path: root/.packages/microsoft.dotnet.xunit.performance/1.0.0-alpha-build0040/lib/netstandard1.3/xunit.performance.core.XML
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.packages/microsoft.dotnet.xunit.performance/1.0.0-alpha-build0040/lib/netstandard1.3/xunit.performance.core.XML')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.packages/microsoft.dotnet.xunit.performance/1.0.0-alpha-build0040/lib/netstandard1.3/xunit.performance.core.XML b/.packages/microsoft.dotnet.xunit.performance/1.0.0-alpha-build0040/lib/netstandard1.3/xunit.performance.core.XML
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..76c27821b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.packages/microsoft.dotnet.xunit.performance/1.0.0-alpha-build0040/lib/netstandard1.3/xunit.performance.core.XML
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <assembly>
+ <name>xunit.performance.core</name>
+ </assembly>
+ <members>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Benchmark">
+ <summary>
+ Provides methods to control benchmark execution.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Benchmark.Iterations">
+ <summary>
+ Gets a sequence of benchmark iterations.
+ </summary>
+ <remarks>
+ Call <see cref="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.BenchmarkIteration.StartMeasurement"/> on each iteration
+ before executing the code to be measured.
+ </remarks>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Benchmark.InnerIterationCount">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the inner iteration count (the count of actual iterations that should occur for each benchmark iteration).
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Benchmark.Iterate(System.Action)">
+ <summary>
+ Automatically iterate over a measured operation.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="measuredOperation">The operation to measure and iterate over.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Benchmark.IterateAsync(System.Func{System.Threading.Tasks.Task})">
+ <summary>
+ Automatically iterate over an asynchronous measured operation.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="asyncMeasuredOperation">The operation to measure and iterate over.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.BenchmarkAttribute">
+ <summary>
+ Attribute that is applied to a method to indicate that it is a performance test that
+ should be run and measured by the performance test runner.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.BenchmarkAttribute.InnerIterationCount">
+ <summary>
+ Get or set the count of inner iterations to run inside of each harness iteration.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.BenchmarkIteration">
+ <summary>
+ Represents a single iteration of a benchmark.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.BenchmarkIteration.StartMeasurement">
+ <summary>
+ Starts measuring performance metrics for this iteration.
+ </summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.BenchmarkIterationMeasurement">
+ <summary>
+ Represents an ongoing measurement of a benchmark iteration.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.BenchmarkIterationMeasurement.Dispose">
+ <summary>
+ Completes measurement of this iteration.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Internal.BenchmarkIterator">
+ <summary>
+ Provides iterations for <see cref="P:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Benchmark.Iterations"/>
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Internal.BenchmarkIterator.RunAsync(System.Func{System.Threading.Tasks.Task})">
+ <summary>
+ Runs the specified method with this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Internal.BenchmarkIterator"/> as the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Internal.BenchmarkIterator.Current"/> iterator.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="testMethod"></param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Internal.BenchmarkIterator.Iterations">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the iterations for the current benchmark
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Internal.BenchmarkIterator.InnerIterationCount">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the inner iteration count for the current benchmark
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Internal.BenchmarkIterator.StartMeasurement(System.Int32)">
+ <summary>
+ Starts measurement for the given iteration, if it is the current iteration.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="iterationNumber"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Internal.BenchmarkIterator.StopMeasurement(System.Int32)">
+ <summary>
+ Stops measurement for the given iteration, if it is the current iteration.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="iterationNumber"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Internal.BenchmarkIterator.CreateIteration(System.Int32)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.BenchmarkIteration"/> instance for the given iteration.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="iterationNumber"></param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.IPerformanceMetricAttribute">
+ <summary>
+ Marker interface used by attributes which provide performance metric data.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.IPerformanceMetricDiscoverer">
+ <summary>
+ Implemented by discoverers that provide metrics to performance tests.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.IPerformanceMetricDiscoverer.GetMetrics(Xunit.Abstractions.IAttributeInfo)">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the performance metrics from the metric attribute.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="metricAttribute"></param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricDiscovererAttribute">
+ <summary>
+ An attribute used to decorate classes which implement <see cref="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.IPerformanceMetricAttribute"/>, to indicate
+ how performance metrics should be discovered. The discoverer type must implement <see cref="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.IPerformanceMetricDiscoverer"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricDiscovererAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricDiscovererAttribute"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="typeName">The fully qualified name of the discoverer.</param>
+ <param name="assemblyName">The name of the assembly that the discoverer type is located in, without file extension.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricInfo">
+ <summary>
+ Provides information about a performance metric
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricInfo.Id">
+ <summary>
+ Gets a string that uniquely identifies this metric, and can be used as an element or attribute name in XML output.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricInfo.DisplayName">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the human-readable name of the metric.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricInfo.Unit">
+ <summary>
+ Gets a string describing the units of measurement for this metric. Use one of the pre-defined strings in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricUnits"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricInfo.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Constructs a new PerformamceMetricInfo
+ </summary>
+ <param name="id"></param>
+ <param name="displayName"></param>
+ <param name="unit"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricUnits">
+ <summary>
+ Provides standard strings for <see cref="P:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricInfo.Unit"/>
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricUnits.Count">
+ <summary>
+ Indicates that a performance metric's value is a unitless count.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricUnits.Milliseconds">
+ <summary>
+ Indicates that a performance metric's value is measures in milliseconds.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Sdk.PerformanceMetricUnits.Bytes">
+ <summary>
+ Indicates that a performance metric's value is measured in bytes.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.MeasureGCAllocationsAttribute">
+ <summary>
+ An attribute that is applied to a method, class, or assembly, to indicate that the performance test framework
+ should collect and report the total size of objects allocated on the GC heap.
+ </summary>
+ <remarks>
+ Note that the underlying GC events used to collect this data report samples of aggregates of object allocations.
+ Even if every iteration of the test allocates, many iterations may report zero allocations. The average value collected
+ across all iterations should give a meaningful measure of per-iteration allocations.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.MeasureInstructionsRetiredAttribute">
+ <summary>
+ An attribute that is applied to a method, class, or assembly, to indicate that the performance test framework
+ should collect and report the number of instructions retired per test iteration.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.MeasureInstructionsRetiredAttribute.#ctor">
+ <summary>
+ Mesaure instructions retired using the default sampling interval
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.MeasureInstructionsRetiredAttribute.#ctor(System.Int32)">
+ <summary>
+ Measure instructions retired using the specified sampling interval
+ </summary>
+ <param name="maxSampleInterval">
+ The maximum number of retired instructions to include in each sample. If this it outside of the valid
+ range for the machine being tested, the nearest valid value will be used instead.
+ A suggested starting point for this value is 100,000.
+ </param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.MeasureGCCountsAttribute">
+ <summary>
+ An attribute that is applied to a method, class, or assembly, to indicate that the performance test framework
+ should collect and report GC counts for the given test(s).
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.OptimizeForBenchmarksAttribute">
+ <summary>
+ Apply this attribute to an assembly if it contains benchmarks. This attribute configures xUnit for benchmark execution.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ </members>