path: root/tau/tools/grunt/tasks/themeConverter.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tau/tools/grunt/tasks/themeConverter.js')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/tau/tools/grunt/tasks/themeConverter.js b/tau/tools/grunt/tasks/themeConverter.js
index 95e32a3f..d564f078 100644
--- a/tau/tools/grunt/tasks/themeConverter.js
+++ b/tau/tools/grunt/tasks/themeConverter.js
@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
+module.exports = function(grunt) {
+ grunt.registerMultiTask("themeConverter", "tau changeable theme converter",function(){
+ var data =;
+ if (data.device === "all") {
+ // if data.device is undefined, this task is 'all'
+ run(data.themeIndex, data.themeStyle, "mobile");
+ run(data.themeIndex, data.themeStyle, "wearable");
+ } else {
+ run(data.themeIndex, data.themeStyle, data.device);
+ }
+ return;
+ });
var xml2js = require("xml2js"),
fs = require("fs"),
- path = require("path"),
range = {
@@ -13,229 +26,247 @@ var xml2js = require("xml2js"),
- };
-module.exports = function(grunt) {
- var options;
- grunt.registerMultiTask("themeConverter", "tau changeable theme converter",function(){
- options = this.options();
- this.files.forEach(function(file){
- run(options.index,, file.src[0], file.dest);
- });
- });
- function run(index, style, src, dest) {
- var inputColorTable = {
- colorList: [],
- index: index,
- type: tableType.INPUT_COLOR_TABLE
- },
- colorTable = {
- colorList: [],
- style: style,
- type: tableType.COLOR_TABLE
- };
- inputColorTable = parseTable(inputColorTable);
- colorTable = parseTable(colorTable);
- replaceTemplate(inputColorTable, colorTable, src, dest);
+ },
+ fileName = {
+ INPUT_COLOR_TABLE: "InputColorTable.xml",
+ COLOR_TABLE: "ChangeableColorTable1.xml",
+ TEMEPLATE: "changeable.template",
+ OUTPUT: "tau.css"
+ },
+ mobilePath = "tools/grunt/xml/mobile/",
+ wearablePath = "tools/grunt/xml/wearable/";
+function run(themeIndex, themeStyle, device) {
+ var inputColorTable = {
+ colorList: [],
+ index: themeIndex
+ },
+ colorTable = {
+ colorList: [],
+ style: themeStyle
+ },
+ len = 1,
+ colors = [],
+ i;
+ if (device === "wearable") {
+ // In wearable version need to two color theme version, blue and brown.
+ colors = ["blue", "brown"];
+ len = colors.length;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ inputColorTable = parseTable(inputColorTable, tableType.INPUT_COLOR_TABLE, device, colors[i]);
+ colorTable = parseTable(colorTable, tableType.COLOR_TABLE, device, colors[i]);
+ replaceTemplate(inputColorTable, colorTable, device, colors[i]);
- function replaceTemplate(inputColorTable, colorTable, src, dest) {
- // replace color-code
- var rgba = {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1},
- template = fs.readFileSync(src, "utf-8"),
- len = colorTable.colorList.length,
- i;
- //replace color
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- rgba = calculateColor(inputColorTable.colorList, colorTable.colorList[i].$);
- template = replaceColor(colorTable.colorList[i].$.id, rgba, template);
- }
- grunt.file.mkdir(path.dirname(dest));
- fs.writeFileSync(dest, template);
+function replaceTemplate(inputColorTable, colorTable, device, color) {
+ // replace color-code
+ var rgba = {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1},
+ template = fs.readFileSync("dist/"+device+"/theme/changeable/changeable.template", "utf-8"),
+ i;
- }
+ //replace color
+ for (i = 0; i < colorTable.colorList.length; i++) {
+ rgba = calculateColor(inputColorTable.colorList, colorTable.colorList[i].$);
- function parseTable(table) {
- var parser = new xml2js.Parser(),
- data,
- path;
- if (table.type === tableType.INPUT_COLOR_TABLE) {
- path = options.inputColorTableXML;
- } else if (table.type === tableType.COLOR_TABLE) {
- path = options.changeableColorTableXML;
+ template = replaceColor(colorTable.colorList[i].$.id, rgba, template);
+ }
+ if (device === "mobile") {
+ fs.writeFileSync("dist/"+device+"/theme/changeable/tau.css", template);
+ } else {
+ if (color === "blue") {
+ fs.writeFileSync("dist/"+device+"/theme/changeable/tau.css", template);
- data = fs.readFileSync(path);
- parser.parseString(data, function(err, result) {
- // result is parsing data
- table = parseAttribute(result, table);
- });
- return table;
+ fs.mkdirSync("dist/"+device+"/theme/" + color + "/");
+ fs.writeFileSync("dist/"+device+"/theme/" + color + "/tau.css", template);
- function parseAttribute(result, table) {
- // parse attribute from result
- var value = [],
- themesLength,
- valueLength,
- i;
- if (table.type === tableType.INPUT_COLOR_TABLE) {
- // input color
- // It has a different xml structure to between mobile and wearable.
