#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_ALLOCA_H # include #endif #include "intl.h" #include "lib/messages.h" #include "miscfn.h" #include "rpmlib.h" #include "query.h" #include "url.h" static char * permsString(int mode); static void printHeader(Header h, int queryFlags, char * queryFormat); static int queryPartial(Header h, char ** chptrptr, int * cntptr, int arrayNum); static int queryHeader(Header h, char * chptr); static int queryArray(Header h, char ** chptrptr); static void escapedChar(char ch); static char * handleFormat(Header h, char * chptr, int * count, int arrayNum); static void showMatches(rpmdb db, dbiIndexSet matches, int queryFlags, char * queryFormat); static int findMatches(rpmdb db, char * name, char * version, char * release, dbiIndexSet * matches); static void printFileInfo(char * name, unsigned int size, unsigned short mode, unsigned int mtime, unsigned short rdev, char * owner, char * group, int uid, int gid, char * linkto); static int queryHeader(Header h, char * chptr) { int count = 0; return queryPartial(h, &chptr, &count, -1); } static int queryArray(Header h, char ** chptrptr) { int count = 0; int arrayNum; char * start = NULL; /* first one */ start = *chptrptr; if (queryPartial(h, chptrptr, &count, 0)) return 1; arrayNum = 1; while (arrayNum < count) { *chptrptr = start; if (queryPartial(h, chptrptr, &count, arrayNum++)) return 1; } return 0; } static int queryPartial(Header h, char ** chptrptr, int * cntptr, int arrayNum) { char * chptr = *chptrptr; int count; int emptyItem = 0; while (chptr && *chptr) { switch (*chptr) { case '\\': chptr++; if (!*chptr) return 1; escapedChar(*chptr++); break; case '%': chptr++; if (!*chptr) return 1; if (*chptr == '%') { putchar('%'); chptr++; } count = *cntptr; chptr = handleFormat(h, chptr, &count, arrayNum); if (!count) { count = 0; emptyItem = 1; } else if (count != -1 && !*cntptr && !emptyItem){ *cntptr = count; } else if (count != -1 && *cntptr && count != *cntptr) { fprintf(stderr, _("(parallel array size mismatch)")); return 1; } break; case ']': if (arrayNum == -1) { printf(_("(unexpected ']')")); return 1; } *chptrptr = chptr + 1; return 0; case '[': if (arrayNum != -1) { printf(_("(unexpected ']')")); return 1; } *chptrptr = chptr + 1; if (queryArray(h, chptrptr)) { return 1; } chptr = *chptrptr; break; default: putchar(*chptr++); } } *chptrptr = chptr; return 0; } static char * handleFormat(Header h, char * chptr, int * cntptr, int arrayNum) { const char * f = chptr; const char * tagptr; char * end; char how[20], format[20]; int i, tagLength; char tag[100]; const struct headerTagTableEntry * t; void * p; int type; int showCount = 0; int notArray = 0; time_t dateint; struct tm * tstruct; char buf[100]; int count; int anint; strcpy(format, "%"); while (*chptr && *chptr != '{') chptr++; if (!*chptr || (chptr - f > (sizeof(format) - 3))) { fprintf(stderr, _("bad query format - %s\n"), f); return NULL; } strncat(format, f, chptr - f); tagptr = ++chptr; while (*chptr && *chptr != '}' && *chptr != ':' ) chptr++; if (tagptr == chptr || !*chptr) { fprintf(stderr, _("bad query format - %s\n"), f); return NULL; } if (*chptr == ':') { end = chptr + 1; while (*end && *end != '}') end++; if (*end != '}') { fprintf(stderr, _("bad query format - %s\n"), f); return NULL; } if ((end - chptr + 1) > sizeof(how)) { fprintf(stderr, _("bad query format - %s\n"), f); return NULL; } strncpy(how, chptr + 1, end - chptr - 1); how[end - chptr - 1] = '\0'; } else { strcpy(how, ""); end = chptr; } switch (*tagptr) { case '=': notArray = 1, tagptr++; break; case '#': showCount = 1, tagptr++; break; } tagLength = chptr - tagptr; chptr = end + 1; if (tagLength > (sizeof(tag) - 20)) { fprintf(stderr, _("query tag too long\n")); return NULL; } memset(tag, 0, sizeof(tag)); if (strncmp(tagptr, "RPMTAG_", 7)) { strcpy(tag, "RPMTAG_"); } strncat(tag, tagptr, tagLength); for (i = 0, t = rpmTagTable; i < rpmTagTableSize; i++, t++) { if (!strcasecmp(tag, t->name)) break; } if (i == rpmTagTableSize) { fprintf(stderr, _("unknown tag %s\n"), tag); return NULL; } if (!headerGetEntry(h, t->val, &type, &p, &count) || !p) { p = "(none)"; count = 1; type = RPM_STRING_TYPE; } else if (notArray) { *cntptr = -1; } else if (showCount) { i = count; p = &i; type = RPM_INT32_TYPE; count = 1; } else if (count > 1 && (arrayNum == -1)) { p = "(array)"; count = 1; type = RPM_STRING_TYPE; } else if ((count - 1) < arrayNum && arrayNum != -1) { p = "(past array end)"; count = 1; type = RPM_STRING_TYPE; } else if (arrayNum != -1) *cntptr = count; if (arrayNum == -1) arrayNum = 0; switch (type) { case RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE: strcat(format, "s"); printf(format, ((char **) p)[arrayNum]); free(p); break; case RPM_STRING_TYPE: strcat(format, "s"); printf(format, p); break; case RPM_CHAR_TYPE: case RPM_INT8_TYPE: strcat(format, "d"); printf(format, *(((int_8 *) p) + arrayNum)); break; case RPM_INT16_TYPE: if (!strcmp(how, "perms") || !strcmp(how, "permissions")) { strcat(format, "s"); printf(format, permsString(*(((int_16 *) p) + arrayNum))); } else if (!strcmp(how, "octal")) { strcat(format, "#o"); printf(format, *(((int_16 *) p) + arrayNum) & 0xFFFF); } else { strcat(format, "d"); printf(format, *(((int_16 *) p) + arrayNum)); } break; case RPM_INT32_TYPE: if (!strcmp(how, "date")) { strcat(format, "s"); /* this is important if sizeof(int_32) ! sizeof(time_t) */ dateint = *(((int_32 *) p) + arrayNum); tstruct = localtime(&dateint); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%c", tstruct); printf(format, buf); } else if (!strcmp(how, "fflags")) { strcat(format, "s"); buf[0] = '\0'; anint = *(((int_32 *) p) + arrayNum); if (anint & RPMFILE_DOC) strcat(buf, "d"); if (anint & RPMFILE_CONFIG) strcat(buf, "c"); printf(format, buf); } else if (!strcmp(how, "octal")) { strcat(format, "#o"); printf(format, *(((int_32 *) p) + arrayNum)); } else if (!strcmp(how, "perms") || !strcmp(how, "permissions")) { strcat(format, "s"); printf(format, permsString(*(((int_32 *) p) + arrayNum))); } else if (!strcmp(how, "depflags")) { buf[0] = '\0'; anint = *(((int_32 *) p) + arrayNum); if (anint & RPMSENSE_LESS) strcat(buf, "<"); if (anint & RPMSENSE_GREATER) strcat(buf, ">"); if (anint & RPMSENSE_EQUAL) strcat(buf, "="); if (anint & RPMSENSE_SERIAL) strcat(buf, "S"); strcat(format, "s"); printf(format, buf); } else { strcat(format, "d"); printf(format, *(((int_32 *) p) + arrayNum)); } break; default: printf("(can't handle type %d)", type); break; } return chptr; } static void escapedChar(const char ch) { switch (ch) { case 'a': putchar('\a'); break; case 'b': putchar('\b'); break; case 'f': putchar('\f'); break; case 'n': putchar('\n'); break; case 'r': putchar('\r'); break; case 't': putchar('\t'); break; case 'v': putchar('\v'); break; default: putchar(ch); break; } } static void printHeader(Header h, int queryFlags, char * queryFormat) { char * name, * version, * release; int_32 count, type; char * prefix = NULL; char ** fileList, ** fileMD5List; char * fileStatesList; char ** fileOwnerList = NULL; char ** fileGroupList = NULL; char ** fileLinktoList; int_32 * fileFlagsList, * fileMTimeList, * fileSizeList; int_32 * fileUIDList, * fileGIDList; uint_16 * fileModeList; uint_16 * fileRdevList; int i; headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_NAME, &type, (void **) &name, &count); headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_VERSION, &type, (void **) &version, &count); headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_RELEASE, &type, (void **) &release, &count); if (!queryFormat && !queryFlags) { printf("%s-%s-%s\n", name, version, release); } else { if (queryFormat) queryHeader(h, queryFormat); if (queryFlags & QUERY_FOR_LIST) { if (!headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILENAMES, &type, (void **) &fileList, &count)) { puts(_("(contains no files)")); } else { if (!headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILESTATES, &type, (void **) &fileStatesList, &count)) { fileStatesList = NULL; } headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS, &type, (void **) &fileFlagsList, &count); headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILESIZES, &type, (void **) &fileSizeList, &count); headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEMODES, &type, (void **) &fileModeList, &count); headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEMTIMES, &type, (void **) &fileMTimeList, &count); headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILERDEVS, &type, (void **) &fileRdevList, &count); headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILELINKTOS, &type, (void **) &fileLinktoList, &count); headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEMD5S, &type, (void **) &fileMD5List, &count); if (!headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEUIDS, &type, (void **) &fileUIDList, &count)) { fileUIDList = NULL; } else { headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEGIDS, &type, (void **) &fileGIDList, &count); } if (!headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEUSERNAME, &type, (void **) &fileOwnerList, &count)) { fileOwnerList = NULL; } else { headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEGROUPNAME, &type, (void **) &fileGroupList, &count); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!((queryFlags & QUERY_FOR_DOCS) || (queryFlags & QUERY_FOR_CONFIG)) || ((queryFlags & QUERY_FOR_DOCS) && (fileFlagsList[i] & RPMFILE_DOC)) || ((queryFlags & QUERY_FOR_CONFIG) && (fileFlagsList[i] & RPMFILE_CONFIG))) { if (!rpmIsVerbose()) prefix ? fputs(prefix, stdout) : 0; if (queryFlags & QUERY_FOR_STATE) { if (fileStatesList) { switch (fileStatesList[i]) { case RPMFILE_STATE_NORMAL: fputs("normal ", stdout); break; case RPMFILE_STATE_REPLACED: fputs("replaced ", stdout); break; case RPMFILE_STATE_NETSHARED: fputs("net shared ", stdout); break; case RPMFILE_STATE_NOTINSTALLED: fputs("not installed ", stdout); break; default: printf("(unknown %3d) ", fileStatesList[i]); } } else { fputs( "(no state) ", stdout); } } if (queryFlags & QUERY_FOR_DUMPFILES) { printf("%s %d %d %s 0%o ", fileList[i], fileSizeList[i], fileMTimeList[i], fileMD5List[i], fileModeList[i]); if (fileOwnerList) printf("%s %s", fileOwnerList[i], fileGroupList[i]); else if (fileUIDList) printf("%d %d", fileUIDList[i], fileGIDList[i]); else { rpmError(RPMERR_INTERNAL, "package has " "neither file owner or id lists"); } printf(" %s %s %d ", fileFlagsList[i] & RPMFILE_CONFIG ? "1" : "0", fileFlagsList[i] & RPMFILE_DOC ? "1" : "0", fileRdevList[i]); if (strlen(fileLinktoList[i])) printf("%s\n", fileLinktoList[i]); else printf("X\n"); } else if (!rpmIsVerbose()) { puts(fileList[i]); } else if (fileOwnerList) printFileInfo(fileList[i], fileSizeList[i], fileModeList[i], fileMTimeList[i], fileRdevList[i], fileOwnerList[i], fileGroupList[i], -1, -1, fileLinktoList[i]); else if (fileUIDList) { printFileInfo(fileList[i], fileSizeList[i], fileModeList[i], fileMTimeList[i], fileRdevList[i], NULL, NULL, fileUIDList[i], fileGIDList[i], fileLinktoList[i]); } else { rpmError(RPMERR_INTERNAL, "package has " "neither file owner or id lists"); } } } free(fileList); free(fileLinktoList); free(fileMD5List); if (fileOwnerList) free(fileOwnerList); if (fileGroupList) free(fileGroupList); } } } } static char * permsString(int mode) { static char perms[11]; strcpy(perms, "-----------"); if (mode & S_ISVTX) perms[10] = 't'; if (mode & S_IRUSR) perms[1] = 'r'; if (mode & S_IWUSR) perms[2] = 'w'; if (mode & S_IXUSR) perms[3] = 'x'; if (mode & S_IRGRP) perms[4] = 'r'; if (mode & S_IWGRP) perms[5] = 'w'; if (mode & S_IXGRP) perms[6] = 'x'; if (mode & S_IROTH) perms[7] = 'r'; if (mode & S_IWOTH) perms[8] = 'w'; if (mode & S_IXOTH) perms[9] = 'x'; if (mode & S_ISUID) { if (mode & S_IXUSR) perms[3] = 's'; else perms[3] = 'S'; } if (mode & S_ISGID) { if (mode & S_IXGRP) perms[6] = 's'; else perms[6] = 'S'; } if (S_ISDIR(mode)) perms[0] = 'd'; else if (S_ISLNK(mode)) { perms[0] = 