diff options
authorshuai.fu <>2016-01-25 19:41:50 +0800
committershuai.fu <>2016-01-25 19:41:50 +0800
commit4933f8bc2a64bbbc2a689a988f977dce40d492a8 (patch)
parent58bdf64910a0dedec7987c0f54601b6666735865 (diff)
modify spec cp to /usr/lib/rpm/ Change-Id: I44fdb00ebaef743f7c43032026715140fc33669b Signed-off-by: shuai.fu <>
2 files changed, 471 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bb8a3693a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+#!/bin/bash - automagically generate debug info and file list
+#for inclusion in an rpm spec file.
+# Usage: [--strict-build-id] [-g] [-r] [-m]
+# [-o debugfiles.list]
+# [--run-dwz] [--dwz-low-mem-die-limit N]
+# [--dwz-max-die-limit N]
+# [[-l filelist]... [-p 'pattern'] -o debuginfo.list]
+# [builddir]
+# The -g flag says to use strip -g instead of full strip on DSOs or EXEs.
+# The --strict-build-id flag says to exit with failure status if
+# any ELF binary processed fails to contain a build-id note.
+# The -r flag says to use eu-strip --reloc-debug-sections.
+# A single -o switch before any -l or -p switches simply renames
+# the primary output file from debugfiles.list to something else.
+# A -o switch that follows a -p switch or some -l switches produces
+# an additional output file with the debuginfo for the files in
+# the -l filelist file, or whose names match the -p pattern.
+# The -p argument is an grep -E -style regexp matching the a file name,
+# and must not use anchors (^ or $).
+# The --run-dwz flag instructs to run the dwz utility
+# if available, and --dwz-low-mem-die-limit and --dwz-max-die-limit
+# provide detailed limits. See dwz(1) -l and -L option for details.
+# All file names in switches are relative to builddir (. if not given).
+# With -g arg, pass it to strip on libraries or executables.
+# with -r arg, pass --reloc-debug-sections to eu-strip.
+# with -m arg, add minimal debuginfo to binary.
+# Barf on missing build IDs.
+# DWZ parameters.
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --strict-build-id)
+ strict=true
+ ;;
+ --run-dwz)
+ run_dwz=true
+ ;;
+ --dwz-low-mem-die-limit)
+ dwz_low_mem_die_limit=$2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --dwz-max-die-limit)
+ dwz_max_die_limit=$2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -g)
+ strip_g=true
+ ;;
+ -m)
+ include_minidebug=true
+ ;;
+ -o)
+ if [ -z "${lists[$nout]}" -a -z "${ptns[$nout]}" ]; then
+ out=$2
+ else
+ outs[$nout]=$2
+ ((nout++))
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -l)
+ lists[$nout]="${lists[$nout]} $2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -p)
+ ptns[$nout]=$2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -r)
+ strip_r=true
+ ;;
+ *)
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+while ((i < nout)); do
+ outs[$i]="$BUILDDIR/${outs[$i]}"
+ l=''
+ for f in ${lists[$i]}; do
+ l="$l $BUILDDIR/$f"
+ done
+ lists[$i]=$l
+ ((++i))
+echo "/usr" > "$SOURCEFILE"
+echo "/usr" > "$LISTFILE"
+echo "/usr" > "$LINKSFILE"
+echo "/usr" > "$ELFBINSFILE"
+ local g=
+ local r=
+ $strip_r && r=--reloc-debug-sections
+ $strip_g && case "$(file -bi "$2")" in
+ application/x-sharedlib*) g=-g ;;
+ application/x-executable*) g=-g ;;
+ esac
+ eu-strip --remove-comment $r $g -f "$1" "$2" || exit
+ chmod 444 "$1" || exit
+ local debuginfo="$1"
+ local binary="$2"
+ local dynsyms=`mktemp`
+ local funcsyms=`mktemp`
+ local keep_symbols=`mktemp`
+ local mini_debuginfo=`mktemp`
+ # Extract the dynamic symbols from the main binary, there is no need to also have these
+ # in the normal symbol table
+ nm -D "$binary" --format=posix --defined-only | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort > "$dynsyms"
