path: root/release_docs/INSTALL_parallel
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+ Installation instructions for Parallel HDF5
+ -------------------------------------------
+0. Use Build Scripts
+The HDF Group is accumulating build scripts to handle building parallel HDF5
+on various platforms (Cray, IBM, SGI, etc...). These scripts are being
+maintained and updated continuously for current and future systems. The reader
+is strongly encouraged to consult the repository at,
+for building parallel HDF5 on these system. All contributions, additions
+and fixes to the repository are welcomed and encouraged.
+1. Overview
+This file contains instructions for the installation of parallel HDF5 (PHDF5).
+It is assumed that you are familiar with the general installation steps as
+described in the INSTALL file. Get familiar with that file before trying
+the parallel HDF5 installation.
+The remaining of this section explains the requirements to run PHDF5.
+Section 2 shows quick instructions for some well know systems. Section 3
+explains the details of the installation steps. Section 4 shows some details
+of running the parallel test suites.
+1.1. Requirements
+PHDF5 requires an MPI compiler with MPI-IO support and a POSIX compliant
+(Ref. 1) parallel file system. If you don't know yet, you should first consult
+with your system support staff of information how to compile an MPI program,
+how to run an MPI application, and how to access the parallel file system.
+There are sample MPI-IO C and Fortran programs in the appendix section of
+"Sample programs". You can use them to run simple tests of your MPI compilers
+and the parallel file system.
+1.2. Further Help
+If you still have difficulties installing PHDF5 in your system, please send
+mail to
+In your mail, please include the output of "uname -a". If you have run the
+"configure" command, attach the output of the command and the content of
+the file "config.log".
+2. Quick Instruction for known systems
+The following shows particular steps to run the parallel HDF5 configure for
+a few machines we've tested. If your particular platform is not shown or
+somehow the steps do not work for yours, please go to the next section for
+more detailed explanations.
+2.1. Know parallel compilers
+HDF5 knows several parallel compilers: mpicc, hcc, mpcc, mpcc_r. To build
+parallel HDF5 with one of the above, just set CC as it and configure.
+ $ CC=/usr/local/mpi/bin/mpicc ./configure --enable-parallel --prefix=<install-directory>
+ $ make # build the library
+ $ make check # verify the correctness
+ # Read the Details section about parallel tests.
+ $ make install
+2.2. Linux 2.4 and greater
+Be sure that your installation of MPICH was configured with the following
+configuration command-line option:
+This allows for >2GB sized files on Linux systems and is only available with
+Linux kernels 2.4 and greater.
+2.3. Hopper (Cray XE6) (for v1.8 and later)
+The following steps are for building HDF5 for the Hopper compute
+nodes. They would probably work for other Cray systems but have
+not been verified.
+Obtain a copy from the HDF ftp server:
+(link might change, so always double check the HDF group website).
+$ wget
+unpack the tarball
+The entire build process should be done on a MOM node in an interactive allocation and on a file system accessible by all compute nodes.
+Request an interactive allocation with qsub:
+qsub -I -q debug -l mppwidth=8
+- create a build directory build-hdf5:
+ mkdir build-hdf5; cd build-hdf5/
+- configure HDF5:
+ RUNSERIAL="aprun -q -n 1" RUNPARALLEL="aprun -q -n 6" FC=ftn CC=cc /path/to/source/configure --enable-fortran --enable-parallel --disable-shared
+ RUNSERIAL and RUNPARALLEL tells the library how it should launch programs that are part of the build procedure.
+- Compile HDF5:
+ gmake
+- Check HDF5
+ gmake check
+- Install HDF5
+ gmake install
+The build will be in build-hdf5/hdf5/ (or whatever you specify in --prefix).
+To compile other HDF5 applications use the wrappers created by the build (build-hdf5/hdf5/bin/h5pcc or h5fc)
+3. Detail explanation
+3.1. Installation steps (Uni/Multiple processes modes)
+During the step of configure, you must be running in the uni-process mode.
+If multiple processes are doing the configure simultaneously, they will
+incur errors.
+In the build step (make), it depends on your make command whether it can
+run correctly in multiple processes mode. If you are not sure, you should
+try running it in uni-process mode.
