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+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
+<a name="shaping-operations"></a>Shaping operations</h2></div></div></div>
+ Shaping a complex-script text run involves transforming the
+ input sequence of Unicode codepoints with some combination of
+ operations that is specified in the shaping model for the
+ script.
+ </p>
+ The specific conditions that trigger a given operation for a
+ text run varies from script to script, as do the order that the
+ operations are performed in and which codepoints are
+ affected. However, the same general set of shaping operations is
+ common to all of the complex-script shaping models.
+ </p>
+<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
+<li class="listitem">
+ A <span class="emphasis"><em>reordering</em></span> operation moves a glyph
+ from its original ("logical") position in the sequence to
+ some other ("visual") position.
+ </p>
+ The shaping model for a given complex script might involve
+ more than one reordering step.
+ </p>
+<li class="listitem"><p>
+ A <span class="emphasis"><em>joining</em></span> operation replaces a glyph
+ with an alternate form that is designed to connect with one
+ or more of the adjacent glyphs in the sequence.
+ </p></li>
+<li class="listitem">
+ A contextual <span class="emphasis"><em>substitution</em></span> operation
+ replaces either a single glyph or a subsequence of several
+ glyphs with an alternate glyph. This substitution is
+ performed when the original glyph or subsequence of glyphs
+ occurs in a specified position with respect to the
+ surrounding sequence. For example, one substitution might be
+ performed only when the target glyph is the first glyph in
+ the sequence, while another substitution is performed only
+ when a different target glyph occurs immediately after a
+ particular string pattern.
+ </p>
+ The shaping model for a given complex script might involve
+ multiple contextual-substitution operations, each applying
+ to different target glyphs and patterns, and which are
+ performed in separate steps.
+ </p>
+<li class="listitem">
+ A contextual <span class="emphasis"><em>positioning</em></span> operation
+ moves the horizontal and/or vertical position of a
+ glyph. This positioning move is performed when the glyph
+ occurs in a specified position with respect to the
+ surrounding sequence.
+ </p>
+ Many contextual positioning operations are used to place
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>mark</em></span> glyphs (such as diacritics, vowel
+ signs, and tone markers) with respect to
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>base</em></span> glyphs. However, some complex
+ scripts may use contextual positioning operations to
+ correctly place base glyphs as well, such as
+ when the script uses <span class="emphasis"><em>stacking</em></span> characters.
+ </p>
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