+ # Extract all the text (i.e. function) symbols from the debuginfo
+ nm "$debuginfo" --format=posix --defined-only | awk '{ if ($2 == "T" || $2 == "t") print $1 }' | sort > "$funcsyms"
+ # Keep all the function symbols not already in the dynamic symbol table
+ comm -13 "$dynsyms" "$funcsyms" > "$keep_symbols"
+ # Copy the full debuginfo, keeping only a minumal set of symbols and removing some unnecessary sections
+ objcopy -S --remove-section .gdb_index --remove-section .comment --keep-symbols="$keep_symbols" "$debuginfo" "$mini_debuginfo" &> /dev/null
+ #Inject the compressed data into the .gnu_debugdata section of the original binary
+ xz "$mini_debuginfo"
+ mini_debuginfo="${mini_debuginfo}.xz"
+ objcopy --add-section .gnu_debugdata="$mini_debuginfo" "$binary"
+ rm -f "$dynsyms" "$funcsyms" "$keep_symbols" "$mini_debuginfo"
+# Make a relative symlink to $1 called $3$2
+shopt -s extglob
+ local t="$1" f="$2" pfx="$3"
+ local fn="${f#/}" tn="${t#/}"
+ local fd td d
+ while fd="${fn%%/*}"; td="${tn%%/*}"; [ "$fd" = "$td" ]; do
+ fn="${fn#*/}"
+ tn="${tn#*/}"
+ done
+ d="${fn%/*}"
+ if [ "$d" != "$fn" ]; then
+ d="${d//+([!\/])/..}"
+ tn="${d}/${tn}"
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$pfx$f")" && ln -snf "$tn" "$pfx$f"
+# Make a symlink in /usr/lib/debug/$2 to $1
+ local l="/usr/lib/debug$2"
+ local t="$1"
+ echo >> "$LINKSFILE" "$l $t"
+ link_relative "$t" "$l" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
+# Provide .2, .3, ... symlinks to all filename instances of this build-id.
+ local id="$1" file="$2" idfile
+ local n=1
+ while true; do
+ idfile=".build-id/${id:0:2}/${id:2}.$n"
+ [ $# -eq 3 ] && idfile="${idfile}$3"
+ if [ ! -L "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/$idfile" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ n=$[$n+1]
+ done
+ debug_link "$file" "/$idfile"
+# Make a build-id symlink for id $1 with suffix $3 to file $2.
+ local id="$1" file="$2"
+ local idfile=".build-id/${id:0:2}/${id:2}"
+ [ $# -eq 3 ] && idfile="${idfile}$3"
+ local root_idfile="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/$idfile"
+ if [ ! -L "$root_idfile" ]; then
+ debug_link "$file" "/$idfile"
+ return
+ fi
+ make_id_dup_link "$@"
+ [ $# -eq 3 ] && return 0
+ local other=$(readlink -m "$root_idfile")
+ other=${other#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+ if cmp -s "$root_idfile" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT$file" ||
+ eu-elfcmp -q "$root_idfile" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT$file" 2> /dev/null; then
+ # Two copies. Maybe one has to be setuid or something.
+ echo >&2 "*** WARNING: identical binaries are copied, not linked:"
+ echo >&2 " $file"
+ echo >&2 " and $other"
+ else
+ # This is pathological, break the build.
+ echo >&2 "*** ERROR: same build ID in nonidentical files!"
+ echo >&2 " $file"
+ echo >&2 " and $other"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ dn=$(dirname "${1#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT}")
+ bn=$(basename "$1" .debug).debug
+ debugdn=${debugdir}${dn}
+ debugfn=${debugdn}/${bn}
+set -o pipefail
+$strict || strict_error=WARNING
+# Strip ELF binaries
+find "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" ! -path "${debugdir}/*.debug" -type f \
+ \( -perm -0100 -or -perm -0010 -or -perm -0001 \) \
+ -print |
+file -N -f - | sed -n -e 's/^\(.*\):[ ]*.*ELF.*, not stripped.*/\1/p' |
+xargs --no-run-if-empty stat -c '%h %D_%i %n' |
+while read nlinks inum f; do
+ get_debugfn "$f"
+ [ -f "${debugfn}" ] && continue
+ # If this file has multiple links, keep track and make
+ # the corresponding .debug files all links to one file too.