- if (result.InputColorTable.Themes) {
- themesLength = result.InputColorTable.Themes.length;
- for (i = 0; i < themesLength; i++) {
- value = value.concat(result.InputColorTable.Themes[i].Theme);
- }
- } else {
- value = result.InputColorTable.Theme;
- }
- // value is input color array
- valueLength = value.length;
- for (i = 0; i < valueLength; i++) {
- if (value[i].$.index === table.index) {
- table.colorList = value[i].InputColorInfo;
- }
+function parseTable(table, tableType, device, color) {
+ // table inputColor or changeable color
+ // tableType 1 is inputColor
+ // tableType 2 is changeableColor
+ var parser = new xml2js.Parser(),
+ fn,
+ data,
+ path;
+ if (tableType === 1) {
+ fn = fileName.INPUT_COLOR_TABLE;
+ } else if (tableType === 2) {
+ fn = fileName.COLOR_TABLE;
+ }
+ if (device === "mobile") {
+ path = mobilePath;
+ } else {
+ path = wearablePath + color + "/";
+ }
+ data = fs.readFileSync(path + fn);
+ parser.parseString(data, function(err, result) {
+ // result is parsing data
+ parseAttribute(result, table, tableType, device);
+ });
+ return table;
+function parseAttribute(result, table, tableType, device) {
+ // parse attribute from result
+ var value = [],
+ themesLength,
+ i;
+ if (tableType === 1) {
+ // input color
+ // It has a different xml structure to between mobile and wearable.
+ if (device === "mobile") {
+ themesLength = result.InputColorTable.Themes.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < themesLength; i++) {
+ value = value.concat(result.InputColorTable.Themes[i].Theme);
} else {
- // changeable color
- value = result.ChangeableColorTable.Theme;
- // value is changeable color array
- for (i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
- if (value[i].$.style === {
- table.colorList = value[i].ChangeableColorInfo;
- }
+ value = result.InputColorTable.Theme;
+ }
+ // value is input color array
+ for (i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
+ if (value[i].$.index === table.index) {
+ table.colorList = value[i].InputColorInfo;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // changeable color
+ value = result.ChangeableColorTable.Theme;
+ // value is changeable color array
+ for (i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
+ if (value[i].$.style === {
+ table.colorList = value[i].ChangeableColorInfo;
- return table;
- }
- function replaceColor(id, rgba, template) {
- var reg = new RegExp("\\b"+id+"\\b", "g");
- template = template.replace(reg,"rgba("+rgba.r+", "+rgba.g+", "+rgba.b+", "+rgba.a+")");
- return template;
- function determineColorRange(value, maxRange, minRange, maxInput, minInput) {
- var result,
- max,
- min;
- max = (maxInput > maxRange) ? maxRange : maxInput;
- min = (minInput < minRange) ? minRange : minInput;
- if (value > max)
- result = max;
- else if (value < min)
- result = min;
- else
- result = value;
- return result;
+function replaceColor(id, rgba, template) {
+ var reg = new RegExp("\\b"+id+"\\b", "g");
+ template = template.replace(reg,"rgba("+rgba.r+", "+rgba.g+", "+rgba.b+", "+rgba.a+")");
+ return template;
+function determineColorRange(value, maxRange, minRange, maxInput, minInput) {
+ var result,
+ max,
+ min;
+ max = (maxInput > maxRange) ? maxRange : maxInput;
+ min = (minInput < minRange) ? minRange : minInput;
