diff options
authorMarkus Lehtonen <>2014-02-04 17:54:36 +0200
committerMarkus Lehtonen <>2014-11-14 14:47:19 +0200
commit76b63bb324b97cdc737c403ee0abcffddbc9a743 (patch)
parent6328e536b0141ffc32d1fab2e31016d765e425a7 (diff)
Introduce git-rpm-ch tool
Initial version of the git-rpm-ch tool which is intended for maintaining RPM changelogs. Supports both spec files and separate "OBS style" changelog files. Signed-off-by: Markus Lehtonen <>
4 files changed, 565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gbp-rpm.conf b/gbp-rpm.conf
index 27f80257..f9ebd9e6 100644
--- a/gbp-rpm.conf
+++ b/gbp-rpm.conf
@@ -132,3 +132,12 @@
# Disable remote branch tracking
#track = False
+# Options only affecting git-rpm-changelog
+# Changelog filename, relative to the git topdir
+#changelog-file = git-buildpackage.changelog
+# Format string for the revision part of the changelog header
+#changelog-revision = %(tagname)s
+# Preferred editor
+#editor-cmd = vim
diff --git a/gbp/ b/gbp/
index 07569a88..6f251a46 100644
--- a/gbp/
+++ b/gbp/
@@ -620,6 +620,10 @@ class GbpOptionParserRpm(GbpOptionParser):
'merge' : 'False',
'pristine-tarball-name' : 'auto',
'orig-prefix' : 'auto',
+ 'changelog-file' : 'auto',
+ 'changelog-revision' : '',
+ 'spawn-editor' : 'always',
+ 'editor-cmd' : 'vim',
help = dict(
@@ -679,6 +683,17 @@ class GbpOptionParserRpm(GbpOptionParser):
"Prefix (dir) to be used when generating/importing tarballs, "
"default is '%(orig-prefix)s'",
+ 'changelog-file':
+ "Changelog file to be used, default is '%(changelog-file)s'",
+ 'changelog-revision':
+ "Format string for the revision field in the changelog header. "
+ "If empty or not defined the default from packaging policy is "
+ "used.",
+ 'editor-cmd':
+ "Editor command to use",
+ 'git-author':
+ "Use name and email from git-config for the changelog header, "
+ "default is '%(git-author)s'",
# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:et:sts=4:ai:set list listchars=tab\:»·,trail\:·:
diff --git a/gbp/rpm/ b/gbp/rpm/
index 6ccb1196..82d6abee 100644
--- a/gbp/rpm/
+++ b/gbp/rpm/
@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
"""Default packaging policy for RPM"""
import re
from gbp.pkg import PkgPolicy, parse_archive_filename
+from gbp.scripts.common.pq import parse_gbp_commands
class RpmPkgPolicy(PkgPolicy):
"""Packaging policy for RPM"""
@@ -158,3 +160,113 @@ class RpmPkgPolicy(PkgPolicy):
header_format = "* %(time)s %(name)s <%(email)s> %(revision)s"
header_time_format = "%a %b %d %Y"
header_rev_format = "%(version)s"
+ class ChangelogEntryFormatter(object):
+ """Helper class for generating changelog entries from git commits"""
+ # Maximum length for a changelog entry line
+ max_entry_line_length = 76
+ # Bug tracking system related meta tags recognized from git commit msg
+ bts_meta_tags = ("Close", "Closes", "Fixes", "Fix")
+ # Regexp for matching bug tracking system ids (e.g. "bgo#123")
+ bug_id_re = r'[A-Za-z0-9#_\-]+'
+ @classmethod
+ def _parse_bts_tags(cls, lines, meta_tags):
+ """
+ Parse and filter out bug tracking system related meta tags from
+ commit message.
+ @param lines: commit message
+ @type lines: C{list} of C{str}
+ @param meta_tags: meta tags to look for
+ @type meta_tags: C{tuple} of C{str}
+ @return: bts-ids per meta tag and the non-mathced lines
+ @rtype: (C{dict}, C{list} of C{str})
+ """
+ tags = {}
+ other_lines = []
+ bts_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<tag>%s):\s*(?P<ids>.*)' %
+ ('|'.join(meta_tags)), re.I)
+ bug_id_re = re.compile(cls.bug_id_re)
+ for line in lines:
+ match = bts_re.match(line)
+ if match:
+ tag ='tag')
+ ids_str ='ids')
+ bug_ids = [bug_id.strip() for bug_id in
+ bug_id_re.findall(ids_str)]
+ if tag in tags:
+ tags[tag] += bug_ids
+ else:
+ tags[tag] = bug_ids
+ else:
+ other_lines.append(line)
+ return (tags, other_lines)
+ @classmethod
+ def _extra_filter(cls, lines, ignore_re):
+ """
+ Filter out specific lines from the commit message.
