path: root/libs/js/globalize/lib/cultures/
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/js/globalize/lib/cultures/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 458 deletions
diff --git a/libs/js/globalize/lib/cultures/ b/libs/js/globalize/lib/cultures/
deleted file mode 100644
index 75eaa7f7..00000000
--- a/libs/js/globalize/lib/cultures/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
- * Globalize Culture ar-DZ
- *
- *
- *
- * Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- * This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
- * Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
- */
-(function( window, undefined ) {
-var Globalize;
-if ( typeof require !== "undefined"
- && typeof exports !== "undefined"
- && typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
- // Assume CommonJS
- Globalize = require( "globalize" );
-} else {
- // Global variable
- Globalize = window.Globalize;
-Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-DZ", "default", {
- name: "ar-DZ",
- englishName: "Arabic (Algeria)",
- nativeName: "العربية (الجزائر)",
- language: "ar",
- isRTL: true,
- numberFormat: {
- pattern: ["n-"],
- NaN: "ليس برقم",
- negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
- positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
- currency: {
- pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
- symbol: "د.ج.‏"
- }
- },
- calendars: {
- standard: {
- "/": "-",
- firstDay: 6,
- days: {
- names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
- namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
- namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
- },
- months: {
- names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
- namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
- },
- AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
- PM: ["م","م","م"],
- patterns: {
- d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
- D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
- t: "H:mm",
- T: "H:mm:ss",
- f: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm",
- F: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss",
- M: "dd MMMM"
- }
- },
- Hijri: {
- name: "Hijri",
- firstDay: 6,
- days: {
- names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
- namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
- namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
- },
- months: {
- names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
- namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
- },
- AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
- PM: ["م","م","م"],
- eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
- twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
- patterns: {
- d: "dd/MM/yy",
- D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
- t: "H:mm",
- T: "H:mm:ss",
- f: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm",
- F: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm:ss",
- M: "dd MMMM"
- },
- convert: {
- // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
- ticks1970: 62135596800000,
- // number of days leading up to each month
- monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
- minDate: -42521673600000,
- maxDate: 253402300799999,
- // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
- // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
- // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
- // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
- hijriAdjustment: 0,
- toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
- var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
- // 86400000 = ticks per day
- var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
- // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
- // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
- // date in the current timezone.
- gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
- return gdate;
- },
- fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
- if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
- var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
- daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
- // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
- // it approximates the hijri year.
- var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
- absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
- daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
- // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
- if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
- hyear--;
- absDays -= daysInYear;
- }
- else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
- hyear--;
- absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
- }
- else {
- if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
- absDays += daysInYear;
- hyear++;
- }
- }
- // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
- // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
- hmonth = 0;
- var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
- while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
- hmonth++;
- }
- hmonth--;
- hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
- return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
- },
- daysToYear: function(year) {
- // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
- var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
- yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
- days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
- while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
- days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
- yearsInto30--;
- }
- return days;
- },
- isLeapYear: function(year) {
- return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
- }
- }
- },
- UmAlQura: {
- name: "UmAlQura",
- firstDay: 6,
- days: {
- names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
- namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
- namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
- },
- months: {
- names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
- namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
- },
- AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
- PM: ["م","م","م"],
- eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
- twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
- patterns: {
- d: "dd/MM/yy",
- D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
- t: "H:mm",
- T: "H:mm:ss",
- f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm",
- F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm:ss",
- M: "dd MMMM"
- },
- convert: {
- _yearInfo: [
- // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
- [746, -2198707200000],
- [1769, -2168121600000],
- [3794, -2137449600000],
- [3748, -2106777600000],
- [3402, -2076192000000],
- [2710, -2045606400000],
- [1334, -2015020800000],
- [2741, -1984435200000],
- [3498, -1953763200000],
- [2980, -1923091200000],
- [2889, -1892505600000],
- [2707, -1861920000000],
- [1323, -1831334400000],
- [2647, -1800748800000],
- [1206, -1770076800000],
- [2741, -1739491200000],
- [1450, -1708819200000],
- [3413, -1678233600000],
- [3370, -1647561600000],
- [2646, -1616976000000],
- [1198, -1586390400000],
- [2397, -1555804800000],
- [748, -1525132800000],
- [1749, -1494547200000],
- [1706, -1463875200000],
- [1365, -1433289600000],
