/** \ingroup rpmbuild * \file build/files.c * The post-build, pre-packaging file tree walk to assemble the package * manifest. */ #include "system.h" #define MYALLPERMS 07777 #include #include /* getOutputFrom() */ #include #include #include "cpio.h" #define _RPMFI_INTERNAL #include "rpmfi.h" #define _RPMTE_INTERNAL #include "rpmte.h" #include "buildio.h" #include "myftw.h" #include "legacy.h" /* XXX domd5, expandFileList, compressFileList */ #include "misc.h" #include "debug.h" /*@access Header @*/ /*@access rpmfi @*/ /*@access FD_t @*/ /*@access StringBuf @*/ /* compared with NULL */ #define SKIPWHITE(_x) {while(*(_x) && (xisspace(*_x) || *(_x) == ',')) (_x)++;} #define SKIPNONWHITE(_x){while(*(_x) &&!(xisspace(*_x) || *(_x) == ',')) (_x)++;} #define MAXDOCDIR 1024 /** */ typedef enum specdFlags_e { SPECD_DEFFILEMODE = (1 << 0), SPECD_DEFDIRMODE = (1 << 1), SPECD_DEFUID = (1 << 2), SPECD_DEFGID = (1 << 3), SPECD_DEFVERIFY = (1 << 4), SPECD_FILEMODE = (1 << 8), SPECD_DIRMODE = (1 << 9), SPECD_UID = (1 << 10), SPECD_GID = (1 << 11), SPECD_VERIFY = (1 << 12) } specdFlags; /** */ typedef struct FileListRec_s { struct stat fl_st; #define fl_dev fl_st.st_dev #define fl_ino fl_st.st_ino #define fl_mode fl_st.st_mode #define fl_nlink fl_st.st_nlink #define fl_uid fl_st.st_uid #define fl_gid fl_st.st_gid #define fl_rdev fl_st.st_rdev #define fl_size fl_st.st_size #define fl_mtime fl_st.st_mtime /*@only@*/ const char * diskURL; /* get file from here */ /*@only@*/ const char * fileURL; /* filename in cpio archive */ /*@observer@*/ const char * uname; /*@observer@*/ const char * gname; unsigned flags; specdFlags specdFlags; /* which attributes have been explicitly specified. */ unsigned verifyFlags; /*@only@*/ const char *langs; /* XXX locales separated with | */ } * FileListRec; /** */ typedef struct AttrRec_s { const char * ar_fmodestr; const char * ar_dmodestr; const char * ar_user; const char * ar_group; mode_t ar_fmode; mode_t ar_dmode; } * AttrRec; /** */ /*@unchecked@*/ static int multiLib = 0; /* MULTILIB */ /* list of files */ /*@unchecked@*/ /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ static StringBuf check_fileList = NULL; /*@unchecked@*/ static int check_fileListLen = 0; /** * Package file tree walk data. */ typedef struct FileList_s { /*@only@*/ const char * buildRootURL; /*@only@*/ const char * prefix; int fileCount; int totalFileSize; int processingFailed; int passedSpecialDoc; int isSpecialDoc; int noGlob; unsigned devtype; unsigned devmajor; int devminor; int isDir; int inFtw; int currentFlags; specdFlags currentSpecdFlags; int currentVerifyFlags; struct AttrRec_s cur_ar; struct AttrRec_s def_ar; specdFlags defSpecdFlags; int defVerifyFlags; int nLangs; /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ const char ** currentLangs; /* Hard coded limit of MAXDOCDIR docdirs. */ /* If you break it you are doing something wrong. */ const char * docDirs[MAXDOCDIR]; int docDirCount; /*@only@*/ FileListRec fileList; int fileListRecsAlloced; int fileListRecsUsed; } * FileList; /** */ static void nullAttrRec(/*@out@*/ AttrRec ar) /*@modifies ar @*/ { ar->ar_fmodestr = NULL; ar->ar_dmodestr = NULL; ar->ar_user = NULL; ar->ar_group = NULL; ar->ar_fmode = 0; ar->ar_dmode = 0; } /** */ static void freeAttrRec(AttrRec ar) /*@modifies ar @*/ { ar->ar_fmodestr = _free(ar->ar_fmodestr); ar->ar_dmodestr = _free(ar->ar_dmodestr); ar->ar_user = _free(ar->ar_user); ar->ar_group = _free(ar->ar_group); /* XXX doesn't free ar (yet) */ /*@-nullstate@*/ return; /*@=nullstate@*/ } /** */ static void dupAttrRec(const AttrRec oar, /*@in@*/ /*@out@*/ AttrRec nar) /*@modifies nar @*/ { if (oar == nar) return; freeAttrRec(nar); nar->ar_fmodestr = (oar->ar_fmodestr ? xstrdup(oar->ar_fmodestr) : NULL); nar->ar_dmodestr = (oar->ar_dmodestr ? xstrdup(oar->ar_dmodestr) : NULL); nar->ar_user = (oar->ar_user ? xstrdup(oar->ar_user) : NULL); nar->ar_group = (oar->ar_group ? xstrdup(oar->ar_group) : NULL); nar->ar_fmode = oar->ar_fmode; nar->ar_dmode = oar->ar_dmode; } #if 0 /** */ static void dumpAttrRec(const char * msg, AttrRec ar) /*@globals fileSystem@*/ /*@modifies fileSystem @*/ { if (msg) fprintf(stderr, "%s:\t", msg); fprintf(stderr, "(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n", ar->ar_fmodestr, ar->ar_user, ar->ar_group, ar->ar_dmodestr); } #endif /* strtokWithQuotes() modified from glibc strtok() */ /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static char *strtokWithQuotes(char *s, char *delim) /*@modifies *s @*/ { static char *olds = NULL; char *token; if (s == NULL) { s = olds; } /* Skip leading delimiters */ s += strspn(s, delim); if (*s == '\0') { return NULL; } /* Find the end of the token. */ token = s; if (*token == '"') { token++; /* Find next " char */ s = strchr(token, '"'); } else { s = strpbrk(token, delim); } /* Terminate it */ if (s == NULL) { /* This token finishes the string */ olds = strchr(token, '\0'); } else { /* Terminate the token and make olds point past it */ *s = '\0'; olds = s+1; } /*@-retalias -temptrans @*/ return token; /*@=retalias =temptrans @*/ } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /** */ static void timeCheck(int tc, Header h) /*@globals internalState @*/ /*@modifies internalState @*/ { HGE_t hge = (HGE_t)headerGetEntryMinMemory; HFD_t hfd = headerFreeData; int * mtime; const char ** files; rpmTagType fnt; int count, x; time_t currentTime = time(NULL); x = hge(h, RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES, &fnt, (void **) &files, &count); x = hge(h, RPMTAG_FILEMTIMES, NULL, (void **) &mtime, NULL); /*@-boundsread@*/ for (x = 0; x < count; x++) { if ((currentTime - mtime[x]) > tc) rpmMessage(RPMMESS_WARNING, _("TIMECHECK failure: %s\n"), files[x]); } files = hfd(files, fnt); /*@=boundsread@*/ } /** */ typedef struct VFA { /*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ const char * attribute; int flag; } VFA_t; /** */ /*@-exportlocal -exportheadervar@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ VFA_t verifyAttrs[] = { { "md5", RPMVERIFY_MD5 }, { "size", RPMVERIFY_FILESIZE }, { "link", RPMVERIFY_LINKTO }, { "user", RPMVERIFY_USER }, { "group", RPMVERIFY_GROUP }, { "mtime", RPMVERIFY_MTIME }, { "mode", RPMVERIFY_MODE }, { "rdev", RPMVERIFY_RDEV }, { NULL, 0 } }; /*@=exportlocal =exportheadervar@*/ /** * Parse %verify and %defverify from file manifest. * @param buf * @param fl package file tree walk data * @return 0 on success */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static int parseForVerify(char * buf, FileList fl) /*@modifies buf, fl->processingFailed, fl->currentVerifyFlags, fl->defVerifyFlags, fl->currentSpecdFlags, fl->defSpecdFlags @*/ { char *p, *pe, *q; const char *name; int *resultVerify; int negated; int verifyFlags; specdFlags * specdFlags; if ((p = strstr(buf, (name = "%verify"))) != NULL) { resultVerify = &(fl->currentVerifyFlags); specdFlags = &fl->currentSpecdFlags; } else if ((p = strstr(buf, (name = "%defverify"))) != NULL) { resultVerify = &(fl->defVerifyFlags); specdFlags = &fl->defSpecdFlags; } else return 0; for (pe = p; (pe-p) < strlen(name); pe++) *pe = ' '; SKIPSPACE(pe); if (*pe != '(') { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Missing '(' in %s %s\n"), name, pe); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } /* Bracket %*verify args */ *pe++ = ' '; for (p = pe; *pe && *pe != ')'; pe++) {}; if (*pe == '\0') { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Missing ')' in %s(%s\n"), name, p); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } /* Localize. Erase parsed string */ q = alloca((pe-p) + 1); strncpy(q, p, pe-p); q[pe-p] = '\0'; while (p <= pe) *p++ = ' '; negated = 0; verifyFlags = RPMVERIFY_NONE; for (p = q; *p != '\0'; p = pe) { SKIPWHITE(p); if (*p == '\0') break; pe = p; SKIPNONWHITE(pe); if (*pe != '\0') *pe++ = '\0'; { VFA_t *vfa; for (vfa = verifyAttrs; vfa->attribute != NULL; vfa++) { if (strcmp(p, vfa->attribute)) /*@innercontinue@*/ continue; verifyFlags |= vfa->flag; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; } if (vfa->attribute) continue; } if (!strcmp(p, "not")) { negated ^= 1; } else { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Invalid %s token: %s\n"), name, p); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } } *resultVerify = negated ? ~(verifyFlags) : verifyFlags; *specdFlags |= SPECD_VERIFY; return 0; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ #define isAttrDefault(_ars) ((_ars)[0] == '-' && (_ars)[1] == '\0') /** * Parse %dev from file manifest. * @param buf * @param fl package file tree walk data * @return 0 on success */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static int parseForDev(char * buf, FileList fl) /*@modifies buf, fl->processingFailed, fl->noGlob, fl->devtype, fl->devmajor, fl->devminor @*/ { const char * name; const char * errstr = NULL; char *p, *pe, *q; int rc = RPMERR_BADSPEC; /* assume error */ if ((p = strstr(buf, (name = "%dev"))) == NULL) return 0; for (pe = p; (pe-p) < strlen(name); pe++) *pe = ' '; SKIPSPACE(pe); if (*pe != '(') { errstr = "'('"; goto exit; } /* Bracket %dev args */ *pe++ = ' '; for (p = pe; *pe && *pe != ')'; pe++) {}; if (*pe != ')') { errstr = "')'"; goto exit; } /* Localize. Erase parsed string */ q = alloca((pe-p) + 1); strncpy(q, p, pe-p); q[pe-p] = '\0'; while (p <= pe) *p++ = ' '; p = q; SKIPWHITE(p); pe = p; SKIPNONWHITE(pe); if (*pe != '\0') *pe++ = '\0'; if (*p == 'b') fl->devtype = 'b'; else if (*p == 'c') fl->devtype = 'c'; else { errstr = "devtype"; goto exit; } p = pe; SKIPWHITE(p); pe = p; SKIPNONWHITE(pe); if (*pe != '\0') *pe++ = '\0'; for (pe = p; *pe && xisdigit(*pe); pe++) {} ; if (*pe == '\0') { fl->devmajor = atoi(p); /*@-unsignedcompare @*/ /* LCL: ge is ok */ if (!