+ if (value > max)
+ result = max;
+ else if (value < min)
+ result = min;
+ else
+ result = value;
+ return result;
+function HSVtoRGB(h, s, v, a) {
+ var r, g, b,
+ i,
+ f, p, q, t;
+ i = Math.floor(h * 6);
+ f = h * 6 - i;
+ p = v * (1 - s);
+ q = v * (1 - f * s);
+ t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
+ switch (i % 6) {
+ case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
+ case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
+ case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
+ case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
+ case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
+ case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
+ return {
+ r: Math.round(r * 255),
+ g: Math.round(g * 255),
+ b: Math.round(b * 255),
+ a: a
+ };
- function HSVtoRGB(h, s, v, a) {
- var r, g, b,
- i,
- f, p, q, t;
- i = Math.floor(h * 6);
- f = h * 6 - i;
- p = v * (1 - s);
- q = v * (1 - f * s);
- t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
- switch (i % 6) {
- case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
- case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
- case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
- case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
- case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
- case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
- }
- return {
- r: Math.round(r * 255),
- g: Math.round(g * 255),
- b: Math.round(b * 255),
- a: a
- };
+function calculateColor(inputColorList, color) {
+ var hue, saturation, value,
+ alpha,
+ inputColor = {
+ hue: 0,
+ saturation: 0,
+ value: 0
+ },
+ rgb = {
+ r: 0,
+ g: 0,
+ b: 0
+ },
+ maxHue = color.maxHue ? color.maxHue : 360,
+ minHue = color.minHue ? color.minHue : 0,
+ maxSaturation = color.maxSaturation ? color.maxSaturation : 100,
+ minSaturation = color.minSaturation ? color.minSaturation : 0,
+ maxValue = color.maxValue ? color.maxValue : 100,
+ minValue = color.minValue ? color.minValue : 0;
+ if (!color || !inputColorList)
+ return false;
+ if (color.inputColor) {
+ if (color.inputColor === "1")
+ inputColor = inputColorList[0].$;
+ else if (color.inputColor === "2")
+ inputColor = inputColorList[1].$;
+ else if (color.inputColor === "3")
+ inputColor = inputColorList[2].$;
+ else if (color.inputColor === "4")
+ inputColor = inputColorList[3].$;
+ else if (color.inputColor === "5")
+ inputColor = inputColorList[4].$;
+ else if (color.inputColor === "6")
+ inputColor = inputColorList[5].$;
+ else if (color.inputColor === "K")
+ inputColor = { hue: 0, saturation: 0, value: 3 };
+ else if (color.inputColor === "W")
+ inputColor = { hue: 0, saturation: 0, value: 96 };
- function calculateColor(inputColorList, color) {
- var hue, saturation, value,
- alpha,
- inputColor = {
- hue: 0,
- saturation: 0,
- value: 0
- },
- rgb = {
- r: 0,
- g: 0,
- b: 0
- },
- maxHue = color.maxHue ? color.maxHue : 360,
- minHue = color.minHue ? color.minHue : 0,
- maxSaturation = color.maxSaturation ? color.maxSaturation : 100,
- minSaturation = color.minSaturation ? color.minSaturation : 0,
- maxValue = color.maxValue ? color.maxValue : 100,
- minValue = color.minValue ? color.minValue : 0;
- if (!color || !inputColorList)
- return false;
- if (color.inputColor) {
- if (color.inputColor === "1")
