path: root/osce
diff options
authorHyungKyu Song <>2013-02-16 00:52:22 +0900
committerHyungKyu Song <>2013-02-16 00:52:22 +0900
commit63731a55d3d641e6e94e89ea4c4bcfe99dc13478 (patch)
tree83de1f6ecbcab48d5b633399702100c9047750db /osce
parentbb3124ce215a29fbfe9f1d0b8248f4c88bdee685 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'osce')
1 files changed, 496 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/osce b/osce
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d5b5223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/osce
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+# Open Service Platform
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import sys, locale, os
+obs_prj_name = 'SLP:Main'
+osce_root = '/var/tmp/osce-root'
+osce_pkgs = osce_root + '/pkgs'
+build_root = osce_root + '/build'
+output_dir = osce_root + '/output'
+relative_source_dir = '/.source'
+source_dir = build_root + relative_source_dir
+chroot_dir = osce_root + '/chroot'
+chroot_mounts = ['/proc', '/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc', '/sys', '/dev', '/dev/pts']
+# this is a hack to make osc work as expected with utf-8 characters,
+# no matter how is set...
+loc = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]
+if not loc:
+ loc = sys.getdefaultencoding()
+del sys.setdefaultencoding
+from osc import core, oscerr
+# Injection code for osc.core to fix the empty XML bug
+def solid_get_files_meta(self, revision='latest', skip_service=True):
+ from time import sleep
+ retry_count = 3
+ while retry_count > 0:
+ fm = core.show_files_meta(self.apiurl, self.prjname,,
+ revision=revision, meta=self.meta)
+ try:
+ root = core.ET.fromstring(fm)
+ break
+ except:
+ print 'corrupted or empty obs server response ,retrying ...'
+ sleep(1)
+ retry_count -= 1
+ if not retry_count:
+ # all the re-try failed, abort
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'cannet fetch files meta xml from server')
+ # look for "too large" files according to size limit and mark them
+ for e in root.findall('entry'):
+ size = e.get('size')
+ if size and self.size_limit and int(size) > self.size_limit \
+ or skip_service and (e.get('name').startswith('_service:') or e.get('name').startswith('_service_')):
+ e.set('skipped', 'true')
+ return core.ET.tostring(root)
+core.Package.get_files_meta = solid_get_files_meta
+# run
+result = 0
+curr_dir = os.getcwd()
+dummy_spec = '''
+Name: mkchroot
+Summary: mkchroot
+Version: 0.1
+Release: 1
+Group: SLP/SCM
+License: SLP SCM
+BuildRequires: zypper wget strace which git gdb vim
+dummy spec for creating chroot env.
+build_template = '''%build
+if [ -d ''' + relative_source_dir + ''' ]; then
+ cd %_builddir
+ rm -rf $build_source
+ ln -sf ''' + relative_source_dir + ''' $build_source
+ cd $build_source
+build_template2 = '''
+%global _enable_debug_package 0
+%global debug_package %{nil}
+build_template3 = '''%ifarch %{arm}
+%define EFL_TARGET arm
+export RPM_OPT_FLAGS="-Wall -O2 -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mlittle-endian -mfpu=vfpv3 -mfloat-abi=softfp -D__SOFTFP__"
+%define EFL_TARGET i386
+export RPM_OPT_FLAGS="-Wall -O2 -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables"
+export CFLAGS
+export CXXFLAGS
+def osce_specfile_info(specfile):
+ specname = None
+ pkg_name = None
+ pkg_version = None
+ if not os.path.exists(specfile):
+ return specname, pkg_name, pkg_version
+ fp = open(specfile, 'r')
