/** \ingroup rpmbuild * \file build/spec.c * Handle spec data structure. */ #include "system.h" #include "buildio.h" #include "debug.h" /*@-redecl@*/ extern int specedit; /*@=redecl@*/ #define SKIPWHITE(_x) {while(*(_x) && (xisspace(*_x) || *(_x) == ',')) (_x)++;} #define SKIPNONWHITE(_x){while(*(_x) &&!(xisspace(*_x) || *(_x) == ',')) (_x)++;} /*@access Header @*/ /* compared with NULL */ /** * @return NULL always */ static inline /*@null@*/ struct TriggerFileEntry * freeTriggerFiles(/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ struct TriggerFileEntry * p) /*@modifies p @*/ { struct TriggerFileEntry *o, *q = p; while (q != NULL) { o = q; q = q->next; o->fileName = _free(o->fileName); o->script = _free(o->script); o->prog = _free(o->prog); o = _free(o); } return NULL; } /** * Destroy source component chain. * @param source component chain * @return NULL always */ static inline /*@null@*/ struct Source * freeSources(/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ struct Source * s) /*@modifies s @*/ { struct Source *r, *t = s; while (t != NULL) { r = t; t = t->next; r->fullSource = _free(r->fullSource); r = _free(r); } return NULL; } int lookupPackage(Spec spec, const char *name, int flag, /*@out@*/Package *pkg) { const char *pname; const char *fullName; Package p; /* "main" package */ if (name == NULL) { if (pkg) *pkg = spec->packages; return 0; } /* Construct package name */ { char *n; if (flag == PART_SUBNAME) { (void) headerNVR(spec->packages->header, &pname, NULL, NULL); fullName = n = alloca(strlen(pname) + 1 + strlen(name) + 1); while (*pname != '\0') *n++ = *pname++; *n++ = '-'; } else { fullName = n = alloca(strlen(name)+1); } /*@-mayaliasunique@*/ strcpy(n, name); /*@=mayaliasunique@*/ } /* Locate package with fullName */ for (p = spec->packages; p != NULL; p = p->next) { (void) headerNVR(p->header, &pname, NULL, NULL); if (pname && (! strcmp(fullName, pname))) { break; } } if (pkg) /*@-dependenttrans@*/ *pkg = p; /*@=dependenttrans@*/ return ((p == NULL) ? 1 : 0); } Package newPackage(Spec spec) { Package p; Package pp; p = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*p)); p->header = headerNew(); p->icon = NULL; p->autoProv = 1; p->autoReq = 1; #if 0 p->reqProv = NULL; p->triggers = NULL; p->triggerScripts = NULL; #endif p->triggerFiles = NULL; p->fileFile = NULL; p->fileList = NULL; p->cpioList = NULL; p->preInFile = NULL; p->postInFile = NULL; p->preUnFile = NULL; p->postUnFile = NULL; p->verifyFile = NULL; p->specialDoc = NULL; if (spec->packages == NULL) { spec->packages = p; } else { /* Always add package to end of list */ for (pp = spec->packages; pp->next != NULL; pp = pp->next) {}; pp->next = p; } p->next = NULL; return p; } Package freePackage(Package p) { if (p == NULL) return NULL; p->preInFile = _free(p->preInFile); p->postInFile = _free(p->postInFile); p->preUnFile = _free(p->preUnFile); p->postUnFile = _free(p->postUnFile); p->verifyFile = _free(p->verifyFile); p->header = headerFree(p->header); p->fileList = freeStringBuf(p->fileList); p->fileFile = _free(p->fileFile); if (p->cpioList) { TFI_t fi = p->cpioList; p->cpioList = NULL; freeFi(fi); fi = _free(fi); } p->specialDoc = freeStringBuf(p->specialDoc); p->icon = freeSources(p->icon); p->triggerFiles = freeTriggerFiles(p->triggerFiles); p = _free(p); return NULL; } Package freePackages(Package packages) { Package p; while ((p = packages) != NULL) { packages = p->next; p->next = NULL; p = freePackage(p); } return NULL; } /** */ static inline /*@owned@*/ struct Source *findSource(Spec spec, int num, int flag) /*@*/ { struct Source *p; for (p = spec->sources; p != NULL; p = p->next) if ((num == p->num) && (p->flags & flag)) return p; return NULL; } int parseNoSource(Spec spec, const char * field, int tag) { const char *f, *fe; const char *name; int num, flag; if (tag == RPMTAG_NOSOURCE) { flag = RPMBUILD_ISSOURCE; name = "source"; } else { flag = RPMBUILD_ISPATCH; name = "patch"; } fe = field; for (f = fe; *f != '\0'; f = fe) { struct Source *p; SKIPWHITE(f); if (*f == '\0') break; fe = f; SKIPNONWHITE(fe); if (*fe != '\0') fe++; if (parseNum(f, &num)) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("line %d: Bad number: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, f); return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } if (! (p = findSource(spec, num, flag))) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("line %d: Bad no%s number: %d\n"), spec->lineNum, name, num); return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } p->flags |= RPMBUILD_ISNO; } return 0; } int addSource(Spec spec, Package pkg, const char *field, int tag) { struct Source *p; int flag = 0; char *name = NULL; char *nump; const char *fieldp = NULL; char buf[BUFSIZ]; int num = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; switch (tag) { case RPMTAG_SOURCE: flag = RPMBUILD_ISSOURCE; name = "source"; fieldp = spec->line + 6; break; case RPMTAG_PATCH: flag = RPMBUILD_ISPATCH; name = "patch"; fieldp = spec->line + 5; break; case RPMTAG_ICON: flag = RPMBUILD_ISICON; fieldp = NULL; break; } /* Get the number */ if (tag != RPMTAG_ICON) { /* We already know that a ':' exists, and that there */ /* are no spaces before it. */ /* This also now allows for spaces and tabs between */ /* the number and the ':' */ nump = buf; while ((*fieldp != ':') && (*fieldp != ' ') && (*fieldp != '\t')) { *nump++ = *fieldp++; } *nump = '\0'; nump = buf; SKIPSPACE(nump); if (nump == NULL || *nump == '\0') { num = 0; } else { if (parseNum(buf, &num)) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("line %d: Bad %s number: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, name, spec->line); return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } } } /* Create the entry and link it in */ p = xmalloc(sizeof(struct Source)); p->num = num; p->fullSource = xstrdup(field); p->flags = flag; p->source = strrchr(p->fullSource, '/'); if (p->source) { p->source++; } else { p->source = p->fullSource; } if (tag != RPMTAG_ICON) { p->next = spec->sources; spec->sources = p; } else { p->next = pkg->icon; pkg->icon = p; } spec->numSources++; if (tag != RPMTAG_ICON) { /*@-nullpass@*/ /* LCL: varargs needs null annotate. */ const char *body = rpmGetPath("%{_sourcedir}/", p->source, NULL); /*@=nullpass@*/ sprintf(buf, "%s%d", (flag & RPMBUILD_ISPATCH) ? "PATCH" : "SOURCE", num); addMacro(spec->macros, buf, NULL, body, RMIL_SPEC); sprintf(buf, "%sURL%d", (flag & RPMBUILD_ISPATCH) ? "PATCH" : "SOURCE", num); addMacro(spec->macros, buf, NULL, p->fullSource, RMIL_SPEC); body = _free(body); } return 0; } /** */ static inline /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ speclines newSl(void) /*@*/ { speclines sl = NULL; if (specedit) { sl = xmalloc(sizeof(*sl)); sl->sl_lines = NULL; sl->sl_nalloc = 0; sl->sl_nlines = 0; } return sl; } /** */ static inline /*@null@*/ speclines freeSl(/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ speclines sl) /*@modifies sl @*/ { int i; if (sl == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < sl->sl_nlines; i++) /*@-unqualifiedtrans@*/ sl->sl_lines[i] = _free(sl->sl_lines[i]); /*@=unqualifiedtrans@*/ sl->sl_lines = _free(sl->sl_lines); return _free(sl); } /** */ static inline /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ spectags newSt(void) /*@*/ { spectags st = NULL; if (specedit) { st = xmalloc(sizeof(*st)); st->st_t = NULL; st->st_nalloc = 0; st->st_ntags = 0; } return st; } /** */ static inline /*@null@*/ spectags freeSt(/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ spectags st) /*@modifies st @*/ { int i; if (st == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < st->st_ntags; i++) { spectag t = st->st_t + i; t->t_lang = _free(t->t_lang); t->t_msgid = _free(t->t_msgid); } st->st_t = _free(st->st_t); return _free(st); } Spec newSpec(void) { Spec spec = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*spec)); spec->specFile = NULL; spec->sourceRpmName = NULL; spec->sl = newSl(); spec->st = newSt(); spec->fileStack = NULL; spec->lbuf[0] = '\0'; spec->line = spec->lbuf; spec->nextline = NULL; spec->nextpeekc = '\0'; spec->lineNum = 0; spec->readStack = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*spec->readStack)); spec->readStack->next = NULL; spec->readStack->reading = 1; spec->rootURL = NULL; spec->prep = NULL; spec->build = NULL; spec->install = NULL; spec->clean = NULL; spec->sources = NULL; spec->packages = NULL; spec->noSource = 0; spec->numSources = 0; spec->sourceHeader = NULL; spec->sourceCpioList = NULL; spec->gotBuildRootURL = 0; spec->buildRootURL = NULL; spec->buildSubdir = NULL; spec->passPhrase = NULL; spec->timeCheck = 0; spec->cookie = NULL; spec->buildRestrictions = headerNew(); spec->BANames = NULL; spec->BACount = 0; spec->recursing = 0; spec->BASpecs = NULL; spec->force = 0; spec->anyarch = 0; spec->macros = rpmGlobalMacroContext; return spec; } Spec freeSpec(Spec spec) { struct ReadLevelEntry *rl; if (spec == NULL) return NULL; spec->sl = freeSl(spec->sl); spec->st = freeSt(spec->st); spec->prep = freeStringBuf(spec->prep); spec->build = freeStringBuf(spec->build); spec->install = freeStringBuf(spec->install); spec->clean = freeStringBuf(spec->clean); spec->buildRootURL = _free(spec->buildRootURL); spec->buildSubdir = _free(spec->buildSubdir); spec->rootURL = _free(spec->rootURL); spec->specFile = _free(spec->specFile); spec->sourceRpmName = _free(spec->sourceRpmName); #ifdef DEAD { struct OpenFileInfo *ofi; while (spec->fileStack) { ofi = spec->fileStack; spec->fileStack = ofi->next; ofi->next = NULL; ofi->fileName = _free(ofi->fileName); ofi = _free(ofi); } } #else closeSpec(spec); #endif while (spec->readStack) { rl = spec->readStack; /*@-dependenttrans@*/ spec->readStack = rl->next; /*@=dependenttrans@*/ rl->next = NULL; rl = _free(rl); } spec->sourceHeader = headerFree(spec->sourceHeader); if (spec->sourceCpioList) { TFI_t fi = spec->sourceCpioList; spec->sourceCpioList = NULL; freeFi(fi); fi = _free(fi); } spec->buildRestrictions = headerFree(spec->buildRestrictions); if (!spec->recursing) { if (spec->BASpecs != NULL) while (spec->BACount--) { /*@-unqualifiedtrans@*/ spec->BASpecs[spec->BACount] = freeSpec(spec->BASpecs[spec->BACount]); /*@=unqualifiedtrans@*/ } /*@-compdef@*/ spec->BASpecs = _free(spec->BASpecs); /*@=compdef@*/ } spec->BANames = _free(spec->BANames); spec->passPhrase = _free(spec->passPhrase); spec->cookie = _free(spec->cookie); spec->sources = freeSources(spec->sources); spec->packages = freePackages(spec->packages); spec = _free(spec); return spec; } /*@only@*/ struct OpenFileInfo * newOpenFileInfo(void) { struct OpenFileInfo *ofi; ofi = xmalloc(sizeof(struct OpenFileInfo)); ofi->fd = NULL; ofi->fileName = NULL; ofi->lineNum = 0; ofi->readBuf[0] = '\0'; ofi->readPtr = NULL; ofi->next = NULL; return ofi; }