- [1195, -1402704000000],
- [2395, -1372118400000],
- [698, -1341446400000],
- [1397, -1310860800000],
- [2994, -1280188800000],
- [1892, -1249516800000],
- [1865, -1218931200000],
- [1621, -1188345600000],
- [683, -1157760000000],
- [1371, -1127174400000],
- [2778, -1096502400000],
- [1748, -1065830400000],
- [3785, -1035244800000],
- [3474, -1004572800000],
- [3365, -973987200000],
- [2637, -943401600000],
- [685, -912816000000],
- [1389, -882230400000],
- [2922, -851558400000],
- [2898, -820886400000],
- [2725, -790300800000],
- [2635, -759715200000],
- [1175, -729129600000],
- [2359, -698544000000],
- [694, -667872000000],
- [1397, -637286400000],
- [3434, -606614400000],
- [3410, -575942400000],
- [2710, -545356800000],
- [2349, -514771200000],
- [605, -484185600000],
- [1245, -453600000000],
- [2778, -422928000000],
- [1492, -392256000000],
- [3497, -361670400000],
- [3410, -330998400000],
- [2730, -300412800000],
- [1238, -269827200000],
- [2486, -239241600000],
- [884, -208569600000],
- [1897, -177984000000],
- [1874, -147312000000],
- [1701, -116726400000],
- [1355, -86140800000],
- [2731, -55555200000],
- [1370, -24883200000],
- [2773, 5702400000],
- [3538, 36374400000],
- [3492, 67046400000],
- [3401, 97632000000],
- [2709, 128217600000],
- [1325, 158803200000],
- [2653, 189388800000],
- [1370, 220060800000],
- [2773, 250646400000],
- [1706, 281318400000],
- [1685, 311904000000],
- [1323, 342489600000],
- [2647, 373075200000],
- [1198, 403747200000],
- [2422, 434332800000],
- [1388, 465004800000],
- [2901, 495590400000],
- [2730, 526262400000],
- [2645, 556848000000],
- [1197, 587433600000],
- [2397, 618019200000],
- [730, 648691200000],
- [1497, 679276800000],
- [3506, 709948800000],
- [2980, 740620800000],
- [2890, 771206400000],
- [2645, 801792000000],
- [693, 832377600000],
- [1397, 862963200000],
- [2922, 893635200000],
- [3026, 924307200000],
- [3012, 954979200000],
- [2953, 985564800000],
- [2709, 1016150400000],
- [1325, 1046736000000],
- [1453, 1077321600000],
- [2922, 1107993600000],
- [1748, 1138665600000],
- [3529, 1169251200000],
- [3474, 1199923200000],
- [2726, 1230508800000],
- [2390, 1261094400000],
- [686, 1291680000000],
- [1389, 1322265600000],
- [874, 1352937600000],
- [2901, 1383523200000],
- [2730, 1414195200000],
- [2381, 1444780800000],
- [1181, 1475366400000],
- [2397, 1505952000000],
- [698, 1536624000000],
- [1461, 1567209600000],
- [1450, 1597881600000],
- [3413, 1628467200000],
- [2714, 1659139200000],
- [2350, 1689724800000],
- [622, 1720310400000],
- [1373, 1750896000000],
- [2778, 1781568000000],
- [1748, 1812240000000],
- [1701, 1842825600000],
- [0, 1873411200000]
- ],
- minDate: -2198707200000,
- maxDate: 1873411199999,
- toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
- var days = hday - 1,
- gyear = hyear - 1318;
- if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
- var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
- gdate = new Date(info[1]),
- monthLength = info[0];
- // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
- // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
- // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
- gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
- for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
- days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
- monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
- }
- gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
- return gdate;
- },
- fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
- // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
- // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
- // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
- var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
- if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
- var hyear = 0,
- hmonth = 1;
- // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
- while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
- if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
- hyear--;
- }
- var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
- // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
- // 86400000 = ticks per day
- days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
- monthLength = info[0];
- hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
- // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
- // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
- // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
- var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
- while (days >= daysInMonth) {
- days -= daysInMonth;
- monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
- daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
- hmonth++;
- }
- // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
- // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
- return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
- }
- }
- },
- Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
- name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
- firstDay: 6,
- days: {
- names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
- namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
- namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
- },
- months: {
- names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
- namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
- },
- AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
- PM: ["م","م","م"],
- eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
- patterns: {
- d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
- t: "H:mm",
- T: "H:mm:ss",
- f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
- F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss",
- M: "dd MMMM"
- }
- },
- Gregorian_Arabic: {
- name: "Gregorian_Arabic",
- firstDay: 6,
- days: {
- names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
- namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
- namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
- },
- months: {
- names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
- namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
- },
- AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
- PM: ["م","م","م"],
- eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
- patterns: {
- d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
- t: "H:mm",
- T: "H:mm:ss",
- f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
- F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss"
- }
- },
- Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: {
- name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish",
- firstDay: 6,
- days: {
- names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
- namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
- namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"]
- },
- months: {
- names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
- namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
- },
- AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
- PM: ["م","م","م"],
- eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
- patterns: {
- d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
- t: "H:mm",
- T: "H:mm:ss",
- f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
- F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss"
- }
- }
- }
-}( this ));