.\" Copyright Folkert van Heusden, 2005 .\" .\" This file may be copied under the conditions described .\" in the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 1, September 1998 .\" that should have been distributed together with this file. .\" .TH CLEWARECONTROL 1 2005-06 "clewarecontrol" .SH NAME clewarecontrol \- control the USB devices made by Cleware GmbH .SH SYNOPSIS .BI "clewarecontrol [" options "] .sp options: .BI "[\-l] [\-d serialnr] [\-c retrycount] [\-rt] [\-rs switchnr] [\-ar] [\-as switch state] [\-ag] [\-al led state] [\-w] [\-rp] [\-b] [\-o offset]" .sp .SH DESCRIPTION The program .B clewarecontrol lets you control all USB devices created by Cleware GmbH. Measuring the temperature, switching a led on or off, etc. .PP .SH OPTIONS .TP .B "\-p" Directory where to look for the 'hiddev'-devices. Normally this is in /dev/usb (default location) but with -p you can also select e.g. /dev When using this switch, put it in front of all other commandlineswitches. .TP .B "\-l" Lists all Cleware GmbH devices and their capabilities. .TP .B "\-d serialnr" Selects the device to control by its serial number. You can find the serial number on the USB-connector as well as with the .BI "\-l" switch. .TP .B "\-c retrycount" Sometimes commands to a device seem to fail. With this switch you can set the number of retries. The default is 10. .TP .B "\-o offset" Adds an offset value to the temperature/humidity (in case the sensor returns a too low/high value). .TP .B "\-rt" Shows the temperature measured by a device capable of doing so. .TP .B "\-rh" Shows the humidity measured by a device capable of doing so. .TP .B "\-rs x" Shows the state of switch .BI "x" of a device which has switches. .TP .B "\-ar" Resets a device. .TP .B "\-ag" Starts a device (for example the humidity sensor). .TP .B "\-w" With this switch the program will become a daemon process which keeps the watchdog happy. If the program is terminated or freezes, the watchdog will reboot the computer. .TP .B "\-as switch state" Switches the switch with number .BI "switch" to the state given with .BI "state" 0=off, 1=on. For a 'USB Ampel' the switch-number is 0 for red, 1 for yellow and 2 for green. .TP .B "\-al led state" Switches the led with number .BI "led" to the state given with .BI "state" State can be a value in the range 0...15. .TP .B "\-am state" Sets the states of the USB-IO16 lines. .BI "state" must be a hex value. .TP .B "\-ad state" Sets the direction of the lines of the USB-IO16 lines. .BI "state" must be a hex value. A bit set to 0 means input, a bit set to 1 means output. .TP .B "\-rp" Shows how many times the external switch (USB-Plug) was switched on manually. Also displays how long the switch is set to on. .TP .B "\-rr" Shows how many times the auto-reset kicked in. .TP .B "\-b" Brief output, better parseable for scripts. .TP .B "\-h" Shows a list of commandline switches. .TP .B "\-V" Show the version and exit. .SH BUGS None. This program is totally bug-free. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR http://www.vanheusden.com/clewarecontrol/ .SH NOTES This page describes .B clewarecontrol as found in the clewarecontrol-1.0 package; other versions may differ slightly. Mail corrections and additions to folkert@vanheusden.com. Report bugs in the program to folkert@vanheusden.com.