path: root/src/md/winmd/winmdinternalimportro.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/md/winmd/winmdinternalimportro.cpp')
1 files changed, 1804 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/md/winmd/winmdinternalimportro.cpp b/src/md/winmd/winmdinternalimportro.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70a54b88b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/md/winmd/winmdinternalimportro.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1804 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "winmdinterfaces.h"
+#include "inc/adapter.h"
+HRESULT TranslateSigHelper( // S_OK or error.
+ IMDInternalImport *pImport, // [IN] import scope.
+ IMDInternalImport *pAssemImport, // [IN] import assembly scope.
+ const void *pbHashValue, // [IN] hash value for the import assembly.
+ ULONG cbHashValue, // [IN] count of bytes in the hash value.
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, // [IN] signature in the importing scope
+ ULONG cbSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes of signature
+ IMetaDataAssemblyEmit *pAssemEmit, // [IN] assembly emit scope.
+ IMetaDataEmit *emit, // [IN] emit interface
+ CQuickBytes *pqkSigEmit, // [OUT] buffer to hold translated signature
+ ULONG *pcbSig); // [OUT] count of bytes in the translated signature
+// This metadata importer is used internally by the runtime and exposes an
+// IMDInternalImport* on .winmd files. It applies a small number of on-the-fly
+// conversions to make the .winmd file look like a regular .NET assembly.
+// All those places in src\vm where the runtime calls an IMDInternalImport*
+// pointer, it may now be talking to a WinMDInternalImportRO. Ideally, the
+// runtime will never know the difference (but this being an internal interface,
+// we may tolerate the occasional leakiness in the name of expediency.)
+class WinMDInternalImportRO : public IMDInternalImport, IWinMDImport, IMetaModelCommon
+ public:
+ //=========================================================
+ // Factory
+ //=========================================================
+ static HRESULT Create(IMDCommon *pRawMDCommon, WinMDInternalImportRO **ppWinMDInternalImportRO)
+ {
+ *ppWinMDInternalImportRO = NULL;
+ WinMDInternalImportRO *pNewWinMDInternalImport = new (nothrow) WinMDInternalImportRO(pRawMDCommon);
+ IfFailGo(pRawMDCommon->QueryInterface(IID_IMDInternalImport, (void**)&(pNewWinMDInternalImport->m_pRawInternalImport)));
+ IfFailGo(WinMDAdapter::Create(pNewWinMDInternalImport->m_pRawMDCommon, &(pNewWinMDInternalImport->m_pWinMDAdapter)));
+ (*ppWinMDInternalImportRO = pNewWinMDInternalImport)->AddRef();
+ hr = S_OK;
+ ErrExit:
+ if (pNewWinMDInternalImport)
+ pNewWinMDInternalImport->Release();
+ return hr;
+ }
+ private:
+ //=========================================================
+ // Ctors, Dtors
+ //=========================================================
+ WinMDInternalImportRO(IMDCommon * pRawMDCommon)
+ : m_cRef(1)
+ , m_pWinMDAdapter(NULL)
+ , m_pRawInternalImport(NULL)
+ , m_pRawMDCommon(pRawMDCommon)
+ , m_pRawMetaModelCommon(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommon())
+ {
+ m_pRawMDCommon->AddRef();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------
+ ~WinMDInternalImportRO()
+ {
+ m_pRawMDCommon->Release();
+ m_pRawInternalImport->Release();
+ delete m_pWinMDAdapter;
+ }
+ public:
+ //=========================================================
+ // IUnknown methods
+ //=========================================================
+ STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppUnk)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = 0;
+ if (riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IWinMDImport)
+ *ppUnk = (IWinMDImport *) this;
+ else if (riid == IID_IMDInternalImport)
+ *ppUnk = (IMDInternalImport *) this;
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_MD_WinMD_AssertOnIllegalUsage))
+ {
+ if (riid == IID_IMDInternalImportENC)
+ _ASSERTE(!"WinMDInternalImportRO::QueryInterface(IID_IMDInternalImportENC) returning E_NOINTERFACE");
+ else if (riid == IID_IMarshal)
+ _ASSERTE(!"WinMDInternalImportRO::QueryInterface(IID_IMarshal) returning E_NOINTERFACE");
+ else
+ _ASSERTE(!"WinMDInternalImportRO::QueryInterface() returning E_NOINTERFACE");
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ }
+ AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------
+ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void)
+ {
+ ULONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef);
+ if (!cRef)
+ delete this;
+ return cRef;
+ }
+ public:
+ //=========================================================
+ // IWinMDImport methods
+ //=========================================================
+ STDMETHODIMP IsScenarioWinMDExp(BOOL *pbResult)
+ {
+ if (pbResult == NULL)
+ return E_POINTER;
+ *pbResult = m_pWinMDAdapter->IsScenarioWinMDExp();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP IsRuntimeClassImplementation(mdTypeDef tkTypeDef, BOOL *pbResult)
+ {
+ if (pbResult == NULL)
+ return E_POINTER;
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->IsRuntimeClassImplementation(tkTypeDef, pbResult);
+ }
+ //=========================================================
+ // IMDInternalImport methods
+ //=========================================================
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ // return the count of entries of a given kind in a scope
+ // For example, pass in mdtMethodDef will tell you how many MethodDef
+ // contained in a scope
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) GetCountWithTokenKind(// return hresult
+ DWORD tkKind) // [IN] pass in the kind of token.
+ {
+ if (tkKind == mdtAssemblyRef)
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetCountWithTokenKind(tkKind) + m_pWinMDAdapter->GetExtraAssemblyRefCount();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetCountWithTokenKind(tkKind);
+ }
+ }
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ // enumerator for typedef
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP EnumTypeDefInit( // return hresult
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [OUT] buffer to fill for enumerator data
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumTypeDefInit(phEnum);
+ }
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumTypeDefGetCount(phEnum);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(void) EnumTypeDefReset(
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumTypeDefReset(phEnum);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(bool) EnumTypeDefNext( // return hresult
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum, // [IN] input enum
+ mdTypeDef *ptd) // [OUT] return token
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumTypeDefNext(phEnum, ptd);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(void) EnumTypeDefClose(
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumTypeDefClose(phEnum);
+ }
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ // enumerator for MethodImpl
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP EnumMethodImplInit( // return hresult
+ mdTypeDef td, // [IN] TypeDef over which to scope the enumeration.
+ HENUMInternal *phEnumBody, // [OUT] buffer to fill for enumerator data for MethodBody tokens.
+ HENUMInternal *) // [OUT] used only on RW imports
+ {
+ HENUMInternal::InitDynamicArrayEnum(phEnumBody);
+ phEnumBody->m_tkKind = TBL_MethodImpl << 24;
+ IfFailGo(m_pWinMDAdapter->AddMethodImplsToEnum(td, phEnumBody));
+ hr = S_OK;
+ ErrExit:
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ HENUMInternal::ClearEnum(phEnumBody);
+ INDEBUG(memset(phEnumBody, 0xcc, sizeof(HENUMInternal)));
+ }
+ return hr;
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) EnumMethodImplGetCount(
+ HENUMInternal *phEnumBody, // [IN] MethodBody enumerator.
