diff options
3 files changed, 451 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/build.cmd b/build.cmd
index 40b142b24e..8f0d8ed25d 100644
--- a/build.cmd
+++ b/build.cmd
@@ -422,18 +422,32 @@ REM === Test build section
REM ===
REM =========================================================================================
if defined __SkipTestBuild (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Skipping test build
goto SkipTestBuild
+if /i not "%__BuildArch%" == "x64" (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Skipping test build: architecture %__BuildArch% not supported for test build.
+ goto SkipTestBuild
echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing build of tests for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%
-set __BuildtestArgs=
+REM Construct the arguments to pass to the test build script.
+set __BuildtestArgs=%__BuildArch% %__BuildType% %__VSVersion%
+if defined __CleanBuild (
+ set "__BuildtestArgs=%__BuildtestArgs% clean"
+if defined __BuildSequential (
+ set "__BuildtestArgs=%__BuildtestArgs% sequential"
if defined __TestPriority (
- set "__BuildtestArgs=Priority %__TestPriority%"
+ set "__BuildtestArgs=%__BuildtestArgs% Priority %__TestPriority%"
call %__ProjectDir%\tests\buildtest.cmd %__BuildtestArgs%
diff --git a/tests/buildtest.cmd b/tests/buildtest.cmd
index 5e434a81a4..c872f37542 100644
--- a/tests/buildtest.cmd
+++ b/tests/buildtest.cmd
@@ -1,99 +1,120 @@
-@echo off
+@if not defined __echo @echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
+:: Set the default arguments for build
+set __BuildArch=x64
+set __BuildType=Debug
+set __BuildOS=Windows_NT
+:: Default to highest Visual Studio version available
+set __VSVersion=vs2015
+if defined VS120COMNTOOLS set __VSVersion=vs2013
+if defined VS140COMNTOOLS set __VSVersion=vs2015
+:: Define a prefix for most output progress messages that come from this script. That makes
+:: it easier to see where these are coming from. Note that there is a trailing space here.
+set __MsgPrefix=BUILDTEST:
set "__ProjectDir=%~dp0..\"
:: remove trailing slash
if %__ProjectDir:~-1%==\ set "__ProjectDir=%__ProjectDir:~0,-1%"
-set "__SourceDir=%__ProjectDir%\src"
set "__TestDir=%__ProjectDir%\tests"
set "__ProjectFilesDir=%__TestDir%"
+set "__SourceDir=%__ProjectDir%\src"
set "__PackagesDir=%__ProjectDir%\packages"
set "__RootBinDir=%__ProjectDir%\bin"
set "__LogsDir=%__RootBinDir%\Logs"
-:: Default to highest Visual Studio version available
-if not defined __VSVersion (
- set __VSVersion=vs2015
- if defined VS120COMNTOOLS set __VSVersion=vs2013
- if defined VS140COMNTOOLS set __VSVersion=vs2015
+set __CleanBuild=
+set __crossgen=
+set __ILAsmRoundtrip=
+set __BuildSequential=
+set __TestPriority=
+set __msbuildCleanBuildArgs=
+set __msbuildExtraArgs=
+set __verbosity=normal
if "%1" == "" goto ArgsDone
-if /i "%1" == "x64" (set __BuildArch=x64&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "debug" (set __BuildType=Debug&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "release" (set __BuildType=Release&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "checked" (set __BuildType=Checked&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "/?" goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "-?" goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "/h" goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "-h" goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "/help" goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "-help" goto Usage
-if /i "%1" == "clean" (set __CleanBuild=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "x64" (set __BuildArch=x64&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "vs2013" (set __VSVersion=%1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "vs2015" (set __VSVersion=%1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "debug" (set __BuildType=Debug&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "release" (set __BuildType=Release&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "checked" (set __BuildType=Checked&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "crossgen" (set _crossgen=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "ilasmroundtrip" (set _ilasmroundtrip=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "priority" (set _priorityvalue=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "clean" (set __CleanBuild=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "verbose" (set _verbosity=detailed&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "vs2013" (set __VSVersion=%1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "vs2015" (set __VSVersion=%1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "crossgen" (set __crossgen=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "ilasmroundtrip" (set __ILAsmRoundtrip=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "sequential" (set __BuildSequential=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "priority" (set __TestPriority=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "verbose" (set __verbosity=detailed&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i not "%1" == "msbuildargs" goto SkipMsbuildArgs
+:: All the rest of the args will be collected and passed directly to msbuild.
