path: root/glib-1.2.10/testgdate.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'glib-1.2.10/testgdate.c')
1 files changed, 486 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/glib-1.2.10/testgdate.c b/glib-1.2.10/testgdate.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f74e00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glib-1.2.10/testgdate.c
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+#include "glib.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <time.h>
+gboolean failed = FALSE;
+guint32 passed = 0;
+guint32 notpassed = 0;
+#define TEST(m,cond) G_STMT_START { failed = !(cond); \
+if (failed) \
+ { ++notpassed; \
+ if (!m) \
+ g_print ("\n(%s:%d) failed for: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ( # cond )); \
+ else \
+ g_print ("\n(%s:%d) failed for: %s: (%s)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ( # cond ), (gchar*)m); \
+ } \
+else \
+ ++passed; \
+ if ((passed+notpassed) % 10000 == 0) g_print ("."); fflush (stdout); \
+void g_date_debug_print(GDate* d)
+ if (!d) g_print("NULL!\n");
+ else
+ g_print("julian: %u (%s) DMY: %u %u %u (%s)\n",
+ d->julian_days,
+ d->julian ? "valid" : "invalid",
+ d->day,
+ d->month,
+ d->year,
+ d->dmy ? "valid" : "invalid");
+ fflush(stdout);
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ GDate* d;
+ guint32 j;
+ GDateMonth m;
+ GDateYear y, prev_y;
+ GDateDay day;
+ gchar buf[101];
+ gchar* loc;
+ /* Try to get all the leap year cases. */
+ GDateYear check_years[] = {
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
+ 11, 12, 13, 14, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 397,
+ 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406,
+ 1598, 1599, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1650, 1651,
+ 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903,
+ 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1967,
+ 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976,
+ 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985,
+ 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
+ 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
+ 3000, 3001, 3002, 3998, 3999, 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003
+ };
+ guint n_check_years = sizeof(check_years)/sizeof(GDateYear);
+ guint i;
+ gboolean discontinuity;
+ g_print("checking GDate...");
+ TEST("sizeof(GDate) is not more than 8 bytes on this platform", sizeof(GDate) < 9);
+ d = g_date_new();
+ TEST("Empty constructor produces invalid date", !g_date_valid(d));
+ g_date_free(d);
+ d = g_date_new_dmy(1,1,1);
+ TEST("January 1, Year 1 created and valid", g_date_valid(d));
+ j = g_date_julian(d);
+ TEST("January 1, Year 1 is Julian date 1", j == 1);
+ TEST("Returned month is January", g_date_month(d) == G_DATE_JANUARY);
+ TEST("Returned day is 1", g_date_day(d) == 1);
+ TEST("Returned year is 1", g_date_year(d) == 1);
+ TEST("Bad month is invalid", !g_date_valid_month(G_DATE_BAD_MONTH));
+ TEST("Month 13 is invalid", !g_date_valid_month(13));
+ TEST("Bad day is invalid", !g_date_valid_day(G_DATE_BAD_DAY));
+ TEST("Day 32 is invalid", !g_date_valid_day(32));
+ TEST("Bad year is invalid", !g_date_valid_year(G_DATE_BAD_YEAR));
+ TEST("Bad julian is invalid", !g_date_valid_julian(G_DATE_BAD_JULIAN));
+ TEST("Bad weekday is invalid", !g_date_valid_weekday(G_DATE_BAD_WEEKDAY));
+ TEST("Year 2000 is a leap year", g_date_is_leap_year(2000));
+ TEST("Year 1999 is not a leap year", !g_date_is_leap_year(1999));
+ TEST("Year 1996 is a leap year", g_date_is_leap_year(1996));
+ TEST("Year 1600 is a leap year", g_date_is_leap_year(1600));
+ TEST("Year 2100 is not a leap year", !g_date_is_leap_year(2100));
+ TEST("Year 1800 is not a leap year", !g_date_is_leap_year(1800));
+ g_date_free(d);
+ loc = setlocale(LC_ALL,"");
+ if (loc)
+ g_print("\nLocale set to %s\n", loc);
+ else
+ g_print("\nLocale unchanged\n");
+ d = g_date_new();
+ g_date_set_time(d, time(NULL));
+ TEST("Today is valid", g_date_valid(d));
+ g_date_strftime(buf,100,"Today is a %A, %x\n", d);
+ g_print("%s", buf);
+ g_date_set_time(d, 1);
+ TEST("Beginning of Unix epoch is valid", g_date_valid(d));
+ g_date_strftime(buf,100,"1 second into the Unix epoch it was a %A, in the month of %B, %x\n", d);
+ g_print("%s", buf);
+ g_date_set_julian(d, 1);
+ TEST("GDate's \"Julian\" epoch's first day is valid", g_date_valid(d));
+ g_date_strftime(buf,100,"Our \"Julian\" epoch begins on a %A, in the month of %B, %x\n",
