diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'init-tools.cmd')
-rw-r--r-- | init-tools.cmd | 57 |
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/init-tools.cmd b/init-tools.cmd index 8efc2f400d..b69239bfe6 100644 --- a/init-tools.cmd +++ b/init-tools.cmd @@ -2,20 +2,15 @@ setlocal set INIT_TOOLS_LOG=%~dp0init-tools.log -set PACKAGES_DIR=%~dp0packages\ -set TOOLRUNTIME_DIR=%~dp0Tools -:: This is an isolated script that handles the download of dotnet binaries and shall be removed after bootstrap.ps1/sh refactor (dotnet/corefx#15427) -set DOTNET_DOWNLOAD_PATH=%~dp0dotnet-download.ps1 +if [%PACKAGES_DIR%]==[] set PACKAGES_DIR=%~dp0packages\ +if [%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%]==[] set TOOLRUNTIME_DIR=%~dp0Tools set DOTNET_PATH=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%\dotnetcli\ -set DOTNET_CMD=%DOTNET_PATH%dotnet.exe +if [%DOTNET_CMD%]==[] set DOTNET_CMD=%DOTNET_PATH%dotnet.exe if [%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%]==[] set BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE=https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-buildtools/api/v3/index.json set /P BUILDTOOLS_VERSION=< "%~dp0BuildToolsVersion.txt" set BUILD_TOOLS_PATH=%PACKAGES_DIR%Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools\%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION%\lib\ -set PROJECT_JSON_PATH=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%\%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% -set PROJECT_JSON_FILE=%PROJECT_JSON_PATH%\project.json -set PROJECT_JSON_CONTENTS={ "dependencies": { "Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools": "%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION%" , "Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools.Coreclr": "1.0.4-prerelease"}, "frameworks": { "dnxcore50": { } } } -set BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE=%PROJECT_JSON_PATH%\init-tools.completed0 -set TOOLS_INIT_RETURN_CODE=0 +set INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT=%~dp0init-tools.msbuild +set BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%\%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION%\init-tools.completed :: if force option is specified then clean the tool runtime and build tools package directory to force it to get recreated if [%1]==[force] ( @@ -26,7 +21,7 @@ if [%1]==[force] ( :: If sempahore exists do nothing if exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE%" ( echo Tools are already initialized. - goto :DONE + goto :EOF ) if exist "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" rmdir /S /Q "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" @@ -37,8 +32,6 @@ if NOT exist "%PACKAGES_DIR%NuGet.exe" ( powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://www.nuget.org/nuget.exe', '%PACKAGES_DIR%NuGet.exe') ) -if NOT exist "%PROJECT_JSON_PATH%" mkdir "%PROJECT_JSON_PATH%" -echo %PROJECT_JSON_CONTENTS% > "%PROJECT_JSON_FILE%" echo Running %0 > "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" set /p DOTNET_VERSION=< "%~dp0DotnetCLIVersion.txt" @@ -46,47 +39,39 @@ if exist "%DOTNET_CMD%" goto :afterdotnetrestore echo Installing dotnet cli... if NOT exist "%DOTNET_PATH%" mkdir "%DOTNET_PATH%" -if [%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%]==[x86] (set DOTNET_ZIP_NAME=dotnet-dev-win-x86.%DOTNET_VERSION%.zip) else (set DOTNET_ZIP_NAME=dotnet-dev-win-x64.%DOTNET_VERSION%.zip) -set DOTNET_REMOTE_PATH=https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/preview/Binaries/%DOTNET_VERSION%/%DOTNET_ZIP_NAME% +set DOTNET_ZIP_NAME=dotnet-dev-win-x64.%DOTNET_VERSION%.zip +set DOTNET_REMOTE_PATH=https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/Sdk/%DOTNET_VERSION%/%DOTNET_ZIP_NAME% set DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH=%DOTNET_PATH%%DOTNET_ZIP_NAME% echo Installing '%DOTNET_REMOTE_PATH%' to '%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%' >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" -powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -File %DOTNET_DOWNLOAD_PATH% -DotnetRemotePath %DOTNET_REMOTE_PATH% -DotnetLocalPath %DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH% -DotnetPath %DOTNET_PATH% >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" +powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "$retryCount = 0; $success = $false; do { try { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%DOTNET_REMOTE_PATH%', '%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%'); $success = $true; } catch { if ($retryCount -ge 6) { throw; } else { $retryCount++; Start-Sleep -Seconds (5 * $retryCount); } } } while ($success -eq $false); Add-Type -Assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem' -ErrorVariable AddTypeErrors; if ($AddTypeErrors.Count -eq 0) { [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%', '%DOTNET_PATH%') } else { (New-Object -com shell.application).namespace('%DOTNET_PATH%').CopyHere((new-object -com shell.application).namespace('%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%').Items(),16) }" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" if NOT exist "%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%" ( - echo ERROR: Could not install dotnet cli correctly. See '%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%' for more details. - set TOOLS_INIT_RETURN_CODE=1 - goto :DONE + echo ERROR: Could not install dotnet cli correctly. See '%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%' for more details. 1>&2 + exit /b 1 ) :afterdotnetrestore if exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%" goto :afterbuildtoolsrestore echo Restoring BuildTools version %BUILDTOOLS_VERSION%... -echo Running: "%DOTNET_CMD%" restore "%PROJECT_JSON_FILE%" --packages "%PACKAGES_DIR% " --source "%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" -call "%DOTNET_CMD%" restore "%PROJECT_JSON_FILE%" --packages "%PACKAGES_DIR% " --source "%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" +echo Running: "%DOTNET_CMD%" restore "%INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT%" --no-cache --packages %PACKAGES_DIR% --source "%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%" /p:BuildToolsPackageVersion=%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" +call "%DOTNET_CMD%" restore "%INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT%" --no-cache --packages %PACKAGES_DIR% --source "%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%" /p:BuildToolsPackageVersion=%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" if NOT exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%init-tools.cmd" ( - echo ERROR: Could not restore build tools correctly. See '%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%' for more details. - set TOOLS_INIT_RETURN_CODE=1 - goto :DONE + echo ERROR: Could not restore build tools correctly. See '%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%' for more details. 1>&2 + exit /b 1 ) :afterbuildtoolsrestore -echo Initializing BuildTools ... +echo Initializing BuildTools... echo Running: "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%init-tools.cmd" "%~dp0" "%DOTNET_CMD%" "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" call "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%init-tools.cmd" "%~dp0" "%DOTNET_CMD%" "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" - -echo Updating CLI NuGet Frameworks map... -robocopy "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%\dotnetcli\sdk\%DOTNET_VERSION%" NuGet.Frameworks.dll /XO >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" -set UPDATE_CLI_ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL% -if %UPDATE_CLI_ERRORLEVEL% GTR 1 ( - echo ERROR: Failed to update Nuget for CLI {Error level %UPDATE_CLI_ERRORLEVEL%}. Please check '%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%' for more details. 1>&2 - exit /b %UPDATE_CLI_ERRORLEVEL% +set INIT_TOOLS_ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL% +if not [%INIT_TOOLS_ERRORLEVEL%]==[0] ( + echo ERROR: An error occured when trying to initialize the tools. Please check '%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%' for more details. 1>&2 + exit /b %INIT_TOOLS_ERRORLEVEL% ) :: Create sempahore file echo Done initializing tools. echo Init-Tools.cmd completed for BuildTools Version: %BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% > "%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE%" - -:DONE - -exit /b %TOOLS_INIT_RETURN_CODE% +exit /b 0
\ No newline at end of file |