path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-02-18Attempt to improve mingw-w64 support1-0/+9
2013-01-09Run autoreconf on ubuntu precise1-4/+3
2012-07-12Reduce compiler warnings on Windows and MacOSX1-0/+4
2012-02-24Add --disable-rtti1-0/+3
2011-05-11Add files left behind by certain tests to CLEANFILES.1-0/+7
2010-05-28Move TEST_SRC_DIR from googletest.h to config.h.1-0/+3
2010-01-18Handle ucontext.h properly in Snow leopard.1-0/+3
2009-01-05Use gtest and gmock if installed.1-0/+6
2008-12-19Initial windows support. Now we don't have the stacktrace and several unittests.1-0/+18
2008-11-21Add -lpthread in addition to -pthread on Linux.1-0/+3
2008-11-17Re-organize the way to produce stacktrace.1-0/+6
2008-10-30Add InstallFailureSignalHandler(). The function installs a signal handler that1-1/+10
2008-10-17Use dladdr to get symbols for environments which doesn't use ELF and1-0/+6
2008-10-07glog 0.11-0/+104