path: root/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/graph_communicator.hpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 575 deletions
diff --git a/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/graph_communicator.hpp b/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/graph_communicator.hpp
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-// Copyright (C) 2007 Trustees of Indiana University
-// Authors: Douglas Gregor
-// Andrew Lumsdaine
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-/** @file graph_communicator.hpp
- *
- * This header defines facilities to support MPI communicators with
- * graph topologies, using the graph interface defined by the Boost
- * Graph Library. One can construct a communicator whose topology is
- * described by any graph meeting the requirements of the Boost Graph
- * Library's graph concepts. Likewise, any communicator that has a
- * graph topology can be viewed as a graph by the Boost Graph
- * Library, permitting one to use the BGL's graph algorithms on the
- * process topology.
- */
-#include <boost/mpi/communicator.hpp>
-#include <vector>
-#include <utility>
-// Headers required to implement graph topologies
-#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
-#include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/iterator/counting_iterator.hpp>
-#include <boost/graph/iteration_macros.hpp>
-#include <boost/shared_array.hpp>
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace mpi {
- * @brief An MPI communicator with a graph topology.
- *
- * A @c graph_communicator is a communicator whose topology is
- * expressed as a graph. Graph communicators have the same
- * functionality as (intra)communicators, but also allow one to query
- * the relationships among processes. Those relationships are
- * expressed via a graph, using the interface defined by the Boost
- * Graph Library. The @c graph_communicator class meets the
- * requirements of the BGL Graph, Incidence Graph, Adjacency Graph,
- * Vertex List Graph, and Edge List Graph concepts.
- */
-class BOOST_MPI_DECL graph_communicator : public communicator
- friend class communicator;
- /**
- *
- * Construct a graph communicator given a shared pointer to the
- * underlying MPI_Comm. This operation is used for "casting" from a
- * communicator to a graph communicator.
- */
- explicit graph_communicator(const shared_ptr<MPI_Comm>& comm_ptr)
- {
- int status;
- BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Topo_test, ((MPI_Comm)*this, &status));
- this->comm_ptr = comm_ptr;
- }
- /**
- * Build a new Boost.MPI graph communicator based on the MPI
- * communicator @p comm with graph topology.
- *
- * @p comm may be any valid MPI communicator. If @p comm is
- * MPI_COMM_NULL, an empty communicator (that cannot be used for
- * communication) is created and the @p kind parameter is
- * ignored. Otherwise, the @p kind parameter determines how the
- * Boost.MPI communicator will be related to @p comm:
- *
- * - If @p kind is @c comm_duplicate, duplicate @c comm to create
- * a new communicator. This new communicator will be freed when
- * the Boost.MPI communicator (and all copies of it) is
- * destroyed. This option is only permitted if the underlying MPI
- * implementation supports MPI 2.0; duplication of
- * intercommunicators is not available in MPI 1.x.
- *
- * - If @p kind is @c comm_take_ownership, take ownership of @c
- * comm. It will be freed automatically when all of the Boost.MPI
- * communicators go out of scope.
- *
- * - If @p kind is @c comm_attach, this Boost.MPI communicator
- * will reference the existing MPI communicator @p comm but will
- * not free @p comm when the Boost.MPI communicator goes out of
- * scope. This option should only be used when the communicator is
- * managed by the user.
- */
- graph_communicator(const MPI_Comm& comm, comm_create_kind kind)
- : communicator(comm, kind)
- {
- int status;
- BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Topo_test, ((MPI_Comm)*this, &status));
- }
- /**
- * Create a new communicator whose topology is described by the
- * given graph. The indices of the vertices in the graph will be
- * assumed to be the ranks of the processes within the
- * communicator. There may be fewer vertices in the graph than
- * there are processes in the communicator; in this case, the
- * resulting communicator will be a NULL communicator.
- *
- * @param comm The communicator that the new, graph communicator
- * will be based on.
- *
- * @param graph Any type that meets the requirements of the
- * Incidence Graph and Vertex List Graph concepts from the Boost Graph
- * Library. This structure of this graph will become the topology
- * of the communicator that is returned.
- *
- * @param reorder Whether MPI is permitted to re-order the process
- * ranks within the returned communicator, to better optimize
- * communication. If false, the ranks of each process in the
- * returned process will match precisely the rank of that process
- * within the original communicator.
- */
- template<typename Graph>
- explicit
- graph_communicator(const communicator& comm, const Graph& graph,
- bool reorder = false);
- /**
- * Create a new communicator whose topology is described by the
- * given graph. The rank map (@p rank) gives the mapping from
- * vertices in the graph to ranks within the communicator. There
- * may be fewer vertices in the graph than there are processes in
- * the communicator; in this case, the resulting communicator will
- * be a NULL communicator.
- *
- * @param comm The communicator that the new, graph communicator
- * will be based on. The ranks in @c rank refer to the processes in
- * this communicator.
- *
- * @param graph Any type that meets the requirements of the
- * Incidence Graph and Vertex List Graph concepts from the Boost Graph
- * Library. This structure of this graph will become the topology
- * of the communicator that is returned.