+if "%1"=="" goto ArgsDone
+set __msbuildExtraArgs=%__msbuildExtraArgs% %1
+goto CollectMsbuildArgs
+echo Invalid command-line argument: %1
+goto Usage
-if defined _crossgen echo Building tests with CrossGen enabled.&set _buildParameters=%_buildParameters% /p:CrossGen=true
-if defined _ilasmroundtrip echo Building tests with IlasmRoundTrip enabled.&set _buildParameters=%_buildParameters% /p:IlasmRoundTrip=true
-if defined _priorityvalue echo Building Test Priority %_priorityvalue%&set _buildParameters=%_buildParameters% /p:CLRTestPriorityToBuild=%_priorityvalue%
-if defined _verbosity echo Enabling verbose file logging
-if not defined _verbosity set _verbosity=normal
+if %__verbosity%==detailed (
+ echo Enabling verbose file logging
-if not defined __BuildArch set __BuildArch=x64
-if not defined __BuildType set __BuildType=Debug
-if not defined __BuildOS set __BuildOS=Windows_NT
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing CoreCLR repo test build
set "__BinDir=%__RootBinDir%\Product\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%"
set "__TestBinDir=%__RootBinDir%\tests\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%"
:: We have different managed and native intermediate dirs because the managed bits will include
:: the configuration information deeper in the intermediates path.
+:: These variables are used by the msbuild project files.
set "__NativeTestIntermediatesDir=%__RootBinDir%\tests\obj\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%"
set "__ManagedTestIntermediatesDir=%__RootBinDir%\tests\obj"
-set "__TestManagedBuildLog=%__LogsDir%\Tests_Managed_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log"
-set "__TestNativeBuildLog=%__LogsDir%\Tests_Native_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log"
-set "__XunitWrapperBuildLog=%__LogsDir%\Tests_XunitWrapper_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log"
:: Generate path to be set for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to contain forward slash
set "__CMakeBinDir=%__TestBinDir%"
set "__CMakeBinDir=%__CMakeBinDir:\=/%"
:: Configure environment if we are doing a clean build.
-if not defined __CleanBuild goto MakeDirectories
-echo Doing a clean test build
+if not defined __CleanBuild goto SkipCleanBuild
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Doing a clean test build
:: MSBuild projects would need a rebuild
-set __MSBCleanBuildArgs=/t:rebuild
+set __msbuildCleanBuildArgs=/t:rebuild
:: Cleanup the binaries drop folder for the current configuration
-if exist "%__TestBinDir%" rd /s /q "%__TestBinDir%"
-if exist "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%" rd /s /q "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%"
+if exist "%__TestBinDir%" rd /s /q "%__TestBinDir%"
+if exist "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%" rd /s /q "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%"
-if not exist "%__TestBinDir%" md "%__TestBinDir%"
-if not exist "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%" md "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%"
-if not exist "%__ManagedTestIntermediatesDir%" md "%__ManagedTestIntermediatesDir%"
-if not exist "%__LogsDir%" md "%__LogsDir%"
-:: Note: We've disabled node reuse because it causes file locking issues.
-:: The issue is that we extend the build with our own targets which
-:: means that that rebuilding cannot successully delete the task
-:: assembly.
+if not exist "%__TestBinDir%" md "%__TestBinDir%"
+if not exist "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%" md "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%"
+if not exist "%__ManagedTestIntermediatesDir%" md "%__ManagedTestIntermediatesDir%"
+if not exist "%__LogsDir%" md "%__LogsDir%"
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Checking prerequisites
-:: Check prerequisites
-echo Checking pre-requisites...
:: Eval the output from probe-win1.ps1
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned "& ""%__SourceDir%\pal\tools\probe-win.ps1"""') do %%a
@@ -102,11 +123,16 @@ if /i "%__VSVersion%" == "vs2013" set __VSProductVersion=120
if /i "%__VSVersion%" == "vs2015" set __VSProductVersion=140
:: Check presence of VS
-if defined VS%__VSProductVersion%COMNTOOLS goto CheckMSBuild
-echo Visual Studio 2013+ (Community is free) is a pre-requisite to build this repository.
-exit /b 1
+if not defined VS%__VSProductVersion%COMNTOOLS goto NoVS
+set __VSToolsRoot=!VS%__VSProductVersion%COMNTOOLS!
+if %__VSToolsRoot:~-1%==\ set "__VSToolsRoot=%__VSToolsRoot:~0,-1%"
+:: Does VS really exist?