+ HENUMInternal *) // [IN] used only on RW imports
+ {
+ return phEnumBody->m_ulCount / 2;
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(void) EnumMethodImplReset(
+ HENUMInternal *phEnumBody, // [IN] MethodBody enumerator.
+ HENUMInternal *) // [IN] used only on RW imports
+ {
+ phEnumBody->u.m_ulCur = phEnumBody->u.m_ulStart;
+ return;
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP EnumMethodImplNext( // return hresult (S_OK = TRUE, S_FALSE = FALSE or error code)
+ HENUMInternal *phEnumBody, // [IN] input enum for MethodBody
+ HENUMInternal *, // [IN] used only on RW imports
+ mdToken *ptkBody, // [OUT] return token for MethodBody
+ mdToken *ptkDecl) // [OUT] return token for MethodDecl
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(ptkBody && ptkDecl);
+ return HENUMInternal::EnumWithCount(phEnumBody, 1, ptkBody, ptkDecl, NULL);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(void) EnumMethodImplClose(
+ HENUMInternal *phEnumBody, // [IN] MethodBody enumerator.
+ HENUMInternal *) // [IN] used only on RW imports
+ {
+ HENUMInternal::ClearEnum(phEnumBody);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // Enumerator helpers for memberdef, memberref, interfaceimp,
+ // event, property, exception, param
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP EnumGlobalFunctionsInit( // return hresult
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [OUT] buffer to fill for enumerator data
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumGlobalFunctionsInit(phEnum);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP EnumGlobalFieldsInit( // return hresult
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [OUT] buffer to fill for enumerator data
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumGlobalFieldsInit(phEnum);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP EnumInit( // return S_FALSE if record not found
+ DWORD tkKind, // [IN] which table to work on
+ mdToken tkParent, // [IN] token to scope the search
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [OUT] the enumerator to fill
+ {
+ if (tkKind == (TBL_MethodImpl << 24))
+ return EnumMethodImplInit(tkParent, phEnum, NULL);
+ IfFailGo(m_pRawInternalImport->EnumInit(tkKind, tkParent, phEnum));
+ _ASSERTE(phEnum->m_EnumType == MDSimpleEnum);
+ if (tkKind == mdtAssemblyRef)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE( phEnum->m_ulCount == m_pWinMDAdapter->GetRawAssemblyRefCount());
+ int n = m_pWinMDAdapter->GetExtraAssemblyRefCount();
+ phEnum->m_ulCount += n;
+ phEnum->u.m_ulEnd += n;
+ }
+ return hr;
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP EnumAllInit( // return S_FALSE if record not found
+ DWORD tkKind, // [IN] which table to work on
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [OUT] the enumerator to fill
+ {
+ IfFailGo(m_pRawInternalImport->EnumAllInit(tkKind, phEnum));
+ _ASSERTE(phEnum->m_EnumType == MDSimpleEnum);
+ if (tkKind == mdtAssemblyRef)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE( phEnum->m_ulCount == m_pWinMDAdapter->GetRawAssemblyRefCount());
+ int n = m_pWinMDAdapter->GetExtraAssemblyRefCount();
+ phEnum->m_ulCount += n;
+ phEnum->u.m_ulEnd += n;
+ }
+ return hr;
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(bool) EnumNext(
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum, // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information
+ mdToken *ptk) // [OUT] token to scope the search
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumNext(phEnum, ptk);
+ }
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumGetCount(phEnum);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(void) EnumReset(
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [IN] the enumerator to be reset
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumReset(phEnum);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(void) EnumClose(
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [IN] the enumerator to be closed
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumClose(phEnum);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // Enumerator helpers for declsecurity.
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP EnumPermissionSetsInit( // return S_FALSE if record not found
+ mdToken tkParent, // [IN] token to scope the search
+ CorDeclSecurity Action, // [IN] Action to scope the search
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [OUT] the enumerator to fill
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumPermissionSetsInit(tkParent, Action, phEnum);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // Enumerator helpers for CustomAttribute
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP EnumCustomAttributeByNameInit(// return S_FALSE if record not found
+ mdToken tkParent, // [IN] token to scope the search
+ LPCSTR szName, // [IN] CustomAttribute's name to scope the search
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [OUT] the enumerator to fill
+ {
+ WinMDAdapter::ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromClrToWinRT(&szName);
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumCustomAttributeByNameInit(tkParent, szName, phEnum);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // Nagivator helper to navigate back to the parent token given a token.
+ // For example, given a memberdef token, it will return the containing typedef.
+ //
+ // the mapping is as following:
+ // ---given child type---------parent type
+ // mdMethodDef mdTypeDef
+ // mdFieldDef mdTypeDef
+ // mdInterfaceImpl mdTypeDef
+ // mdParam mdMethodDef
+ // mdProperty mdTypeDef
+ // mdEvent mdTypeDef
+ //
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetParentToken(
+ mdToken tkChild, // [IN] given child token
+ mdToken *ptkParent) // [OUT] returning parent
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetParentToken(tkChild, ptkParent);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // Custom value helpers
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetCustomAttributeProps( // S_OK or error.
+ mdCustomAttribute at, // [IN] The attribute.
+ mdToken *ptkType) // [OUT] Put attribute type here.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetCustomAttributeProps(at, ptkType);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetCustomAttributeAsBlob(
+ mdCustomAttribute cv, // [IN] given custom value token
+ void const **ppBlob, // [OUT] return the pointer to internal blob
+ ULONG *pcbSize) // [OUT] return the size of the blob
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetCustomAttributeBlob(cv, ppBlob, pcbSize);
+ }
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] scope name
+ GUID *pmvid) // [OUT] version id
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetScopeProps(pszName, pmvid);
+ }
+ // The default signature comparison function.
+ static BOOL CompareSignatures(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvFirstSigBlob, // First signature
+ DWORD cbFirstSigBlob, //
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvSecondSigBlob, // Second signature
+ DWORD cbSecondSigBlob, //
+ void * SigArguments) // No additional arguments required
+ {
+ if (cbFirstSigBlob != cbSecondSigBlob || memcmp(pvFirstSigBlob, pvSecondSigBlob, cbSecondSigBlob))
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // finding a particular method
+ __checkReturn
+ mdTypeDef classdef, // [IN] given typedef
+ LPCSTR szName, // [IN] member name
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvSigBlob, // [IN] point to a blob value of CLR signature
+ ULONG cbSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes in the signature blob
+ mdMethodDef *pmd) // [OUT] matching memberdef
+ {
+ return FindMethodDefUsingCompare(classdef,
+ szName,
+ pvSigBlob,
+ cbSigBlob,
+ CompareSignatures,
+ pmd);
+ }
+ // return a iSeq's param given a MethodDef
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP FindParamOfMethod( // S_OK or error.
+ mdMethodDef md, // [IN] The owning method of the param.
+ ULONG iSeq, // [IN] The sequence # of the param.
+ mdParamDef *pparamdef) // [OUT] Put ParamDef token here.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->FindParamOfMethod(md, iSeq, pparamdef);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ //
+ // GetName* functions
+ //
+ //*****************************************
+ // return the name and namespace of typedef
+ __checkReturn
+ mdTypeDef classdef, // given classdef
+ LPCSTR *pszname, // return class name(unqualified)
+ LPCSTR *psznamespace) // return the name space name
+ {
+ if (TypeFromToken(classdef) != mdtTypeDef)
+ IfFailRet(m_pWinMDAdapter->GetTypeDefProps(classdef, psznamespace, pszname, NULL, NULL));
+ return hr;
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ mdTypeDef classdef, // [IN] given classdef.