+ speclines = fp.readlines()
+ fp.close()
+ for line in speclines:
+ if line.lower().strip().find('name') == 0 and line.find(':') > -1:
+ pkg_name = line.split(':')[1].strip()
+ if line.lower().strip().find('version') == 0 and line.find(':') > -1:
+ pkg_version = line.split(':')[1].strip()
+ specname = specfile.split('/')[-1]
+ specname = specname[:specname.rfind('.spec')]
+ if specname != pkg_name:
+ print('spec file name and package name are not the same')
+ specname = None
+ pkg_name = None
+ return specname, pkg_name, pkg_version
+def osce_find_specfile(pkg_dir='./'):
+ specfile = None
+ for arg in sys.argv:
+ if arg.find('.spec') > -1:
+ if os.path.exists(arg):
+ specfile = '(%s/%s)' % (pkg_dir, arg)
+ return specfile
+ for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(pkg_dir):
+ for filename in filenames:
+ if filename.find('.spec') > -1 and filename != 'tmp.spec':
+ specfile = filename
+ break
+ if specfile is not None:
+ break
+ specfile = os.path.abspath('%s/%s' % (pkg_dir, specfile))
+ if os.path.exists(specfile):
+ print('specfile : %s' % specfile)
+ return specfile
+ else:
+ print('cannot find specfile : %s' % specfile)
+ return None
+def osce_get_random_pkgdir():
+ if os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (osce_pkgs, obs_prj_name)):
+ for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('%s/%s' % (osce_pkgs, obs_prj_name)):
+ for pkgdir in dirnames:
+ if pkgdir != '.osc':
+ return '%s/%s/%s' % (osce_pkgs, obs_prj_name, pkgdir)
+ return None
+def osce_cmd_run():
+ from osc import commandline, babysitter
+ cmdline = commandline.Osc()
+ result =
+ return result
+def osce_sys_run(cmdln_or_args):
+ print(cmdln_or_args)
+ os.system(cmdln_or_args)
+def osce_mount_srcdir(sourcedir=os.getcwd()):
+ if not os.path.exists(source_dir):
+ osce_sys_run('sudo mkdir -p ' + source_dir)
+ if os.path.exists(source_dir) and os.path.exists(sourcedir):
+ cmdline = 'sudo mount --bind %s %s' % (sourcedir, source_dir)
+ osce_sys_run(cmdline)
+def osce_umount(mount_dir):
+ fp = open('/proc/mounts', 'r')
+ mounts = fp.readlines()
+ fp.close()
+ for mount in reversed(mounts):
+ mountpoint = mount.split(' ')[1]
+ if mountpoint.find(mount_dir) > -1:
+ osce_sys_run('sudo umount %s' % mountpoint)
+def osce_clear():
+ for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'):
+ for filename in filenames:
+ if filename == 'tmp.spec':
+ osce_sys_run('rm %s' % filename)
+ osce_umount(source_dir)
+ fp = open('/proc/mounts', 'r')
+ mounts =
+ fp.close()
+ if os.path.exists(source_dir) and mounts.find(source_dir) < 0:
+ osce_sys_run('sudo rmdir %s ' % source_dir)
+def osce_chrootex_mount():
+ for mnt in chroot_mounts:
+ cmdline = 'sudo mount --bind %s %s%s' % (mnt, chroot_dir, mnt)
+ osce_sys_run(cmdline)
+def osce_chrootex_umount():
+ osce_umount(chroot_dir)
+def osce_mkchrootex():
+ dummyproj_dir = osce_pkgs + '/dummy'
+ dummypkg_dir = dummyproj_dir + '/dummy'
+ if os.path.exists(dummyproj_dir):
+ osce_sys_run('sudo rm -rf %s' % dummyproj_dir)
+ osce_sys_run('sudo mkdir -p %s' % dummyproj_dir)
+ os.chdir(dummyproj_dir)
+ osce_sys_run('sudo chown `whoami` %s' % dummyproj_dir)
+ osce_sys_run('osce init %s' % obs_prj_name)
+ osce_sys_run('osce mkpac dummy')
+ if not os.path.exists(dummypkg_dir + '/dummy.spec'):
+ fd = open(dummypkg_dir + '/dummy.spec', 'w')
+ fd.write(dummy_spec)
+ fd.close()
+ if not os.path.exists(chroot_dir):
+ osce_sys_run('sudo mkdir -p ' + chroot_dir)
+ os.chdir(dummypkg_dir)