(fl->devmajor >= 0 && fl->devmajor < 256)) { errstr = "devmajor"; goto exit; } /*@=unsignedcompare @*/ pe++; } else { errstr = "devmajor"; goto exit; } p = pe; SKIPWHITE(p); pe = p; SKIPNONWHITE(pe); if (*pe != '\0') *pe++ = '\0'; for (pe = p; *pe && xisdigit(*pe); pe++) {} ; if (*pe == '\0') { fl->devminor = atoi(p); if (!(fl->devminor >= 0 && fl->devminor < 256)) { errstr = "devminor"; goto exit; } pe++; } else { errstr = "devminor"; goto exit; } fl->noGlob = 1; rc = 0; exit: if (rc) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Missing %s in %s %s\n"), errstr, name, p); fl->processingFailed = 1; } return rc; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /** * Parse %attr and %defattr from file manifest. * @param buf * @param fl package file tree walk data * @return 0 on success */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static int parseForAttr(char * buf, FileList fl) /*@modifies buf, fl->processingFailed, fl->cur_ar, fl->def_ar, fl->currentSpecdFlags, fl->defSpecdFlags @*/ { const char *name; char *p, *pe, *q; int x; struct AttrRec_s arbuf; AttrRec ar = &arbuf, ret_ar; specdFlags * specdFlags; if ((p = strstr(buf, (name = "%attr"))) != NULL) { ret_ar = &(fl->cur_ar); specdFlags = &fl->currentSpecdFlags; } else if ((p = strstr(buf, (name = "%defattr"))) != NULL) { ret_ar = &(fl->def_ar); specdFlags = &fl->defSpecdFlags; } else return 0; for (pe = p; (pe-p) < strlen(name); pe++) *pe = ' '; SKIPSPACE(pe); if (*pe != '(') { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Missing '(' in %s %s\n"), name, pe); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } /* Bracket %*attr args */ *pe++ = ' '; for (p = pe; *pe && *pe != ')'; pe++) {}; if (ret_ar == &(fl->def_ar)) { /* %defattr */ q = pe; q++; SKIPSPACE(q); if (*q != '\0') { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Non-white space follows %s(): %s\n"), name, q); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } } /* Localize. Erase parsed string */ q = alloca((pe-p) + 1); strncpy(q, p, pe-p); q[pe-p] = '\0'; while (p <= pe) *p++ = ' '; nullAttrRec(ar); p = q; SKIPWHITE(p); if (*p != '\0') { pe = p; SKIPNONWHITE(pe); if (*pe != '\0') *pe++ = '\0'; ar->ar_fmodestr = p; p = pe; SKIPWHITE(p); } if (*p != '\0') { pe = p; SKIPNONWHITE(pe); if (*pe != '\0') *pe++ = '\0'; ar->ar_user = p; p = pe; SKIPWHITE(p); } if (*p != '\0') { pe = p; SKIPNONWHITE(pe); if (*pe != '\0') *pe++ = '\0'; ar->ar_group = p; p = pe; SKIPWHITE(p); } if (*p != '\0' && ret_ar == &(fl->def_ar)) { /* %defattr */ pe = p; SKIPNONWHITE(pe); if (*pe != '\0') *pe++ = '\0'; ar->ar_dmodestr = p; p = pe; SKIPWHITE(p); } if (!(ar->ar_fmodestr && ar->ar_user && ar->ar_group) || *p != '\0') { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Bad syntax: %s(%s)\n"), name, q); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } /* Do a quick test on the mode argument and adjust for "-" */ if (ar->ar_fmodestr && !isAttrDefault(ar->ar_fmodestr)) { unsigned int ui; x = sscanf(ar->ar_fmodestr, "%o", &ui); if ((x == 0) || (ar->ar_fmode & ~MYALLPERMS)) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Bad mode spec: %s(%s)\n"), name, q); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } ar->ar_fmode = ui; } else ar->ar_fmodestr = NULL; if (ar->ar_dmodestr && !isAttrDefault(ar->ar_dmodestr)) { unsigned int ui; x = sscanf(ar->ar_dmodestr, "%o", &ui); if ((x == 0) || (ar->ar_dmode & ~MYALLPERMS)) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Bad dirmode spec: %s(%s)\n"), name, q); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } ar->ar_dmode = ui; } else ar->ar_dmodestr = NULL; if (!(ar->ar_user && !isAttrDefault(ar->ar_user))) ar->ar_user = NULL; if (!(ar->ar_group && !isAttrDefault(ar->ar_group))) ar->ar_group = NULL; dupAttrRec(ar, ret_ar); /* XXX fix all this */ *specdFlags |= SPECD_UID | SPECD_GID | SPECD_FILEMODE | SPECD_DIRMODE; return 0; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /** * Parse %config from file manifest. * @param buf * @param fl package file tree walk data * @return 0 on success */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static int parseForConfig(char * buf, FileList fl) /*@modifies buf, fl->processingFailed, fl->currentFlags @*/ { char *p, *pe, *q; const char *name; if ((p = strstr(buf, (name = "%config"))) == NULL) return 0; fl->currentFlags = RPMFILE_CONFIG; for (pe = p; (pe-p) < strlen(name); pe++) *pe = ' '; SKIPSPACE(pe); if (*pe != '(') return 0; /* Bracket %config args */ *pe++ = ' '; for (p = pe; *pe && *pe != ')'; pe++) {}; if (*pe == '\0') { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Missing ')' in %s(%s\n"), name, p); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } /* Localize. Erase parsed string */ q = alloca((pe-p) + 1); strncpy(q, p, pe-p); q[pe-p] = '\0'; while (p <= pe) *p++ = ' '; for (p = q; *p != '\0'; p = pe) { SKIPWHITE(p); if (*p == '\0') break; pe = p; SKIPNONWHITE(pe); if (*pe != '\0') *pe++ = '\0'; if (!strcmp(p, "missingok")) { fl->currentFlags |= RPMFILE_MISSINGOK; } else if (!strcmp(p, "noreplace")) { fl->currentFlags |= RPMFILE_NOREPLACE; } else { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Invalid %s token: %s\n"), name, p); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } } return 0; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /** */ static int langCmp(const void * ap, const void * bp) /*@*/ { /*@-boundsread@*/ return strcmp(*(const char **)ap, *(const char **)bp); /*@=boundsread@*/ } /** * Parse %lang from file manifest. * @param buf * @param fl package file tree walk data * @return 0 on success */ /*@-bounds@*/ static int parseForLang(char * buf, FileList fl) /*@modifies buf, fl->processingFailed, fl->currentLangs, fl->nLangs @*/ { char *p, *pe, *q; const char *name; while ((p = strstr(buf, (name = "%lang"))) != NULL) { for (pe = p; (pe-p) < strlen(name); pe++) *pe = ' '; SKIPSPACE(pe); if (*pe != '(') { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Missing '(' in %s %s\n"), name, pe); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } /* Bracket %lang args */ *pe++ = ' '; for (pe = p; *pe && *pe != ')'; pe++) {}; if (*pe == '\0') { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Missing ')' in %s(%s\n"), name, p); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } /* Localize. Erase parsed string */ q = alloca((pe-p) + 1); strncpy(q, p, pe-p); q[pe-p] = '\0'; while (p <= pe) *p++ = ' '; /* Parse multiple arguments from %lang */ for (p = q; *p != '\0'; p = pe) { char *newp; size_t np; int i; SKIPWHITE(p); pe = p; SKIPNONWHITE(pe); np = pe - p; /* Sanity check on locale lengths */ if (np < 1 || (np == 1 && *p != 'C') || np >= 32) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Unusual locale length: \"%.*s\" in %%lang(%s)\n"), (int)np, p, q); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } /* Check for duplicate locales */ if (fl->currentLangs != NULL) for (i = 0; i < fl->nLangs; i++) { if (strncmp(fl->currentLangs[i], p, np)) /*@innercontinue@*/ continue; rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Duplicate locale %.*s in %%lang(%s)\n"), (int)np, p, q); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } /* Add new locale */ fl->currentLangs = xrealloc(fl->currentLangs, (fl->nLangs + 1) * sizeof(*fl->currentLangs)); newp = xmalloc( np+1 ); strncpy(newp, p, np); newp[np] = '\0'; fl->currentLangs[fl->nLangs++] = newp; if (*pe == ',') pe++; /* skip , if present */ } } /* Insure that locales are sorted. */ if (fl->currentLangs) qsort(fl->currentLangs, fl->nLangs, sizeof(*fl->currentLangs), langCmp); return 0; } /*@=bounds@*/ /** */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static int parseForRegexLang(const char * fileName, /*@out@*/ char ** lang) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext @*/ /*@modifies *lang, rpmGlobalMacroContext @*/ { static int initialized = 0; static int hasRegex = 0; static regex_t compiledPatt; static char buf[BUFSIZ]; int x; regmatch_t matches[2]; const char *s; if (! initialized) { const char *patt = rpmExpand("%{_langpatt}", NULL); int rc = 0; if (!