+ ULONG *pDual) // [OUT] return dual flag here.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetIsDualOfTypeDef(classdef, pDual);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetIfaceTypeOfTypeDef(
+ mdTypeDef classdef, // [IN] given classdef.
+ ULONG *pIface) // [OUT] 0=dual, 1=vtable, 2=dispinterface
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetIfaceTypeOfTypeDef(classdef, pIface);
+ }
+ // get the name of either methoddef
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetNameOfMethodDef( // return the name of the memberdef in UTF8
+ mdMethodDef md, // given memberdef
+ LPCSTR *pszName)
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ IfFailRet(m_pRawInternalImport->GetNameOfMethodDef(md, pszName));
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->ModifyMethodProps(md, NULL, NULL, NULL, pszName);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetNameAndSigOfMethodDef(
+ mdMethodDef methoddef, // [IN] given memberdef
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppvSigBlob, // [OUT] point to a blob value of CLR signature
+ ULONG *pcbSigBlob, // [OUT] count of bytes in the signature blob
+ LPCSTR *pszName)
+ {
+ ULONG cbOrigSig;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ IfFailRet(m_pRawInternalImport->GetNameAndSigOfMethodDef(methoddef, &pOrigSig, &cbOrigSig, pszName));
+ IfFailRet(m_pWinMDAdapter->ModifyMethodProps(methoddef, NULL, NULL, NULL, pszName));
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetSignatureForToken<IMDInternalImport, mdtMethodDef>(
+ methoddef,
+ &pOrigSig, // ppOrigSig
+ &cbOrigSig, // pcbOrigSig
+ ppvSigBlob,
+ pcbSigBlob,
+ m_pRawInternalImport);
+ }
+ // return the name of a FieldDef
+ __checkReturn
+ mdFieldDef fd, // given memberdef
+ LPCSTR *pszName)
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetNameOfFieldDef(fd, pszName);
+ }
+ // return the name of typeref
+ __checkReturn
+ mdTypeRef classref, // [IN] given typeref
+ LPCSTR *psznamespace, // [OUT] return typeref name
+ LPCSTR *pszname) // [OUT] return typeref namespace
+ {
+ mdToken resolutionScope;
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetTypeRefProps(classref, psznamespace, pszname, &resolutionScope);
+ }
+ // return the resolutionscope of typeref
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetResolutionScopeOfTypeRef(
+ mdTypeRef classref, // given classref
+ mdToken *ptkResolutionScope)
+ {
+ LPCSTR sznamespace;
+ LPCSTR szname;
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetTypeRefProps(classref, &sznamespace, &szname, ptkResolutionScope);
+ }
+ // Find the type token given the name.
+ __checkReturn
+ LPCSTR szNamespace, // [IN] Namespace for the TypeRef.
+ LPCSTR szName, // [IN] Name of the TypeRef.
+ mdToken tkResolutionScope, // [IN] Resolution Scope fo the TypeRef.
+ mdTypeRef *ptk) // [OUT] TypeRef token returned.
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->FindTypeRef(szNamespace, szName, tkResolutionScope, ptk);
+ }
+ // return the TypeDef properties
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ mdTypeDef classdef, // given classdef
+ DWORD *pdwAttr, // return flags on class, tdPublic, tdAbstract
+ mdToken *ptkExtends) // [OUT] Put base class TypeDef/TypeRef here
+ {
+ IfFailGo(m_pWinMDAdapter->GetTypeDefProps(classdef, NULL, NULL, pdwAttr, ptkExtends));
+ ErrExit:
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // return the item's guid
+ __checkReturn
+ mdToken tkObj, // [IN] given item.
+ CLSID *pGuid) // [out[ put guid here.
+ {
+ IfFailGo(m_pWinMDAdapter->GetItemGuid(tkObj, pGuid));
+ if (hr == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ // if this is not a WinRT type, also look for System.Guid by falling back to the raw internal MD import
+ if (TypeFromToken(tkObj) == mdtTypeDef)
+ {
+ DWORD dwAttr;
+ IfFailGo(m_pWinMDAdapter->GetTypeDefProps(tkObj, NULL, NULL, &dwAttr, NULL));
+ if (!IsTdWindowsRuntime(dwAttr))
+ {
+ IfFailGo(m_pRawInternalImport->GetItemGuid(tkObj, pGuid));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // reset the return value to S_FALSE if the type is WinRT
+ hr = S_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ErrExit:
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Get enclosing class of the NestedClass.
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetNestedClassProps( // S_OK or error
+ mdTypeDef tkNestedClass, // [IN] NestedClass token.
+ mdTypeDef *ptkEnclosingClass) // [OUT] EnclosingClass token.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetNestedClassProps(tkNestedClass, ptkEnclosingClass);
+ }
+ // Get count of Nested classes given the enclosing class.
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetCountNestedClasses( // return count of Nested classes.
+ mdTypeDef tkEnclosingClass, // Enclosing class.
+ ULONG *pcNestedClassesCount)
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetCountNestedClasses(tkEnclosingClass, pcNestedClassesCount);
+ }
+ // Return array of Nested classes given the enclosing class.
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetNestedClasses( // Return actual count.
+ mdTypeDef tkEnclosingClass, // [IN] Enclosing class.
+ mdTypeDef *rNestedClasses, // [OUT] Array of nested class tokens.
+ ULONG ulNestedClasses, // [IN] Size of array.
+ ULONG *pcNestedClasses)
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetNestedClasses(tkEnclosingClass, rNestedClasses, ulNestedClasses, pcNestedClasses);
+ }
+ // return the ModuleRef properties
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetModuleRefProps(
+ mdModuleRef mur, // [IN] moduleref token
+ LPCSTR *pszName) // [OUT] buffer to fill with the moduleref name
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetModuleRefProps(mur, pszName);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ //
+ // GetSig* functions
+ //
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ mdMethodDef methoddef, // [IN] given memberdef
+ ULONG *pcbSigBlob, // [OUT] count of bytes in the signature blob
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetSignatureForToken<IMDInternalImport, mdtMethodDef>(
+ methoddef,
+ ppSig,
+ pcbSigBlob,
+ m_pRawInternalImport);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ mdFieldDef fielddef, // [IN] given fielddef
+ ULONG *pcbSigBlob, // [OUT] count of bytes in the signature blob
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetSignatureForToken<IMDInternalImport, mdtFieldDef>(
+ fielddef,
+ ppSig,
+ pcbSigBlob,
+ m_pRawInternalImport);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ mdToken tk, // FieldDef, MethodDef, Signature or TypeSpec token
+ ULONG * pcbSig,
+ {
+ if (TypeFromToken(tk) == mdtMethodDef)
+ {
+ return GetSigOfMethodDef(tk, pcbSig, ppSig);
+ }
+ else if (TypeFromToken(tk) == mdtFieldDef)
+ {
+ return GetSigOfFieldDef(tk, pcbSig, ppSig);
+ }
+ else if (TypeFromToken(tk) == mdtTypeSpec)
+ {
+ return GetTypeSpecFromToken(tk, ppSig, pcbSig);
+ }
+ // Note: mdtSignature is not part of public WinMD surface, so it does not need signature rewriting - just call the underlying "raw" implementation
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetSigFromToken(tk, pcbSig, ppSig);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // get method property
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetMethodDefProps(
+ mdMethodDef md, // The method for which to get props.
