path: root/test/dbus/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/dbus/')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/dbus/ b/test/dbus/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b793b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/dbus/
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
+# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import string
+import random
+import functools
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as Et
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import dbus
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+BUS_NAME = os.getenv('LVM_DBUS_NAME', 'com.redhat.lvmdbus1')
+BASE_INTERFACE = 'com.redhat.lvmdbus1'
+MANAGER_OBJ = '/' + BASE_INTERFACE.replace('.', '/') + '/Manager'
+THINPOOL_LV_PATH = '/' + THINPOOL_INT.replace('.', '/')
+validate_introspection = True
+def rs(length, suffix, character_set=string.ascii_lowercase):
+ return ''.join(random.choice(character_set) for _ in range(length)) + suffix
+def mib(s):
+ return 1024 * 1024 * s
+def std_err_print(*args):
+ sys.stderr.write(' '.join(map(str, args)) + '\n')
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+class DbusIntrospection(object):
+ @staticmethod
+ def introspect(xml_representation):
+ interfaces = {}
+ root = Et.fromstring(xml_representation)
+ for c in root:
+ if c.tag == "interface":
+ in_f = c.attrib['name']
+ interfaces[in_f] = dict(methods=OrderedDict(), properties={})
+ for nested in c:
+ if nested.tag == "method":
+ mn = nested.attrib['name']
+ interfaces[in_f]['methods'][mn] = OrderedDict()
+ for arg in nested:
+ if arg.tag == 'arg':
+ arg_dir = arg.attrib['direction']
+ if arg_dir == 'in':
+ n = arg.attrib['name']
+ else:
+ arg_type = arg.attrib['type']
+ if n:
+ v = dict(
+ name=mn,
+ a_dir=arg_dir,
+ a_type=arg_type
+ )
+ interfaces[in_f]['methods'][mn][n] = v
+ elif nested.tag == 'property':
+ pn = nested.attrib['name']
+ p_access = nested.attrib['access']
+ p_type = nested.attrib['type']
+ interfaces[in_f]['properties'][pn] = \
+ dict(p_access=p_access, p_type=p_type)
+ else:
+ pass
+ # print('Interfaces...')
+ # for k, v in list(interfaces.items()):
+ # print('Interface %s' % k)
+ # if v['methods']:
+ # for m, args in list(v['methods'].items()):
+ # print(' method: %s' % m)
+ # for a, aa in args.items():
+ # print(' method arg: %s type %s' %
+ # (a, aa['a_type']))
+ # if v['properties']:
+ # for p, d in list(v['properties'].items()):
+ # print(' Property: %s type= %s' % (p, d['p_type']))
+ # print('End interfaces')
+ return interfaces
+def btsr(value):
+ t = type(value)
+ if t == dbus.Boolean:
+ return 'b'
+ elif t == dbus.ObjectPath:
+ return 'o'
+ elif t == dbus.String:
+ return 's'
+ elif t == dbus.Byte:
+ return 'y'
+ elif t == dbus.Int16:
+ return 'n'
+ elif t == dbus.Int32:
+ return 'i'
+ elif t == dbus.Int64:
+ return 'x'
+ elif t == dbus.UInt16:
+ return 'q'
+ elif t == dbus.UInt32:
+ return 'u'
+ elif t == dbus.UInt64:
+ return 't'
+ elif t == dbus.Double:
+ return 'd'
+ elif t == dbus.Struct:
+ rc = '('
+ for vt in value:
+ rc += btsr(vt)
+ rc += ')'
+ return rc
+ elif t == dbus.Array:
+ rc = "a"
+ if hasattr(value, "signature"):
+ return rc + value.signature
+ for i in value:
+ rc += btsr(i)
+ break
+ return rc
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Unhandled type %s" % str(t))
+def verify_type(value, dbus_str_rep):
+ actual_str_rep = btsr(value)
+ if dbus_str_rep != actual_str_rep:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Incorrect type, expected= %s actual = %s object= %s" %
+ (dbus_str_rep, actual_str_rep, str(type(value))))
+class RemoteInterface(object):
+ def _set_props(self, props=None):
+ if not props:
+ for _ in range(0, 3):
+ try:
+ prop_interface = dbus.Interface(
+ self.dbus_object, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
+ props = prop_interface.GetAll(self.interface)
+ break
+ except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as dbe:
+ if "GetAll" not in str(dbe):
+ raise dbe
+ if props:
+ for kl, vl in list(props.items()):
+ # Verify type is correct!