+ @param lines: commit message
+ @type lines: C{list} of C{str}
+ @param ignore_re: regexp for matching ignored lines
+ @type ignore_re: C{str}
+ @return: filtered commit message
+ @rtype: C{list} of C{str}
+ """
+ if ignore_re:
+ match = re.compile(ignore_re)
+ return [line for line in lines if not match.match(line)]
+ else:
+ return lines
+ @classmethod
+ def compose(cls, commit_info, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Generate a changelog entry from a git commit.
+ @param commit_info: info about the commit
+ @type commit_info: C{commit_info} object from
+ L{gbp.git.repository.GitRepository.get_commit_info()}.
+ @param kwargs: additional arguments to the compose() method,
+ currently we recognize 'full', 'id_len' and 'ignore_re'
+ @type kwargs: C{dict}
+ @return: formatted changelog entry
+ @rtype: C{list} of C{str}
+ """
+ # Parse and filter out gbp command meta-tags
+ cmds, body = parse_gbp_commands(commit_info, 'gbp-rpm-ch',
+ ('ignore', 'short', 'full'), ())
+ if 'ignore' in cmds:
+ return None
+ # Parse and filter out bts-related meta-tags
+ bts_tags, body = cls._parse_bts_tags(body, cls.bts_meta_tags)
+ # Additional filtering
+ body = cls._extra_filter(body, kwargs['ignore_re'])
+ # Generate changelog entry
+ subject = commit_info['subject']
+ commitid = commit_info['id']
+ if kwargs['id_len']:
+ text = ["- [%s] %s" % (commitid[0:kwargs['id_len']], subject)]
+ else:
+ text = ["- %s" % subject]
+ # Add all non-filtered-out lines from commit message, unless 'short'
+ if (kwargs['full'] or 'full' in cmds) and not 'short' in cmds:
+ # Add all non-blank body lines.
+ text.extend([" " + line for line in body if line.strip()])
+ # Add bts tags and ids in the end
+ for tag, ids in bts_tags.iteritems():
+ bts_msg = " (%s: %s)" % (tag, ', '.join(ids))
+ if len(text[-1]) + len(bts_msg) >= cls.max_entry_line_length:
+ text.append(" ")
+ text[-1] += bts_msg
+ return text
diff --git a/gbp/scripts/ b/gbp/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7f66f624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gbp/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
+# (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013 Guido Guenther <>
+# (C) 2014 Intel Corporation <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+"""Generate RPM changelog entries from git commit messages"""
+import ConfigParser
+from datetime import datetime
+import os.path
+import pwd
+import re
+import sys
+import socket
+import gbp.command_wrappers as gbpc
+import gbp.log
+from gbp.config import GbpOptionParserRpm, GbpOptionGroup
+from gbp.errors import GbpError
+from gbp.rpm import guess_spec, NoSpecError, SpecFile
+from gbp.rpm.changelog import Changelog, ChangelogParser, ChangelogError
+from gbp.rpm.git import GitRepositoryError, RpmGitRepository
+from gbp.rpm.policy import RpmPkgPolicy
+ChangelogEntryFormatter = RpmPkgPolicy.ChangelogEntryFormatter
+class ChangelogFile(object):
+ """Container for changelog file, whether it be a standalone changelog
+ or a spec file"""
+ def __init__(self, file_path):
+ parser = ChangelogParser(RpmPkgPolicy)
+ if os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] == '.spec':
+ gbp.log.debug("Using spec file '%s' as changelog" % file_path)
+ self._file = SpecFile(file_path)
+ self.changelog = parser.raw_parse_string(self._file.get_changelog())
+ else:
+ self._file = os.path.abspath(file_path)
+ if not os.path.exists(file_path):
+"Changelog '%s' not found, creating new "
+ "changelog file" % file_path)
+ self.changelog = Changelog(RpmPkgPolicy)
+ else:
+ gbp.log.debug("Using changelog file '%s'" % file_path)
+ self.changelog = parser.raw_parse_file(self._file)
+ # Parse topmost section and try to determine the start commit
+ if self.changelog.sections:
+ self.changelog.sections[0] = parser.parse_section(
+ self.changelog.sections[0])
+ def write(self):
+ """Write changelog file to disk"""
+ if isinstance(self._file, SpecFile):
+ self._file.set_changelog(str(self.changelog))
+ self._file.write_spec_file()
+ else:
+ with open(self._file, 'w') as fobj:
+ fobj.write(str(self.changelog))
+ @property
+ def path(self):
+ """File path"""
+ if isinstance(self._file, SpecFile):
+ return self._file.specpath
+ else:
+ return self._file
+def load_customizations(customization_file):