+In the test step (make check), if your system can control number of processes
+running in the MPI application, you can just use "make check". But if your
+system (e.g., IBM SP) has a fixed number of processes for each batch run,
+you need to do the serial tests by "make check-s", requesting 1 process and
+then do the parallel tests by "make check-p", requesting n processes.
+Lastly, "make install" should be run in the uni-process mode.
+3.2. Configure details
+The HDF5 library can be configured to use MPI and MPI-IO for parallelism on
+a distributed multi-processor system. The easiest way to do this is to have
+a properly installed parallel compiler (e.g., MPICH's mpicc or IBM's mpcc_r)
+and supply the compiler name as the value of the CC environment variable.
+For examples,
+ $ CC=mpcc_r ./configure --enable-parallel
+ $ CC=/usr/local/mpi/bin/mpicc ./configure --enable-parallel
+If a parallel library is being built then configure attempts to determine how
+to run a parallel application on one processor and on many processors. If the
+compiler is `mpicc' and the user hasn't specified values for RUNSERIAL and
+RUNPARALLEL then configure chooses `mpiexec' from the same directory as `mpicc':
+ RUNSERIAL: /usr/local/mpi/bin/mpiexec -np 1
+ RUNPARALLEL: /usr/local/mpi/bin/mpiexec -np $${NPROCS:=6}
+The `$${NPROCS:=6}' will be substituted with the value of the NPROCS
+environment variable at the time `make check' is run (or the value 6).
+4. Parallel test suite
+The testpar/ directory contains tests for Parallel HDF5 and MPI-IO. Here are
+some notes about some of the tests.
+The t_mpi tests the basic functionalities of some MPI-IO features used by
+Parallel HDF5. It usually exits with non-zero code if a required MPI-IO
+feature does not succeed as expected. One exception is the testing of
+accessing files larger than 2GB. If the underlying filesystem or if the
+MPI-IO library fails to handle file sizes larger than 2GB, the test will
+print informational messages stating the failure but will not exit with
+non-zero code. Failure to support file size greater than 2GB is not a fatal
+error for HDF5 because HDF5 can use other file-drivers such as families of
+files to bypass the file size limit.
+The t_cache does many small sized I/O requests and may not run well in a
+slow file system such as NFS disk. If it takes a long time to run it, try
+set the environment variable $HDF5_PARAPREFIX to a file system more suitable
+for MPI-IO requests before running t_cache.
+By default, the parallel tests use the current directory as the test directory.
+This can be changed by the environment variable $HDF5_PARAPREFIX. For example,
+if the tests should use directory /PFS/user/me, do
+ make check
+(In some batch job system, you many need to hardset HDF5_PARAPREFIX in the
+shell initial files like .profile, .cshrc, etc.)
+1. POSIX Compliant. A good explanation is by Donald Lewin,
+ After a write() to a regular file has successfully returned, any
+ successful read() from each byte position on the file that was modified
+ by that write() will return the date that was written by the write(). A
+ subsequent write() to the same byte will overwrite the file data. If a
+ read() of a file data can be proven by any means [e.g., MPI_Barrier()]
+ to occur after a write() of that data, it must reflect that write(),
+ even if the calls are made by a different process.
+ Lewin, D. (1994). "POSIX Programmer's Guide (pg. 513-4)". O'Reilly
+ & Associates.
+Appendix A. Sample programs
+Here are sample MPI-IO C and Fortran programs. You may use them to run simple
+tests of your MPI compilers and the parallel file system. The MPI commands
+used here are mpicc, mpif90 and mpiexec. Replace them with the commands of
+your system.
+The programs assume they run in the parallel file system. Thus they create
+the test data file in the current directory. If the parallel file system
+is somewhere else, you need to run the sample programs there or edit the
+programs to use a different file name.
+Example compiling and running:
+% mpicc Sample_mpio.c -o c.out
+% mpiexec -np 4 c.out
+% mpif90 Sample_mpio.f90 -o f.out
+% mpiexec -np 4 f.out
+==> Sample_mpio.c <==
+/* Simple MPI-IO program testing if a parallel file can be created.
+ * Default filename can be specified via first program argument.
+ * Each process writes something, then reads all data back.