+ if self.introspect:
+ verify_type(
+ vl, self.introspect[self.interface]
+ ['properties'][kl]['p_type'])
+ self.p_name[kl] = True
+ setattr(self, kl, vl)
+ @property
+ def object_path(self):
+ return self.dbus_object.object_path
+ def __init__(
+ self, dbus_object, interface,
+ introspect, properties=None, timelimit=-1):
+ self.dbus_object = dbus_object
+ self.interface = interface
+ self.introspect = introspect
+ self.tmo = 0
+ self.p_name = {}
+ if timelimit >= 0:
+ self.tmo = float(timelimit)
+ self.tmo *= 1.10
+ self.dbus_interface = dbus.Interface(self.dbus_object, self.interface)
+ self._set_props(properties)
+ # noinspection PyTypeChecker
+ def __getattr__(self, item):
+ if hasattr(self.dbus_interface, item):
+ return functools.partial(self._wrapper, item)
+ else:
+ return functools.partial(self, item)
+ def _wrapper(self, _method_name, *args, **kwargs):
+ # Let's see how long a method takes to execute, in call cases we should
+ # return something when the time limit has been reached.
+ start = time.time()
+ result = getattr(self.dbus_interface, _method_name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ end = time.time()
+ diff = end - start
+ if self.tmo > 0.0:
+ if diff > self.tmo:
+ std_err_print(
+ "\n Time exceeded: %f > %f %s" %
+ (diff, self.tmo, _method_name))
+ if self.introspect:
+ if 'RETURN_VALUE' in self.introspect[
+ self.interface]['methods'][_method_name]:
+ r_type = self.introspect[
+ self.interface]['methods'][
+ _method_name]['RETURN_VALUE']['a_type']
+ verify_type(result, r_type)
+ return result
+ def update(self):
+ self._set_props()
+ def get_property_names(self):
+ return self.p_name.keys()
+ def get_property_value(self, name):
+ prop_interface = dbus.Interface(
+ self.dbus_object, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
+ return prop_interface.Get(self.interface, name)
+class ClientProxy(object):
+ @staticmethod
+ def _intf_short_name(nm):
+ return nm.split('.')[-1:][0]
+ def get_introspect(self):
+ i = dbus.Interface(
+ self.dbus_object,
+ 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable')
+ return DbusIntrospection.introspect(i.Introspect())
+ def _common(self, interface, introspect, properties):
+ short_name = ClientProxy._intf_short_name(interface)
+ self.short_interface_names.append(short_name)
+ ro = RemoteInterface(
+ self.dbus_object, interface, introspect, properties,
+ timelimit=self.tmo)
+ setattr(self, short_name, ro)
+ def __init__(
+ self, bus, object_path, interface_prop_hash=None,
+ interfaces=None, timelimit=-1):
+ # Instance variables which may or may not get assigned during class
+ # construction dynamically. Assigned here so code inspection tools
+ # have knowledge of their existence.
+ self.Manager = None
+ self.Pv = None
+ self.Vg = None
+ self.Lv = None
+ self.VgVdo = None
+ self.ThinPool = None
+ self.VdoPool = None
+ self.SnapShot = None
+ self.LvCommon = None
+ self.Job = None
+ self.CachePool = None
+ self.CachedLv = None
+ self.object_path = object_path
+ self.short_interface_names = []
+ self.tmo = timelimit
+ self.dbus_object = bus.get_object(
+ BUS_NAME, self.object_path, introspect=False)
+ if interface_prop_hash:
+ assert interfaces is None
+ if interfaces:
+ assert interface_prop_hash is None
+ if interface_prop_hash and not validate_introspection:
+ # We have everything including the values of the properties
+ for i, props in interface_prop_hash.items():
+ self._common(i, None, props)
+ elif interfaces and not validate_introspection:
+ # We are retrieving the values of the properties
+ for i in interfaces:
+ self._common(i, None, None)
+ else:
+ # We need to query the interfaces and gather all the properties
+ # for each interface, as we have the introspection data we
+ # will also utilize it to verify what we get back verifies
+ introspect = self.get_introspect()
+ if interface_prop_hash:
+ introspect_interfaces = list(introspect.keys())
+ for object_manager_key in interface_prop_hash.keys():
+ assert object_manager_key in introspect_interfaces
+ for i in list(introspect.keys()):
+ self._common(i, introspect, None)
+ def update(self):
+ # Go through all interfaces and update them
+ for sn in self.short_interface_names:
+ getattr(self, sn).update()