+ if [ $nlinks -gt 1 ]; then
+ eval linked=\$linked_$inum
+ if [ -n "$linked" ]; then
+ eval id=\$linkedid_$inum
+ make_id_dup_link "$id" "$dn/$(basename $f)"
+ make_id_dup_link "$id" "/usr/lib/debug$dn/$bn" .debug
+ link=$debugfn
+ get_debugfn "$linked"
+ echo "hard linked $link to $debugfn"
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$link")" && ln -nf "$debugfn" "$link"
+ continue
+ else
+ eval linked_$inum=\$f
+ echo "file $f has $[$nlinks - 1] other hard links"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "extracting debug info from $f"
+ id=$(/usr/lib/rpm/debugedit -b "$RPM_BUILD_DIR" -d /usr/src/debug \
+ -i -l "$SOURCEFILE" "$f") || exit
+ if [ $nlinks -gt 1 ]; then
+ eval linkedid_$inum=\$id
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$id" ]; then
+ echo >&2 "*** ${strict_error}: No build ID note found in $f"
+ $strict && exit 2
+ fi
+ [ -x /usr/bin/gdb-add-index ] && /usr/bin/gdb-add-index "$f" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ # A binary already copied into /usr/lib/debug doesn't get stripped,
+ # just has its file names collected and adjusted.
+ case "$dn" in
+ /usr/lib/debug/*)
+ [ -z "$id" ] || make_id_link "$id" "$dn/$(basename $f)"
+ continue ;;
+ esac
+ mkdir -p "${debugdn}"
+ if test -w "$f"; then
+ strip_to_debug "${debugfn}" "$f"
+ else
+ chmod u+w "$f"
+ strip_to_debug "${debugfn}" "$f"
+ chmod u-w "$f"
+ fi
+ # strip -g implies we have full symtab, don't add mini symtab in that case.
+ $strip_g || ($include_minidebug && add_minidebug "${debugfn}" "$f")
+ echo "./${f#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" >> "$ELFBINSFILE"
+ if [ -n "$id" ]; then
+ make_id_link "$id" "$dn/$(basename $f)"
+ make_id_link "$id" "/usr/lib/debug$dn/$bn" .debug
+ fi
+done || exit
+# Invoke the DWARF Compressor utility.
+if $run_dwz && type dwz >/dev/null 2>&1 \
+ && [ -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/debug" ]; then
+ dwz_files="`cd "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/debug"; find -type f -name \*.debug`"
+ if [ -n "${dwz_files}" ]; then
+ dwz_multifile_suffix=
+ dwz_multifile_idx=0
+ while [ -f "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/${dwz_multifile_name}${dwz_multifile_suffix}" ]; do
+ let ++dwz_multifile_idx
+ dwz_multifile_suffix=".${dwz_multifile_idx}"
+ done
+ dwz_multfile_name="${dwz_multifile_name}${dwz_multifile_suffix}"
+ dwz_opts="-h -q -r -m .dwz/${dwz_multifile_name}"
+ mkdir -p "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/debug/.dwz"
+ [ -n "${dwz_low_mem_die_limit}" ] \
+ && dwz_opts="${dwz_opts} -l ${dwz_low_mem_die_limit}"
+ [ -n "${dwz_max_die_limit}" ] \
+ && dwz_opts="${dwz_opts} -L ${dwz_max_die_limit}"
+ ( cd "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/debug" && dwz $dwz_opts $dwz_files )
+ # Remove .dwz directory if empty
+ rmdir "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/debug/.dwz" 2>/dev/null
+ if [ -f "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/${dwz_multifile_name}" ]; then
+ id="`readelf -Wn "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/${dwz_multifile_name}" \
+ 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's/^ Build ID: \([0-9a-f]\+\)/\1/p'`"
+ [ -n "$id" ] \
+ && make_id_link "$id" "/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/${dwz_multifile_name}" .debug
+ fi
+ fi
+# dwz invalidates .gnu_debuglink CRC32 in the main files.
+(cd "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"; xargs -d '\n' /usr/lib/rpm/sepdebugcrcfix usr/lib/debug)
+# For each symlink whose target has a .debug file,
+# make a .debug symlink to that file.
