44 dst[i] = ((src[i] >
threshold) ? true_value : false_value);
54 else if(src[i] < threshold)
#define ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR(...)
Print the given message then throw an std::runtime_error.
DataType data_type() const override
Data type of the tensor.
Threshold mode.
TensorShape shape() const override
Shape of the tensor.
This file contains all available output stages for GEMMLowp on OpenCL.
Simple tensor object that stores elements in a consecutive chunk of memory.
Threshold with two values.
int num_elements() const override
Number of elements of the tensor.
Threshold with one value.
SimpleTensor< T > threshold(const SimpleTensor< T > &src, T threshold, T false_value, T true_value, ThresholdType type, T upper)
convolution configure & src