+ osce_sys_run('osc build armv7el dummy.spec --clean --local-package --no-verify --root=%s/ ' % chroot_dir)
+ osce_chrootex_mount()
+ osce_sys_run('sudo chroot %s rpm -e rpm-x86-arm rpm-libs-x86-arm rpm-build-x86-arm' % chroot_dir)
+ if len(chroot_dir) > 6:
+ osce_sys_run('sudo rm %s/var/lib/rpm/__db*' % chroot_dir)
+ osce_sys_run('sudo chroot %s zypper addrepo' % chroot_dir)
+ osce_sys_run('sudo chroot %s zypper addrepo' % chroot_dir)
+ osce_sys_run('sudo chroot %s zypper addrepo' % chroot_dir)
+ osce_sys_run('sudo chroot %s zypper refresh' % chroot_dir)
+ osce_sys_run('sudo chroot %s rpmdb --rebuilddb' % chroot_dir)
+ osce_sys_run('sudo chroot ' + chroot_dir )
+ osce_chrootex_umount()
+def osce_chrootex():
+ if os.path.exists(chroot_dir):
+ osce_chrootex_mount()
+ osce_sys_run('sudo chroot ' + chroot_dir )
+ osce_chrootex_umount()
+def osce_check__buildcmd():
+ from osc import build
+ buildfile = build.__file__
+ source = ''' repositories.append(repository)
+ packageQueries = packagequery.PackageQueries(wanted_arch)
+ for repository in repositories:'''
+ fp = open(buildfile, 'r')
+ buildcontent =
+ fp.close()
+ if buildcontent.find(source) > -1:
+ print('------please execute below command to patch WILL BE FIXED---')
+ print('''sudo sed --in-place "s/ packageQueries = packagequery.PackageQueries(wanted_arch)/ if wanted_arch == 'armv7el':\\n wanted_arch = 'armv7l'\\n\\n if wanted_arch == 'armv8el':\\n wanted_arch = 'armv7hl'\\n\\n packageQueries = packagequery.PackageQueries(wanted_arch)/g" %s''' % buildfile)
+ print('----------------------------------------------------------------------------')
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ del sys.modules[""]
+def osce_build():
+ sys.argv = sys.argv + ['--ccache', '--no-verify', '--release=999', '--build-uid=0:0', '--no-checks', '--disable-debuginfo', '--offline']
+ sys.argv = sys.argv + ['--keep-pkgs=%s' % output_dir, '--oldpackages=%s' % output_dir]
+ sys.argv = sys.argv + ['--prefer-pkgs=%s' % output_dir, '--root=%s' % build_root ]
+ if '--timerebase' in sys.argv:
+ sys.argv.remove('--timerebase')
+ os.system('sudo touch ' + build_root + '/timebase')
+ os.system('sudo find ' + build_root + '/usr -newer ' + build_root + '/timebase -exec touch 06302051 {} \\;')
+ os.system('sudo find ' + build_root + '/lib -newer ' + build_root + '/timebase -exec touch 06302051 {} \\;')
+ debug_mode = False
+ if '--debug' in sys.argv:
+ sys.argv.remove('--debug')
+ sys.argv.remove('--disable-debuginfo')
+ debug_mode = True
+ if '--online' in sys.argv:
+ sys.argv.remove('--online')
+ sys.argv.remove('--offline')
+ if os.path.exists(source_dir):
+ specfile = osce_find_specfile()
+ if specfile is None:
+ return
+ fp = open(specfile, 'r')
+ speccontent =
+ fp.close()
+ if debug_mode:
+ speccontent = speccontent.replace('%build', build_template)
+ else:
+ speccontent = build_template2 + speccontent
+ speccontent = speccontent.replace('%build', build_template + build_template3)
+ fp = open('tmp.spec', 'w')
+ fp.write(speccontent)
+ fp.close()
+ sys.argv = sys.argv + ['tmp.spec']
+ osce_check__buildcmd()
+ osce_cmd_run()
+def osce_prepare_git_done():
+ cmdline = 'osce clear'
+ osce_sys_run(cmdline)
+# cd git directory
+ os.chdir(curr_dir)
+ # copy output file to under the current path
+ os.system('find %s/home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/ -name "*.rpm" -type f -exec cp -f {} %s' % (build_root, curr_dir + "/.."))