+ DWORD *pdwFlags)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(m_pRawInternalImport->GetMethodDefProps(md, pdwFlags));
+ IfFailGo(m_pWinMDAdapter->ModifyMethodProps(md, pdwFlags, NULL, NULL, NULL));
+ ErrExit:
+ return hr;
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // return method implementation informaiton, like RVA and implflags
+ //*****************************************
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetMethodImplProps(
+ mdToken tk, // [IN] MethodDef
+ ULONG *pulCodeRVA, // [OUT] CodeRVA
+ DWORD *pdwImplFlags) // [OUT] Impl. Flags
+ {
+ IfFailGo(m_pRawInternalImport->GetMethodImplProps(tk, pulCodeRVA, pdwImplFlags));
+ IfFailGo(m_pWinMDAdapter->ModifyMethodProps(tk, NULL, pdwImplFlags, pulCodeRVA, NULL));
+ ErrExit:
+ return hr;
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // return method implementation informaiton, like RVA and implflags
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ mdFieldDef fd, // [IN] fielddef
+ ULONG *pulCodeRVA) // [OUT] CodeRVA
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetFieldRVA(fd, pulCodeRVA);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // get field property
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetFieldDefProps(
+ mdFieldDef fd, // [IN] given fielddef
+ DWORD *pdwFlags) // [OUT] return fdPublic, fdPrive, etc flags
+ {
+ IfFailGo(m_pRawInternalImport->GetFieldDefProps(fd, pdwFlags));
+ IfFailGo(m_pWinMDAdapter->ModifyFieldDefProps(fd, pdwFlags));
+ return hr;
+ }
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ // return default value of a token(could be paramdef, fielddef, or property
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetDefaultValue(
+ mdToken tk, // [IN] given FieldDef, ParamDef, or Property
+ MDDefaultValue *pDefaultValue) // [OUT] default value to fill
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetDefaultValue(tk, pDefaultValue);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // get dispid of a MethodDef or a FieldDef
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetDispIdOfMemberDef( // return hresult
+ mdToken tk, // [IN] given methoddef or fielddef
+ ULONG *pDispid) // [OUT] Put the dispid here.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetDispIdOfMemberDef(tk, pDispid);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // return TypeRef/TypeDef given an InterfaceImpl token
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetTypeOfInterfaceImpl( // return the TypeRef/typedef token for the interfaceimpl
+ mdInterfaceImpl iiImpl, // given a interfaceimpl
+ mdToken *ptkType)
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetTypeOfInterfaceImpl(iiImpl, ptkType);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // look up function for TypeDef
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ LPCSTR szNamespace, // [IN] Namespace for the TypeDef.
+ LPCSTR szName, // [IN] Name of the TypeDef.
+ mdToken tkEnclosingClass, // [IN] TypeRef/TypeDef Token for the enclosing class.
+ mdTypeDef *ptypedef) // [IN] return typedef
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->FindTypeDef(szNamespace, szName, tkEnclosingClass, ptypedef);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // return name and sig of a memberref
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetNameAndSigOfMemberRef( // return name here
+ mdMemberRef memberref, // given memberref
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppvSigBlob, // [OUT] point to a blob value of CLR signature
+ ULONG *pcbSigBlob, // [OUT] count of bytes in the signature blob
+ LPCSTR *pszName)
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ ULONG cbOrigSig;
+ IfFailRet(m_pRawInternalImport->GetNameAndSigOfMemberRef(memberref, &pOrigSig, &cbOrigSig, pszName));
+ IfFailRet(m_pWinMDAdapter->ModifyMemberProps(memberref, NULL, NULL, NULL, pszName));
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetSignatureForToken<IMDInternalImport, mdtMemberRef>(
+ memberref,
+ &pOrigSig, // ppOrigSig
+ &cbOrigSig, // pcbOrigSig
+ ppvSigBlob,
+ pcbSigBlob,
+ m_pRawInternalImport);
+ }
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ // Given memberref, return the parent. It can be TypeRef, ModuleRef, MethodDef
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetParentOfMemberRef(
+ mdMemberRef memberref, // given memberref
+ mdToken *ptkParent) // return the parent token
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetParentOfMemberRef(memberref, ptkParent);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetParamDefProps(
+ mdParamDef paramdef, // given a paramdef
+ USHORT *pusSequence, // [OUT] slot number for this parameter
+ DWORD *pdwAttr, // [OUT] flags
+ LPCSTR *pszName) // [OUT] return the name of the parameter
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetParamDefProps(paramdef, pusSequence, pdwAttr, pszName);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetPropertyInfoForMethodDef( // Result.
+ mdMethodDef md, // [IN] memberdef
+ mdProperty *ppd, // [OUT] put property token here
+ LPCSTR *pName, // [OUT] put pointer to name here
+ ULONG *pSemantic) // [OUT] put semantic here
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetPropertyInfoForMethodDef(md, ppd, pName, pSemantic);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // class layout/sequence information
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetClassPackSize( // return error if class doesn't have packsize
+ mdTypeDef td, // [IN] give typedef
+ ULONG *pdwPackSize) // [OUT] 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetClassPackSize(td, pdwPackSize);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetClassTotalSize( // return error if class doesn't have total size info
+ mdTypeDef td, // [IN] give typedef
+ ULONG *pdwClassSize) // [OUT] return the total size of the class
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetClassTotalSize(td, pdwClassSize);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetClassLayoutInit(
+ mdTypeDef td, // [IN] give typedef
+ MD_CLASS_LAYOUT *pLayout) // [OUT] set up the status of query here
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetClassLayoutInit(td, pLayout);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetClassLayoutNext(
+ MD_CLASS_LAYOUT *pLayout, // [IN|OUT] set up the status of query here
+ mdFieldDef *pfd, // [OUT] return the fielddef
+ ULONG *pulOffset) // [OUT] return the offset/ulSequence associate with it
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetClassLayoutNext(pLayout, pfd, pulOffset);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // marshal information of a field
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetFieldMarshal( // return error if no native type associate with the token
+ mdFieldDef fd, // [IN] given fielddef
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE *pSigNativeType, // [OUT] the native type signature
+ ULONG *pcbNativeType) // [OUT] the count of bytes of *ppvNativeType
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetFieldMarshal(fd, pSigNativeType, pcbNativeType);
+ }
+ //*****************************************
+ // property APIs
+ //*****************************************
+ // find a property by name
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP FindProperty(
+ mdTypeDef td, // [IN] given a typdef
+ LPCSTR szPropName, // [IN] property name
+ mdProperty *pProp) // [OUT] return property token
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->FindProperty(td, szPropName, pProp);
+ }
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetPropertyProps(
+ mdProperty prop, // [IN] property token
+ LPCSTR *szProperty, // [OUT] property name
+ DWORD *pdwPropFlags, // [OUT] property flags.