+ d);
+ g_print("%s", buf);
+ g_date_set_dmy(d, 10, 1, 2000);
+ g_date_strftime(buf,100,"%x", d);
+ g_date_set_parse(d, buf);
+ /* Note: this test will hopefully work, but no promises. */
+ TEST("Successfully parsed a %x-formatted string",
+ g_date_valid(d) &&
+ g_date_month(d) == 1 &&
+ g_date_day(d) == 10 &&
+ g_date_year(d) == 2000);
+ if (failed)
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ g_date_free(d);
+ i = 0;
+ discontinuity = TRUE;
+ y = check_years[0];
+ prev_y = G_DATE_BAD_YEAR;
+ while (i < n_check_years)
+ {
+ guint32 first_day_of_year = G_DATE_BAD_JULIAN;
+ guint16 days_in_year = g_date_is_leap_year(y) ? 366 : 365;
+ guint sunday_week_of_year = 0;
+ guint sunday_weeks_in_year = g_date_sunday_weeks_in_year(y);
+ guint monday_week_of_year = 0;
+ guint monday_weeks_in_year = g_date_monday_weeks_in_year(y);
+ if (discontinuity)
+ g_print(" (Break in sequence of requested years to check)\n");
+ g_print("Checking year %u", y);
+ TEST("Year is valid", g_date_valid_year(y));
+ TEST("Number of Sunday weeks in year is 52 or 53",
+ sunday_weeks_in_year == 52 || sunday_weeks_in_year == 53);
+ TEST("Number of Monday weeks in year is 52 or 53",
+ monday_weeks_in_year == 52 || monday_weeks_in_year == 53);
+ m = 1;
+ while (m < 13)
+ {
+ guint8 dim = g_date_days_in_month(m,y);
+ GDate days[31]; /* This is the fast way, no allocation */
+ TEST("Sensible number of days in month", (dim > 0 && dim < 32));
+ TEST("Month between 1 and 12 is valid", g_date_valid_month(m));
+ day = 1;
+ g_date_clear(days, 31);
+ while (day <= dim)
+ {
+ guint i;
+ GDate tmp;
+ TEST("DMY triplet is valid", g_date_valid_dmy(day,m,y));
+ /* Create GDate with triplet */
+ d = &days[day-1];
+ TEST("Cleared day is invalid", !g_date_valid(d));
+ g_date_set_dmy(d,day,m,y);
+ TEST("Set day is valid", g_date_valid(d));
+ if (m == G_DATE_JANUARY && day == 1)
+ {
+ first_day_of_year = g_date_julian(d);
+ }
+ g_assert(first_day_of_year != G_DATE_BAD_JULIAN);
+ TEST("Date with DMY triplet is valid", g_date_valid(d));
+ TEST("Month accessor works", g_date_month(d) == m);
+ TEST("Year accessor works", g_date_year(d) == y);
+ TEST("Day of month accessor works", g_date_day(d) == day);
+ TEST("Day of year is consistent with Julian dates",
+ ((g_date_julian(d) + 1 - first_day_of_year) ==
+ (g_date_day_of_year(d))));
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print("first day: %u this day: %u day of year: %u\n",
+ first_day_of_year,
+ g_date_julian(d),
+ g_date_day_of_year(d));
+ }
+ if (m == G_DATE_DECEMBER && day == 31)
+ {
+ TEST("Last day of year equals number of days in year",
+ g_date_day_of_year(d) == days_in_year);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print("last day: %u days in year: %u\n",
+ g_date_day_of_year(d), days_in_year);
+ }
+ }
+ TEST("Day of year is not more than number of days in the year",
+ g_date_day_of_year(d) <= days_in_year);
+ TEST("Monday week of year is not more than number of weeks in the year",
+ g_date_monday_week_of_year(d) <= monday_weeks_in_year);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print("Weeks in year: %u\n", monday_weeks_in_year);
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ }
+ TEST("Monday week of year is >= than last week of year",
+ g_date_monday_week_of_year(d) >= monday_week_of_year);
+ if (g_date_weekday(d) == G_DATE_MONDAY)
+ {
+ TEST("Monday week of year on Monday 1 more than previous day's week of year",
+ (g_date_monday_week_of_year(d) - monday_week_of_year) == 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TEST("Monday week of year on non-Monday 0 more than previous day's week of year",
+ (g_date_monday_week_of_year(d) - monday_week_of_year) == 0);
+ }
+ monday_week_of_year = g_date_monday_week_of_year(d);
+ TEST("Sunday week of year is not more than number of weeks in the year",
+ g_date_sunday_week_of_year(d) <= sunday_weeks_in_year);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ }
+ TEST("Sunday week of year is >= than last week of year",
+ g_date_sunday_week_of_year(d) >= sunday_week_of_year);
+ if (g_date_weekday(d) == G_DATE_SUNDAY)
+ {
+ TEST("Sunday week of year on Sunday 1 more than previous day's week of year",
+ (g_date_sunday_week_of_year(d) - sunday_week_of_year) == 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TEST("Sunday week of year on non-Sunday 0 more than previous day's week of year",
+ (g_date_sunday_week_of_year(d) - sunday_week_of_year) == 0);