+ """Load user defined customizations file"""
+ # Load customization file
+ if not customization_file:
+ return
+ customizations = {}
+ try:
+ execfile(customization_file, customizations, customizations)
+ except Exception as err:
+ raise GbpError("Failed to load customization file: %s" % err)
+ # Set customization classes / functions
+ global ChangelogEntryFormatter
+ if 'ChangelogEntryFormatter' in customizations:
+ ChangelogEntryFormatter = customizations.get('ChangelogEntryFormatter')
+def determine_editor(options):
+ """Determine text editor"""
+ # Check if we need to spawn an editor
+ states = ['always']
+ if options.release:
+ states.append('release')
+ if options.spawn_editor not in states:
+ return None
+ # Determine the correct editor
+ if options.editor_cmd:
+ return options.editor_cmd
+ elif 'EDITOR' in os.environ:
+ return os.environ['EDITOR']
+ else:
+ return 'vi'
+def check_branch(repo, options):
+ """Check the current git branch"""
+ branch = repo.get_branch()
+ if options.packaging_branch != branch and not options.ignore_branch:
+ gbp.log.err("You are not on branch '%s' but on '%s'" %
+ (options.packaging_branch, branch))
+ raise GbpError("Use --ignore-branch to ignore or "
+ "--packaging-branch to set the branch name.")
+def parse_spec_file(repo, options):
+ """Find and parse spec file"""
+ if options.spec_file != 'auto':
+ spec_path = os.path.join(repo.path, options.spec_file)
+ spec = SpecFile(spec_path)
+ else:
+ spec = guess_spec(os.path.join(repo.path, options.packaging_dir),
+ True, os.path.basename(repo.path) + '.spec')
+ options.packaging_dir = spec.specdir
+ return spec
+def parse_changelog_file(repo, spec, options):
+ """Find and parse changelog file"""
+ changes_file_name = os.path.splitext(spec.specfile)[0] + '.changes'
+ changes_file_path = os.path.join(options.packaging_dir, changes_file_name)
+ # Determine changelog file path
+ if options.changelog_file == "SPEC":
+ changelog_path = spec.specpath
+ elif options.changelog_file == "CHANGES":
+ changelog_path = changes_file_path
+ elif options.changelog_file == 'auto':
+ if os.path.exists(changes_file_path):
+ changelog_path = changes_file_path
+ else:
+ changelog_path = spec.specpath
+ else:
+ changelog_path = os.path.join(repo.path, options.changelog_file)
+ return ChangelogFile(changelog_path)
+def guess_commit(section, repo, options):
+ """Guess the last commit documented in a changelog header"""
+ if not section:
+ return None
+ header = section.header
+ # Try to parse the fields from the header revision
+ rev_re = '^%s$' % re.sub(r'%\((\S+?)\)s', r'(?P<\1>\S+)',
+ options.changelog_revision)
+ match = re.match(rev_re, header['revision'], re.I)
+ fields = match.groupdict() if match else {}
+ # First, try to find tag-name, if present
+ if 'tagname' in fields:
+ gbp.log.debug("Trying to find tagname %s" % fields['tagname'])
+ try:
+ return repo.rev_parse("%s^0" % fields['tagname'])
+ except GitRepositoryError:
+ gbp.log.warn("Changelog points to tagname '%s' which is not found "
+ "in the git repository" % fields['tagname'])
+ # Next, try to find packaging tag matching the version
+ tag_str_fields = {'vendor': options.vendor}
+ if 'version' in fields:
+ gbp.log.debug("Trying to find packaging tag for version '%s'" %
+ fields['version'])
+ full_version = fields['version']
+ tag_str_fields.update(RpmPkgPolicy.split_full_version(full_version))
+ elif 'upstreamversion' in fields:
+ gbp.log.debug("Trying to find packaging tag for version '%s'" %
+ fields['upstreamversion'])
+ tag_str_fields['upstreamversion'] = fields['upstreamversion']
+ if 'release' in fields:
+ tag_str_fields['release'] = fields['release']
+ commit = repo.find_version(options.packaging_tag,
+ tag_str_fields)
+ if commit:
+ return commit
+ else:
+"Couldn't find packaging tag for version %s" %
+ header['revision'])
+ # As a last resort we look at the timestamp
+ timestamp = header['time'].isoformat()
+ last = repo.get_commits(num=1, options="--until='%s'" % timestamp)
+ if last:
+"Using commit (%s) before the last changelog timestamp "
+ "(%s)" % (last, timestamp))
+ return last[0]
+ return None
+def get_start_commit(changelog, repo, options):
+ """Get the start commit from which to generate new entries"""
+ if options.since:
+ since = options.since