(patt && *patt != '%')) rc = 1; else if (regcomp(&compiledPatt, patt, REG_EXTENDED)) rc = -1; patt = _free(patt); if (rc) return rc; hasRegex = 1; initialized = 1; } memset(matches, 0, sizeof(matches)); if (! hasRegex || regexec(&compiledPatt, fileName, 2, matches, REG_NOTEOL)) return 1; /* Got match */ s = fileName + matches[1].rm_eo - 1; x = matches[1].rm_eo - matches[1].rm_so; buf[x] = '\0'; while (x) { buf[--x] = *s--; } if (lang) *lang = buf; return 0; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /** */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static int parseForRegexMultiLib(const char *fileName) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext @*/ /*@modifies rpmGlobalMacroContext @*/ { static int initialized = 0; static int hasRegex = 0; static regex_t compiledPatt; if (! initialized) { const char *patt; int rc = 0; initialized = 1; patt = rpmExpand("%{_multilibpatt}", NULL); if (!(patt && *patt != '%')) rc = 1; else if (regcomp(&compiledPatt, patt, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)) rc = -1; patt = _free(patt); if (rc) return rc; hasRegex = 1; } if (! hasRegex || regexec(&compiledPatt, fileName, 0, NULL, 0)) return 1; return 0; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /** */ /*@-exportlocal -exportheadervar@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ VFA_t virtualFileAttributes[] = { { "%dir", 0 }, /* XXX why not RPMFILE_DIR? */ { "%doc", RPMFILE_DOC }, { "%ghost", RPMFILE_GHOST }, { "%exclude", RPMFILE_EXCLUDE }, { "%readme", RPMFILE_README }, { "%license", RPMFILE_LICENSE }, { "%multilib", 0 }, #if WHY_NOT { "%spec", RPMFILE_SPEC }, { "%config", RPMFILE_CONFIG }, { "%donotuse", RPMFILE_DONOTUSE }, /* XXX WTFO? */ { "%missingok", RPMFILE_CONFIG|RPMFILE_MISSINGOK }, { "%noreplace", RPMFILE_CONFIG|RPMFILE_NOREPLACE }, #endif { NULL, 0 } }; /*@=exportlocal =exportheadervar@*/ /** * Parse simple attributes (e.g. %dir) from file manifest. * @param spec * @param pkg * @param buf * @param fl package file tree walk data * @retval fileName * @return 0 on success */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static int parseForSimple(/*@unused@*/Spec spec, Package pkg, char * buf, FileList fl, /*@out@*/ const char ** fileName) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext @*/ /*@modifies buf, fl->processingFailed, *fileName, fl->currentFlags, fl->docDirs, fl->docDirCount, fl->isDir, fl->passedSpecialDoc, fl->isSpecialDoc, pkg->specialDoc, rpmGlobalMacroContext @*/ { char *s, *t; int res, specialDoc = 0; char specialDocBuf[BUFSIZ]; specialDocBuf[0] = '\0'; *fileName = NULL; res = 0; t = buf; while ((s = strtokWithQuotes(t, " \t\n")) != NULL) { t = NULL; if (!strcmp(s, "%docdir")) { s = strtokWithQuotes(NULL, " \t\n"); if (fl->docDirCount == MAXDOCDIR) { rpmError(RPMERR_INTERNAL, _("Hit limit for %%docdir\n")); fl->processingFailed = 1; res = 1; } fl->docDirs[fl->docDirCount++] = xstrdup(s); if (strtokWithQuotes(NULL, " \t\n")) { rpmError(RPMERR_INTERNAL, _("Only one arg for %%docdir\n")); fl->processingFailed = 1; res = 1; } break; } /* Set flags for virtual file attributes */ { VFA_t *vfa; for (vfa = virtualFileAttributes; vfa->attribute != NULL; vfa++) { if (strcmp(s, vfa->attribute)) /*@innercontinue@*/ continue; if (!vfa->flag) { if (!strcmp(s, "%dir")) fl->isDir = 1; /* XXX why not RPMFILE_DIR? */ else if (!strcmp(s, "%multilib")) fl->currentFlags |= multiLib; } else fl->currentFlags |= vfa->flag; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; } /* if we got an attribute, continue with next token */ if (vfa->attribute != NULL) continue; } if (*fileName) { /* We already got a file -- error */ rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Two files on one line: %s\n"), *fileName); fl->processingFailed = 1; res = 1; } /*@-branchstate@*/ if (*s != '/') { if (fl->currentFlags & RPMFILE_DOC) { specialDoc = 1; strcat(specialDocBuf, " "); strcat(specialDocBuf, s); } else { /* not in %doc, does not begin with / -- error */ rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("File must begin with \"/\": %s\n"), s); fl->processingFailed = 1; res = 1; } } else { *fileName = s; } /*@=branchstate@*/ } if (specialDoc) { if (*fileName || (fl->currentFlags & ~(RPMFILE_DOC))) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Can't mix special %%doc with other forms: %s\n"), (*fileName ? *fileName : "")); fl->processingFailed = 1; res = 1; } else { /* XXX WATCHOUT: buf is an arg */ { const char *ddir, *n, *v; (void) headerNVR(pkg->header, &n, &v, NULL); ddir = rpmGetPath("%{_docdir}/", n, "-", v, NULL); strcpy(buf, ddir); ddir = _free(ddir); } /* XXX FIXME: this is easy to do as macro expansion */ if (! fl->passedSpecialDoc) { pkg->specialDoc = newStringBuf(); appendStringBuf(pkg->specialDoc, "DOCDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"); appendLineStringBuf(pkg->specialDoc, buf); appendLineStringBuf(pkg->specialDoc, "export DOCDIR"); appendLineStringBuf(pkg->specialDoc, "rm -rf $DOCDIR"); appendLineStringBuf(pkg->specialDoc, MKDIR_P " $DOCDIR"); /*@-temptrans@*/ *fileName = buf; /*@=temptrans@*/ fl->passedSpecialDoc = 1; fl->isSpecialDoc = 1; } appendStringBuf(pkg->specialDoc, "cp -pr "); appendStringBuf(pkg->specialDoc, specialDocBuf); appendLineStringBuf(pkg->specialDoc, " $DOCDIR"); } } return res; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /** */ static int compareFileListRecs(const void * ap, const void * bp) /*@*/ { const char *a = ((FileListRec)ap)->fileURL; const char *b = ((FileListRec)bp)->fileURL; return strcmp(a, b); } /** * Test if file is located in a %docdir. * @bug Use of strstr(3) might result in false positives. * @param fl package file tree walk data * @param fileName file path * @return 1 if doc file, 0 if not */ static int isDoc(FileList fl, const char * fileName) /*@*/ { int x = fl->docDirCount; while (x--) { if (strstr(fileName, fl->docDirs[x]) == fileName) return 1; } return 0; } /** * Verify that file attributes scope over hardlinks correctly. * If partial hardlink sets are possible, then add tracking dependency. * @param fl package file tree walk data * @return 1 if partial hardlink sets can exist, 0 otherwise. */ static int checkHardLinks(FileList fl) /*@*/ { FileListRec ilp, jlp; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < fl->fileListRecsUsed; i++) { ilp = fl->fileList + i; if (!(S_ISREG(ilp->fl_mode) && ilp->fl_nlink > 1)) continue; for (j = i + 1; j < fl->fileListRecsUsed; j++) { jlp = fl->fileList + j; if (!S_ISREG(jlp->fl_mode)) /*@innercontinue@*/ continue; if (ilp->fl_nlink != jlp->fl_nlink) /*@innercontinue@*/ continue; if (ilp->fl_ino != jlp->fl_ino) /*@innercontinue@*/ continue; if (ilp->fl_dev != jlp->fl_dev) /*@innercontinue@*/ continue; return 1; } } return 0; } /** * Add file entries to header. * @todo Should directories have %doc/%config attributes? (#14531) * @todo Remove RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES, add dirname/basename instead. * @param fl package file tree walk data * @param cpioList * @param h * @param isSrc */ /*@-bounds@*/ static void genCpioListAndHeader(/*@partial@*/ FileList fl, rpmfi * cpioList, Header h, int isSrc) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies h, *cpioList, fl->processingFailed, fl->fileList, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { int _addDotSlash = !(isSrc || rpmExpandNumeric("%{_noPayloadPrefix}")); uint_32 multiLibMask = 0; int apathlen = 0; int dpathlen = 0; int skipLen = 0; FileListRec flp; char buf[BUFSIZ]; int i; /* Sort the big list */ qsort(fl->fileList, fl->fileListRecsUsed, sizeof(*(fl->fileList)), compareFileListRecs); /* Generate the header. */ if (! isSrc) { skipLen = 1; if (fl->prefix) skipLen += strlen(fl->prefix); } for (i = 0, flp = fl->fileList; i < fl->fileListRecsUsed; i++, flp++) { char *s; /* Merge duplicate entries. */ while (i < (fl->fileListRecsUsed - 1) && !strcmp(flp->fileURL, flp[1].fileURL)) { /* Two entries for the same file found, merge the entries. */ /* Note that an %exclude is a duplication of a file reference */ /* file flags */ flp[1].flags |= flp->flags; if (!