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppvSig, // [OUT] property type. pointing to meta data internal blob
+ ULONG *pcbSig) // [OUT] count of bytes in *ppvSig
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ ULONG cbOrigSig;
+ IfFailRet(m_pRawInternalImport->GetPropertyProps(prop, szProperty, pdwPropFlags, &pOrigSig, &cbOrigSig));
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetSignatureForToken<IMDInternalImport, mdtProperty>(
+ prop,
+ &pOrigSig, // ppOrigSig
+ &cbOrigSig, // pcbOrigSig
+ ppvSig,
+ pcbSig,
+ m_pRawInternalImport);
+ }
+ //**********************************
+ // Event APIs
+ //**********************************
+ __checkReturn
+ mdTypeDef td, // [IN] given a typdef
+ LPCSTR szEventName, // [IN] event name
+ mdEvent *pEvent) // [OUT] return event token
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->FindEvent(td, szEventName, pEvent);
+ }
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ mdEvent ev, // [IN] event token
+ LPCSTR *pszEvent, // [OUT] Event name
+ DWORD *pdwEventFlags, // [OUT] Event flags.
+ mdToken *ptkEventType) // [OUT] EventType class
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetEventProps(ev, pszEvent, pdwEventFlags, ptkEventType);
+ }
+ //**********************************
+ // find a particular associate of a property or an event
+ //**********************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP FindAssociate(
+ mdToken evprop, // [IN] given a property or event token
+ DWORD associate, // [IN] given a associate semantics(setter, getter, testdefault, reset, AddOn, RemoveOn, Fire)
+ mdMethodDef *pmd) // [OUT] return method def token
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->FindAssociate(evprop, associate, pmd);
+ }
+ // Note, void function in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP EnumAssociateInit(
+ mdToken evprop, // [IN] given a property or an event token
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [OUT] cursor to hold the query result
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->EnumAssociateInit(evprop, phEnum);
+ }
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetAllAssociates(
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum, // [IN] query result form GetPropertyAssociateCounts
+ ASSOCIATE_RECORD *pAssociateRec, // [OUT] struct to fill for output
+ ULONG cAssociateRec) // [IN] size of the buffer
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetAllAssociates(phEnum, pAssociateRec, cAssociateRec);
+ }
+ //**********************************
+ // Get info about a PermissionSet.
+ //**********************************
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetPermissionSetProps(
+ mdPermission pm, // [IN] the permission token.
+ DWORD *pdwAction, // [OUT] CorDeclSecurity.
+ void const **ppvPermission, // [OUT] permission blob.
+ ULONG *pcbPermission) // [OUT] count of bytes of pvPermission.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetPermissionSetProps(pm, pdwAction, ppvPermission, pcbPermission);
+ }
+ //****************************************
+ // Get the String given the String token.
+ // Returns a pointer to the string, or NULL in case of error.
+ //****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ mdString stk, // [IN] the string token.
+ ULONG *pchString, // [OUT] count of characters in the string.
+ BOOL *pbIs80Plus, // [OUT] specifies where there are extended characters >= 0x80.
+ LPCWSTR *pwszUserString)
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetUserString(stk, pchString, pbIs80Plus, pwszUserString);
+ }
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ // p-invoke APIs.
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ mdToken tk, // [IN] FieldDef, MethodDef.
+ DWORD *pdwMappingFlags, // [OUT] Flags used for mapping.
+ LPCSTR *pszImportName, // [OUT] Import name.
+ mdModuleRef *pmrImportDLL) // [OUT] ModuleRef token for the target DLL.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetPinvokeMap(tk, pdwMappingFlags, pszImportName, pmrImportDLL);
+ }
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ // helpers to convert a text signature to a com format
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP ConvertTextSigToComSig( // Return hresult.
+ BOOL fCreateTrIfNotFound, // [IN] create typeref if not found
+ LPCSTR pSignature, // [IN] class file format signature
+ CQuickBytes *pqbNewSig, // [OUT] place holder for CLR signature
+ ULONG *pcbCount) // [OUT] the result size of signature
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->ConvertTextSigToComSig(fCreateTrIfNotFound, pSignature, pqbNewSig, pcbCount);
+ }
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ // Assembly MetaData APIs.
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetAssemblyProps(
+ mdAssembly mda, // [IN] The Assembly for which to get the properties.
+ const void **ppbPublicKey, // [OUT] Pointer to the public key.
+ ULONG *pcbPublicKey, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the public key.
+ ULONG *pulHashAlgId, // [OUT] Hash Algorithm.
+ LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] Buffer to fill with name.
+ AssemblyMetaDataInternal *pMetaData,// [OUT] Assembly MetaData.
+ DWORD *pdwAssemblyFlags) // [OUT] Flags.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetAssemblyProps(mda, ppbPublicKey, pcbPublicKey, pulHashAlgId, pszName, pMetaData, pdwAssemblyFlags);
+ }
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetAssemblyRefProps(
+ mdAssemblyRef mdar, // [IN] The AssemblyRef for which to get the properties.
+ const void **ppbPublicKeyOrToken, // [OUT] Pointer to the public key or token.
+ ULONG *pcbPublicKeyOrToken, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the public key or token.
+ LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] Buffer to fill with name.
+ AssemblyMetaDataInternal *pMetaData,// [OUT] Assembly MetaData.
+ const void **ppbHashValue, // [OUT] Hash blob.
+ ULONG *pcbHashValue, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the hash blob.
+ DWORD *pdwAssemblyRefFlags) // [OUT] Flags.
+ {
+ mdAssemblyRef md = mdar;
+ if (RidFromToken(md) > m_pWinMDAdapter->GetRawAssemblyRefCount())
+ {
+ // The extra framework assemblies we add references to should all have the
+ // same verion, key, culture, etc as those of mscorlib.
+ // So we retrieve the mscorlib properties and change the name.
+ md = m_pWinMDAdapter->GetAssemblyRefMscorlib();
+ }
+ IfFailRet(m_pRawInternalImport->GetAssemblyRefProps(md, ppbPublicKeyOrToken, pcbPublicKeyOrToken, pszName, pMetaData, ppbHashValue, pcbHashValue, pdwAssemblyRefFlags));
+ USHORT *pusMajorVersion = nullptr;
+ USHORT *pusMinorVersion = nullptr;
+ USHORT *pusBuildNumber = nullptr;
+ USHORT *pusRevisionNumber = nullptr;
+ if (pMetaData != nullptr)
+ {
+ pusMajorVersion = &pMetaData->usMajorVersion;
+ pusMinorVersion = &pMetaData->usMinorVersion;
+ pusBuildNumber = &pMetaData->usBuildNumber;
+ pusRevisionNumber = &pMetaData->usRevisionNumber;
+ }
+ m_pWinMDAdapter->ModifyAssemblyRefProps(
+ mdar,
+ ppbPublicKeyOrToken,
+ pcbPublicKeyOrToken,
+ pszName,
+ pusMajorVersion,
+ pusMinorVersion,
+ pusBuildNumber,
+ pusRevisionNumber,
+ ppbHashValue,
+ pcbHashValue);
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ mdFile mdf, // [IN] The File for which to get the properties.
+ LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] Buffer to fill with name.
+ const void **ppbHashValue, // [OUT] Pointer to the Hash Value Blob.
+ ULONG *pcbHashValue, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the Hash Value Blob.
