diff options
authorwtgodbe <>2017-04-14 14:31:34 -0700
committerwtgodbe <>2017-04-18 12:37:26 -0700
commit90f1d5d6aba780a62ee0e6c47d2cbabb575ffa69 (patch)
parente6a9c1622e807e070bf140b623001e41eb93cc68 (diff)
Enable running Crossgen tests on Windows in Helix
5 files changed, 84 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/build-test.cmd b/build-test.cmd
index af8ebc3426..dbb4e8a1af 100644
--- a/build-test.cmd
+++ b/build-test.cmd
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ set __BuildAgainstPackagesArg=
set __RuntimeId=
set __ZipTests=
set __TargetsWindows=1
+set __DoCrossgen=
if "%1" == "" goto ArgsDone
@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ if /i "%1" == "updateinvalidpackages" (set __UpdateInvalidPackagesArg=1&set proc
if /i "%1" == "toolset_dir" (set __ToolsetDir=%2&set __PassThroughArgs=%__PassThroughArgs% %2&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1 %2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "buildagainstpackages" (set __ZipTests=1&set __BuildAgainstPackagesArg=-BuildTestsAgainstPackages&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "ziptests" (set __ZipTests=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "crossgen" (set __DoCrossgen=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "runtimeid" (set __RuntimeId=%2&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1 %2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "targetsNonWindows" (set __TargetsWindows=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "Exclude" (set __Exclude=%2&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1 %2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
@@ -295,9 +297,13 @@ REM Cleans up any lock folder used for synchronization from last run
powershell "Get-ChildItem -path %__TestWorkingDir% -Include 'lock' -Recurse -Force | where {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'}| Remove-Item -force -Recurse"
set CORE_ROOT=%__TestBinDir%\Tests\Core_Root
+set CORE_ROOT_STAGE=%__TestBinDir%\Tests\Core_Root_Stage
if exist "%CORE_ROOT%" rd /s /q "%CORE_ROOT%"
+if exist "%CORE_ROOT_STAGE%" rd /s /q "%CORE_ROOT_STAGE%"
md "%CORE_ROOT%"
-xcopy /s "%__BinDir%" "%CORE_ROOT%"
+xcopy /s "%__BinDir%" "%CORE_ROOT_STAGE%"
if defined __BuildAgainstPackagesArg (
if "%__TargetsWindows%"=="0" (
@@ -307,8 +313,8 @@ if defined __BuildAgainstPackagesArg (
exit /b 1
- for /R %__PackagesDir%\TestNativeBins\%__RuntimeId%\%__BuildType% %%f in (*.so) do copy %%f %CORE_ROOT%
- for /R %__PackagesDir%\TestNativeBins\%__RuntimeId%\%__BuildType% %%f in (*.dylib) do copy %%f %CORE_ROOT%
+ for /R %__PackagesDir%\TestNativeBins\%__RuntimeId%\%__BuildType% %%f in (*.so) do copy %%f %CORE_ROOT_STAGE%
+ for /R %__PackagesDir%\TestNativeBins\%__RuntimeId%\%__BuildType% %%f in (*.dylib) do copy %%f %CORE_ROOT_STAGE%
@@ -360,6 +366,20 @@ if errorlevel 1 (
exit /b 1
+xcopy /s /y "%CORE_ROOT_STAGE%" "%CORE_ROOT%"
+set __CrossgenArg = ""
+if defined __DoCrossgen (
+ set __CrossgenArg="-Crossgen"
+ if "%__TargetsWindows%" == "1" (
+ call :PrecompileFX
+ ) else (
+ echo "%__MsgPrefix% Crossgen only supported on Windows, for now"
+ )
+rd /s /q "%CORE_ROOT_STAGE%"
if not defined __ZipTests goto SkipPrepForPublish
set __BuildLogRootName=Helix_Prep
@@ -376,7 +396,7 @@ REM === Prep test binaries for Helix publishing
REM ===
REM =========================================================================================
-call %__ProjectDir%\run.cmd build -Project=%__ProjectDir%\tests\helixprep.proj -MsBuildLog=!__msbuildLog! -MsBuildWrn=!__msbuildWrn! -MsBuildErr=!__msbuildErr! %__RunArgs% %__BuildAgainstPackagesArg% %RuntimeIdArg% %TargetsWindowsArg% %__unprocessedBuildArgs%
+call %__ProjectDir%\run.cmd build -Project=%__ProjectDir%\tests\helixprep.proj -MsBuildLog=!__msbuildLog! -MsBuildWrn=!__msbuildWrn! -MsBuildErr=!__msbuildErr! %__RunArgs% %__BuildAgainstPackagesArg% %RuntimeIdArg% %TargetsWindowsArg% %__CrossgenArg% %__unprocessedBuildArgs%
echo %__MsgPrefix% Prepped test binaries for publishing
@@ -418,6 +438,7 @@ echo ubuntu.16.10-x64: Builds overlay for Ubuntu 16.10
echo win-x64: Builds overlay for portable Windows
echo win7-x64: Builds overlay for Windows 7
echo ziptests: zips CoreCLR tests & Core_Root for a Helix run
+echo crossgen: Precompiles the framework managed assemblies
echo Exclude- Optional parameter - specify location of default exclusion file (defaults to tests\issues.targets if not specified)
echo Set to "" to disable default exclusion file.