+if not exist "%__VSToolsRoot%\..\IDE\devenv.exe" goto NoVS
+if not exist "%__VSToolsRoot%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" goto NoVS
+if not exist "%__VSToolsRoot%\VsDevCmd.bat" goto NoVS
if /i "%__VSVersion%" =="vs2015" goto MSBuild14
set _msbuildexe="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
if not exist %_msbuildexe% set _msbuildexe="%ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
@@ -119,110 +145,194 @@ set UseRoslynCompiler=true
if not exist %_msbuildexe% set _msbuildexe="%ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
if not exist %_msbuildexe% echo Error: Could not find MSBuild.exe. Please see for build instructions. && exit /b 1
+:: Note: We've disabled node reuse because it causes file locking issues.
+:: The issue is that we extend the build with our own targets which
+:: means that that rebuilding cannot successfully delete the task
+:: assembly.
+set __msbuildCommonArgs=/nologo /nodeReuse:false %__msbuildCleanBuildArgs% %__msbuildExtraArgs%
+if not defined __BuildSequential (
+ set __msbuildCommonArgs=%__msbuildCommonArgs% /maxcpucount
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM ===
+REM === Native test build section
+REM ===
+REM =========================================================================================
::Building Native part of Tests
+setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
-echo Commencing build of native test components for %__BuildArch%/%__BuildType%
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing build of native test components for %__BuildArch%/%__BuildType%
:: Set the environment for the native build
-call "!VS%__VSProductVersion%COMNTOOLS!..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Using environment: "%__VSToolsRoot%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %__VCBuildArch%
+call "%__VSToolsRoot%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64
+@if defined __echo @echo on
-if exist "%VSINSTALLDIR%DIA SDK" goto GenVSSolution
-echo Error: DIA SDK is missing at "%VSINSTALLDIR%DIA SDK". ^
-This is due to bug in VS Intaller. It does not install DIA SDK at "%VSINSTALLDIR%" but rather ^
-at VS install location of previous version. Workaround is to copy DIA SDK folder from VS install location ^
-of previous version to "%VSINSTALLDIR%" and then resume build.
-exit /b 1
+if not defined VSINSTALLDIR (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: VSINSTALLDIR variable not defined.
+ exit /b 1
+if not exist "%VSINSTALLDIR%DIA SDK" goto NoDIA
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Regenerating the Visual Studio solution
-:: Regenerate the VS solution
pushd "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%"
call "%__SourceDir%\pal\tools\gen-buildsys-win.bat" "%__ProjectFilesDir%\" %__VSVersion% %__BuildArch%
+@if defined __echo @echo on
-if exist "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%\install.vcxproj" goto BuildTestNativeComponents
-echo Failed to generate test native component build project!
-exit /b 1
+if not exist "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%\install.vcxproj" (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Failed to generate test native component build project!
+ exit /b 1
-REM Build CoreCLR
-%_msbuildexe% "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%\install.vcxproj" %__MSBCleanBuildArgs% /nologo /maxcpucount /nodeReuse:false /p:Configuration=%__BuildType% /p:Platform=%__BuildArch% /fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=%_verbosity%;LogFile="%__TestNativeBuildLog%"
-IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto PerformManagedTestBuild
-echo Native component build failed. Refer !__TestNativeBuildLog! for details.
-exit /b 1
+set __BuildLogRootName=Tests_Native
+call :msbuild "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%\install.vcxproj" /p:Configuration=%__BuildType% /p:Platform=%__BuildArch%
+if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
REM endlocal to rid us of environment changes from vcvarsall.bat
-::End Building native tests
-::Building Managed Tests
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM ===
+REM === Managed test build section
+REM ===
+REM =========================================================================================
REM setlocal to prepare for vsdevcmd.bat
-:: Set the environment for the managed build- Vs cmd prompt
-call "!VS%__VSProductVersion%COMNTOOLS!\VsDevCmd.bat"
-if not defined VSINSTALLDIR echo Error: build.cmd should be run from a Visual Studio Command Prompt. Please see for build instructions. && exit /b 1
+setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Starting the Managed Tests Build
-echo Starting the Managed Tests Build
-:: Log build command line
-set _buildprefix=echo
-set _buildpostfix=^> "%__TestManagedBuildLog%"
-set _buildappend=^>
-call :build %1
-:: Build
-set _buildprefix=
-set _buildpostfix=
-set _buildappend=
-call :build %1
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /b 1
+:: Set the environment for the managed build
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Using environment: "%__VSToolsRoot%\VsDevCmd.bat"
+call "%__VSToolsRoot%\VsDevCmd.bat"
-set CORE_ROOT=%__TestBinDir%\Tests\Core_Root
-echo Creating test overlay...
+if not defined VSINSTALLDIR (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: buildtest.cmd should be run from a Visual Studio Command Prompt. Please see for build instructions.