+ DWORD *pdwFileFlags) // [OUT] Flags.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetFileProps(mdf, pszName, ppbHashValue, pcbHashValue, pdwFileFlags);
+ }
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetExportedTypeProps(
+ mdExportedType mdct, // [IN] The ExportedType for which to get the properties.
+ LPCSTR *pszNamespace, // [OUT] Namespace.
+ LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] Name.
+ mdToken *ptkImplementation, // [OUT] mdFile or mdAssemblyRef that provides the ExportedType.
+ mdTypeDef *ptkTypeDef, // [OUT] TypeDef token within the file.
+ DWORD *pdwExportedTypeFlags) // [OUT] Flags.
+ {
+ IfFailRet(m_pRawInternalImport->GetExportedTypeProps(mdct, pszNamespace, pszName, ptkImplementation, ptkTypeDef, pdwExportedTypeFlags));
+ IfFailRet(m_pWinMDAdapter->ModifyExportedTypeName(mdct, pszNamespace, pszName));
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // returned void in v1.0/v1.1
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetManifestResourceProps(
+ mdManifestResource mdmr, // [IN] The ManifestResource for which to get the properties.
+ LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] Buffer to fill with name.
+ mdToken *ptkImplementation, // [OUT] mdFile or mdAssemblyRef that provides the ExportedType.
+ DWORD *pdwOffset, // [OUT] Offset to the beginning of the resource within the file.
+ DWORD *pdwResourceFlags) // [OUT] Flags.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetManifestResourceProps(mdmr, pszName, ptkImplementation, pdwOffset, pdwResourceFlags);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP FindExportedTypeByName( // S_OK or error
+ LPCSTR szNamespace, // [IN] Namespace of the ExportedType.
+ LPCSTR szName, // [IN] Name of the ExportedType.
+ mdExportedType tkEnclosingType, // [IN] ExportedType for the enclosing class.
+ mdExportedType *pmct) // [OUT] Put ExportedType token here.
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->FindExportedType(szNamespace, szName, tkEnclosingType, pmct);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP FindManifestResourceByName( // S_OK or error
+ LPCSTR szName, // [IN] Name of the ManifestResource.
+ mdManifestResource *pmmr) // [OUT] Put ManifestResource token here.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->FindManifestResourceByName(szName, pmmr);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetAssemblyFromScope( // S_OK or error
+ mdAssembly *ptkAssembly) // [OUT] Put token here.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetAssemblyFromScope(ptkAssembly);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetCustomAttributeByName( // S_OK or error
+ mdToken tkObj, // [IN] Object with Custom Attribute.
+ LPCUTF8 szName, // [IN] Name of desired Custom Attribute.
+ const void **ppData, // [OUT] Put pointer to data here.
+ ULONG *pcbData) // [OUT] Put size of data here.
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetCustomAttributeByName(tkObj, szName, NULL, ppData, pcbData);
+ }
+ // Note: The return type of this method was void in v1
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetTypeSpecFromToken( // S_OK or error.
+ mdTypeSpec typespec, // [IN] Signature token.
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppvSig, // [OUT] return pointer to token.
+ ULONG *pcbSig) // [OUT] return size of signature.
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetSignatureForToken<IMDInternalImport, mdtTypeSpec>(
+ typespec,
+ NULL, // ppOrigSig
+ NULL, // pcbOrigSig
+ ppvSig,
+ pcbSig,
+ m_pRawInternalImport);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP SetUserContextData( // S_OK or E_NOTIMPL
+ IUnknown *pIUnk) // The user context.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->SetUserContextData(pIUnk);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) IsValidToken( // True or False.
+ mdToken tk) // [IN] Given token.
+ {
+ if (TypeFromToken(tk) == mdtAssemblyRef)
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->IsValidAssemblyRefToken(tk);
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->IsValidToken(tk);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP TranslateSigWithScope(
+ IMDInternalImport* pAssemImport, // [IN] import assembly scope.
+ const void* pbHashValue, // [IN] hash value for the import assembly.
+ ULONG cbHashValue, // [IN] count of bytes in the hash value.
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, // [IN] signature in the importing scope
+ ULONG cbSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes of signature
+ IMetaDataAssemblyEmit* pAssemEmit, // [IN] assembly emit scope.
+ IMetaDataEmit* emit, // [IN] emit interface
+ CQuickBytes* pqkSigEmit, // [OUT] buffer to hold translated signature
+ ULONG* pcbSig) // [OUT] count of bytes in the translated signature
+ {
+ return TranslateSigHelper(
+ this,
+ pAssemImport,
+ pbHashValue,
+ cbHashValue,
+ pbSigBlob,
+ cbSigBlob,
+ pAssemEmit,
+ emit,
+ pqkSigEmit,
+ pcbSig);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(IMetaModelCommon*) GetMetaModelCommon() // Return MetaModelCommon interface.
+ {
+ return static_cast<IMetaModelCommon*>(this);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(IUnknown *) GetCachedPublicInterface(BOOL fWithLock) // return the cached public interface
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetCachedPublicInterface(fWithLock);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP SetCachedPublicInterface(IUnknown *pUnk) // no return value
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->SetCachedPublicInterface(pUnk);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(UTSemReadWrite*) GetReaderWriterLock() // return the reader writer lock
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetReaderWriterLock();
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP SetReaderWriterLock(UTSemReadWrite * pSem)
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->SetReaderWriterLock(pSem);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(mdModule) GetModuleFromScope() // [OUT] Put mdModule token here.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetModuleFromScope();
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Additional custom methods
+ // finding a particular method
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP FindMethodDefUsingCompare(
+ mdTypeDef classdef, // [IN] given typedef
+ LPCSTR szName, // [IN] member name
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvSigBlob, // [IN] point to a blob value of CLR signature
+ ULONG cbSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes in the signature blob
+ PSIGCOMPARE pSignatureCompare, // [IN] Routine to compare signatures
+ void* pSignatureArgs, // [IN] Additional info to supply the compare function
+ mdMethodDef *pmd) // [OUT] matching memberdef
+ {
+ if (pvSigBlob == NULL || cbSigBlob == 0 || pSignatureCompare == NULL)
+ {
+ // if signature matching is not needed, we can delegate to the underlying implementation
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->FindMethodDefUsingCompare(classdef, szName, pvSigBlob, cbSigBlob, pSignatureCompare, pSignatureArgs, pmd);
+ }
+ // The following code emulates MDInternalRO::FindMethodDefUsingCompare. We cannot call the underlying
+ // implementation because we need to compare pvSigBlob to reinterpreted signatures.
+ _ASSERTE(szName && pmd);
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ HENUMInternal hEnum;
+ CQuickBytes qbSig; // holds non-varargs signature
+ *pmd = mdMethodDefNil;
+ // check to see if this is a vararg signature
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvSigTemp = pvSigBlob;
+ if (isCallConv(CorSigUncompressCallingConv(pvSigTemp), IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_VARARG))
+ {
+ // Get the fixed part of VARARG signature
+ IfFailGo(_GetFixedSigOfVarArg(pvSigBlob, cbSigBlob, &qbSig, &cbSigBlob));
+ pvSigBlob = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbSig.Ptr();
+ }
+ // now iterate all methods in td and compare name and signature
+ IfFailGo(EnumInit(mdtMethodDef, classdef, &hEnum));
+ mdMethodDef md;
+ while(EnumNext(&hEnum, &md))
+ {
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvMethodSigBlob;
+ ULONG cbMethodSigBlob;
+ LPCSTR szMethodName;
+ IfFailGo(GetNameAndSigOfMethodDef(md, &pvMethodSigBlob, &cbMethodSigBlob, &szMethodName));
+ if (strcmp(szName, szMethodName) == 0)
+ {
+ // we have a name match, check signature
+ if (pSignatureCompare(pvMethodSigBlob, cbMethodSigBlob, pvSigBlob, cbSigBlob, pSignatureArgs) == FALSE)
+ continue;
+ // ignore PrivateScope methods
+ DWORD dwMethodAttr;
+ IfFailGo(GetMethodDefProps(md, &dwMethodAttr));
+ if (IsMdPrivateScope(dwMethodAttr))
+ continue;
+ // we found the method
+ *pmd = md;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ }
+ ErrExit:
+ EnumClose(&hEnum);
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Additional v2 methods.
+ //*****************************************
+ // return a field offset for a given field
+ //*****************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetFieldOffset(
+ mdFieldDef fd, // [IN] fielddef
+ ULONG *pulOffset) // [OUT] FieldOffset
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetFieldOffset(fd, pulOffset);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetMethodSpecProps(
+ mdMethodSpec ms, // [IN] The method instantiation
+ mdToken *tkParent, // [OUT] MethodDef or MemberRef
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppvSigBlob, // [OUT] point to the blob value of meta data
+ ULONG *pcbSigBlob) // [OUT] actual size of signature blob
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ ULONG cbOrigSig;
+ IfFailRet(m_pRawInternalImport->GetMethodSpecProps(ms, tkParent, &pOrigSig, &cbOrigSig));
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetSignatureForToken<IMDInternalImport, mdtMethodSpec>(
+ ms,
+ &pOrigSig, // ppOrigSig
+ &cbOrigSig, // pcbOrigSig
+ ppvSigBlob,
+ pcbSigBlob,
+ m_pRawInternalImport);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetTableInfoWithIndex(
+ ULONG index, // [IN] pass in the table index
+ void **pTable, // [OUT] pointer to table at index
+ void **pTableSize) // [OUT] size of table at index
+ {
+ // This abstraction breaker is apparently used only by SOS... at this time of writing.
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetTableInfoWithIndex(index, pTable, pTableSize);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP ApplyEditAndContinue(
+ void *pDeltaMD, // [IN] the delta metadata
+ ULONG cbDeltaMD, // [IN] length of pData
+ IMDInternalImport **ppv) // [OUT] the resulting metadata interface
+ {
+ WINMD_COMPAT_ASSERT("IMDInternalImport::ApplyEditAndContinue() not supported on .winmd files.");
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ }
+ //**********************************
+ // Generics APIs
+ //**********************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetGenericParamProps( // S_OK or error.
+ mdGenericParam rd, // [IN] The type parameter
+ ULONG* pulSequence, // [OUT] Parameter sequence number
+ DWORD* pdwAttr, // [OUT] Type parameter flags (for future use)
+ mdToken *ptOwner, // [OUT] The owner (TypeDef or MethodDef)
+ DWORD *reserved, // [OUT] The kind (TypeDef/Ref/Spec, for future use)
+ LPCSTR *szName) // [OUT] The name
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetGenericParamProps(rd, pulSequence, pdwAttr, ptOwner, reserved, szName);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetGenericParamConstraintProps( // S_OK or error.
+ mdGenericParamConstraint rd, // [IN] The constraint token
+ mdGenericParam *ptGenericParam, // [OUT] GenericParam that is constrained
+ mdToken *ptkConstraintType) // [OUT] TypeDef/Ref/Spec constraint
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetGenericParamConstraintProps(rd, ptGenericParam, ptkConstraintType);
+ }
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ // This function gets the "built for" version of a metadata scope.
+ // NOTE: if the scope has never been saved, it will not have a built-for
+ // version, and an empty string will be returned.
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetVersionString( // S_OK or error.
+ LPCSTR *pVer) // [OUT] Put version string here.
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetVersionString(pVer);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP SafeAndSlowEnumCustomAttributeByNameInit(// return S_FALSE if record not found
+ mdToken tkParent, // [IN] token to scope the search
+ LPCSTR szName, // [IN] CustomAttribute's name to scope the search
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum) // [OUT] The enumerator
+ {
+ WinMDAdapter::ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromClrToWinRT(&szName);
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->SafeAndSlowEnumCustomAttributeByNameInit(tkParent, szName, phEnum);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP SafeAndSlowEnumCustomAttributeByNameNext(// return S_FALSE if record not found
+ mdToken tkParent, // [IN] token to scope the search
+ LPCSTR szName, // [IN] CustomAttribute's name to scope the search
+ HENUMInternal *phEnum, // [IN] The enumerator
+ mdCustomAttribute *mdAttribute) // [OUT] The custom attribute that was found
+ {
+ WinMDAdapter::ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromClrToWinRT(&szName);
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->SafeAndSlowEnumCustomAttributeByNameNext(tkParent, szName, phEnum, mdAttribute);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetTypeDefRefTokenInTypeSpec(// return S_FALSE if enclosing type does not have a token
+ mdTypeSpec tkTypeSpec, // [IN] TypeSpec token to look at
+ mdToken *tkEnclosedToken) // [OUT] The enclosed type token
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetTypeDefRefTokenInTypeSpec(tkTypeSpec, tkEnclosedToken);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) GetMetadataStreamVersion() //returns DWORD with major version of
+ // MD stream in senior word and minor version--in junior word
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetMetadataStreamVersion();
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ STDMETHODIMP GetNameOfCustomAttribute(// S_OK or error
+ mdCustomAttribute mdAttribute, // [IN] The Custom Attribute
+ LPCUTF8 *pszNamespace, // [OUT] Namespace of Custom Attribute.
+ LPCUTF8 *pszName) // [OUT] Name of Custom Attribute.
+ {
+ IfFailRet(m_pRawInternalImport->GetNameOfCustomAttribute(mdAttribute, pszNamespace, pszName));
+ WinMDAdapter::ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromWinRTToClr(pszNamespace, pszName);
+ return hr;
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP SetOptimizeAccessForSpeed(// S_OK or error
+ BOOL fOptSpeed)
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->SetOptimizeAccessForSpeed(fOptSpeed);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP SetVerifiedByTrustedSource(// S_OK or error
+ BOOL fVerified)
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->SetVerifiedByTrustedSource(fVerified);
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP GetRvaOffsetData(// S_OK or error
+ DWORD *pFirstMethodRvaOffset, // [OUT] Offset (from start of metadata) to the first RVA field in MethodDef table.
+ DWORD *pMethodDefRecordSize, // [OUT] Size of each record in MethodDef table.
+ DWORD *pMethodDefCount, // [OUT] Number of records in MethodDef table.
+ DWORD *pFirstFieldRvaOffset, // [OUT] Offset (from start of metadata) to the first RVA field in FieldRVA table.
+ DWORD *pFieldRvaRecordSize, // [OUT] Size of each record in FieldRVA table.
+ DWORD *pFieldRvaCount) // [OUT] Number of records in FieldRVA table.