+def osce_prepare_git():
+ print('osce_prepare_git')
+ import shutil
+ if not os.path.exists(osce_pkgs) or len(osce_pkgs) < 6:
+ print('choose another directory')
+ return
+ if not os.path.exists(curr_dir + '/packaging'):
+ print('cannot find packaging directory')
+ return
+# check packaging directory
+# extract package name from the spec file
+# if multiple specfile exist, then request spec file name to be built as an option
+ specfile = osce_find_specfile('%s/packaging' % curr_dir)
+ if specfile is None:
+ osce_prepare_git_done()
+ return
+ specname, pkg_name, pkg_version = osce_specfile_info(specfile)
+ if pkg_name is None or pkg_version is None or specname is None:
+ osce_prepare_git_done()
+ return
+# OBSPKGDIR = osce_pkgs
+ os.chdir(osce_pkgs)
+# check whether the PKG dir exists or not,
+# how can get the proj name? take another option? obs_prj_name
+# osce checkout $PROJ $PKG
+ obs_pkg_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (osce_pkgs, obs_prj_name, pkg_name)
+ if not os.path.exists(obs_pkg_dir):
+ cmdline = 'osce checkout %s %s' % (obs_prj_name, pkg_name)
+ osce_sys_run(cmdline)
+# cd $PKG
+ os.chdir(obs_pkg_dir)
+# remove source files, copy packaging/* , empty tarball (name-version.tar.gz, name-version/)
+ if os.path.exists(obs_pkg_dir) and len(os.getcwd()) > 6:
+ cmdline = 'rm -rf *'
+ osce_sys_run(cmdline)
+ else:
+ osce_prepare_git_done()
+ return
+ cmdline = 'cp %s/packaging/* %s/' %(curr_dir, obs_pkg_dir)
+ osce_sys_run(cmdline)
+ if not os.path.exists('%s-%s' % (pkg_name, pkg_version)):
+ os.mkdir('%s-%s' % (pkg_name, pkg_version))
+ else:
+ osce_prepare_git_done()
+ return
+ shutil.make_archive('%s-%s' % (pkg_name, pkg_version), 'gztar', '.', '%s-%s' % (pkg_name, pkg_version))
+ if '--clean' in sys.argv or not os.path.exists(build_root):
+ specfile = '%s.spec' % specname
+ if os.path.exists(specfile):
+ fp = open(specfile, 'r')
+ specs =
+ fp.close()
+ fp = open(specfile, 'w')
+ fp.write(specs[:specs.find('%prep') + 6])
+ fp.close()
+ osce_sys_run(' '.join(sys.argv))
+ os.chdir(curr_dir)
+ if '--clean' in sys.argv:
+ sys.argv.remove('--clean')
+# osce srcmnt $gitdirectory
+ cmdline = 'osce srcmnt %s' % curr_dir
+ osce_sys_run(cmdline)
+# osce build
+ cmdline = ' '.join(sys.argv)
+ osce_sys_run(cmdline)
+# osce clear
+ osce_prepare_git_done()
+def osce_chroot():
+ if os.path.exists(build_root):
+ osce_sys_run('sudo chroot ' + build_root + ' su abuild')
+def osce_mktar():
+ options = ["--exclude='.git*'", "--exclude='CMakeFiles'", "--exclude='CMakeCache.txt'"]
+ specfile = osce_find_specfile('%s/packaging' % curr_dir)
+ if specfile is None:
+ return
+ specname, pkg_name, pkg_version = osce_specfile_info(specfile)
+ if pkg_name is None or pkg_version is None or specname is None:
+ return
+ cmdline = '''tar --transform 's,^,/%s-%s/,' %s -zcvf ../%s-%s.tar.gz *''' % (pkg_name, pkg_version, ' '.join(options), pkg_name, pkg_version)
+ osce_sys_run(cmdline)
+def main():
+ if not os.path.exists(osce_pkgs):
+ os.makedirs(osce_pkgs)
+ if 'clear' in sys.argv:
+ osce_clear()
+ return
+ if 'srcmnt' in sys.argv:
+ osce_clear()
+ if os.path.exists(sys.argv[2]):
+ osce_mount_srcdir(sys.argv[2])
+ return
+ if 'mktar' in sys.argv:
+ osce_mktar()
+ return
+ if 'chroot' in sys.argv:
+ osce_chroot()
+ return
+ if 'mkchrootex' in sys.argv:
+ osce_mkchrootex()
+ return
+ if 'chrootex' in sys.argv:
+ osce_chrootex()
+ return
+ if 'checkout' in sys.argv:
+# sys.argv = sys.argv + ['--current-dir']
+ print('checkout')
+ if '--clean' in sys.argv:
+ osce_clear()
+ if 'build' in sys.argv:
+ for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'):
+ for dirtype in dirnames:
+ if dirtype == '.git':
+ osce_prepare_git()
+ return
+ elif dirtype == '.osc':
+ osce_build()
+ return
+ print('cannot find .git or .osc directory')
+ return
+ osce_cmd_run()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()