+ exit /b 1
-:: Log build command line
-set _buildprefix=echo
-set _buildpostfix=^> "%__TestManagedBuildLog%"
-set _buildappend=^>
-call :CreateTestOverlay %1
+set __msbuildManagedBuildArgs=
-:: Build
-set _buildprefix=
-set _buildpostfix=
-set _buildappend=
-call :CreateTestOverlay %1
+if defined __crossgen (
+ echo Building tests with CrossGen enabled.
+ set __msbuildManagedBuildArgs=%__msbuildManagedBuildArgs% /p:CrossGen=true
+if defined __ILAsmRoundtrip (
+ echo Building tests with IlasmRoundTrip enabled.
+ set __msbuildManagedBuildArgs=%__msbuildManagedBuildArgs% /p:IlasmRoundTrip=true
+if defined __TestPriority (
+ echo Building Test Priority %__TestPriority%
+ set __msbuildManagedBuildArgs=%__msbuildManagedBuildArgs% /p:CLRTestPriorityToBuild=%__TestPriority%
+set __BuildLogRootName=Tests_Managed
+call :msbuild "%__ProjectFilesDir%\build.proj" %__msbuildManagedBuildArgs%
+if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+set CORE_ROOT=%__TestBinDir%\Tests\Core_Root
-exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Creating test overlay...
+set __BuildLogRootName=Tests_Overlay_Managed
+call :msbuild "%__ProjectFilesDir%\runtest.proj" /t:CreateTestOverlay
+if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
-%_buildprefix% %_msbuildexe% "%__ProjectFilesDir%\build.proj" %__MSBCleanBuildArgs% /nologo /maxcpucount /verbosity:minimal /nodeReuse:false %_buildParameters% /fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=%_verbosity%;LogFile="%__TestManagedBuildLog%";Append %* %_buildpostfix%
-IF ERRORLEVEL 1 echo Test build failed. Refer to !__TestManagedBuildLog! for details && exit /b 1
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM ===
+REM === All builds complete!
+REM ===
+REM =========================================================================================
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Test build successful.
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Test binaries are available at !__TestBinDir!
exit /b 0
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM ===
+REM === Helper routines
+REM ===
+REM =========================================================================================
+@REM Subroutine to invoke msbuild. All arguments are passed to msbuild. The first argument should be the
+@REM .proj file to invoke.
+@REM On entry, __BuildLogRootName must be set to a file name prefix for the generated log file.
+@REM All the "standard" environment variables that aren't expected to change per invocation must also be set,
+@REM like __msbuildCommonArgs.
+@REM The build log files will be overwritten, not appended to.
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Invoking msbuild
+set "__BuildLog=%__LogsDir%\%__BuildLogRootName%_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log"
+set "__BuildWrn=%__LogsDir%\%__BuildLogRootName%_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.wrn"
+set "__BuildErr=%__LogsDir%\%__BuildLogRootName%_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.err"
+set __msbuildLogArgs=^
+/fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=%__verbosity%;LogFile="%__BuildLog%";Append ^
+/fileloggerparameters1:WarningsOnly;LogFile="%__BuildWrn%" ^
+/fileloggerparameters2:ErrorsOnly;LogFile="%__BuildErr%" ^
+/consoleloggerparameters:Summary ^
+set __msbuildArgs=%* %__msbuildCommonArgs% %__msbuildLogArgs%
+@REM The next line will overwrite the existing log file, if any.
+echo Invoking: %_msbuildexe% %__msbuildArgs% > "%__BuildLog%"
+%_msbuildexe% %__msbuildArgs%
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: build failed. Refer to the build log files for details:
+ echo %__BuildLog%
+ echo %__BuildWrn%
+ echo %__BuildErr%
+ exit /b 1
-%_buildprefix% %_msbuildexe% "%__ProjectFilesDir%\runtest.proj" /t:CreateTestOverlay /nologo /maxcpucount /verbosity:minimal /nodeReuse:false /fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=%_verbosity%;LogFile="%__TestManagedBuildLog%";Append %* %_buildpostfix%
-IF ERRORLEVEL 1 echo Failed to create the test overlay. Refer to !__TestManagedBuildLog! for details && exit /b 1
exit /b 0
echo Usage:
-echo %0 BuildArch BuildType [clean] [vsversion] [crossgen] [priority N] [verbose] where:
+echo %0 [option1] [option2] ...
+echo All arguments are optional. Options are case-insensitive. The options are:
-echo BuildArch can be: x64
-echo BuildType can be: Debug, Release, Checked
-echo Clean - optional argument to force a clean build.
