&rpm-firstname; &rpm-surname;
gbp-import-orig-rpm &rpm-mansection; git-import-orig-rpm gbp-import-orig-rpm Import an upstream source into a git repository. &gbp-import-orig-rpm; &man.common.options.synopsis; =VENDOR VERSION BRANCH-NAME BRANCH-NAME DIRECTORY TAG-NAME GPG-KEYID TAG-FORMAT PATTERN UPSTREAM-SOURCE DESCRIPTION &gbp-import-orig-rpm; is an basically identical to the &gbp-import-orig; tool, with only some rpm-specific functionality added and some Debian-specific functionality removed. &gbp-import-orig-rpm; imports UPSTREAM-SOURCE into the &git; repository. UPSTREAM-SOURCE can either be a gzip, bzip2, lzma or xz compressed tar archive, a zip archive or an already unpacked source tree. If it is already of the form package-name-version.tar.gz, the version information is read from the tarball's filename otherwise it can be given on the command line via . If the source package name or version can't be determined &gbp-import-orig-rpm; will prompt for it unless is given. &gbp-import-orig-rpm; tries to download the archive from a remote server if a remote URL is given. In addition, if no UPSTREAM-SOURCE is given &gbp-import-orig-rpm; takes the archive URI from the spec file - this makes it possible to import a new upstream version just by bumping the version number in the spec file and running &gbp-import-orig-rpm; (assuming that the spec file contains a full URL for the archive and its filename automatically follows the package version e.g. by using the %{version} macro, of course). The sources are placed on the upstream branch (default: upstream) and tagged. OPTIONS &man.common.options.description; =VENDOR Distribution vendor name. =VERSION VERSION The upstream version number. Merge the upstream branch to the packaging branch after import. =BRANCH-NAME The branch in the Git repository the upstream sources are put onto. Default is upstream. =BRANCH-NAME The branch in the Git repository the package is being developed on, default is master. After importing the new sources on the upstream branch, &gbp-import-orig-rpm; will try to merge the new version onto this branch. DIRECTORY Subdirectory that contains the RPM packaging files. &gbp-import-orig-rpm; uses this to try to find a spec file which, in turn, is used to get the upstream source archive URI if one is not specified on the command line. Create missing upstream branch if it does not exist. =TAG-NAME Add TAG-NAME as additional parent to the commit of the upstream tarball. Useful when upstream uses git and you want to link to it's revision history. GPG sign all created tags. GPG-KEYID Use this keyid for gpg signing tags. TAG-FORMAT Use this tag format when tagging upstream versions, default is upstream/%(version)s. MSG-FORMAT Use this format string for the commit message when importing upstream versions, default is Imported Upstream version %(version)s. PATTERN Filter out files glob-matching pattern. Can be given multiple times. Generate pristine-tar delta file. If using a filter also filter the files out of the tarball passed to pristine-tar. FILENAME Filename to record to pristine-tar. This does not alter the tarball content, just the filename with which the tarball can be checked out with pristine-tar. PREFIX Prefix (directory) to be used when importing sources into pristine-tar. Only takes effect when is used. Special value auto causes &gbp-import-orig-rpm; to guess the prefix when importing unpacked sources, or, not to change the prefix when importing source archives. Using this option will alter the source archive that is imported to pristine-tar! That is, pristine-tar does not produce and identical copy of the original tarball (but the mangled tarball, instead). Run CMD after the import. Run command interactively, i.e. ask package name and version if needed. EXAMPLES Download and import a new upstream version using the informantion from the spec file &gbp-import-orig-rpm; After manually downloading an upstream import it &gbp-import-orig-rpm; ../upstream-tarball-0.1.tar.gz Import unpacked sources &gbp-import-orig-rpm; --orig-prefix=upstream-0.1 ../upstream/ &man.gbp.config-files; SEE ALSO , , , , &man.seealso.common; AUTHOR &rpm-username; &rpm-email;