'l'; } else if (S_ISFIFO(mode)) perms[0] = 'p'; else if (S_ISSOCK(mode)) perms[0] = 'l'; else if (S_ISCHR(mode)) { perms[0] = 'c'; } else if (S_ISBLK(mode)) { perms[0] = 'b'; } return perms; } static void printFileInfo(char * name, unsigned int size, unsigned short mode, unsigned int mtime, unsigned short rdev, char * owner, char * group, int uid, int gid, char * linkto) { char sizefield[15]; char ownerfield[9], groupfield[9]; char timefield[100] = ""; time_t themtime; time_t currenttime; static int thisYear = 0; static int thisMonth = 0; struct tm * tstruct; char * namefield = name; char * perms; perms = permsString(mode); if (!thisYear) { currenttime = time(NULL); tstruct = localtime(¤ttime); thisYear = tstruct->tm_year; thisMonth = tstruct->tm_mon; } ownerfield[8] = groupfield[8] = '\0'; if (owner) strncpy(ownerfield, owner, 8); else sprintf(ownerfield, "%-8d", uid); if (group) strncpy(groupfield, group, 8); else sprintf(groupfield, "%-8d", gid); /* this is normally right */ sprintf(sizefield, "%10d", size); /* this knows too much about dev_t */ if (S_ISLNK(mode)) { namefield = alloca(strlen(name) + strlen(linkto) + 10); sprintf(namefield, "%s -> %s", name, linkto); } else if (S_ISCHR(mode)) { perms[0] = 'c'; sprintf(sizefield, "%3d, %3d", rdev >> 8, rdev & 0xFF); } else if (S_ISBLK(mode)) { perms[0] = 'b'; sprintf(sizefield, "%3d, %3d", rdev >> 8, rdev & 0xFF); } /* this is important if sizeof(int_32) ! sizeof(time_t) */ themtime = mtime; tstruct = localtime(&themtime); if (tstruct->tm_year == thisYear || ((tstruct->tm_year + 1) == thisYear && tstruct->tm_mon > thisMonth)) strftime(timefield, sizeof(timefield) - 1, "%b %d %H:%M", tstruct); else strftime(timefield, sizeof(timefield) - 1, "%b %d %Y", tstruct); printf("%s %8s %8s %10s %s %s\n", perms, ownerfield, groupfield, sizefield, timefield, namefield); } static void showMatches(rpmdb db, dbiIndexSet matches, int queryFlags, char * queryFormat) { int i; Header h; for (i = 0; i < matches.count; i++) { if (matches.recs[i].recOffset) { rpmMessage(RPMMESS_DEBUG, "querying record number %d\n", matches.recs[i].recOffset); h = rpmdbGetRecord(db, matches.recs[i].recOffset); if (!h) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: could not read database record\n")); } else { printHeader(h, queryFlags, queryFormat); headerFree(h); } } } } int doQuery(char * prefix, enum querysources source, int queryFlags, char * arg, char * queryFormat) { Header h; int offset; int fd; int rc; int isSource; rpmdb db; dbiIndexSet matches; int recNumber; int retcode = 0; char *end = NULL; struct urlContext context; int isUrl = 0; char path[255]; if (source != QUERY_RPM) { if (rpmdbOpen(prefix, &db, O_RDONLY, 0644)) { exit(1); } } switch (source) { case QUERY_RPM: if (urlIsURL(arg)) { isUrl = 1; if ((fd = urlGetFd(arg, &context)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("open of %s failed: %s\n"), arg, ftpStrerror(fd)); } } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-")) { fd = 0; } else { if ((fd = open(arg, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("open of %s failed: %s\n"), arg, strerror(errno)); } } if (fd >= 0) { rc = rpmReadPackageHeader(fd, &h, &isSource, NULL, NULL); close(fd); if (isUrl) { urlFinishedFd(&context); } switch (rc) { case 0: if (!h) { fprintf(stderr, _("old format source packages cannot " "be queried\n")); } else { printHeader(h, queryFlags, queryFormat); headerFree(h); } break; case 1: fprintf(stderr, _("%s does not appear to be a RPM package\n"), arg); /* fallthrough */ case 2: fprintf(stderr, _("query of %s failed\n"), arg); retcode = 1; } } break; case QUERY_ALL: offset = rpmdbFirstRecNum(db); while (offset) { h = rpmdbGetRecord(db, offset); if (!h) { fprintf(stderr, _("could not read database record!