(flp[1].flags & RPMFILE_EXCLUDE)) rpmMessage(RPMMESS_WARNING, _("File listed twice: %s\n"), flp->fileURL); /* file mode */ if (S_ISDIR(flp->fl_mode)) { if ((flp[1].specdFlags & (SPECD_DIRMODE | SPECD_DEFDIRMODE)) < (flp->specdFlags & (SPECD_DIRMODE | SPECD_DEFDIRMODE))) flp[1].fl_mode = flp->fl_mode; } else { if ((flp[1].specdFlags & (SPECD_FILEMODE | SPECD_DEFFILEMODE)) < (flp->specdFlags & (SPECD_FILEMODE | SPECD_DEFFILEMODE))) flp[1].fl_mode = flp->fl_mode; } /* uid */ if ((flp[1].specdFlags & (SPECD_UID | SPECD_DEFUID)) < (flp->specdFlags & (SPECD_UID | SPECD_DEFUID))) { flp[1].fl_uid = flp->fl_uid; flp[1].uname = flp->uname; } /* gid */ if ((flp[1].specdFlags & (SPECD_GID | SPECD_DEFGID)) < (flp->specdFlags & (SPECD_GID | SPECD_DEFGID))) { flp[1].fl_gid = flp->fl_gid; flp[1].gname = flp->gname; } /* verify flags */ if ((flp[1].specdFlags & (SPECD_VERIFY | SPECD_DEFVERIFY)) < (flp->specdFlags & (SPECD_VERIFY | SPECD_DEFVERIFY))) flp[1].verifyFlags = flp->verifyFlags; /* XXX to-do: language */ flp++; i++; } /* Skip files that were marked with %exclude. */ if (flp->flags & RPMFILE_EXCLUDE) continue; /* Omit '/' and/or URL prefix, leave room for "./" prefix */ apathlen += (strlen(flp->fileURL) - skipLen + (_addDotSlash ? 3 : 1)); /* Leave room for both dirname and basename NUL's */ dpathlen += (strlen(flp->diskURL) + 2); if (flp->flags & RPMFILE_MULTILIB_MASK) multiLibMask |= (1u << ((flp->flags & RPMFILE_MULTILIB_MASK)) >> RPMFILE_MULTILIB_SHIFT); /* * Make the header, the OLDFILENAMES will get converted to a * compressed file list write before we write the actual package to * disk. */ (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES, RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, &(flp->fileURL), 1); /*@-sizeoftype@*/ if (sizeof(flp->fl_size) != sizeof(uint_32)) { uint_32 psize = (uint_32)flp->fl_size; (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILESIZES, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(psize), 1); } else { (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILESIZES, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(flp->fl_size), 1); } (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEUSERNAME, RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, &(flp->uname), 1); (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEGROUPNAME, RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, &(flp->gname), 1); if (sizeof(flp->fl_mtime) != sizeof(uint_32)) { uint_32 mtime = (uint_32)flp->fl_mtime; (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEMTIMES, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(mtime), 1); } else { (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEMTIMES, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(flp->fl_mtime), 1); } if (sizeof(flp->fl_mode) != sizeof(uint_16)) { uint_16 pmode = (uint_16)flp->fl_mode; (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEMODES, RPM_INT16_TYPE, &(pmode), 1); } else { (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEMODES, RPM_INT16_TYPE, &(flp->fl_mode), 1); } if (sizeof(flp->fl_rdev) != sizeof(uint_16)) { uint_16 prdev = (uint_16)flp->fl_rdev; (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILERDEVS, RPM_INT16_TYPE, &(prdev), 1); } else { (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILERDEVS, RPM_INT16_TYPE, &(flp->fl_rdev), 1); } if (sizeof(flp->fl_dev) != sizeof(uint_32)) { uint_32 pdevice = (uint_32)flp->fl_dev; (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEDEVICES, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(pdevice), 1); } else { (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEDEVICES, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(flp->fl_dev), 1); } if (sizeof(flp->fl_ino) != sizeof(uint_32)) { uint_32 ino = (uint_32)flp->fl_ino; (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEINODES, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(ino), 1); } else { (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEINODES, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(flp->fl_ino), 1); } /*@=sizeoftype@*/ (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILELANGS, RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, &(flp->langs), 1); /* We used to add these, but they should not be needed */ /* (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEUIDS, * RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(flp->fl_uid), 1); * (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEGIDS, * RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(flp->fl_gid), 1); */ buf[0] = '\0'; if (S_ISREG(flp->fl_mode)) (void) domd5(flp->diskURL, buf, 1, NULL); s = buf; (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEMD5S, RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, &s, 1); buf[0] = '\0'; if (S_ISLNK(flp->fl_mode)) { buf[Readlink(flp->diskURL, buf, BUFSIZ)] = '\0'; if (fl->buildRootURL) { const char * buildRoot; (void) urlPath(fl->buildRootURL, &buildRoot); if (buf[0] == '/' && strcmp(buildRoot, "/") && !strncmp(buf, buildRoot, strlen(buildRoot))) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Symlink points to BuildRoot: %s -> %s\n"), flp->fileURL, buf); fl->processingFailed = 1; } } } s = buf; (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILELINKTOS, RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, &s, 1); if (flp->flags & RPMFILE_GHOST) { flp->verifyFlags &= ~(RPMVERIFY_MD5 | RPMVERIFY_FILESIZE | RPMVERIFY_LINKTO | RPMVERIFY_MTIME); } (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEVERIFYFLAGS, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(flp->verifyFlags), 1); if (!isSrc && isDoc(fl, flp->fileURL)) flp->flags |= RPMFILE_DOC; /* XXX Should directories have %doc/%config attributes? (#14531) */ if (S_ISDIR(flp->fl_mode)) flp->flags &= ~(RPMFILE_CONFIG|RPMFILE_DOC); (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(flp->flags), 1); } (void) headerAddEntry(h, RPMTAG_SIZE, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &(fl->totalFileSize), 1); /* XXX This should be added always so that packages look alike. * XXX However, there is logic in files.c/depends.c that checks for * XXX existence (rather than value) that will need to change as well. */ if (multiLibMask) (void) headerAddEntry(h, RPMTAG_MULTILIBS, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &multiLibMask, 1); if (_addDotSlash) (void) rpmlibNeedsFeature(h, "PayloadFilesHavePrefix", "4.0-1"); /* Choose how filenames are represented. */ if (_noDirTokens) expandFilelist(h); else { compressFilelist(h); /* Binary packages with dirNames cannot be installed by legacy rpm. */ (void) rpmlibNeedsFeature(h, "CompressedFileNames", "3.0.4-1"); } { rpmfi fi = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*fi)); int scareMem = 1; char * a, * d; /* XXX FIXME drill rpmts ts all the way down here */ /*@i@*/ fi->te = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*fi->te)); /*@i@*/ fi->te->type = TR_ADDED; fi = rpmfiNew(NULL, fi, h, RPMTAG_BASENAMES, scareMem); if (fi == NULL) return; /* XXX can't happen */ fi->dnl = _free(fi->dnl); fi->bnl = _free(fi->bnl); fi->dnl = xmalloc(fi->fc * sizeof(*fi->dnl) + dpathlen); d = (char *)(fi->dnl + fi->fc); *d = '\0'; fi->bnl = xmalloc(fi->fc * (sizeof(*fi->bnl) + sizeof(*fi->dil))); /*@-dependenttrans@*/ /* FIX: artifact of spoofing headerGetEntry */ fi->dil = (int *)(fi->bnl + fi->fc); /*@=dependenttrans@*/ fi->apath = xmalloc(fi->fc * sizeof(*fi->apath) + apathlen); a = (char *)(fi->apath + fi->fc); *a = '\0'; fi->actions = xcalloc(sizeof(*fi->actions), fi->fc); fi->fmapflags = xcalloc(sizeof(*fi->fmapflags), fi->fc); fi->astriplen = 0; if (fl->buildRootURL) fi->astriplen = strlen(fl->buildRootURL); fi->striplen = 0; fi->fuser = NULL; fi->fuids = xcalloc(sizeof(*fi->fuids), fi->fc); fi->fgroup = NULL; fi->fgids = xcalloc(sizeof(*fi->fgids), fi->fc); /* Make the cpio list */ for (i = 0, flp = fl->fileList; i < fi->fc; i++, flp++) { char * b; /* Skip (possible) duplicate file entries, use last entry info. */ while (((flp - fl->fileList) < (fl->fileListRecsUsed - 1)) && !strcmp(flp->fileURL, flp[1].fileURL)) flp++; if (flp->flags & RPMFILE_EXCLUDE) { i--; continue; } /* Create disk directory and base name. */ fi->dil[i] = i; /*@-dependenttrans@*/ /* FIX: artifact of spoofing headerGetEntry */ fi->dnl[fi->dil[i]] = d; /*@=dependenttrans@*/ #ifdef IA64_SUCKS_ROCKS (void) stpcpy(d, flp->diskURL); d += strlen(d); #else d = stpcpy(d, flp->diskURL); #endif /* Make room for the dirName NUL, find start of baseName. */ for (b = d; b > fi->dnl[fi->dil[i]] && *b != '/'; b--) b[1] = b[0]; b++; /* dirname's end in '/' */ *b++ = '\0'; /* terminate dirname, b points to basename */ fi->bnl[i] = b; d += 2; /* skip both dirname and basename NUL's */ /* Create archive path, normally adding "./" */ /*@-dependenttrans@*/ /* FIX: xstrdup? nah ... */ fi->apath[i] = a; /*@=dependenttrans@*/ if (_addDotSlash) { #ifdef IA64_SUCKS_ROCKS (void) stpcpy(a, "./"); a += strlen(a); #else a = stpcpy(a, "./"); #endif } #ifdef IA64_SUCKS_ROCKS (void) stpcpy(a, (flp->fileURL + skipLen)); a += strlen(a); #else a = stpcpy(a, (flp->fileURL + skipLen)); #endif a++; /* skip apath NUL */ if (flp->flags & RPMFILE_GHOST) { fi->actions[i] = FA_SKIP; continue; } fi->actions[i] = FA_COPYOUT; fi->fuids[i] = getUidS(flp->uname); fi->fgids[i] = getGidS(flp->gname); if (fi->fuids[i] == (uid_t)-1) fi->fuids[i] = 0; if (fi->fgids[i] == (gid_t)-1) fi->fgids[i] = 