path: root/testing
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-11-23gcr: Add support for parsing PKCS#10 and SPKAC formatsStef Walter1-0/+1
2011-11-21Add valgrind memory checking and fix up errorsStef Walter1-4/+0
2011-09-27gcr: Implement OpenSSH public key parserStef Walter7-0/+49
2011-09-01gcr: Support multiple items inside a PKCS#12 bag.Stef Walter6-3/+77
2011-05-15gcr: Fixes and debugging for GcrGnupgCollection.Stef Walter1-0/+0
2011-05-13gcr: More testing for secret gnupg keys.Stef Walter4-0/+0
2011-04-24Modernize the remainder of the tests.Stef Walter1-17/+1
2011-01-19Issue new test certificates.Stef Walter9-18/+98
2010-06-08Implement coverage of tests using gcov and lcov.Stef Walter1-0/+4
2010-06-08Cleanup naming and whitespace for testing stuff.Stef Walter18-0/+309