+ }
+ sunday_week_of_year = g_date_sunday_week_of_year(d);
+ TEST("Date is equal to itself",
+ g_date_compare(d,d) == 0);
+ /*************** Increments ***********/
+ i = 1;
+ while (i < 402) /* Need to get 400 year increments in */
+ {
+ /***** Days ******/
+ tmp = *d;
+ g_date_add_days(d, i);
+ TEST("Adding days gives a value greater than previous",
+ g_date_compare(d, &tmp) > 0);
+ g_date_subtract_days(d, i);
+ TEST("Forward days then backward days returns us to current day",
+ g_date_day(d) == day);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print(" (increment %u, dmy %u %u %u) ", i, day, m, y);
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ }
+ TEST("Forward days then backward days returns us to current month",
+ g_date_month(d) == m);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print(" (increment %u, dmy %u %u %u) ", i, day, m, y);
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ }
+ TEST("Forward days then backward days returns us to current year",
+ g_date_year(d) == y);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print(" (increment %u, dmy %u %u %u) ", i, day, m, y);
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ }
+ /******* Months ********/
+ tmp = *d;
+ g_date_add_months(d, i);
+ TEST("Adding months gives a larger value",
+ g_date_compare(d, &tmp) > 0);
+ g_date_subtract_months(d, i);
+ TEST("Forward months then backward months returns us to current month",
+ g_date_month(d) == m);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print(" (increment %u, dmy %u %u %u) ", i, day, m, y);
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ }
+ TEST("Forward months then backward months returns us to current year",
+ g_date_year(d) == y);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print(" (increment %u, dmy %u %u %u) ", i, day, m, y);
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ }
+ if (day < 29)
+ {
+ /* Day should be unchanged */
+ TEST("Forward months then backward months returns us to current day",
+ g_date_day(d) == day);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print(" (increment %u, dmy %u %u %u) ", i, day, m, y);
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* reset the day for later tests */
+ g_date_set_day(d, day);
+ }
+ /******* Years ********/
+ tmp = *d;
+ g_date_add_years(d, i);
+ TEST("Adding years gives a larger value",
+ g_date_compare(d,&tmp) > 0);
+ g_date_subtract_years(d, i);
+ TEST("Forward years then backward years returns us to current month",
+ g_date_month(d) == m);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print(" (increment %u, dmy %u %u %u) ", i, day, m, y);
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ }
+ TEST("Forward years then backward years returns us to current year",
+ g_date_year(d) == y);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print(" (increment %u, dmy %u %u %u) ", i, day, m, y);
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ }
+ if (m != 2 && day != 29)
+ {
+ TEST("Forward years then backward years returns us to current day",
+ g_date_day(d) == day);
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print(" (increment %u, dmy %u %u %u) ", i, day, m, y);
+ g_date_debug_print(d);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_date_set_day(d, day); /* reset */
+ }
+ i += 10;
+ }
+ /***** increment test relative to our local Julian count */
+ if (!discontinuity) {
+ /* We can only run sequence tests between sequential years */
+ TEST("Julians are sequential with increment 1",
+ j+1 == g_date_julian(d));
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ g_print("Out of sequence, prev: %u expected: %u got: %u\n",
+ j, j+1, g_date_julian(d));
+ }
+ g_date_add_days(d,1);
+ TEST("Next day has julian 1 higher",
+ g_date_julian(d) == j + 2);
+ g_date_subtract_days(d, 1);
+ if (j != G_DATE_BAD_JULIAN)
+ {
+ g_date_subtract_days(d, 1);
+ TEST("Previous day has julian 1 lower",
+ g_date_julian(d) == j);
+ g_date_add_days(d, 1); /* back to original */
+ }
+ }
+ discontinuity = FALSE; /* goes away now */
+ fflush(stdout);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ j = g_date_julian(d); /* inc current julian */
+ ++day;
+ }
+ ++m;
+ }
+ g_print(" done\n");
+ ++i;
+ prev_y = y;
+ y = check_years[i];
+ if (prev_y == G_DATE_BAD_YEAR ||
+ (prev_y + 1) != y) discontinuity = TRUE;
+ }
+ g_print("\n%u tests passed, %u failed\n",passed, notpassed);
+ return 0;