0; fi->fmapflags[i] = CPIO_MAP_PATH | CPIO_MAP_TYPE | CPIO_MAP_MODE | CPIO_MAP_UID | CPIO_MAP_GID; if (isSrc) fi->fmapflags[i] |= CPIO_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS; if (flp->flags & RPMFILE_MULTILIB_MASK) fi->fmapflags[i] |= CPIO_MULTILIB; } /*@-branchstate@*/ if (cpioList) *cpioList = fi; else fi = _free(fi); /*@=branchstate@*/ } } /*@=bounds@*/ /** */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static /*@null@*/ FileListRec freeFileList(/*@only@*/ FileListRec fileList, int count) /*@*/ { while (count--) { fileList[count].diskURL = _free(fileList[count].diskURL); fileList[count].fileURL = _free(fileList[count].fileURL); fileList[count].langs = _free(fileList[count].langs); } fileList = _free(fileList); return NULL; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /** * Add a file to the package manifest. * @param fl package file tree walk data * @param diskURL path to file * @param statp file stat (possibly NULL) * @return 0 on success */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static int addFile(FileList fl, const char * diskURL, /*@null@*/ struct stat * statp) /*@globals check_fileList, check_fileListLen, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies *statp, *fl, fl->processingFailed, fl->fileList, fl->fileListRecsAlloced, fl->fileListRecsUsed, fl->totalFileSize, fl->fileCount, fl->inFtw, fl->isDir, check_fileList, check_fileListLen, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { const char *fileURL = diskURL; struct stat statbuf; mode_t fileMode; uid_t fileUid; gid_t fileGid; const char *fileUname; const char *fileGname; char *lang; /* Path may have prepended buildRootURL, so locate the original filename. */ /* * XXX There are 3 types of entry into addFile: * * From diskUrl statp * ===================================================== * processBinaryFile path NULL * processBinaryFile glob result path NULL * myftw path stat * */ { const char *fileName; (void) urlPath(fileURL, &fileName); if (fl->buildRootURL && strcmp(fl->buildRootURL, "/")) fileURL += strlen(fl->buildRootURL); } /* XXX make sure '/' can be packaged also */ /*@-branchstate@*/ if (*fileURL == '\0') fileURL = "/"; /*@=branchstate@*/ /* If we are using a prefix, validate the file */ if (!fl->inFtw && fl->prefix) { const char *prefixTest; const char *prefixPtr = fl->prefix; (void) urlPath(fileURL, &prefixTest); while (*prefixPtr && *prefixTest && (*prefixTest == *prefixPtr)) { prefixPtr++; prefixTest++; } if (*prefixPtr || (*prefixTest && *prefixTest != '/')) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("File doesn't match prefix (%s): %s\n"), fl->prefix, fileURL); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } } if (statp == NULL) { statp = &statbuf; memset(statp, 0, sizeof(*statp)); if (fl->devtype) { time_t now = time(NULL); /* XXX hack up a stat structure for a %dev(...) directive. */ statp->st_nlink = 1; statp->st_rdev = ((fl->devmajor & 0xff) << 8) | (fl->devminor & 0xff); statp->st_dev = statp->st_rdev; statp->st_mode = (fl->devtype == 'b' ? S_IFBLK : S_IFCHR); statp->st_mode |= (fl->cur_ar.ar_fmode & 0777); statp->st_atime = now; statp->st_mtime = now; statp->st_ctime = now; } else if (Lstat(diskURL, statp)) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("File not found: %s\n"), diskURL); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } } if ((! fl->isDir) && S_ISDIR(statp->st_mode)) { /* We use our own ftw() call, because ftw() uses stat() */ /* instead of lstat(), which causes it to follow symlinks! */ /* It also has better callback support. */ fl->inFtw = 1; /* Flag to indicate file has buildRootURL prefixed */ fl->isDir = 1; /* Keep it from following myftw() again */ (void) myftw(diskURL, 16, (myftwFunc) addFile, fl); fl->isDir = 0; fl->inFtw = 0; return 0; } fileMode = statp->st_mode; fileUid = statp->st_uid; fileGid = statp->st_gid; if (S_ISDIR(fileMode) && fl->cur_ar.ar_dmodestr) { fileMode &= S_IFMT; fileMode |= fl->cur_ar.ar_dmode; } else if (fl->cur_ar.ar_fmodestr != NULL) { fileMode &= S_IFMT; fileMode |= fl->cur_ar.ar_fmode; } if (fl->cur_ar.ar_user) { fileUname = getUnameS(fl->cur_ar.ar_user); } else { fileUname = getUname(fileUid); } if (fl->cur_ar.ar_group) { fileGname = getGnameS(fl->cur_ar.ar_group); } else { fileGname = getGname(fileGid); } #if 0 /* XXX this looks dumb to me */ if (! (fileUname && fileGname)) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Bad owner/group: %s\n"), diskName); fl->processingFailed = 1; return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } #else /* Default user/group to builder's user/group */ if (fileUname == NULL) fileUname = getUname(getuid()); if (fileGname == NULL) fileGname = getGname(getgid()); #endif #ifdef DYING /* XXX duplicates with %exclude, use psm.c output instead. */ rpmMessage(RPMMESS_DEBUG, _("File%5d: %07o %s.%s\t %s\n"), fl->fileCount, (unsigned)fileMode, fileUname, fileGname, fileURL); #endif /* S_XXX macro must be consistent with type in find call at check-files script */ if (check_fileList && S_ISREG(fileMode)) { appendStringBuf(check_fileList, diskURL); appendStringBuf(check_fileList, "\n"); check_fileListLen += strlen(diskURL) + 1; } /* Add to the file list */ if (fl->fileListRecsUsed == fl->fileListRecsAlloced) { fl->fileListRecsAlloced += 128; fl->fileList = xrealloc(fl->fileList, fl->fileListRecsAlloced * sizeof(*(fl->fileList))); } { FileListRec flp = &fl->fileList[fl->fileListRecsUsed]; int i; flp->fl_st = *statp; /* structure assignment */ flp->fl_mode = fileMode; flp->fl_uid = fileUid; flp->fl_gid = fileGid; flp->fileURL = xstrdup(fileURL); flp->diskURL = xstrdup(diskURL); flp->uname = fileUname; flp->gname = fileGname; if (fl->currentLangs && fl->nLangs > 0) { char * ncl; size_t nl = 0; for (i = 0; i < fl->nLangs; i++) nl += strlen(fl->currentLangs[i]) + 1; flp->langs = ncl = xmalloc(nl); for (i = 0; i < fl->nLangs; i++) { const char *ocl; if (i) *ncl++ = '|'; for (ocl = fl->currentLangs[i]; *ocl != '\0'; ocl++) *ncl++ = *ocl; *ncl = '\0'; } } else if (! parseForRegexLang(fileURL, &lang)) { flp->langs = xstrdup(lang); } else { flp->langs = xstrdup(""); } flp->flags = fl->currentFlags; flp->specdFlags = fl->currentSpecdFlags; flp->verifyFlags = fl->currentVerifyFlags; if (multiLib && !(flp->flags & RPMFILE_MULTILIB_MASK) && !parseForRegexMultiLib(fileURL)) flp->flags |= multiLib; /* Hard links need be counted only once. */ if (S_ISREG(flp->fl_mode) && flp->fl_nlink > 1) { FileListRec ilp; for (i = 0; i < fl->fileListRecsUsed; i++) { ilp = fl->fileList + i; if (!S_ISREG(ilp->fl_mode)) continue; if (flp->fl_nlink != ilp->fl_nlink) continue; if (flp->fl_ino != ilp->fl_ino) continue; if (flp->fl_dev != ilp->fl_dev) continue; break; } } else i = fl->fileListRecsUsed; if (S_ISREG(flp->fl_mode) && i >= fl->fileListRecsUsed) fl->totalFileSize += flp->fl_size; } fl->fileListRecsUsed++; fl->fileCount++; return 0; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /** * Add a file to a binary package. * @param pkg * @param fl package file tree walk data * @param fileURL * @return 0 on success */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static int processBinaryFile(/*@unused@*/ Package pkg, FileList fl, const char * fileURL) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies *fl, fl->processingFailed, fl->fileList, fl->fileListRecsAlloced, fl->fileListRecsUsed, fl->totalFileSize, fl->fileCount, fl->inFtw, fl->isDir, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { int doGlob; const char *diskURL = NULL; int rc = 0; doGlob = myGlobPatternP(fileURL); /* Check that file starts with leading "/" */ { const char * fileName; (void) urlPath(fileURL, &fileName); if (*fileName != '/') { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("File needs leading \"/\": %s\n"), fileName); rc = 1; goto exit; } } /* Copy file name or glob pattern removing multiple "/" chars. */ /* * Note: rpmGetPath should guarantee a "canonical" path. That means * that the following pathologies should be weeded out: * //bin//sh * //usr//bin/ * /.././../usr/../bin//./sh */ diskURL = rpmGenPath(fl->buildRootURL, NULL, fileURL); if (doGlob) { const char ** argv = NULL; int argc = 0; int i; if (fl->noGlob) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Glob not permitted: %s\n"), diskURL); rc = 1; goto exit; } /*@-branchstate@*/ rc = rpmGlob(diskURL, &argc, &argv); if (rc == 0 && argc >= 1 && !myGlobPatternP(argv[0])) { for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { rc = addFile(fl, argv[i], NULL); argv[i] = _free(argv[i]); } argv = _free(argv); } else { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("File not found by glob: %s\n"), diskURL); rc = 1; } /*@=branchstate@*/ } else { rc = addFile(fl, diskURL, NULL); } exit: diskURL = _free(diskURL); if (rc) fl->processingFailed = 1; return