-echo VSVersion - optional argument to use VS2013 or VS2015 (default VS2015)
-echo CrossGen - Enables the tests to run crossgen on the test executables before executing them.
-echo Priority (N) where N is a number greater than zero that signifies the set of tests that will be built and consequently run.
-echo IlasmRoundTrip - Enables ilasm round trip build and run of the tests before executing them.
-echo Verbose - Enables detailed file logging for the msbuild tasks.
+echo./? -? /h -h /help -help: view this message.
+echo Build architecture: only x64 is currently allowed ^(default: x64^).
+echo Build type: one of Debug, Checked, Release ^(default: Debug^).
+echo Visual Studio version: one of VS2013 or VS2015 to force using a particular
+echo Visual Studio version ^(default: VS2015^).
+echo clean: force a clean build ^(default is to perform an incremental build^).
+echo CrossGen: enables the tests to run crossgen on the test executables before executing them.
+echo msbuildargs ... : all arguments following this tag will be passed directly to msbuild.
+echo priority ^<N^> : specify a set of test that will be built and run, with priority N.
+echo sequential: force a non-parallel build ^(default is to build in parallel
+echo using all processors^).
+echo IlasmRoundTrip: enables ilasm round trip build and run of the tests before executing them.
+echo verbose: enables detailed file logging for the msbuild tasks into the msbuild log file.
+exit /b 1
+echo Visual Studio 2013+ ^(Community is free^) is a prerequisite to build this repository.
+echo See:
+exit /b 1
+echo Error: DIA SDK is missing at "%VSINSTALLDIR%DIA SDK". ^
+This is due to a bug in the Visual Studio installer. It does not install DIA SDK at "%VSINSTALLDIR%" but rather ^
+at the install location of previous Visual Studio version. The workaround is to copy the DIA SDK folder from the Visual Studio install location ^
+of the previous version to "%VSINSTALLDIR%" and then build.
+:: DIA SDK not included in Express editions
+echo Visual Studio 2013 Express does not include the DIA SDK. ^
+You need Visual Studio 2013+ (Community is free).
+echo See:
exit /b 1
diff --git a/tests/runtest.cmd b/tests/runtest.cmd
index 0f92eb25b3..d564fa1313 100644
--- a/tests/runtest.cmd
+++ b/tests/runtest.cmd
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
-@echo off
+@if not defined __echo @echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
-set __ProjectFilesDir=%~dp0
+:: Set the default arguments
+set __BuildArch=x64
+set __BuildType=Debug
+set __BuildOS=Windows_NT
:: Default to highest Visual Studio version available
set __VSVersion=vs2015
@@ -8,42 +12,89 @@ set __VSVersion=vs2015
if defined VS120COMNTOOLS set __VSVersion=vs2013
if defined VS140COMNTOOLS set __VSVersion=vs2015
+:: Define a prefix for most output progress messages that come from this script. That makes
+:: it easier to see where these are coming from. Note that there is a trailing space here.
+set __MsgPrefix=RUNTEST:
+set __ProjectDir=%~dp0
+:: remove trailing slash
+if %__ProjectDir:~-1%==\ set "__ProjectDir=%__ProjectDir:~0,-1%"
+set "__ProjectFilesDir=%__ProjectDir%"
+set "__RootBinDir=%__ProjectDir%\..\bin"
+set "__LogsDir=%__RootBinDir%\Logs"
:: Default __Exclude to issues.targets
set __Exclude0=%~dp0\issues.targets
+set __BuildSequential=
+set __msbuildExtraArgs=
if "%1" == "" goto ArgsDone
-if /i "%1" == "x64" (set __BuildArch=x64&set __MSBuildBuildArch=x64&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "x86" (set __BuildArch=x86&set __MSBuildBuildArch=x86&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "debug" (set __BuildType=debug&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "release" (set __BuildType=release&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "checked" (set __BuildType=checked&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "SkipWrapperGeneration" (set __SkipWrapperGeneration=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "Exclude" (set __Exclude=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "Exclude0" (set __Exclude0=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "TestEnv" (set __TestEnv=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "/?" goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "-?" goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "/h" goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "-h" goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "/help" goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "-help" goto Usage
+if /i "%1" == "x64" (set __BuildArch=x64&set __MSBuildBuildArch=x64&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "x86" (set __BuildArch=x86&set __MSBuildBuildArch=x86&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "debug" (set __BuildType=Debug&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "release" (set __BuildType=Release&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "checked" (set __BuildType=Checked&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "vs2013" (set __VSVersion=%1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "vs2015" (set __VSVersion=%1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "vs2013" (set __VSVersion=%1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "vs2015" (set __VSVersion=%1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "/?" (goto Usage)
+if /i "%1" == "SkipWrapperGeneration" (set __SkipWrapperGeneration=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "Exclude" (set __Exclude=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "Exclude0" (set __Exclude0=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "TestEnv" (set __TestEnv=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "sequential" (set __BuildSequential=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i not "%1" == "msbuildargs" goto SkipMsbuildArgs
+:: All the rest of the args will be collected and passed directly to msbuild.
