# Maintainer: TBD: This is temporary block for TDC Demo. You may proceed with this later anyway. # You need ACK (+1) from the maintainer to be reviewed by building-blocks maintainers. ############### ## Telephony ## ############### %package sub1-domain_API-Telephony Summary: Telephony API Group Requires: capi-telephony Requires: telephony-daemon Requires: libtapi Requires: libtcore Requires: tel-plugin-dbus_tapi Requires: tel-plugin-manager Requires: tel-plugin-database Requires: tel-plugin-vconf Requires: tel-plugin-packetservice Suggests: tel-plugin-nitz Suggests: tel-plugin-indicator Suggests: telephony-syspopup Suggests: tel-plugin-syspopup %description sub1-domain_API-Telephony Tizen block (set of packages) for Group of domain API-Telephony %files sub1-domain_API-Telephony %posttrans sub1-domain_API-Telephony %tizen_feature tizen.org/feature/network.telephony true %tizen_feature tizen.org/feature/systemsetting.incoming_call true