rc; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /** */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static int processPackageFiles(Spec spec, Package pkg, int installSpecialDoc, int test) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState@*/ /*@modifies spec->macros, pkg->cpioList, pkg->fileList, pkg->specialDoc, pkg->header, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { HGE_t hge = (HGE_t)headerGetEntryMinMemory; struct FileList_s fl; char *s, **files, **fp; const char *fileName; char buf[BUFSIZ]; struct AttrRec_s arbuf; AttrRec specialDocAttrRec = &arbuf; char *specialDoc = NULL; #ifdef MULTILIB multiLib = rpmExpandNumeric("%{_multilibno}"); if (multiLib) multiLib = RPMFILE_MULTILIB(multiLib); #endif /* MULTILIB */ nullAttrRec(specialDocAttrRec); pkg->cpioList = NULL; if (pkg->fileFile) { const char *ffn; FILE * f; FD_t fd; /* XXX W2DO? urlPath might be useful here. */ if (*pkg->fileFile == '/') { ffn = rpmGetPath(pkg->fileFile, NULL); } else { /* XXX FIXME: add %{_buildsubdir} */ ffn = rpmGetPath("%{_builddir}/", (spec->buildSubdir ? spec->buildSubdir : "") , "/", pkg->fileFile, NULL); } fd = Fopen(ffn, "r.fpio"); if (fd == NULL || Ferror(fd)) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADFILENAME, _("Could not open %%files file %s: %s\n"), ffn, Fstrerror(fd)); return RPMERR_BADFILENAME; } ffn = _free(ffn); /*@+voidabstract@*/ f = fdGetFp(fd); /*@=voidabstract@*/ if (f != NULL) while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { handleComments(buf); if (expandMacros(spec, spec->macros, buf, sizeof(buf))) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("line: %s\n"), buf); return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } appendStringBuf(pkg->fileList, buf); } (void) Fclose(fd); } /* Init the file list structure */ memset(&fl, 0, sizeof(fl)); /* XXX spec->buildRootURL == NULL, then xstrdup("") is returned */ fl.buildRootURL = rpmGenPath(spec->rootURL, spec->buildRootURL, NULL); if (hge(pkg->header, RPMTAG_DEFAULTPREFIX, NULL, (void **)&fl.prefix, NULL)) fl.prefix = xstrdup(fl.prefix); else fl.prefix = NULL; fl.fileCount = 0; fl.totalFileSize = 0; fl.processingFailed = 0; fl.passedSpecialDoc = 0; fl.isSpecialDoc = 0; fl.isDir = 0; fl.inFtw = 0; fl.currentFlags = 0; fl.currentVerifyFlags = 0; fl.noGlob = 0; fl.devtype = 0; fl.devmajor = 0; fl.devminor = 0; nullAttrRec(&fl.cur_ar); nullAttrRec(&fl.def_ar); fl.defVerifyFlags = RPMVERIFY_ALL; fl.nLangs = 0; fl.currentLangs = NULL; fl.currentSpecdFlags = 0; fl.defSpecdFlags = 0; fl.docDirCount = 0; fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount++] = xstrdup("/usr/doc"); fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount++] = xstrdup("/usr/man"); fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount++] = xstrdup("/usr/info"); fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount++] = xstrdup("/usr/X11R6/man"); fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount++] = xstrdup("/usr/share/doc"); fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount++] = xstrdup("/usr/share/man"); fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount++] = xstrdup("/usr/share/info"); fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount++] = rpmGetPath("%{_docdir}", NULL); fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount++] = rpmGetPath("%{_mandir}", NULL); fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount++] = rpmGetPath("%{_infodir}", NULL); fl.fileList = NULL; fl.fileListRecsAlloced = 0; fl.fileListRecsUsed = 0; s = getStringBuf(pkg->fileList); files = splitString(s, strlen(s), '\n'); for (fp = files; *fp != NULL; fp++) { s = *fp; SKIPSPACE(s); if (*s == '\0') continue; fileName = NULL; /*@-nullpass@*/ /* LCL: buf is NULL ?!? */ strcpy(buf, s); /*@=nullpass@*/ /* Reset for a new line in %files */ fl.isDir = 0; fl.inFtw = 0; fl.currentFlags = 0; /* turn explicit flags into %def'd ones (gosh this is hacky...) */ fl.currentSpecdFlags = ((unsigned)fl.defSpecdFlags) >> 8; fl.currentVerifyFlags = fl.defVerifyFlags; fl.isSpecialDoc = 0; fl.noGlob = 0; fl.devtype = 0; fl.devmajor = 0; fl.devminor = 0; /* XXX should reset to %deflang value */ if (fl.currentLangs) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fl.nLangs; i++) /*@-unqualifiedtrans@*/ fl.currentLangs[i] = _free(fl.currentLangs[i]); /*@=unqualifiedtrans@*/ fl.currentLangs = _free(fl.currentLangs); } fl.nLangs = 0; dupAttrRec(&fl.def_ar, &fl.cur_ar); /*@-nullpass@*/ /* LCL: buf is NULL ?!? */ if (parseForVerify(buf, &fl)) continue; if (parseForAttr(buf, &fl)) continue; if (parseForDev(buf, &fl)) continue; if (parseForConfig(buf, &fl)) continue; if (parseForLang(buf, &fl)) continue; /*@-nullstate@*/ /* FIX: pkg->fileFile might be NULL */ if (parseForSimple(spec, pkg, buf, &fl, &fileName)) /*@=nullstate@*/ continue; /*@=nullpass@*/ if (fileName == NULL) continue; /*@-branchstate@*/ if (fl.isSpecialDoc) { /* Save this stuff for last */ specialDoc = _free(specialDoc); specialDoc = xstrdup(fileName); dupAttrRec(&fl.cur_ar, specialDocAttrRec); } else { /*@-nullstate@*/ /* FIX: pkg->fileFile might be NULL */ (void) processBinaryFile(pkg, &fl, fileName); /*@=nullstate@*/ } /*@=branchstate@*/ } /* Now process special doc, if there is one */ if (specialDoc) { if (installSpecialDoc) { static int _missing_doc_files_terminate_build = 0; static int oneshot = 0; int rc; if (!oneshot) { _missing_doc_files_terminate_build = rpmExpandNumeric("%{?_missing_doc_files_terminate_build}"); oneshot = 1; } rc = doScript(spec, RPMBUILD_STRINGBUF, "%doc", pkg->specialDoc, test); if (rc && _missing_doc_files_terminate_build) fl.processingFailed = rc; } /* Reset for %doc */ fl.isDir = 0; fl.inFtw = 0; fl.currentFlags = 0; fl.currentVerifyFlags = 0; fl.noGlob = 0; fl.devtype = 0; fl.devmajor = 0; fl.devminor = 0; /* XXX should reset to %deflang value */ if (fl.currentLangs) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fl.nLangs; i++) /*@-unqualifiedtrans@*/ fl.currentLangs[i] = _free(fl.currentLangs[i]); /*@=unqualifiedtrans@*/ fl.currentLangs = _free(fl.currentLangs); } fl.nLangs = 0; dupAttrRec(specialDocAttrRec, &fl.cur_ar); freeAttrRec(specialDocAttrRec); /*@-nullstate@*/ /* FIX: pkg->fileFile might be NULL */ (void) processBinaryFile(pkg, &fl, specialDoc); /*@=nullstate@*/ specialDoc = _free(specialDoc); } freeSplitString(files); if (fl.processingFailed) goto exit; /* Verify that file attributes scope over hardlinks correctly. */ if (checkHardLinks(&fl)) (void) rpmlibNeedsFeature(pkg->header, "PartialHardlinkSets", "4.0.4-1"); genCpioListAndHeader(&fl, (rpmfi *)&pkg->cpioList, pkg->header, 0); if (spec->timeCheck) timeCheck(spec->timeCheck, pkg->header); exit: fl.buildRootURL = _free(fl.buildRootURL); fl.prefix = _free(fl.prefix); freeAttrRec(&fl.cur_ar); freeAttrRec(&fl.def_ar); if (fl.currentLangs) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fl.nLangs; i++) /*@-unqualifiedtrans@*/ fl.currentLangs[i] = _free(fl.currentLangs[i]); /*@=unqualifiedtrans@*/ fl.currentLangs = _free(fl.currentLangs); } fl.fileList = freeFileList(fl.fileList, fl.fileListRecsUsed); while (fl.docDirCount--) fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount] = _free(fl.docDirs[fl.docDirCount]); return fl.processingFailed; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ void initSourceHeader(Spec spec) { HeaderIterator hi; int_32 tag, type, count; const void * ptr; spec->sourceHeader = headerNew(); /* Only specific tags are added to the source package header */ /*@-branchstate@*/ for (hi = headerInitIterator(spec->packages->header); headerNextIterator(hi, &tag, &type, &ptr, &count); ptr = headerFreeData(ptr, type)) { switch (tag) { case RPMTAG_NAME: case RPMTAG_VERSION: case RPMTAG_RELEASE: case RPMTAG_EPOCH: case RPMTAG_SUMMARY: case RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION: case RPMTAG_PACKAGER: case RPMTAG_DISTRIBUTION: case RPMTAG_DISTURL: case RPMTAG_VENDOR: case RPMTAG_LICENSE: case RPMTAG_GROUP: case RPMTAG_OS: case RPMTAG_ARCH: case RPMTAG_CHANGELOGTIME: case RPMTAG_CHANGELOGNAME: case RPMTAG_CHANGELOGTEXT: case RPMTAG_URL: case HEADER_I18NTABLE: if (ptr) (void)headerAddEntry(spec->sourceHeader, tag, type, ptr, count); /*@switchbreak@*/ break; default: /* do not copy */ /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } } hi = headerFreeIterator(hi); /*@=branchstate@*/ /* Add the build restrictions */ /*@-branchstate@*/ for (hi = headerInitIterator(spec->buildRestrictions); headerNextIterator(hi, &tag, &type, &ptr, &count); ptr = headerFreeData(ptr, type)) { if (ptr) (void) headerAddEntry(spec->sourceHeader, tag, type, ptr, count); } hi = headerFreeIterator(hi); /*@=branchstate@*/ if (spec->BANames && spec->BACount > 0) { (void) headerAddEntry(spec->sourceHeader, RPMTAG_BUILDARCHS, RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, spec->BANames, spec->BACount); } } int