+if "%1"=="" goto ArgsDone
+set __msbuildExtraArgs=%__msbuildExtraArgs% %1
+goto CollectMsbuildArgs
set CORE_ROOT=%1
-:: Check prerequisites
+:: Set the remaining variables based upon the determined configuration
+set "__BinDir=%__RootBinDir%\Product\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%"
+set "__TestWorkingDir=%__RootBinDir%\tests\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%"
+:: Default global test environment variables
+:: REVIEW: are these ever expected to be defined on entry to this script? Why? By whom?
+:: REVIEW: XunitTestReportDirBase is not used in this script. Who needs to have it set?
+if not defined XunitTestBinBase set XunitTestBinBase=%__TestWorkingDir%
+if not defined XunitTestReportDirBase set XunitTestReportDirBase=%XunitTestBinBase%\Reports\
+if not exist %__LogsDir% md %__LogsDir%
set __VSProductVersion=
if /i "%__VSVersion%" == "vs2013" set __VSProductVersion=120
if /i "%__VSVersion%" == "vs2015" set __VSProductVersion=140
:: Check presence of VS
-if defined VS%__VSProductVersion%COMNTOOLS goto CheckMSbuild
-echo Visual Studio 2013+ (Community is free) is a pre-requisite to build this repository.
-exit /b 1
+if not defined VS%__VSProductVersion%COMNTOOLS goto NoVS
+set __VSToolsRoot=!VS%__VSProductVersion%COMNTOOLS!
+if %__VSToolsRoot:~-1%==\ set "__VSToolsRoot=%__VSToolsRoot:~0,-1%"
+:: Does VS really exist?
+if not exist "%__VSToolsRoot%\..\IDE\devenv.exe" goto NoVS
+if not exist "%__VSToolsRoot%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" goto NoVS
+if not exist "%__VSToolsRoot%\VsDevCmd.bat" goto NoVS
if /i "%__VSVersion%" =="vs2015" goto MSBuild14
set _msbuildexe="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
if not exist %_msbuildexe% set _msbuildexe="%ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
@@ -57,110 +108,159 @@ if not exist %_msbuildexe% set _msbuildexe="%ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBu
if not exist %_msbuildexe% echo Error: Could not find MSBuild.exe. Please see for build instructions. && exit /b 1
:: Set the environment for the build- VS cmd prompt
-call "!VS%__VSProductVersion%COMNTOOLS!\VsDevCmd.bat"
-if not defined VSINSTALLDIR echo Error: runtest.cmd should be run from a Visual Studio Command Prompt. Please see for build instructions. && exit /b 1
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Using environment: "%__VSToolsRoot%\VsDevCmd.bat"
+call "%__VSToolsRoot%\VsDevCmd.bat"
+if not defined VSINSTALLDIR (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: runtest.cmd should be run from a Visual Studio Command Prompt. Please see for build instructions.
+ exit /b 1
-if not defined __BuildArch set __BuildArch=x64
-if not defined __BuildType set __BuildType=debug
-if not defined __BuildOS set __BuildOS=Windows_NT
-if not defined __BinDir set __BinDir=%__ProjectFilesDir%..\bin\Product\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%
-if not defined __TestWorkingDir set __TestWorkingDir=%__ProjectFilesDir%..\bin\tests\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%
-if not defined __LogsDir set __LogsDir=%__ProjectFilesDir%..\bin\Logs
+:: Note: We've disabled node reuse because it causes file locking issues.
+:: The issue is that we extend the build with our own targets which
+:: means that that rebuilding cannot successfully delete the task
+:: assembly.