- inputColor = inputColorList[0].$;
- else if (color.inputColor === "2")
- inputColor = inputColorList[1].$;
- else if (color.inputColor === "3")
- inputColor = inputColorList[2].$;
- else if (color.inputColor === "4")
- inputColor = inputColorList[3].$;
- else if (color.inputColor === "5")
- inputColor = inputColorList[4].$;
- else if (color.inputColor === "6")
- inputColor = inputColorList[5].$;
- else if (color.inputColor === "K")
- inputColor = { hue: 0, saturation: 0, value: 3 };
- else if (color.inputColor === "W")
- inputColor = { hue: 0, saturation: 0, value: 96 };
- }
+ // determine color's hue
+ hue = Math.abs((color.fixedHue === "true") ? (parseInt(color.hue, 10)) : (parseInt(inputColor.hue, 10) + parseInt(color.hue, 10)));
+ hue = determineColorRange(hue, range.MAX_ANGLE, range.MIN_ANGLE, parseInt(maxHue, 10), parseInt(minHue, 10));
- // determine color's hue
- hue = Math.abs((color.fixedHue === "true") ? (parseInt(color.hue, 10)) : (parseInt(inputColor.hue, 10) + parseInt(color.hue, 10)));
- hue = determineColorRange(hue, range.MAX_ANGLE, range.MIN_ANGLE, parseInt(maxHue, 10), parseInt(minHue, 10));
+ // determine color's saturation
+ saturation = Math.abs((color.fixedSaturation === "true") ? (parseInt(color.saturation, 10)) : (parseInt(inputColor.saturation, 10) + parseInt(color.saturation, 10)));
+ saturation = determineColorRange(saturation, range.MAX_PERCENTAGE, range.MIN_PERCENTAGE, parseInt(maxSaturation, 10), parseInt(minSaturation, 10));
- // determine color's saturation
- saturation = Math.abs((color.fixedSaturation === "true") ? (parseInt(color.saturation, 10)) : (parseInt(inputColor.saturation, 10) + parseInt(color.saturation, 10)));
- saturation = determineColorRange(saturation, range.MAX_PERCENTAGE, range.MIN_PERCENTAGE, parseInt(maxSaturation, 10), parseInt(minSaturation, 10));
+ // determine color's value
+ value = Math.abs((color.fixedValue === "true") ? (parseInt(color.value, 10)) : (parseInt(inputColor.value, 10) + parseInt(color.value, 10)));
+ value = determineColorRange(value, range.MAX_PERCENTAGE, range.MIN_PERCENTAGE, parseInt(maxValue, 10), parseInt(minValue, 10));
- // determine color's value
- value = Math.abs((color.fixedValue === "true") ? (parseInt(color.value, 10)) : (parseInt(inputColor.value, 10) + parseInt(color.value, 10)));
- value = determineColorRange(value, range.MAX_PERCENTAGE, range.MIN_PERCENTAGE, parseInt(maxValue, 10), parseInt(minValue, 10));
+ // check the range of alpha
+ if (parseInt(color.alpha, 10) > range.MAX_PERCENTAGE)
+ alpha = range.MAX_PERCENTAGE;
+ else if (parseInt(color.alpha, 10) < range.MIN_PERCENTAGE)
+ alpha = range.MIN_PERCENTAGE;
+ else
+ alpha = color.alpha;
- // check the range of alpha
- if (parseInt(color.alpha, 10) > range.MAX_PERCENTAGE)
- alpha = range.MAX_PERCENTAGE;
- else if (parseInt(color.alpha, 10) < range.MIN_PERCENTAGE)
- alpha = range.MIN_PERCENTAGE;
- else
- alpha = color.alpha;
+ hue /= range.MAX_ANGLE;
+ saturation /= range.MAX_PERCENTAGE;
+ value /= range.MAX_PERCENTAGE;
+ alpha /= range.MAX_PERCENTAGE;
- hue /= range.MAX_ANGLE;
- saturation /= range.MAX_PERCENTAGE;
- value /= range.MAX_PERCENTAGE;
- alpha /= range.MAX_PERCENTAGE;
+ return HSVtoRGB(hue, saturation, value, alpha);
- return HSVtoRGB(hue, saturation, value, alpha);
- }