processSourceFiles(Spec spec) { struct Source *srcPtr; StringBuf sourceFiles; int x, isSpec = 1; struct FileList_s fl; char *s, **files, **fp; Package pkg; sourceFiles = newStringBuf(); /* XXX * XXX This is where the source header for noarch packages needs * XXX to be initialized. */ if (spec->sourceHeader == NULL) initSourceHeader(spec); /* Construct the file list and source entries */ appendLineStringBuf(sourceFiles, spec->specFile); if (spec->sourceHeader != NULL) for (srcPtr = spec->sources; srcPtr != NULL; srcPtr = srcPtr->next) { if (srcPtr->flags & RPMBUILD_ISSOURCE) { (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(spec->sourceHeader, RPMTAG_SOURCE, RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, &srcPtr->source, 1); if (srcPtr->flags & RPMBUILD_ISNO) { (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(spec->sourceHeader, RPMTAG_NOSOURCE, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &srcPtr->num, 1); } } if (srcPtr->flags & RPMBUILD_ISPATCH) { (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(spec->sourceHeader, RPMTAG_PATCH, RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, &srcPtr->source, 1); if (srcPtr->flags & RPMBUILD_ISNO) { (void) headerAddOrAppendEntry(spec->sourceHeader, RPMTAG_NOPATCH, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &srcPtr->num, 1); } } { const char * sfn; sfn = rpmGetPath( ((srcPtr->flags & RPMBUILD_ISNO) ? "!" : ""), "%{_sourcedir}/", srcPtr->source, NULL); appendLineStringBuf(sourceFiles, sfn); sfn = _free(sfn); } } for (pkg = spec->packages; pkg != NULL; pkg = pkg->next) { for (srcPtr = pkg->icon; srcPtr != NULL; srcPtr = srcPtr->next) { const char * sfn; sfn = rpmGetPath( ((srcPtr->flags & RPMBUILD_ISNO) ? "!" : ""), "%{_sourcedir}/", srcPtr->source, NULL); appendLineStringBuf(sourceFiles, sfn); sfn = _free(sfn); } } spec->sourceCpioList = NULL; fl.fileList = xcalloc((spec->numSources + 1), sizeof(*fl.fileList)); fl.processingFailed = 0; fl.fileListRecsUsed = 0; fl.totalFileSize = 0; fl.prefix = NULL; fl.buildRootURL = NULL; s = getStringBuf(sourceFiles); files = splitString(s, strlen(s), '\n'); /* The first source file is the spec file */ x = 0; for (fp = files; *fp != NULL; fp++) { const char * diskURL, *diskPath; FileListRec flp; diskURL = *fp; SKIPSPACE(diskURL); if (! *diskURL) continue; flp = &fl.fileList[x]; flp->flags = isSpec ? RPMFILE_SPECFILE : 0; /* files with leading ! are no source files */ if (*diskURL == '!') { flp->flags |= RPMFILE_GHOST; diskURL++; } (void) urlPath(diskURL, &diskPath); flp->diskURL = xstrdup(diskURL); diskPath = strrchr(diskPath, '/'); if (diskPath) diskPath++; else diskPath = diskURL; flp->fileURL = xstrdup(diskPath); flp->verifyFlags = RPMVERIFY_ALL; if (Stat(diskURL, &flp->fl_st)) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Bad file: %s: %s\n"), diskURL, strerror(errno)); fl.processingFailed = 1; } flp->uname = getUname(flp->fl_uid); flp->gname = getGname(flp->fl_gid); flp->langs = xstrdup(""); fl.totalFileSize += flp->fl_size; if (! (flp->uname && flp->gname)) { rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Bad owner/group: %s\n"), diskURL); fl.processingFailed = 1; } isSpec = 0; x++; } fl.fileListRecsUsed = x; freeSplitString(files); if (! fl.processingFailed) { if (spec->sourceHeader != NULL) genCpioListAndHeader(&fl, (rpmfi *)&spec->sourceCpioList, spec->sourceHeader, 1); } sourceFiles = freeStringBuf(sourceFiles); fl.fileList = freeFileList(fl.fileList, fl.fileListRecsUsed); return fl.processingFailed; } /** */ /*@-boundswrite@*/ static StringBuf getOutputFrom(char * dir, char * argv[], const char * writePtr, int writeBytesLeft, int failNonZero) /*@globals fileSystem, internalState@*/ /*@modifies fileSystem, internalState@*/ { int progPID; int toProg[2]; int fromProg[2]; int status; void *oldhandler; StringBuf readBuff; int done; /*@-type@*/ /* FIX: cast? */ oldhandler = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /*@=type@*/ toProg[0] = toProg[1] = 0; (void) pipe(toProg); fromProg[0] = fromProg[1] = 0; (void) pipe(fromProg); if (!(progPID = fork())) { (void) close(toProg[1]); (void) close(fromProg[0]); (void) dup2(toProg[0], STDIN_FILENO); /* Make stdin the in pipe */ (void) dup2(fromProg[1], STDOUT_FILENO); /* Make stdout the out pipe */ (void) close(toProg[0]); (void) close(fromProg[1]); if (dir) { (void) chdir(dir); } (void) execvp(argv[0], argv); /* XXX this error message is probably not seen. */ rpmError(RPMERR_EXEC, _("Couldn't exec %s: %s\n"), argv[0], strerror(errno)); _exit(RPMERR_EXEC); } if (progPID < 0) { rpmError(RPMERR_FORK, _("Couldn't fork %s: %s\n"), argv[0], strerror(errno)); return NULL; } (void) close(toProg[0]); (void) close(fromProg[1]); /* Do not block reading or writing from/to prog. */ (void) fcntl(fromProg[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); (void) fcntl(toProg[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); readBuff = newStringBuf(); do { fd_set ibits, obits; struct timeval tv; int nfd, nbw, nbr; int rc; done = 0; top: /* XXX the select is mainly a timer since all I/O is non-blocking */ FD_ZERO(&ibits); FD_ZERO(&obits); if (fromProg[0] >= 0) { FD_SET(fromProg[0], &ibits); } if (toProg[1] >= 0) { FD_SET(toProg[1], &obits); } tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; nfd = ((fromProg[0] > toProg[1]) ? fromProg[0] : toProg[1]); if ((rc = select(nfd, &ibits, &obits, NULL, &tv)) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) goto top; break; } /* Write any data to program */ if (toProg[1] >= 0 && FD_ISSET(toProg[1], &obits)) { if (writeBytesLeft) { if ((nbw = write(toProg[1], writePtr, (1024= 0) { /* close write fd */ (void) close(toProg[1]); toProg[1] = -1; } } /* Read any data from prog */ { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; while ((nbr = read(fromProg[0], buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) > 0) { buf[nbr] = '\0'; appendStringBuf(readBuff, buf); } } /* terminate on (non-blocking) EOF or error */ done = (nbr == 0 || (nbr < 0 && errno != EAGAIN)); } while (!done); /* Clean up */ if (toProg[1] >= 0) (void) close(toProg[1]); if (fromProg[0] >= 0) (void) close(fromProg[0]); /*@-type@*/ /* FIX: cast? */ (void) signal(SIGPIPE, oldhandler); /*@=type@*/ /* Collect status from prog */ (void)waitpid(progPID, &status, 0); if (failNonZero && (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status))) { rpmError(RPMERR_EXEC, _("%s failed\n"), argv[0]); return NULL; } if (writeBytesLeft) { rpmError(RPMERR_EXEC, _("failed to write all data to %s\n"), argv[0]); return NULL; } return readBuff; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /** */ typedef struct { /*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ const char * msg; /*@observer@*/ const char * argv[4]; rpmTag ntag; rpmTag vtag; rpmTag ftag; int mask; int xor; } DepMsg_t; /** */ /*@-exportlocal -exportheadervar@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ DepMsg_t depMsgs[] = { { "Provides", { "%{__find_provides}", NULL, NULL, NULL }, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME, RPMTAG_PROVIDEVERSION, RPMTAG_PROVIDEFLAGS, 0, -1 }, { "PreReq", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME, RPMTAG_REQUIREVERSION, RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS, RPMSENSE_PREREQ, 0 }, { "Requires(interp)", { NULL, "interp", NULL, NULL }, -1, -1, RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS, _notpre(RPMSENSE_INTERP), 0 }, { "Requires(rpmlib)", { NULL, "rpmlib", NULL, NULL }, -1, -1, RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS, _notpre(RPMSENSE_RPMLIB), 0 }, { "Requires(verify)", { NULL, "verify", NULL, NULL }, -1, -1, RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS, RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_VERIFY, 0 }, { "Requires(pre)", { NULL, "pre", NULL, NULL }, -1, -1, RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS, _notpre(RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_PRE), 0 }, { "Requires(post)", { NULL, "post", NULL, NULL }, -1, -1, RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS, _notpre(RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_POST), 0 }, { "Requires(preun)", { NULL, "preun", NULL, NULL }, -1, -1, RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS, _notpre(RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_PREUN), 0 }, { "Requires(postun)", { NULL, "postun", NULL, NULL }, -1, -1, RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS, _notpre(RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_POSTUN), 0 }, { "Requires", { "%{__find_requires}", NULL, NULL, NULL }, -1, -1, RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS, /* XXX inherit name/version arrays */ RPMSENSE_PREREQ, RPMSENSE_PREREQ }, { "Conflicts", { "%{__find_conflicts}", NULL, NULL, NULL }, RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME, RPMTAG_CONFLICTVERSION, RPMTAG_CONFLICTFLAGS, 0, -1 }, { "Obsoletes", { "%{__find_obsoletes}", NULL, NULL, NULL }, RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME, RPMTAG_OBSOLETEVERSION, RPMTAG_OBSOLETEFLAGS, 0, -1 }, { NULL, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; /*@=exportlocal =exportheadervar@*/ /** */ /*@-bounds@*/ static int generateDepends(Spec spec, Package pkg, rpmfi cpioList, int multiLib) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies cpioList, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { rpmfi fi = cpioList; StringBuf writeBuf; int writeBytes; StringBuf readBuf; DepMsg_t *dm; char ** myargv; int failnonzero = 0; int rc = 0; int ac; int i; myargv = xcalloc(5, sizeof(*myargv)); if (!