr(withDebugger) + "\n";
+txtOut += "\n";
+txtOut += "Win32 build configuration\n";
+txtOut += "-------------------------\n";
+txtOut += " Debug symbols: " + boolToStr(buildDebug) + "\n";
+txtOut += " Static xsltproc: " + boolToStr(buildStatic) + "\n";
+txtOut += " Install prefix: " + buildPrefix + "\n";
+txtOut += " Put tools in: " + buildBinPrefix + "\n";
+txtOut += " Put headers in: " + buildIncPrefix + "\n";
+txtOut += "Put static libs in: " + buildLibPrefix + "\n";
+txtOut += "Put shared libs in: " + buildSoPrefix + "\n";
+txtOut += " Include path: " + buildInclude + "\n";
+txtOut += " Lib path: " + buildLib + "\n";
+// Done.
diff --git a/win32/libexslt.def.src b/win32/libexslt.def.src
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3a8486f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/libexslt.def.src
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* win32/libxeslt.def.src
+ Pseudo-source used to create a .DEF file for proper dynamic linkage.
+ Assuming you use Microsoft's C compiler, you run a
+ cl /EP libexslt.def.src > libexslt.def
+ in order to get the right .DEF file. Basically, all you do is
+ preprocess this file using a C/C++ preprocessor and the right
+ .DEF file should come out.
+ Should you need a function which does not seem to be exported
+ from the libexslt.dll, its name is most certainly missing here.
+ Add the name of the offending function to this file and rebuild.
+ 21.03.2002, Igor Zlatkovic (
+LIBRARY libexslt
+/* exslt.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ exsltLibraryVersion DATA
+ exsltLibexsltVersion DATA
+ exsltLibxsltVersion DATA
+ exsltLibxmlVersion DATA
+ exsltCommonRegister
+ exsltMathRegister
+ exsltSetsRegister
+ exsltFuncRegister
+ exsltStrRegister
+ exsltDateRegister
+ exsltSaxonRegister
+ exsltRegisterAll
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/win32/libxslt.def.src b/win32/libxslt.def.src
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7acba2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/libxslt.def.src
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+/* win32/libxslt.def.src
+ Pseudo-source used to create a .DEF file for proper dynamic linkage.
+ Assuming you use Microsoft's C compiler, you run a
+ cl /EP libxslt.def.src > libxslt.def
+ in order to get the right .DEF file. Basically, all you do is
+ preprocess this file using a C/C++ preprocessor and the right
+ .DEF file should come out.
+ Should you need a function which does not seem to be exported
+ from the libxslt.dll, its name is most certainly missing here.
+ Add the name of the offending function to this file and rebuild.
+ 21.03.2002, Igor Zlatkovic (
+LIBRARY libxslt
+/* attributes.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ xsltParseStylesheetAttributeSet
+ xsltFreeAttributeSetsHashes
+ xsltApplyAttributeSet
+/* documents.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ xsltNewDocument
+ xsltLoadDocument
+ xsltFindDocument
+ xsltFreeDocuments
+ xsltLoadStyleDocument
+ xsltNewStyleDocument
+ xsltFreeStyleDocuments
+/* extensions.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ xsltRegisterExtModule
+ xsltRegisterExtModuleFull
+ xsltUnregisterExtModule
+ xsltGetExtData
+ xsltStyleGetExtData
+ xsltShutdownCtxtExts
+ xsltShutdownExts
+ xsltXPathGetTransformContext
+ /* extension functions */
+ xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction
+ // xsltExtFunctionLookup
+ xsltExtModuleFunctionLookup
+ xsltUnregisterExtModuleFunction
+ /* extension elements */
+ xsltNewElemPreComp
+ xsltInitElemPreComp
+ xsltRegisterExtModuleElement
+ xsltExtElementLookup
+ xsltExtModuleElementLookup
+ xsltExtModuleElementPreComputeLookup
+ xsltUnregisterExtModuleElement
+ /* top-level elements */
+ xsltRegisterExtModuleTopLevel
+ xsltExtModuleTopLevelLookup
+ xsltUnregisterExtModuleTopLevel
+ /* These 2 functions are deprecated for use within modules. */
+ xsltRegisterExtFunction
+ xsltRegisterExtElement
+ /* Extension Prefix handling API.