+set __msbuildCommonArgs=/nologo /nodeReuse:false %__msbuildExtraArgs%
-:: Default global test environment variables
-if not defined XunitTestBinBase set XunitTestBinBase=%__TestWorkingDir%\
-if not defined XunitTestReportDirBase set XunitTestReportDirBase=%XunitTestBinBase%\Reports\
-if defined CORE_ROOT goto :CheckTestEnv
+if not defined __BuildSequential (
+ set __msbuildCommonArgs=%__msbuildCommonArgs% /maxcpucount
-set noCore_RootSet=true
-set CORE_ROOT=%__BinDir%
+if not defined CORE_ROOT (
+ set noCore_RootSet=true
+ set "CORE_ROOT=%__BinDir%"
::Check if the test Binaries are built
-if not exist %XunitTestBinBase% echo Error: Ensure the Test Binaries are built and are present at %XunitTestBinBase%, Run - buildtest.cmd %__BuildArch% %__BuildType% to build the tests first. && exit /b 1
-if "%CORE_ROOT%" == "" echo Error: Ensure you have done a successful build of the Product and Run - runtest BuildArch BuildType {path to product binaries}. && exit /b 1
-if not exist %CORE_ROOT%\coreclr.dll echo Error: Ensure you have done a successful build of the Product and %CORE_ROOT% contains runtime binaries. && exit /b 1
-if not "%__Exclude%"=="" (if not exist %__Exclude% echo Error: Exclusion .targets file not found && exit /b 1)
-if not "%__TestEnv%"=="" (if not exist %__TestEnv% echo Error: Test Environment script not found && exit /b 1)
-if not exist %__LogsDir% md %__LogsDir%
-set __XunitWrapperBuildLog=%__LogsDir%\Tests_XunitWrapper_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log
-set __TestRunBuildLog=%__LogsDir%\TestRunResults_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log
-set __TestRunHtmlLog=%__LogsDir%\TestRun_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.html
-set __TestRunXmlLog=%__LogsDir%\TestRun_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.xml
+if not exist %XunitTestBinBase% (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Ensure the Test Binaries are built and are present at %XunitTestBinBase%.
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Run "buildtest.cmd %__BuildArch% %__BuildType%" to build the tests first.
+ exit /b 1
-echo CORE_ROOT that will be used is: %CORE_ROOT%
-echo Starting The Test Run ...
-if "%__SkipWrapperGeneration%"=="true" goto :preptests
-:: Log build command line
-set _buildprefix=echo
-set _buildpostfix=^> "%__TestRunBuildLog%"
-set _buildappend=^>
-call :PerformXunitWrapperBuild
-:: Build
-set _buildprefix=
-set _buildpostfix=
-set _buildappend=
-call :PerformXunitWrapperBuild
- echo XunitWrapperBuild build failed. Refer %__XunitWrapperBuildLog% for details.
+if "%CORE_ROOT%" == "" (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Ensure you have done a successful build of the Product and Run - runtest BuildArch BuildType {path to product binaries}.
exit /b 1
-:: Log build command line
-set _buildprefix=echo
-set _buildpostfix=^> "%__TestRunBuildLog%"
-set _buildappend=^>
-call :runtests
-:: Build
-set _buildprefix=
-set _buildpostfix=
-set _buildappend=
-if not "%noCore_RootSet%"=="true" goto :runtests
-set CORE_ROOT=%XunitTestBinBase%\Tests\Core_Root
-echo Using Default CORE_ROOT as %CORE_ROOT%
-echo Copying Built binaries from %__BinDir% to %CORE_ROOT%
-if exist %CORE_ROOT% rd /s /q %CORE_ROOT%
-xcopy /s %__BinDir% %CORE_ROOT%
-call :runtests
- echo Test Run failed. Refer to the following"
- echo Msbuild log: %__TestRunBuildLog%
- echo Html report: %__TestRunHtmlLog%
+if not exist %CORE_ROOT%\coreclr.dll (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Ensure you have done a successful build of the Product and %CORE_ROOT% contains runtime binaries.
exit /b 1
+if defined __Exclude (if not exist %__Exclude% echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Exclusion .targets file not found && exit /b 1)
+if defined __TestEnv (if not exist %__TestEnv% echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Test Environment script not found && exit /b 1)
+REM These log files are created automatically by the test run process. Q: what do they depend on being set?
+set __TestRunHtmlLog=%__LogsDir%\TestRun_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.html
+set __TestRunXmlLog=%__LogsDir%\TestRun_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.xml
+echo %__MsgPrefix%CORE_ROOT that will be used is: %CORE_ROOT%
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Starting the test run ...
+if "%__SkipWrapperGeneration%"=="true" goto SkipWrapperGeneration
+set __BuildLogRootName=Tests_XunitWrapper
+call :msbuild "%__ProjectFilesDir%\runtest.proj" /p:NoRun=true
+if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+if not "%noCore_RootSet%"=="true" goto SkipCoreRootSetup
+set "CORE_ROOT=%XunitTestBinBase%\Tests\Core_Root"
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Using Default CORE_ROOT as %CORE_ROOT%
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Copying Built binaries from %__BinDir% to %CORE_ROOT%
+if exist "%CORE_ROOT%" rd /s /q "%CORE_ROOT%"
+md "%CORE_ROOT%"
+xcopy /s "%__BinDir%" "%CORE_ROOT%"
+set __BuildLogRootName=TestRunResults
+call :msbuild "%__ProjectFilesDir%\runtest.proj" /p:NoBuild=true /clp:showcommandline
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ echo Test Run failed. Refer to the following:
+ echo Html report: %__TestRunHtmlLog%
+ exit /b 1
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM ===
+REM === All tests complete!