+ */
+#include <mpi.h>
+#ifndef MPI_FILE_NULL /*MPIO may be defined in mpi.h already */
+# include <mpio.h>
+#define DIMSIZE 10 /* dimension size, avoid powers of 2. */
+#define PRINTID printf("Proc %d: ", mpi_rank)
+main(int ac, char **av)
+ char hostname[128];
+ int mpi_size, mpi_rank;
+ MPI_File fh;
+ char *filename = "./";
+ char mpi_err_str[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
+ int mpi_err_strlen;
+ int mpi_err;
+ char writedata[DIMSIZE], readdata[DIMSIZE];
+ char expect_val;
+ int i, irank;
+ int nerrors = 0; /* number of errors */
+ MPI_Offset mpi_off;
+ MPI_Status mpi_stat;
+ MPI_Init(&ac, &av);
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
+ /* get file name if provided */
+ if (ac > 1){
+ filename = *++av;
+ }
+ if (mpi_rank==0){
+ printf("Testing simple MPIO program with %d processes accessing file %s\n",
+ mpi_size, filename);
+ printf(" (Filename can be specified via program argument)\n");
+ }
+ /* show the hostname so that we can tell where the processes are running */
+ if (gethostname(hostname, 128) < 0){
+ printf("gethostname failed\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("hostname=%s\n", hostname);
+ if ((mpi_err = MPI_File_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename,
+ MPI_INFO_NULL, &fh))
+ MPI_Error_string(mpi_err, mpi_err_str, &mpi_err_strlen);
+ printf("MPI_File_open failed (%s)\n", mpi_err_str);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* each process writes some data */
+ for (i=0; i < DIMSIZE; i++)
+ writedata[i] = mpi_rank*DIMSIZE + i;
+ mpi_off = mpi_rank*DIMSIZE;
+ if ((mpi_err = MPI_File_write_at(fh, mpi_off, writedata, DIMSIZE, MPI_BYTE,
+ &mpi_stat))
+ MPI_Error_string(mpi_err, mpi_err_str, &mpi_err_strlen);
+ printf("MPI_File_write_at offset(%ld), bytes (%d), failed (%s)\n",
+ (long) mpi_off, (int) DIMSIZE, mpi_err_str);
+ return 1;
+ };
+ /* make sure all processes has done writing. */
+ /* each process reads all data and verify. */
+ for (irank=0; irank < mpi_size; irank++){
+ mpi_off = irank*DIMSIZE;
+ if ((mpi_err = MPI_File_read_at(fh, mpi_off, readdata, DIMSIZE, MPI_BYTE,
+ &mpi_stat))
+ MPI_Error_string(mpi_err, mpi_err_str, &mpi_err_strlen);
+ printf("MPI_File_read_at offset(%ld), bytes (%d), failed (%s)\n",
+ (long) mpi_off, (int) DIMSIZE, mpi_err_str);
+ return 1;
+ };
+ for (i=0; i < DIMSIZE; i++){
+ expect_val = irank*DIMSIZE + i;
+ if (readdata[i] != expect_val){
+ printf("read data[%d:%d] got %d, expect %d\n", irank, i,
+ readdata[i], expect_val);
+ nerrors++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nerrors)
+ return 1;
+ MPI_File_close(&fh);
+ printf("all tests passed\n");
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
+==> Sample_mpio.f90 <==
+! The following example demonstrates how to create and close a parallel
+! file using MPI-IO calls.
+! USE MPI is the proper way to bring in MPI definitions but many
+! MPI Fortran compiler supports the pseudo standard of INCLUDE.
+! So, HDF5 uses the INCLUDE statement instead.
+ INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
+ CHARACTER(LEN=80), PARAMETER :: filename = "filef.h5" ! File name
+ INTEGER :: ierror ! Error flag
+ INTEGER :: fh ! File handle
+ INTEGER :: amode ! File access mode
+ call MPI_INIT(ierror)
+ call MPI_FILE_OPEN(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename, amode, MPI_INFO_NULL, fh, ierror)
+ print *, "Trying to create ", filename
+ if ( ierror .eq. MPI_SUCCESS ) then
+ print *, "MPI_FILE_OPEN succeeded"
+ call MPI_FILE_CLOSE(fh, ierror)
+ else
+ print *, "MPI_FILE_OPEN failed"
+ endif
+ call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror);