path: root/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/allocator.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/allocator.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/allocator.hpp b/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/allocator.hpp
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--- a/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/allocator.hpp
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-// Copyright (C) 2006 Douglas Gregor <doug.gregor -at->
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-/** @file allocator.hpp
- *
- * This header provides an STL-compliant allocator that uses the
- * MPI-2 memory allocation facilities.
- */
-#include <boost/mpi/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpi/exception.hpp>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <memory>
-#include <boost/limits.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace mpi {
-template<typename T> class allocator;
-/** @brief Allocator specialization for @c void value types.
- *
- * The @c void specialization of @c allocator is useful only for
- * rebinding to another, different value type.
- */
-class BOOST_MPI_DECL allocator<void>
- typedef void* pointer;
- typedef const void* const_pointer;
- typedef void value_type;
- template <class U>
- struct rebind
- {
- typedef allocator<U> other;
- };
-/** @brief Standard Library-compliant allocator for the MPI-2 memory
- * allocation routines.
- *
- * This allocator provides a standard C++ interface to the @c
- * MPI_Alloc_mem and @c MPI_Free_mem routines of MPI-2. It is
- * intended to be used with the containers in the Standard Library
- * (@c vector, in particular) in cases where the contents of the
- * container will be directly transmitted via MPI. This allocator is
- * also used internally by the library for character buffers that
- * will be used in the transmission of data.
- *
- * The @c allocator class template only provides MPI memory
- * allocation when the underlying MPI implementation is either MPI-2
- * compliant or is known to provide @c MPI_Alloc_mem and @c
- * MPI_Free_mem as extensions. When the MPI memory allocation
- * routines are not available, @c allocator is brought in directly
- * from namespace @c std, so that standard allocators are used
- * throughout. The macro @c BOOST_MPI_HAS_MEMORY_ALLOCATION will be
- * defined when the MPI-2 memory allocation facilities are available.
- */
-template<typename T>
-class BOOST_MPI_DECL allocator
- /// Holds the size of objects
- typedef std::size_t size_type;
- /// Holds the number of elements between two pointers
- typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- /// A pointer to an object of type @c T
- typedef T* pointer;
- /// A pointer to a constant object of type @c T
- typedef const T* const_pointer;
- /// A reference to an object of type @c T
- typedef T& reference;
- /// A reference to a constant object of type @c T
- typedef const T& const_reference;
- /// The type of memory allocated by this allocator
- typedef T value_type;
- /** @brief Retrieve the type of an allocator similar to this
- * allocator but for a different value type.
- */
- template <typename U>
- struct rebind
- {
- typedef allocator<U> other;
- };
- /** Default-construct an allocator. */
- allocator() throw() { }
- /** Copy-construct an allocator. */
- allocator(const allocator&) throw() { }
- /**
- * Copy-construct an allocator from another allocator for a
- * different value type.
- */
- template <typename U>
- allocator(const allocator<U>&) throw() { }
- /** Destroy an allocator. */
- ~allocator() throw() { }
- /** Returns the address of object @p x. */
- pointer address(reference x) const
- {
- return &x;
- }
- /** Returns the address of object @p x. */
- const_pointer address(const_reference x) const
- {
- return &x;
- }
- /**
- * Allocate enough memory for @p n elements of type @c T.
- *
- * @param n The number of elements for which memory should be
- * allocated.
- *
- * @return a pointer to the newly-allocated memory
- */
- pointer allocate(size_type n, allocator<void>::const_pointer /*hint*/ = 0)
- {
- pointer result;
- (static_cast<MPI_Aint>(n * sizeof(T)),
- &result));
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Deallocate memory referred to by the pointer @c p.
- *
- * @param p The pointer whose memory should be deallocated. This
- * pointer shall have been returned from the @c allocate() function
- * and not have already been freed.
- */
- void deallocate(pointer p, size_type /*n*/)
- {
- }
- /**
- * Returns the maximum number of elements that can be allocated
- * with @c allocate().
- */
- size_type max_size() const throw()
- {
- return (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)() / sizeof(T);
- }
- /** Construct a copy of @p val at the location referenced by @c p. */
- void construct(pointer p, const T& val)
- {
- new ((void *)p) T(val);
- }
- /** Destroy the object referenced by @c p. */
- void destroy(pointer p)
- {
- ((T*)p)->~T();
- }
-/** @brief Compare two allocators for equality.
- *
- * Since MPI allocators have no state, all MPI allocators are equal.
- *
- * @returns @c true
- */
-template<typename T1, typename T2>
-inline bool operator==(const allocator<T1>&, const allocator<T2>&) throw()
- return true;
-/** @brief Compare two allocators for inequality.
- *
- * Since MPI allocators have no state, all MPI allocators are equal.
- *
- * @returns @c false
- */
-template<typename T1, typename T2>
-inline bool operator!=(const allocator<T1>&, const allocator<T2>&) throw()
- return false;
-// Bring in the default allocator from namespace std.
-using std::allocator;
-} } /// end namespace boost::mpi