echo -- ... : all arguments following this tag will be passed directly to msbuild.
@@ -466,3 +487,31 @@ set INCLUDE=^
exit /b 0
+for %%F in (%CORE_ROOT%\*.dll) do call :PrecompileAssembly "%%F" %%~nF%%~xF
+exit /b 0
+REM Compile the managed assemblies in Core_ROOT before running the tests
+REM Skip mscorlib since it is already precompiled.
+if /I "%2" == "mscorlib.dll" exit /b 0
+if /I "%2" == "" exit /b 0
+REM don't precompile anything from CoreCLR
+if /I exist %CORE_ROOT_STAGE%\%2 exit /b 0
+"%CORE_ROOT_STAGE%\crossgen.exe" /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%CORE_ROOT%" "%1" >nul 2>nul
+set /a __exitCode = %errorlevel%
+if "%__exitCode%" == "-2146230517" (
+ echo %2 is not a managed assembly.
+ exit /b 0
+if %__exitCode% neq 0 (
+ echo Unable to precompile %2
+ exit /b 0
+echo Successfully precompiled %2
+exit /b 0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buildpipeline/Dotnet-CoreClr-Trusted-BuildTests.json b/buildpipeline/Dotnet-CoreClr-Trusted-BuildTests.json
index 4deb689a55..c73a6c96b7 100644
--- a/buildpipeline/Dotnet-CoreClr-Trusted-BuildTests.json
+++ b/buildpipeline/Dotnet-CoreClr-Trusted-BuildTests.json
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"inputs": {
"filename": "build-test.cmd",
- "arguments": "$(PB_BuildType) $(Architecture) buildagainstpackages runtimeid $(Rid) $(TargetsNonWindowsArg) -OfficialBuildId=$(OfficialBuildId) -Priority=$(Priority)",
+ "arguments": "$(PB_BuildType) $(Architecture) buildagainstpackages runtimeid $(Rid) $(TargetsNonWindowsArg) $(CrossgenArg) -OfficialBuildId=$(OfficialBuildId) -Priority=$(Priority)",
"workingFolder": "",
"failOnStandardError": "false"
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"inputs": {
"filename": "msbuild",
- "arguments": "helixpublish.proj /p:CloudDropAccessToken=$(CloudDropAccessToken) /p:CloudDropAccountName=$(CloudDropAccountName) /p:ContainerName=$(PB_ContainerName) /p:Platform=$(Architecture) /p:BuildType=$(PB_BuildType) /p:CloudResultsAccountName=$(CloudResultsAccountName) /p:CloudResultsAccessToken=$(CloudResultsAccessToken) /p:TargetsWindows=$(TargetsWindows) /p:OverwriteOnUpload=true /p:Rid=$(Rid) /p:TargetQueues=\"$(TargetQueues)\" /p:TestProduct=$(TestProduct) /p:Branch=$(HelixBranch) /p:HelixApiAccessKey=$(HelixApiAccessKey) /p:HelixApiEndpoint=$(HelixApiEndpoint) /p:FilterToOSGroup=$(FilterToOSGroup) /p:FilterToTestTFM=$(FilterToTestTFM) /p:TimeoutInSeconds=3600 /fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=diag;LogFile=helix.log",