- *
- * @param rank This map translates vertices in the @c graph into
- * ranks within the current communicator. It must be a Readable
- * Property Map (see the Boost Property Map library) whose key type
- * is the vertex type of the @p graph and whose value type is @c
- * int.
- *
- * @param reorder Whether MPI is permitted to re-order the process
- * ranks within the returned communicator, to better optimize
- * communication. If false, the ranks of each process in the
- * returned process will match precisely the rank of that process
- * within the original communicator.
- */
- template<typename Graph, typename RankMap>
- explicit
- graph_communicator(const communicator& comm, const Graph& graph,
- RankMap rank, bool reorder = false);
- /**
- *
- * Used by the constructors to create the new communicator with a
- * graph topology.
- */
- template<typename Graph, typename RankMap>
- void
- setup_graph(const communicator& comm, const Graph& graph, RankMap rank,
- bool reorder);
- * Implementation Details *
- ****************************************************************************/
-template<typename Graph>
-graph_communicator::graph_communicator(const communicator& comm,
- const Graph& graph,
- bool reorder)
- this->setup_graph(comm, graph, get(vertex_index, graph), reorder);
-template<typename Graph, typename RankMap>
-graph_communicator::graph_communicator(const communicator& comm,
- const Graph& graph,
- RankMap rank, bool reorder)
- this->setup_graph(comm, graph, rank, reorder);
-template<typename Graph, typename RankMap>
-graph_communicator::setup_graph(const communicator& comm, const Graph& graph,
- RankMap rank, bool reorder)
- typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
- // Build a mapping from ranks to vertices
- std::vector<vertex_descriptor> vertex_with_rank(num_vertices(graph));
- if (vertex_with_rank.empty())
- return;
- BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(v, graph, Graph)
- vertex_with_rank[get(rank, v)] = v;
- // Build the representation of the graph required by
- // MPI_Graph_create.
- std::vector<int> indices(num_vertices(graph));
- std::vector<int> edges;
- int nvertices = indices.size();
- for (int vertex_index = 0; vertex_index < nvertices; ++vertex_index) {
- vertex_descriptor v = vertex_with_rank[vertex_index];
- BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES_T(v, e, graph, Graph)
- edges.push_back(get(rank, target(e, graph)));
- indices[vertex_index] = edges.size();
- }
- // Create the new communicator
- MPI_Comm newcomm;
- ((MPI_Comm)comm,
- nvertices,
- &indices[0],
- edges.empty()? (int*)0 : &edges[0],
- reorder,
- &newcomm));
- this->comm_ptr.reset(new MPI_Comm(newcomm), comm_free());
- * Communicator with Graph Topology as BGL Graph *
- ****************************************************************************/
-namespace detail {
- /**
- *
- * The iterator used to access the outgoing edges within a
- * communicator's graph topology.
- */
- class comm_out_edge_iterator
- : public iterator_facade<comm_out_edge_iterator,
- std::pair<int, int>,
- random_access_traversal_tag,
- const std::pair<int, int>&,
- int>
- {
- public:
- comm_out_edge_iterator() { }
- comm_out_edge_iterator(int source, shared_array<int> neighbors, int index)
- : edge(source, -1), neighbors(neighbors), index(index) { }
- protected:
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- const std::pair<int, int>& dereference() const
- {
- edge.second = neighbors[index];
- return edge;
- }
- bool equal(const comm_out_edge_iterator& other) const
- {
- return (edge.first == other.edge.first
- && index == other.index);
- }
- void increment() { ++index; }
- void decrement() { --index; }
- void advance(int n) { index += n; }
- int distance_to(const comm_out_edge_iterator& other) const
- {
- return other.index - index;
- }
- mutable std::pair<int, int> edge;
- shared_array<int> neighbors;
- int index;
- };
- /**
- *
- * The iterator used to access the adjacent vertices within a
- * communicator's graph topology.
- */
- class comm_adj_iterator
- : public iterator_facade<comm_adj_iterator,
- int,
- random_access_traversal_tag,
- int,
- int>
- {
- public:
- comm_adj_iterator() { }
- comm_adj_iterator(shared_array<int> neighbors, int index)
- : neighbors(neighbors), index(index) { }
- protected:
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- int dereference() const { return neighbors[index]; }
- bool equal(const comm_adj_iterator& other) const
- {
- return (neighbors == other.neighbors
- && index == other.index);
- }
- void increment() { ++index; }
- void decrement() { --index; }
- void advance(int n) { index += n; }
- int distance_to(const comm_adj_iterator& other) const
- {
- return other.index - index;
- }
- shared_array<int> neighbors;
- int index;
- };
- /**
- *
- * The iterator used to access the edges in a communicator's graph
- * topology.
- */
- class comm_edge_iterator
- : public iterator_facade<comm_edge_iterator,
- std::pair<int, int>,
- forward_traversal_tag,
- const std::pair<int, int>&,
- int>
- {
- public:
- comm_edge_iterator() { }
- /// Constructor for a past-the-end iterator
- comm_edge_iterator(int nedges) : edge_index(nedges) { }
- comm_edge_iterator(shared_array<int> indices, shared_array<int> edges)
- : indices(indices), edges(edges), edge_index(0), edge(0, 0)
- { }
- protected:
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- const std::pair<int, int>& dereference() const
- {
- while (edge_index == indices[edge.first])
- ++edge.first;
- edge.second = edges[edge_index];
- return edge;
- }
- bool equal(const comm_edge_iterator& other) const
- {
- return edge_index == other.edge_index;
- }
- void increment()
- {
- ++edge_index;
- }
- shared_array<int> indices;
- shared_array<int> edges;
- int edge_index;
- mutable std::pair<int, int> edge;
- };
-} // end namespace detail
-// Incidence Graph requirements
- * @brief Returns the source vertex from an edge in the graph topology
- * of a communicator.
- */
-inline int source(const std::pair<int, int>& edge, const graph_communicator&)
- return edge.first;
- * @brief Returns the target vertex from an edge in the graph topology
- * of a communicator.
- */
-inline int target(const std::pair<int, int>& edge, const graph_communicator&)
- return edge.second;
- * @brief Returns an iterator range containing all of the edges
- * outgoing from the given vertex in a graph topology of a
- * communicator.
- */
-std::pair<detail::comm_out_edge_iterator, detail::comm_out_edge_iterator>
-out_edges(int vertex, const graph_communicator& comm);
- * @brief Returns the out-degree of a vertex in the graph topology of
- * a communicator.
- */
-int out_degree(int vertex, const graph_communicator& comm);
-// Adjacency Graph requirements
- * @brief Returns an iterator range containing all of the neighbors of
- * the given vertex in the communicator's graph topology.
- */
-std::pair<detail::comm_adj_iterator, detail::comm_adj_iterator>
-adjacent_vertices(int vertex, const graph_communicator& comm);
-// Vertex List Graph requirements
- * @brief Returns an iterator range that contains all of the vertices
- * with the communicator's graph topology, i.e., all of the process
- * ranks in the communicator.
- */
-inline std::pair<counting_iterator<int>, counting_iterator<int> >
-vertices(const graph_communicator& comm)
- return std::make_pair(counting_iterator<int>(0),
- counting_iterator<int>(comm.size()));
- * @brief Returns the number of vertices within the graph topology of
- * the communicator, i.e., the number of processes in the
- * communicator.
- */
-inline int num_vertices(const graph_communicator& comm) { return comm.size(); }
-// Edge List Graph requirements
- * @brief Returns an iterator range that contains all of the edges
- * with the communicator's graph topology.
- */
-std::pair<detail::comm_edge_iterator, detail::comm_edge_iterator>
-edges(const graph_communicator& comm);
- * @brief Returns the number of edges in the communicator's graph
- * topology.
- */
-int num_edges(const graph_communicator& comm);
-// Property Graph requirements
- * @brief Returns a property map that maps from vertices in a
- * communicator's graph topology to their index values.
- *
- * Since the vertices are ranks in the communicator, the returned
- * property map is the identity property map.
- */
-inline identity_property_map get(vertex_index_t, const graph_communicator&)
- return identity_property_map();
- * @brief Returns the index of a vertex in the communicator's graph
- * topology.
- *
- * Since the vertices are ranks in the communicator, this is the
- * identity function.
- */
-inline int get(vertex_index_t, const graph_communicator&, int vertex)
- return vertex;
-} } // end namespace boost::mpi
-namespace boost {
- * @brief Traits structure that allows a communicator with graph
- * topology to be view as a graph by the Boost Graph Library.
- *
- * The specialization of @c graph_traits for an MPI communicator
- * allows a communicator with graph topology to be viewed as a
- * graph. An MPI communicator with graph topology meets the
- * requirements of the Graph, Incidence Graph, Adjacency Graph, Vertex
- * List Graph, and Edge List Graph concepts from the Boost Graph
- * Library.
- */
-struct graph_traits<mpi::graph_communicator> {
- // Graph concept requirements
- typedef int vertex_descriptor;
- typedef std::pair<int, int> edge_descriptor;
- typedef directed_tag directed_category;
- typedef disallow_parallel_edge_tag edge_parallel_category;
- /**
- */
- struct traversal_category
- : incidence_graph_tag,
- adjacency_graph_tag,
- vertex_list_graph_tag,
- edge_list_graph_tag
- {
- };
- /**
- * @brief Returns a vertex descriptor that can never refer to any
- * valid vertex.
- */
- static vertex_descriptor null_vertex() { return -1; }
- // Incidence Graph requirements
- typedef mpi::detail::comm_out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
- typedef int degree_size_type;
- // Adjacency Graph requirements
- typedef mpi::detail::comm_adj_iterator adjacency_iterator;
- // Vertex List Graph requirements
- typedef counting_iterator<int> vertex_iterator;
- typedef int vertices_size_type;
- // Edge List Graph requirements
- typedef mpi::detail::comm_edge_iterator edge_iterator;
- typedef int edges_size_type;
-// Property Graph requirements
- */
-struct property_map<mpi::graph_communicator, vertex_index_t>
- typedef identity_property_map type;
- typedef identity_property_map const_type;
-} // end namespace boost