+ Those are used by the XSLT (pre)processor. */
+ xsltRegisterExtPrefix
+ xsltCheckExtPrefix
+ xsltInitCtxtExts
+ xsltFreeCtxtExts
+ xsltFreeExts
+ xsltPreComputeExtModuleElement
+ /* Test module */
+ xsltRegisterTestModule
+/* extra.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ xsltFunctionNodeSet
+ xsltDebug
+ xsltRegisterExtras
+ xsltRegisterAllExtras
+/* functions.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Interfaces for the functions implementations. */
+ xsltDocumentFunction
+ xsltKeyFunction
+ xsltUnparsedEntityURIFunction
+ xsltFormatNumberFunction
+ xsltGenerateIdFunction
+ xsltSystemPropertyFunction
+ xsltElementAvailableFunction
+ xsltFunctionAvailableFunction
+ /* And the registration */
+ xsltRegisterAllFunctions
+/* imports.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Module interfaces */
+ xsltParseStylesheetImport
+ xsltParseStylesheetInclude
+ xsltNextImport
+ xsltNeedElemSpaceHandling
+ xsltFindElemSpaceHandling
+ xsltFindTemplate
+/* keys.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ xsltAddKey
+ xsltGetKey
+ xsltInitCtxtKeys
+ xsltFreeKeys
+ xsltFreeDocumentKeys
+/* namespaces.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ xsltNamespaceAlias
+ xsltGetNamespace
+ xsltGetSpecialNamespace
+ xsltCopyNamespace
+ xsltCopyNamespaceList
+ xsltFreeNamespaceAliasHashes
+/* numberInternals.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /*** No functions exported from this file ***/
+/* pattern.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Pattern related interfaces. */
+ xsltCompilePattern
+ xsltFreeCompMatchList
+ xsltTestCompMatchList
+ /* Template related interfaces. */
+ xsltAddTemplate
+ xsltGetTemplate
+ xsltFreeTemplateHashes
+ xsltCleanupTemplates
+ #if 0
+ xsltMatchPattern
+ #endif
+/* preproc.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ xsltDocumentComp
+ xsltStylePreCompute
+ xsltFreeStylePreComps
+/* templates.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ xsltEvalXPathPredicate
+ xsltEvalTemplateString
+ xsltEvalAttrValueTemplate
+ xsltEvalStaticAttrValueTemplate
+ /* TODO: this is obviously broken ... the namespaces should be passed too ! */
+ xsltEvalXPathString
+ xsltTemplateProcess
+ xsltAttrListTemplateProcess
+ xsltAttrTemplateProcess
+ xsltAttrTemplateValueProcess
+/* transform.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* XInclude default processing. */
+ xsltSetXIncludeDefault
+ xsltGetXIncludeDefault
+ /* Export context to users. */
+ xsltNewTransformContext
+ xsltFreeTransformContext
+ xsltApplyStylesheetUser
+ /* Private Interfaces. */
+ xsltApplyStripSpaces
+ xsltExtElementLookup
+ xsltApplyStylesheet
+ xsltProfileStylesheet
+ xsltRunStylesheet
+ xsltApplyOneTemplate
+ xsltDocumentElem
+ xsltSort
+ xsltCopy
+ xsltText
+ xsltElement
+ xsltComment
+ xsltAttribute
+ xsltProcessingInstruction
+ xsltCopyOf
+ xsltValueOf
+ xsltNumber
+ xsltApplyImports
+ xsltCallTemplate
+ xsltApplyTemplates
+ xsltChoose
+ xsltIf
+ xsltForEach
+ xsltRegisterAllElement
+ /* Hook for the debugger if activated. */
+ xslHandleDebugger
+/* variables.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Interfaces for the variable module. */
+ xsltEvalGlobalVariables
+ xsltEvalUserParams
+ xsltQuoteUserParams
+ xsltEvalOneUserParam
+ xsltQuoteOneUserParam
+ xsltParseGlobalVariable
+ xsltParseGlobalParam
