path: root/src/mscorlib/GenerateSplitStringResources.targets
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-02-23Manual change to make codeformatter workAlex Perovich1-4/+4
2016-02-25Remove need for mono resgenMatt Ellis1-9/+18
2015-08-17Build mscolrib.dll on UnixMatt Ellis1-4/+7
2015-08-13Rebuild the resource file when the input file changesAlex Ghiondea1-1/+1
2015-02-12Merge pull request #183 from poizan42/build-space-fixMatt Mitchell1-1/+1
2015-02-11Use $(SDK40ToolsPath) to get path to ResGen instead of hardcoding "NETFX 4.5....Kasper F. Brandt1-1/+1
2015-02-11Correct handling of paths with spaces and ampersands when building on windows.Kasper F. Brandt1-1/+1
2015-01-30Initial commit to populate CoreCLR repo dotnet-bot1-0/+30