+find "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" ! -path "${debugdir}/*" -type l -print |
+while read f
+ t=$(readlink -m "$f").debug
+ f=${f#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+ t=${t#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+ if [ -f "$debugdir$t" ]; then
+ echo "symlinked /usr/lib/debug$t to /usr/lib/debug${f}.debug"
+ debug_link "/usr/lib/debug$t" "${f}.debug"
+ fi
+if [ -s "$SOURCEFILE" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/src/debug"
+ LC_ALL=C sort -z -u "$SOURCEFILE" | grep -E -v -z '(<internal>|<built-in>)$' |
+ (cd "$RPM_BUILD_DIR"; cpio -pd0mL "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/src/debug")
+ # stupid cpio creates new directories in mode 0700, fixup
+ find "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/src/debug" -type d -print0 |
+ xargs --no-run-if-empty -0 chmod a+rx
+if [ -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib" -o -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/src" ]; then
+ ((nout > 0)) ||
+ test ! -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib" ||
+ (cd "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib"; find debug -type d) |
+ sed 's,^,%dir /usr/lib/,' >> "$LISTFILE"
+ (cd "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr"
+ test ! -d lib/debug || find lib/debug ! -type d
+ test ! -d src/debug || find src/debug -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1
+ ) | sed 's,^,/usr/,' >> "$LISTFILE"
+# Append to $1 only the lines from stdin not already in the file.
+ grep -F -f "$1" -x -v >> "$1"
+# Helper to generate list of corresponding .debug files from a file list.
+ local extra="$1"
+ shift
+ sed 's/^%[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_]*([^)]*) *//
+s/^%[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_]* *//
+'"$extra" "$@"
+# Write an output debuginfo file list based on given input file lists.
+ local out="$1"
+ shift
+ test $# -gt 0 || return
+ grep -F -f <(filelist_debugfiles 's,^.*$,/usr/lib/debug&.debug,' "$@") \
+ -x $LISTFILE >> $out
+ sed -n -f <(filelist_debugfiles 's/[\\.*+#]/\\&/g
+s,^.*$,s# &$##p,p
+s,^.*$,s# /usr/lib/debug&.debug$##p,p
+' "$@") "$LINKSFILE" | append_uniq "$out"
+# Write an output debuginfo file list based on an grep -E -style regexp.
+ local out="$1" ptn="$2"
+ test -n "$ptn" || return
+ grep -E -x -e "$ptn" "$LISTFILE" >> "$out"
+ sed -n -r "\#^$ptn #s/ .*\$//p" "$LINKSFILE" | append_uniq "$out"
+# When given multiple -o switches, split up the output as directed.
+while ((i < nout)); do
+ > ${outs[$i]}
+ filtered_list ${outs[$i]} ${lists[$i]}
+ pattern_list ${outs[$i]} "${ptns[$i]}"
+ grep -Fvx -f ${outs[$i]} "$LISTFILE" > "${LISTFILE}.new"
+ mv "${LISTFILE}.new" "$LISTFILE"
+ ((++i))
+if ((nout > 0)); then
+ # Now add the right %dir lines to each output list.
+ (cd "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}"; find usr/lib/debug -type d) |
+ sed 's#^.*$#\\@^/&/@{h;s@^.*$@%dir /&@p;g;}#' |
+ LC_ALL=C sort -ur > "${LISTFILE}.dirs.sed"
+ i=0
+ while ((i < nout)); do
+ sed -n -f "${LISTFILE}.dirs.sed" "${outs[$i]}" | sort -u > "${outs[$i]}.new"
+ cat "${outs[$i]}" >> "${outs[$i]}.new"
+ mv -f "${outs[$i]}.new" "${outs[$i]}"
+ ((++i))
+ done
+ sed -n -f "${LISTFILE}.dirs.sed" "${LISTFILE}" | sort -u > "${LISTFILE}.new"
+ cat "$LISTFILE" >> "${LISTFILE}.new"
+ mv "${LISTFILE}.new" "$LISTFILE"
diff --git a/packaging/qemu-arm-static.spec b/packaging/qemu-arm-static.spec
index 5328bc376..554a1fdfd 100644
--- a/packaging/qemu-arm-static.spec
+++ b/packaging/qemu-arm-static.spec
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ export LDFLAGS="-lrt -pthread -lgthread-2.0 -lglib-2.0"
# -lrt needs to come after -lglib-2.0 to avoid undefined mq_open, mq_xxx
sed -i "s/-lglib-2.0/-lglib-2.0 -lrt/" config-host.mak
+cp -f /usr/lib/rpm/
make %{?jobs:-j%jobs} V=1