+ "arguments": "helixpublish.proj /p:CloudDropAccessToken=$(CloudDropAccessToken) /p:CloudDropAccountName=$(CloudDropAccountName) /p:ContainerName=$(PB_ContainerName) /p:Platform=$(Architecture) /p:BuildType=$(PB_BuildType) /p:CloudResultsAccountName=$(CloudResultsAccountName) /p:CloudResultsAccessToken=$(CloudResultsAccessToken) /p:TargetsWindows=$(TargetsWindows) /p:OverwriteOnUpload=true /p:Rid=$(Rid) /p:TargetQueues=\"$(TargetQueues)\" /p:TestProduct=$(TestProduct) /p:Branch=$(HelixBranch) /p:HelixApiAccessKey=$(HelixApiAccessKey) /p:HelixApiEndpoint=$(HelixApiEndpoint) /p:FilterToOSGroup=$(FilterToOSGroup) /p:FilterToTestTFM=$(FilterToTestTFM) /p:TimeoutInSeconds=1800 /p:HelixJobType=$(HelixJobType) /fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=diag;LogFile=helix.log",
"workingFolder": "tests",
"failOnStandardError": "false"
diff --git a/buildpipeline/pipelines.json b/buildpipeline/pipelines.json
index db934948a7..18d7a271b1 100644
--- a/buildpipeline/pipelines.json
+++ b/buildpipeline/pipelines.json
@@ -480,6 +480,7 @@
"Name": "Dotnet-CoreClr-Trusted-BuildTests",
"Parameters": {
+ "HelixJobType": "test/functional/cli/",
"TargetsWindows": "true",
"Rid": "win-x64",
"TargetQueues": "windows.10.amd64",
@@ -496,6 +497,25 @@
"Name": "Dotnet-CoreClr-Trusted-BuildTests",
"Parameters": {
+ "HelixJobType": "test/functional/r2r/cli/",
+ "TargetsWindows": "true",
+ "Rid": "win-x64",
+ "TargetQueues": "windows.10.amd64",
+ "TestContainerSuffix": "windows-r2r",
+ "TargetsNonWindowsArg": " ",
+ "CrossgenArg": "Crossgen"
+ },
+ "ReportingParameters": {
+ "OperatingSystem": "Windows",
+ "SubType": "Build-Tests-R2R",
+ "Type": "build/product/",
+ "PB_BuildType": "Release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Dotnet-CoreClr-Trusted-BuildTests",
+ "Parameters": {
+ "HelixJobType": "test/functional/cli/",
"TargetsWindows": "false",
"Rid": "osx-x64",
"TargetQueues": "osx.1012.amd64",
@@ -512,6 +532,7 @@
"Name": "Dotnet-CoreClr-Trusted-BuildTests",
"Parameters": {
+ "HelixJobType": "test/functional/cli/",
"TargetsWindows": "false",
"Rid": "linux-x64",
"TargetQueues": "debian.82.amd64,fedora.25.amd64,redhat.72.amd64,ubuntu.1404.amd64,ubuntu.1604.amd64,ubuntu.1610.amd64",
diff --git a/config.json b/config.json
index 475a659f2d..158c1b928e 100644
--- a/config.json
+++ b/config.json
@@ -330,6 +330,12 @@
"values": [ true, false ],
"defaultValue": true
+ "Crossgen": {
+ "description": "Determines if we're running Crossgen tests",
+ "valueType": "property",
+ "values": [ true, false ],
+ "defaultValue": true
+ },
"RuntimeId": {
"description": "Specifies the OS to build Core_Root for",
"valueType": "property",
diff --git a/tests/helixprep.proj b/tests/helixprep.proj
index c6267b99a9..dae02e8e55 100644
--- a/tests/helixprep.proj
+++ b/tests/helixprep.proj
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
Condition="'$(TargetsWindows)' == 'true' ">
+ <CrossgenVar Condition="'$(Crossgen)' == 'true'">set RunCrossGen=true</CrossgenVar>
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION
pushd %~dp0
ECHO %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\CoreRun.exe %HELIX_WORKITEM_PAYLOAD%\xunit.console.netcore.exe %HELIX_WORKITEM_PAYLOAD%\$(ProjectName) -noshadow -xml testResults.xml -notrait category=outerloop -notrait category=failing