# There are meta packages only. %define __debug_install_post %{nil} %define debug_package %{nil} Name: building-blocks Version: 0.0.1 Release: 0 License: Apache-2 Summary: The Root of All Tizen Meta Packages (building blocks) Url: http://tizen.org Group: Meta Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1001: domain-kernel.inc Source1002: domain-systemfw.inc Source1010: domain-appfw.inc Source1020: domain-window-system.inc Source1030: domain-graphics.inc Source1040: domain-network.inc Source1050: domain-multimedia.inc Source1060: domain-hal.inc Source1070: domain-service-framework.inc Source1080: domain-UI.inc Source1090: domain-UIX.inc Source1100: domain-security.inc Source2001: epicfeature-headless.inc Suggests: %{name}-root-UI Suggests: %{name}-root-HAL Suggests: %{name}-root-Kernel Suggests: %{name}-root-System_FW Suggests: %{name}-root-feature_Headless Suggests: %{name}-root-feature_Headed %description The root of all Tizen building block meta packages. Every root-level Tizen building block should be included by this. Any "minimal" required packages should be somehow (directly or indirectly) required (included) by this package. In Tizen building blocks, "Requires" means mandatory package. "Suggests" means optional package. "Recommened" is reserved for future usage. "Conflicts" is to unselect unconditionally. %files ############## DOMAINS ################## # Include "Kernel" domain. The script should not execute "include" if the contexts is in GBS service in OBS or GBS-Export %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1001}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1001}") end}} # Include "systemfw" domain. The script should not execute "include" if the contexts is in GBS service in OBS or GBS-Export %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1002}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1002}") end}} # And other domains %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1010}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1010}") end}} %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1020}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1020}") end}} %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1030}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1030}") end}} %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1040}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1040}") end}} %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1050}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1050}") end}} %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1060}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1060}") end}} %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1070}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1070}") end}} %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1080}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1080}") end}} %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1090}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1090}") end}} %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE1100}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE1100}") end}} ############## EPIC FEATURES ###################### # Include "headless" epic feature. The script should not execute "include" if the contexts is in GBS service in OBS or GBS-Export %{expand:%{lua:if posix.access(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE2001}"), "f") then print("%include %{SOURCE2001}") end}} %package root-UI Summary: UI Related Packages Requires: efl Requires: wayland %description root-UI UI Frameworks of Tizen %files root-UI