(fi && fi->fc > 0)) return 0; if (! (pkg->autoReq || pkg->autoProv)) return 0; writeBuf = newStringBuf(); for (i = 0, writeBytes = 0; i < fi->fc; i++) { if (fi->fmapflags && multiLib == 2) { if (!(fi->fmapflags[i] & CPIO_MULTILIB)) continue; fi->fmapflags[i] &= ~CPIO_MULTILIB; } appendStringBuf(writeBuf, fi->dnl[fi->dil[i]]); writeBytes += strlen(fi->dnl[fi->dil[i]]); appendLineStringBuf(writeBuf, fi->bnl[i]); writeBytes += strlen(fi->bnl[i]) + 1; } for (dm = depMsgs; dm->msg != NULL; dm++) { int tag, tagflags; char * s; tag = (dm->ftag > 0) ? dm->ftag : dm->ntag; tagflags = 0; s = NULL; switch(tag) { case RPMTAG_PROVIDEFLAGS: if (!pkg->autoProv) continue; failnonzero = 1; tagflags = RPMSENSE_FIND_PROVIDES; /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS: if (!pkg->autoReq) continue; failnonzero = 0; tagflags = RPMSENSE_FIND_REQUIRES; /*@switchbreak@*/ break; default: continue; /*@notreached@*/ /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } /* Get the script name (and possible args) to run */ /*@-branchstate@*/ if (dm->argv[0] != NULL) { const char ** av; /*@-nullderef@*/ /* FIX: double indirection. @*/ s = rpmExpand(dm->argv[0], NULL); /*@=nullderef@*/ if (!(s != NULL && *s != '%' && *s != '\0')) { s = _free(s); continue; } if (!(i = poptParseArgvString(s, &ac, (const char ***)&av)) && ac > 0 && av != NULL) { myargv = xrealloc(myargv, (ac + 5) * sizeof(*myargv)); for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) myargv[i] = xstrdup(av[i]); } av = _free(av); } /*@=branchstate@*/ if (myargv[0] == NULL) continue; rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, _("Finding %s: %s\n"), dm->msg, (s ? s : "")); s = _free(s); #if 0 if (*myargv[0] != '/') { /* XXX FIXME: stat script here */ myargv[0] = _free(myargv[0]); continue; } #endif /* Expand rest of script arguments (if any) */ for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (dm->argv[i] == NULL) /*@innerbreak@*/ break; /*@-nullderef@*/ /* FIX: double indirection. @*/ myargv[ac++] = rpmExpand(dm->argv[i], NULL); /*@=nullderef@*/ } myargv[ac] = NULL; readBuf = getOutputFrom(NULL, myargv, getStringBuf(writeBuf), writeBytes, failnonzero); /* Free expanded args */ for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) myargv[i] = _free(myargv[i]); if (readBuf == NULL) { rc = RPMERR_EXEC; rpmError(rc, _("Failed to find %s:\n"), dm->msg); break; } /* Parse dependencies into header */ tagflags &= ~RPMSENSE_MULTILIB; if (multiLib > 1) tagflags |= RPMSENSE_MULTILIB; else tagflags &= ~RPMSENSE_MULTILIB; rc = parseRCPOT(spec, pkg, getStringBuf(readBuf), tag, 0, tagflags); readBuf = freeStringBuf(readBuf); if (rc) { rpmError(rc, _("Failed to find %s:\n"), dm->msg); break; } } writeBuf = freeStringBuf(writeBuf); myargv = _free(myargv); return rc; } /*@=bounds@*/ /** */ static void printDepMsg(DepMsg_t * dm, int count, const char ** names, const char ** versions, int *flags) /*@*/ { int hasVersions = (versions != NULL); int hasFlags = (flags != NULL); int bingo = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++, names++, versions++, flags++) { if (hasFlags && !((*flags & dm->mask) ^ dm->xor)) continue; if (bingo == 0) { rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, "%s:", (dm->msg ? dm->msg : "")); bingo = 1; } rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, " %s", *names); if (hasFlags && isDependsMULTILIB(*flags)) rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, " (multilib)"); if (hasVersions && !(*versions != NULL && **versions != '\0')) continue; if (!(hasFlags && (*flags && RPMSENSE_SENSEMASK))) continue; rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, " "); if (*flags & RPMSENSE_LESS) rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, "<"); if (*flags & RPMSENSE_GREATER) rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, ">"); if (*flags & RPMSENSE_EQUAL) rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, "="); rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, " %s", *versions); } if (bingo) rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, "\n"); } /** */ static void printDeps(Header h) /*@*/ { HGE_t hge = (HGE_t)headerGetEntryMinMemory; HFD_t hfd = headerFreeData; const char ** names = NULL; rpmTagType dnt = -1; const char ** versions = NULL; rpmTagType dvt = -1; int * flags = NULL; DepMsg_t * dm; int count, xx; for (dm = depMsgs; dm->msg != NULL; dm++) { switch (dm->ntag) { case 0: names = hfd(names, dnt); /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case -1: /*@switchbreak@*/ break; default: names = hfd(names, dnt); if (!hge(h, dm->ntag, &dnt, (void **) &names, &count)) continue; /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } switch (dm->vtag) { case 0: versions = hfd(versions, dvt); /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case -1: /*@switchbreak@*/ break; default: versions = hfd(versions, dvt); xx = hge(h, dm->vtag, &dvt, (void **) &versions, NULL); /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } switch (dm->ftag) { case 0: flags = NULL; /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case -1: /*@switchbreak@*/ break; default: xx = hge(h, dm->ftag, NULL, (void **) &flags, NULL); /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } /*@-noeffect@*/ printDepMsg(dm, count, names, versions, flags); /*@=noeffect@*/ } names = hfd(names, dnt); versions = hfd(versions, dvt); } /** * Check packaged file list against what's in the build root. * @param fileList packaged file list * @param fileListLen no. of packaged files * @return -1 if skipped, 0 on OK, 1 on error */ static int checkFiles(StringBuf fileList, int fileListLen) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { StringBuf readBuf = NULL; const char * s = NULL; char ** av = NULL; int ac = 0; int rc = 0; char *buf; s = rpmExpand("%{?__check_files}", NULL); if (!(s && *s)) { rc = -1; goto exit; } if (!((rc = poptParseArgvString(s, &ac, (const char ***)&av)) == 0 && ac > 0 && av != NULL)) { goto exit; } rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, _("Checking for unpackaged file(s): %s\n"), s); readBuf = getOutputFrom(NULL, av, getStringBuf(fileList), fileListLen, 0); if (readBuf) { static int _unpackaged_files_terminate_build = 0; static int oneshot = 0; if (!oneshot) { _unpackaged_files_terminate_build = rpmExpandNumeric("%{?_unpackaged_files_terminate_build}"); oneshot = 1; } buf = getStringBuf(readBuf); if ((*buf != '\0') && (*buf != '\n')) { rc = (_unpackaged_files_terminate_build) ? 1 : 0; rpmMessage((rc ? RPMMESS_ERROR : RPMMESS_WARNING), _("Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:\n%s"), buf); } } exit: readBuf = freeStringBuf(readBuf); s = _free(s); av = _free(av); return rc; } /*@-incondefs@*/ int processBinaryFiles(Spec spec, int installSpecialDoc, int test) /*@globals check_fileList, check_fileListLen @*/ /*@modifies check_fileList, check_fileListLen @*/ { Package pkg; int res = 0; check_fileList = newStringBuf(); check_fileListLen = 0; for (pkg = spec->packages; pkg != NULL; pkg = pkg->next) { const char *n, *v, *r; int rc; if (pkg->fileList == NULL) continue; (void) headerNVR(pkg->header, &n, &v, &r); rpmMessage(RPMMESS_NORMAL, _("Processing files: %s-%s-%s\n"), n, v, r); if ((rc = processPackageFiles(spec, pkg, installSpecialDoc, test))) res = rc; /* XXX This should be added always so that packages look alike. * XXX However, there is logic in files.c/depends.c that checks for * XXX existence (rather than value) that will need to change as well. */ if (headerIsEntry(pkg->header, RPMTAG_MULTILIBS)) { (void) generateDepends(spec, pkg, pkg->cpioList, 1); (void) generateDepends(spec, pkg, pkg->cpioList, 2); } else (void) generateDepends(spec, pkg, pkg->cpioList, 0); /*@-noeffect@*/ printDeps(pkg->header); /*@=noeffect@*/ } /* Now we have in fileList list of files from all packages. * We pass it to a script which do the work of finding missing * and duplicated files. */ if (res == 0) { if (checkFiles(check_fileList, check_fileListLen) > 0) res = 1; } check_fileList = freeStringBuf(check_fileList); return res; } /*@=incondefs@*/