path: root/src/caffe/layers/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-04-13GPU BatchNormLayer: replace powx with mul and sqrtPatrick Follmann1-4/+4
2015-12-01dismantle layer headersEvan Shelhamer1-1/+1
2015-11-13Make backward pass work when global stats is active for BatchNormLayerKang Kim1-4/+6
2015-11-13Update computation of variance and global stats in BatchNormLayerKang Kim1-27/+29
2015-10-22Cleanup batch norm layer, include global stats computationCarl Doersch1-213/+152
2015-10-20Added batch normalization layer with test and examplesDmytro Mishkin1-0/+228