\n")); return 1; } printHeader(h, queryFlags, queryFormat); headerFree(h); offset = rpmdbNextRecNum(db, offset); } break; case QUERY_GROUP: if (rpmdbFindByGroup(db, arg, &matches)) { fprintf(stderr, _("group %s does not contain any packages\n"), arg); retcode = 1; } else { showMatches(db, matches, queryFlags, queryFormat); dbiFreeIndexRecord(matches); } break; case QUERY_WHATPROVIDES: if (rpmdbFindByProvides(db, arg, &matches)) { fprintf(stderr, _("no package provides %s\n"), arg); retcode = 1; } else { showMatches(db, matches, queryFlags, queryFormat); dbiFreeIndexRecord(matches); } break; case QUERY_WHATREQUIRES: if (rpmdbFindByRequiredBy(db, arg, &matches)) { fprintf(stderr, _("no package requires %s\n"), arg); retcode = 1; } else { showMatches(db, matches, queryFlags, queryFormat); dbiFreeIndexRecord(matches); } break; case QUERY_PATH: if (*arg != '/') { if (realpath(arg, path) != NULL) arg = path; } if (rpmdbFindByFile(db, arg, &matches)) { fprintf(stderr, _("file %s is not owned by any package\n"), arg); retcode = 1; } else { showMatches(db, matches, queryFlags, queryFormat); dbiFreeIndexRecord(matches); } break; case QUERY_DBOFFSET: recNumber = strtoul(arg, &end, 10); if ((*end) || (end == arg) || (recNumber == ULONG_MAX)) { fprintf(stderr, _("invalid package number: %s\n"), arg); return 1; } rpmMessage(RPMMESS_DEBUG, _("showing package: %d\n"), recNumber); h = rpmdbGetRecord(db, recNumber); if (!h) { fprintf(stderr, _("record %d could not be read\n"), recNumber); retcode = 1; } else { printHeader(h, queryFlags, queryFormat); headerFree(h); } break; case QUERY_PACKAGE: rc = findPackageByLabel(db, arg, &matches); if (rc == 1) { retcode = 1; fprintf(stderr, _("package %s is not installed\n"), arg); } else if (rc == 2) { retcode = 1; fprintf(stderr, _("error looking for package %s\n"), arg); } else { showMatches(db, matches, queryFlags, queryFormat); dbiFreeIndexRecord(matches); } break; } if (source != QUERY_RPM) { rpmdbClose(db); } return retcode; } /* 0 found matches */ /* 1 no matches */ /* 2 error */ int findPackageByLabel(rpmdb db, char * arg, dbiIndexSet * matches) { char * localarg, * chptr; char * release; int rc; if (!strlen(arg)) return 1; /* did they give us just a name? */ rc = findMatches(db, arg, NULL, NULL, matches); if (rc != 1) return rc; /* maybe a name and a release */ localarg = alloca(strlen(arg) + 1); strcpy(localarg, arg); chptr = (localarg + strlen(localarg)) - 1; while (chptr > localarg && *chptr != '-') chptr--; if (chptr == localarg) return 1; *chptr = '\0'; rc = findMatches(db, localarg, chptr + 1, NULL, matches); if (rc != 1) return rc; /* how about name-version-release? */ release = chptr + 1; while (chptr > localarg && *chptr != '-') chptr--; if (chptr == localarg) return 1; *chptr = '\0'; return findMatches(db, localarg, chptr + 1, release, matches); } /* 0 found matches */ /* 1 no matches */ /* 2 error */ int findMatches(rpmdb db, char * name, char * version, char * release, dbiIndexSet * matches) { int gotMatches; int rc; int i; char * pkgRelease, * pkgVersion; int count, type; int goodRelease, goodVersion; Header h; if ((rc = rpmdbFindPackage(db, name, matches))) { if (rc == -1) return 2; else return 1; } if (!version && !release) return 0; gotMatches = 0; /* make sure the version and releases match */ for (i = 0; i < matches->count; i++) { if (matches->recs[i].recOffset) { h = rpmdbGetRecord(db, matches->recs[i].recOffset); if (!h) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: could not read database record\n")); dbiFreeIndexRecord(*matches); return 2; } headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_VERSION, &type, (void **) &pkgVersion, &count); headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_RELEASE, &type, (void **) &pkgRelease, &count); goodRelease = goodVersion = 1; if (release && strcmp(release, pkgRelease)) goodRelease = 0; if (version && strcmp(version, pkgVersion)) goodVersion = 0; if (goodRelease && goodVersion) gotMatches = 1; else matches->recs[i].recOffset = 0; } } if (!gotMatches) { dbiFreeIndexRecord(*matches); return 1; } return 0; } void queryPrintTags(void) { const struct headerTagTableEntry * t; int i; for (i = 0, t = rpmTagTable; i < rpmTagTableSize; i++, t++) { printf("%s\n", t->name); } }