+ else:
+ if changelog.sections:
+ since = guess_commit(changelog.sections[0], repo, options)
+ else:
+ since = None
+ if not since:
+ raise GbpError("Couldn't determine starting point from "
+ "changelog, please use the '--since' option")
+"Continuing from commit '%s'" % since)
+ return since
+def get_author(repo, use_git_config):
+ """Get author and email from git configuration"""
+ author = email = None
+ if use_git_config:
+ modifier = repo.get_author_info()
+ author =
+ email =
+ passwd_data = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())
+ if not author:
+ # On some distros (Ubuntu, at least) the gecos field has it's own
+ # internal structure of comma-separated fields
+ author = passwd_data.pw_gecos.split(',')[0].strip()
+ if not author:
+ author = passwd_data.pw_name
+ if not email:
+ if 'EMAIL' in os.environ:
+ email = os.environ['EMAIL']
+ else:
+ email = "%s@%s" % (passwd_data.pw_name, socket.getfqdn())
+ return author, email
+def entries_from_commits(changelog, repo, commits, options):
+ """Generate a list of formatted changelog entries from a list of commits"""
+ entries = []
+ for commit in commits:
+ info = repo.get_commit_info(commit)
+ entry_text = ChangelogEntryFormatter.compose(info, full=options.full,
+ ignore_re=options.ignore_regex, id_len=options.idlen)
+ if entry_text:
+ entries.append(changelog.create_entry(author=info['author'].name,
+ text=entry_text))
+ return entries
+def update_changelog(changelog, entries, repo, spec, options):
+ """Update the changelog with a range of commits"""
+ # Get info for section header
+ now =
+ name, email = get_author(repo, options.git_author)
+ rev_str_fields = dict(spec.version,
+ version=RpmPkgPolicy.compose_full_version(spec.version),
+ vendor=options.vendor,
+ tagname=repo.describe('HEAD', longfmt=True, always=True))
+ try:
+ revision = options.changelog_revision % rev_str_fields
+ except KeyError as err:
+ raise GbpError("Unable to construct revision field: unknown key "
+ "%s, only %s are accepted" % (err, rev_str_fields.keys()))
+ # Add a new changelog section if new release or an empty changelog
+ if options.release or not changelog.sections:
+ top_section = changelog.add_section(time=now, name=name,
+ email=email, revision=revision)
+ else:
+ # Re-use already parsed top section
+ top_section = changelog.sections[0]
+ top_section.set_header(time=now, name=name,
+ email=email, revision=revision)
+ # Add new entries to the topmost section
+ for entry in entries:
+ top_section.append_entry(entry)
+def parse_args(argv):
+ """Parse command line and config file options"""
+ try:
+ parser = GbpOptionParserRpm(command=os.path.basename(argv[0]),
+ prefix='', usage='%prog [options] paths')
+ except ConfigParser.ParsingError as err:
+ gbp.log.error('invalid config file: %s' % err)
+ return None, None
+ range_grp = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "commit range options",
+ "which commits to add to the changelog")
+ format_grp = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "changelog entry formatting",
+ "how to format the changelog entries")
+ naming_grp = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "naming",
+ "branch names, tag formats, directory and file naming")
+ parser.add_option_group(range_grp)
+ parser.add_option_group(format_grp)
+ parser.add_option_group(naming_grp)
+ # Non-grouped options
+ parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose",
+ help="verbose command execution")
+ parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="color", dest="color",
+ type='tristate')
+ parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="color-scheme",
+ dest="color_scheme")
+ parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="vendor", action="store",
+ dest="vendor")
+ parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="git-log", dest="git_log",
+ help="options to pass to git-log, default is '%(git-log)s'")
+ parser.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="ignore-branch",
+ dest="ignore_branch")
+ parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="customizations",
+ dest="customization_file",
+ help="Load Python code from CUSTOMIZATION_FILE. At the "
+ "moment, the only useful thing the code can do is define a "
+ "custom ChangelogEntryFormatter class.")
