#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; $ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin"; $| = 1; if ($0 ne '/.build/extractbuild') { my $builddir = $ENV{'BUILD_DIR'} || '/usr/lib/build'; my $xenroot; my $xenswap; while (@ARGV) { if ($ARGV[0] eq '--xenroot') { shift @ARGV; $xenroot = shift @ARGV; next; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--xenswap') { shift @ARGV; $xenswap = shift @ARGV; next; } last } die("please specify a root image\n") unless defined $xenroot; die("please specify a swap image\n") unless defined $xenswap; my $xenname = $xenroot; $xenname =~ s/\/root$//; $xenname =~ s/.*\///; my $xmroot = "disk=file:$xenroot,hda1,w"; $xmroot = "disk=phy:$xenroot,hda1,w" if $xenroot =~ /^\/dev\//; my $xmswap= "disk=file:$xenswap,hda2,w"; $xmswap= "disk=phy:$xenswap,hda2,w" if $xenswap =~ /^\/dev\//; syscall(135, 0); # switch back to PER_LINUX to make xm work print "xm create -c $builddir/xen.conf name=build:$xenname $xmroot $xmswap extra=init=/.build/extractbuild panic=1 console=ttyS0\n"; system('xm', 'create', '-c', "$builddir/xen.conf", "name=build:$xenname", $xmroot, $xmswap, "extra=init=/.build/extractbuild panic=1 console=ttyS0") && die("xm call failed: $?\n"); exit(0); } sub ls { local *D; opendir(D, $_[0]) || return (); my @r = grep {$_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..'} readdir(D); closedir D; return @r; } open(F, ') { chomp; $l .= $_; my $q = $l =~ tr/\'/\'/; if ($q < 2 || ($q - 2) % 3 != 0) { $l .= "\n"; next; } if ($l =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9]*)=\'(.*)\'$/s) { $var = $1; $val = $2; $val =~ s/\'\\\'\'/\'/gs; $vars{$var} = $val; } $l = ''; } close F; my $xenswap = $vars{'XENSWAP'}; die("need XENSWAP for swapout operation\n") unless $xenswap; system("umount -l /dev 2>/dev/null"); die("$xenswap: $!\n") unless -e $xenswap; open(S, '>', $xenswap) || die("$xenswap: $!\n"); my $specfile = $vars{'SPECFILE'}; die("no specfile/dscfile\n") unless $specfile; my $topdir = '/usr/src/packages'; my $psuf = 'deb'; my @dirs = ("$topdir/DEBS"); if ($specfile =~ /\.spec$/) { $topdir = `rpm --eval '%_topdir'`; chomp $topdir; die("rpm returned no topdir\n") unless $topdir; die("rpm returned bad topdir\n") unless -d $topdir; @dirs = map {"$topdir/RPMS/$_"} ls("$topdir/RPMS"); unshift @dirs, "$topdir/SRPMS"; $psuf = 'rpm'; } my @packs; for my $dir (@dirs) { push @packs, map {"$dir/$_"} grep {/$psuf$/} ls($dir); } #unshift @packs, '/.build.log'; my $cpio = ''; for my $pack (@packs) { print "$pack\n"; my @s = stat($pack); my $n = $pack; $n =~ s/.*\///; $n = 'logfile' if $n eq '.build.log'; die("$pack: $!\n") unless @s; $cpio .= "07070100000000000081a4000000000000000000000001"; $cpio .= sprintf("%08x%08x", $s[9], $s[7]); $cpio .= "00000000000000000000000000000000"; $cpio .= sprintf("%08x", length($n) + 1); $cpio .= "00000000"; $cpio .= "$n\0"; $cpio .= substr("\0\0\0\0", (length($cpio) & 3)) if length($cpio) & 3; open(F, '<', $pack) || die("$pack: $!\n"); my $l = $s[7]; while ($l) { my $ll = sysread(F, $cpio, $l > 8192 ? 8192 : $l, length($cpio)); die("$pack: $!\n") unless $ll; die if $ll > $l; $l -= $ll; while (length($cpio) > 4096) { (syswrite(S, $cpio, 4096) || 0) == 4096 || die("swap write: $!\n"); $cpio = substr($cpio, 4096); } } $cpio .= substr("\0\0\0\0", (length($cpio) & 3)) if length($cpio) & 3; } $cpio .= "07070100000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b00000000TRAILER!!!\0\0\0\0"; $cpio .= "\0" x (4096 - length($cpio) % 4096) if length($cpio) % 4096; while (length($cpio)) { (syswrite(S, $cpio, 4096) || 0) == 4096 || die("swap write: $!\n"); $cpio = substr($cpio, 4096); } exec('halt -f');