+ xsltParseStylesheetVariable
+ xsltParseStylesheetParam
+ xsltParseStylesheetCallerParam
+ xsltAddStackElemList
+ xsltFreeGlobalVariables
+ xsltVariableLookup
+ xsltXPathVariableLookup
+/* xslt.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ xsltMaxDepth DATA
+ xsltEngineVersion DATA
+ xsltLibxsltVersion DATA
+ xsltLibxmlVersion DATA
+ xsltCleanupGlobals
+/* xsltInternals.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Functions associated to the internal types */
+ // xsltDecimalFormatGetByName
+ xsltNewStylesheet
+ xsltParseStylesheetFile
+ xsltFreeStylesheet
+ xsltIsBlank
+ xsltFreeStackElemList
+ xsltDecimalFormatGetByName
+ xsltParseStylesheetProcess
+ xsltParseStylesheetOutput
+ xsltParseStylesheetDoc
+ xsltLoadStylesheetPI
+ xsltNumberFormat
+ xsltFormatNumberConversion
+ xsltParseTemplateContent
+ xsltAllocateExtra
+ xsltAllocateExtraCtxt
+/* xsltInternals.h
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Our own version of namespaced atributes lookup. */
+ xsltGetNsProp
+ /* XSLT specific error and debug reporting functions. */
+ xsltGenericError DATA
+ xsltGenericErrorContext DATA
+ xsltGenericDebug DATA
+ xsltGenericDebugContext DATA
+ xsltPrintErrorContext
+ xsltMessage
+ xsltSetGenericErrorFunc
+ xsltSetGenericDebugFunc
+ /* Sorting. */
+ xsltDocumentSortFunction
+ xsltDoSortFunction
+ /* QNames handling. */
+ xsltGetQNameURI
+ /* Output, reuse libxml I/O buffers. */
+ xsltSaveResultTo
+ xsltSaveResultToFilename
+ xsltSaveResultToFile
+ xsltSaveResultToFd
+ /* Profiling. */
+ xsltSaveProfiling
+ xsltTimestamp
+ xsltCalibrateAdjust
+ /* Hooks for the debugger. */
+ xslDebugStatus DATA
+ xsltSetDebuggerCallbacks
+ xslAddCall
+ xslDropCall
diff --git a/win32/readme.msvc b/win32/readme.msvc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dd5bb2e..00000000
--- a/win32/readme.msvc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-libxslt Readme For Usage With MSVC
-If you would like to compile libxslt using Microsoft Visual
-C/C++ IDE, then you must know that it cannot work out of the
-box. You have to modify the project files.
-This is not happening just in order to be inconvenient. The fact
-is that libxslt needs libxml in order to compile and work and that
-I have no way to know where you keep libxml on your system.
-In order to compile, you must tell the compiler where to look
-for the libxml headers. Likewise, you must tell the linker where
-to look for libxml library.
-Adapting The Header Search Path
-In the MSVC IDE, go to Project->Settings and choose the C/C++
-options and select the Preprocessor category. Now, there is a list
-of additional include directories, separated by comma. The last
-entry is the location of libxml headers and this is the one which
-you must adapt to your environment.
-Adapting The Library Search Path
-In the MSVC IDE, go to Project->Settings and choose the Link
-options and select the Input category. Now, there is an Additional
-Library Path which contains the list of additional directories,
-separated by comma. The last entry is the location of the libxml
-library and this is the one which you must adapt to your environment.
-If Something Goes Wrong
-Don't panic. Use your common sense and investigate the problem.
-If you cannot escape the dread, send me an email and tell me your
-27. July 2001, Igor Zlatkovic [] \ No newline at end of file