+ # Naming group options
+ naming_grp.add_config_file_option(option_name="packaging-branch",
+ dest="packaging_branch")
+ naming_grp.add_config_file_option(option_name="packaging-tag",
+ dest="packaging_tag")
+ naming_grp.add_config_file_option(option_name="packaging-dir",
+ dest="packaging_dir")
+ naming_grp.add_config_file_option(option_name="changelog-file",
+ dest="changelog_file")
+ naming_grp.add_config_file_option(option_name="spec-file", dest="spec_file")
+ # Range group options
+ range_grp.add_option("-s", "--since", dest="since",
+ help="commit to start from (e.g. HEAD^^^, release/0.1.2)")
+ # Formatting group options
+ format_grp.add_option("--no-release", action="store_false", default=True,
+ dest="release",
+ help="no release, just update the last changelog section")
+ format_grp.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="git-author",
+ dest="git_author")
+ format_grp.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="full", dest="full")
+ format_grp.add_config_file_option(option_name="id-length", dest="idlen",
+ help="include N digits of the commit id in the changelog "
+ "entry, default is '%(id-length)s'",
+ type="int", metavar="N")
+ format_grp.add_config_file_option(option_name="ignore-regex",
+ dest="ignore_regex",
+ help="Ignore lines in commit message matching regex, "
+ "default is '%(ignore-regex)s'")
+ format_grp.add_config_file_option(option_name="changelog-revision",
+ dest="changelog_revision")
+ format_grp.add_config_file_option(option_name="spawn-editor",
+ dest="spawn_editor")
+ format_grp.add_config_file_option(option_name="editor-cmd",
+ dest="editor_cmd")
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+ if not options.changelog_revision:
+ options.changelog_revision = RpmPkgPolicy.Changelog.header_rev_format
+ gbp.log.setup(options.color, options.verbose, options.color_scheme)
+ return options, args
+def main(argv):
+ """Script main function"""
+ options, args = parse_args(argv)
+ if not options:
+ return 1
+ try:
+ load_customizations(options.customization_file)
+ editor_cmd = determine_editor(options)
+ repo = RpmGitRepository('.')
+ check_branch(repo, options)
+ # Find and parse spec file
+ spec = parse_spec_file(repo, options)
+ # Find and parse changelog file
+ ch_file = parse_changelog_file(repo, spec, options)
+ since = get_start_commit(ch_file.changelog, repo, options)
+ # Get range of commits from where to generate changes
+ if args:
+"Only looking for changes in '%s'" % ", ".join(args))
+ commits = repo.get_commits(since=since, until='HEAD', paths=args,
+ options=options.git_log.split(" "))
+ commits.reverse()
+ if not commits:
+"No changes detected from %s to %s." % (since, 'HEAD'))
+ # Do the actual update
+ entries = entries_from_commits(ch_file.changelog, repo, commits,
+ options)
+ update_changelog(ch_file.changelog, entries, repo, spec, options)
+ # Write to file
+ ch_file.write()
+ if editor_cmd:
+ gbpc.Command(editor_cmd, [ch_file.path])()
+ except (GbpError, GitRepositoryError, ChangelogError, NoSpecError) as err:
+ if len(err.__str__()):
+ gbp.log.err(err)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))