+ {
+ return m_pRawInternalImport->GetRvaOffsetData(
+ pFirstMethodRvaOffset,
+ pMethodDefRecordSize,
+ pMethodDefCount,
+ pFirstFieldRvaOffset,
+ pFieldRvaRecordSize,
+ pFieldRvaCount);
+ }
+ // ********************************************************************************
+ // **************** Implementation of IMetaModelCommon methods ********************
+ // ********************************************************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonGetScopeProps(
+ LPCUTF8 *pszName,
+ GUID *pMvid)
+ {
+ return m_pRawMetaModelCommon->CommonGetScopeProps(pszName, pMvid);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonGetTypeRefProps(
+ mdTypeRef tr,
+ LPCUTF8 *pszNamespace,
+ LPCUTF8 *pszName,
+ mdToken *ptkResolution)
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetTypeRefProps(tr, pszNamespace, pszName, ptkResolution);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonGetTypeDefProps(
+ mdTypeDef td,
+ LPCUTF8 *pszNameSpace,
+ LPCUTF8 *pszName,
+ DWORD *pdwFlags,
+ mdToken *pdwExtends,
+ ULONG *pMethodList)
+ {
+ // We currently don't support retrieving the method list.
+ if (pMethodList)
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetTypeDefProps(td, pszNameSpace, pszName, pdwFlags, pdwExtends);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonGetTypeSpecProps(
+ mdTypeSpec ts,
+ ULONG *pcbSig)
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetSignatureForToken<IMDInternalImport, mdtTypeSpec>(
+ ts,
+ NULL, // ppOrigSig
+ NULL, // pcbOrigSig
+ ppvSig,
+ pcbSig,
+ m_pRawInternalImport);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonGetEnclosingClassOfTypeDef(
+ mdTypeDef td,
+ mdTypeDef *ptkEnclosingTypeDef)
+ {
+ return m_pRawMetaModelCommon->CommonGetEnclosingClassOfTypeDef(td, ptkEnclosingTypeDef);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonGetAssemblyProps(
+ USHORT *pusMajorVersion,
+ USHORT *pusMinorVersion,
+ USHORT *pusBuildNumber,
+ USHORT *pusRevisionNumber,
+ DWORD *pdwFlags,
+ const void **ppbPublicKey,
+ ULONG *pcbPublicKey,
+ LPCUTF8 *pszName,
+ LPCUTF8 *pszLocale)
+ {
+ AssemblyMetaDataInternal MetaData;
+ mdToken tkAssembly = TokenFromRid(1, mdtAssembly);
+ IfFailRet(GetAssemblyProps(
+ tkAssembly,
+ ppbPublicKey,
+ pcbPublicKey,
+ pszName,
+ &MetaData,
+ pdwFlags));
+ if (pusMajorVersion)
+ *pusMajorVersion = MetaData.usMajorVersion;
+ if (pusMinorVersion)
+ *pusMinorVersion = MetaData.usMinorVersion;
+ if (pusBuildNumber)
+ *pusBuildNumber = MetaData.usBuildNumber;
+ if (pusRevisionNumber)
+ *pusRevisionNumber = MetaData.usRevisionNumber;
+ if (pszLocale)
+ *pszLocale = MetaData.szLocale;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonGetAssemblyRefProps(
+ mdAssemblyRef tkAssemRef,
+ USHORT *pusMajorVersion,
+ USHORT *pusMinorVersion,
+ USHORT *pusBuildNumber,
+ USHORT *pusRevisionNumber,
+ DWORD *pdwFlags,
+ const void **ppbPublicKeyOrToken,
+ ULONG *pcbPublicKeyOrToken,
+ LPCUTF8 *pszName,
+ LPCUTF8 *pszLocale,
+ const void **ppbHashValue,
+ ULONG *pcbHashValue)
+ {
+ AssemblyMetaDataInternal MetaData;
+ IfFailRet(GetAssemblyRefProps(
+ tkAssemRef,
+ ppbPublicKeyOrToken,
+ pcbPublicKeyOrToken,
+ pszName,
+ &MetaData,
+ ppbHashValue,
+ pcbHashValue,
+ pdwFlags));
+ if (pusMajorVersion)
+ *pusMajorVersion = MetaData.usMajorVersion;
+ if (pusMinorVersion)
+ *pusMinorVersion = MetaData.usMinorVersion;
+ if (pusBuildNumber)
+ *pusBuildNumber = MetaData.usBuildNumber;
+ if (pusRevisionNumber)
+ *pusRevisionNumber = MetaData.usRevisionNumber;
+ if (pszLocale)
+ *pszLocale = MetaData.szLocale;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonGetModuleRefProps(
+ mdModuleRef tkModuleRef,
+ LPCUTF8 *pszName)
+ {
+ return m_pRawMetaModelCommon->CommonGetModuleRefProps(tkModuleRef, pszName);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonFindExportedType(
+ LPCUTF8 szNamespace,
+ LPCUTF8 szName,
+ mdToken tkEnclosingType,
+ mdExportedType *ptkExportedType)
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->FindExportedType(szNamespace, szName, tkEnclosingType, ptkExportedType);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonGetExportedTypeProps(
+ mdToken tkExportedType,
+ LPCUTF8 *pszNamespace,
+ LPCUTF8 *pszName,
+ mdToken *ptkImpl)
+ {
+ return GetExportedTypeProps(
+ tkExportedType,
+ pszNamespace,
+ pszName,
+ ptkImpl,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonGetCustomAttributeByNameEx( // S_OK or error.
+ mdToken tkObj, // [IN] Object with Custom Attribute.
+ LPCUTF8 szName, // [IN] Name of desired Custom Attribute.
+ mdCustomAttribute *ptkCA, // [OUT] put custom attribute token here
+ const void **ppData, // [OUT] Put pointer to data here.
+ ULONG *pcbData) // [OUT] Put size of data here.
+ {
+ return m_pWinMDAdapter->GetCustomAttributeByName(tkObj, szName, ptkCA, ppData, pcbData);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT FindParentOfMethodHelper(mdMethodDef md, mdTypeDef *ptd)
+ {
+ return m_pRawMetaModelCommon->FindParentOfMethodHelper(md, ptd);
+ }
+ int CommonIsRo()
+ {
+ return m_pRawMetaModelCommon->CommonIsRo();
+ }
+ private:
+ //=========================================================
+ // Private instance data
+ //=========================================================
+ IMDCommon *m_pRawMDCommon;
+ IMetaModelCommon *m_pRawMetaModelCommon;
+ IMDInternalImport *m_pRawInternalImport;
+ WinMDAdapter *m_pWinMDAdapter;
+ LONG m_cRef;
+}; // class WinMDInternalImportRO
+// Entrypoint called by GetMDInternalInterface()
+HRESULT CreateWinMDInternalImportRO(IMDCommon * pRawMDCommon, REFIID riid, /*[out]*/ void **ppWinMDInternalImport)
+ *ppWinMDInternalImport = NULL;
+ WinMDInternalImportRO *pNewImport = NULL;
+ IfFailGo(WinMDInternalImportRO::Create(pRawMDCommon, &pNewImport));
+ IfFailGo(pNewImport->QueryInterface(riid, ppWinMDInternalImport));
+ hr = S_OK;
+ ErrExit:
+ if (pNewImport)
+ pNewImport->Release();
+ return hr;