+REM ===
+REM =========================================================================================
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Test run successful. Refer to the log files for details:
+echo %__TestRunHtmlLog%
+echo %__TestRunXmlLog%
exit /b 0
-%_buildprefix% %_msbuildexe% "%__ProjectFilesDir%runtest.proj" /p:NoBuild=true /nologo /maxcpucount /verbosity:minimal /nodeReuse:false /fileloggerparameters:LogFile="%__TestRunBuildLog%";Append %1 %_buildpostfix% /clp:showcommandline
-exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM ===
+REM === Helper routines
+REM ===
+REM =========================================================================================
+@REM Subroutine to invoke msbuild. All arguments are passed to msbuild. The first argument should be the
+@REM .proj file to invoke.
+@REM On entry, __BuildLogRootName must be set to a file name prefix for the generated log file.
+@REM All the "standard" environment variables that aren't expected to change per invocation must also be set,
+@REM like __msbuildCommonArgs.
+@REM The build log files will be overwritten, not appended to.
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Invoking msbuild
+set "__BuildLog=%__LogsDir%\%__BuildLogRootName%_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log"
+set "__BuildWrn=%__LogsDir%\%__BuildLogRootName%_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.wrn"
+set "__BuildErr=%__LogsDir%\%__BuildLogRootName%_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.err"
+set __msbuildLogArgs=^
+/fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=normal;LogFile="%__BuildLog%";Append ^
+/fileloggerparameters1:WarningsOnly;LogFile="%__BuildWrn%" ^
+/fileloggerparameters2:ErrorsOnly;LogFile="%__BuildErr%" ^
+/consoleloggerparameters:Summary ^
+set __msbuildArgs=%* %__msbuildCommonArgs% %__msbuildLogArgs%
-%_buildprefix% %_msbuildexe% "%__ProjectFilesDir%runtest.proj" /p:NoRun=true /nologo /maxcpucount /verbosity:minimal /nodeReuse:false /fileloggerparameters:LogFile="%__XunitWrapperBuildLog%";Append %1 %_buildappend%%_buildpostfix%
-exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
+@REM The next line will overwrite the existing log file, if any.
+echo Invoking: %_msbuildexe% %__msbuildArgs% > "%__BuildLog%"
+%_msbuildexe% %__msbuildArgs%
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: msbuild failed. Refer to the log files for details:
+ echo %__BuildLog%
+ echo %__BuildWrn%
+ echo %__BuildErr%
+ exit /b 1
+exit /b 0
echo Usage:
-echo %0 BuildArch BuildType [SkipWrapperGeneration] [Exclude EXCLUSION_TARGETS] [TestEnv TEST_ENV_SCRIPT] [vsversion] CORE_ROOT where:
+echo %0 BuildArch BuildType [SkipWrapperGeneration] [Exclude EXCLUSION_TARGETS] [TestEnv TEST_ENV_SCRIPT] [VSVersion] CORE_ROOT
+echo where:
-echo BuildArch is x64, x86
-echo BuildType can be: Debug, Release, Checked
+echo./? -? /h -h /help -help: view this message.
+echo BuildArch- Optional parameter - x64 or x86 ^(default: x64^).
+echo BuildType- Optional parameter - Debug, Release, or Checked ^(default: Debug^).
echo SkipWrapperGeneration- Optional parameter - this will run the same set of tests as the last time it was run
echo Exclude0- Optional parameter - specify location of default exclusion file (defaults to issues.targets if not specified)
echo Set to "" to disable default exclusion file.
echo Exclude- Optional parameter - this will exclude individual tests from running, specified by ExcludeList ItemGroup in an .targets file.
echo TestEnv- Optional parameter - this will run a custom script to set custom test environment settings.
-echo VSVersion- optional argument to use VS2013 or VS2015 (default VS2015)
+echo VSVersion- Optional parameter - VS2013 or VS2015 ^(default: VS2015^)
echo CORE_ROOT The path to the runtime
exit /b 1
+echo Visual Studio 2013+ ^(Community is free^) is a prerequisite to build this repository.
+echo See:
+exit /b 1