* 2.1.105 - MISC: added null check statement(FORWARD_NULL3) - MISC: added null check statement(FORWARD_NULL2) == jaemin kim 2014-09-30 * 2.1.104 - WIZARD: Removed Tizen Project wizard - MISC: added null check statement(FORWARD_NULL) == donghyuk yang 2014-09-18 * 2.1.103 - MISC: Dereference before null check == jaemin kim 2014-09-15 * 2.1.102 - MISC: Removed ptp ui plugin - LAUNCH: Select SCP or SDB to push package files in windows - LAUNCH: Modified local package install command - LAUNCH: Added method for checking packages in remote server. - LAUNCH: Do not include project directory in debugging source container - INDEX: Set include paths to "CDT User Setting Entries" - LAUNCH: Disable "load library symbol" option when debugging platform library - MISC: Add sbilib to the dependency == donghyuk yang 2014-09-04 * 2.1.101 - SBILIB : Changed to use the sbilib == shihyun kim 2014-08-28 * 2.1.100 - MISC: Applied egit version changes (3.2) and modified package dependencies == donghyuk yang 2014-08-24 * 2.1.99 - WIZARD: Changed profile name of git platform project == donghyuk yang 2014-08-20 * 2.1.98 - DEBUG: Applied toolchain xml name changing == donghyuk yang 2014-08-11 * 2.1.97 - Fixed prevent error - Applied common-eplugin's change == gune.kim 2014-07-16 * 2.1.96 - MISC: applied common-eplugin's change == gune.kim 2014-06-30 * 2.1.95 - MISC: Added macos package information - BUILD: Replaced user error messages when building without rootstrap. - MISC: applied to change ITizenProject.java in common-eplugin == donghyuk yang 2014-06-18 * 2.1.94 - REMOTE: CONN: Check user home directory - BUILD : When running a project, Validate architecture of rpm-files == donghyuk yang 2014-05-21 * 2.1.93 - DEBUG: COREDUMP: Do not synchronize debug files when coredump debugging. - DEBUG: COREDUMP: Supported to manage repositories on launch wizard when coredump debugging. - DEBUG: Supported coredump debugging on windows. - MISC: Replace private method to public static method for getting rpm files == donghyuk yang 2014-05-18 * 2.1.92 - DEBUG: Show error dialog if gdbserver file copy is failed. == donghyuk yang 2014-05-13 >>>>>>> tizen * 2.1.91 - DEBUG: Use SDB forwarding if target is remote emulator. - DEBUG: Remove PTP debug plugins == donghyuk yang 2014-05-12 * 2.1.90 - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Added host ip text control to remote connection dialog. - DEBUG: Modified sleep time when starting gdb. - LAUNCH: Check .rpm and .xml files before launching a project == jaemin kim 2014-05-12 * 2.1.89 - GIT: Uses egit timeout information - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Shows why you insert ssh private and public key in connection dialog. - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Shows connection error in Error log view. - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Verify sudo password when connecting remote server - PREF: Added preference pages (Build server, Device, Rootstrap) - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Modified error message for rootstrap creation. - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Show pretty message if URL is invalid when creating rootstrap. - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Check to lost SSH connection before view action on windows. == donghyuk yang 2014-05-11 * 2.1.88 - SYNC: Remove rsync "--delete" option when synchronizing workspace. == donghyuk yang 2014-05-07 * 2.1.87 - LAUNCH: Install app packages and other packages separately in case of EFL application project. == donghyuk yang 2014-05-07 * 2.1.86 - DEBUG: Connect device ip address directly when debugging a platform project on device. - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Do not support to use local repository on windows. == donghyuk yang 2014-05-06 * 2.1.85 - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Supported to open debug source in rootstrap view in ubuntu. - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Set "Generate rootstrap immediately" button as default. - ROOTSTRAP: Supported to add extra repositories when rootstrap creation. - SYNC: Asks user about synchronization include & debug files between remote server and local. - LAUNCH: Install packages to rootstrap and device using multi threads. - BUILD: Get package information as a RPM command. - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Supported to open debug source in rootstrap view in windows. - LAUNCH: Added "Load shared library symbols automatically" option to launch wizard. - LAUNCH: Cached package information after building a project. - MISC: Transfer SSH private key to device when device is connected. - DEBUG: Set smack rule when debugging a project. Removed repository initializing process whenever launching a project. == donghyuk yang 2014-05-06 * 2.1.84 - RDS: Resolved getting checksum issue. - LAUNCH: Transfer packages from remote build server to emulator(device) when launching a project == donghyuk yang 2014-05-02 * 2.1.83 - MISC: Added feature.properties and modified feature.xml == donghyuk yang 2014-05-01 * 2.1.82 - BUILD: Passed --dist option when building a project if rootstrap has local repository - MANIFEST: Exported some packages == donghyuk yang 2014-05-01 * 2.1.81 - BUILD: SYNC: Support to synchronize projects and modified some modules - MISC: Fixed file checking problem. == donghyuk yang 2014-04-30 * 2.1.80 - LOGGER: Added user interaction log for checkign performance == donghyuk yang 2014-04-29 * 2.1.79 - LAUNCH: Supported RDS (debug as) and insert user logger for checkingperformance - LAUNCH: Modified debug source container for supporting windows == donghyuk yang 2014-04-27 * 2.1.78 - DEBUG: Supported debugging on windows - SYNC: Check workspace is already synchronize - LAUNCH: Supported RDS(run as) on windows == donghyuk yang 2014-04-27 * 2.1.77 - LOG: Added logger code to check performance supportwin - MISC: Supported windows package build - MISC: Added plugins for supporting windows - BUILD: Supported remote build - Remote: Interface: Added remote command interface - View: Rootstrap: Added connection module - BUILD: Removed SBI process when building a platform project. - DEBUG: COREDUMP: Modified coredump wizard page. - MISC: Added feature.properties == donghyuk yang 2014-04-27 * 2.1.76 - BUILD: Passed --dist option to gbs when building a project based on local repository == donghyuk yang 2014-04-25 * 2.1.75 - LAUNCH: Removed method for getting program path by application id == donghyuk yang 2014-04-21 * 2.1.74 - DEBUG: Set smack rule when debugging a project == donghyuk yang 2014-04-21 * 2.1.73 - BUILD: Removed SBI process when building a platform project. - DEBUG: COREDUMP: Modified coredump wizard page. == donghyuk yang 2014-04-16 * 2.1.72 - MISC: Resolved dereference null return value == donghyuk yang 2014-03-30 * 2.1.71 - MISC: Modified xml file for default include path - BUILD: INDEX: Modified default include directories == donghyuk yang 2014-03-29 * 2.1.70 - LAUNCH: Supported setting command, arguments and environments when launching - LAUNCH: Supported setting .core and .cs file when coredump debugging. - BUILD: CONF: Added "BUILD_TYPE" environment variable - BUILD: CONF: Supported Debug, Release build configuration for multiple architecture. - BUILD: support to pass build environment to build process - XML: PACKAGING: Modified GBS build command == donghyuk yang 2014-03-29 * 2.1.69 - ROOTSTRAP: DLG: Validate information for creating rootstrap == donghyuk yang 2014-03-03 * 2.1.68 - MISC: Added package install dependency for nativeappcommon-eplugin == donghyuk yang 2014-02-25 * 2.1.67 - WIZARD: Use project wizard to create tizen platform project from normal git project. - LAUNCH: Print log to console view in case of executing a binary. == donghyuk yang 2014-02-24 * 2.1.66 - PKGMGR: Show the latest packages on package manager - MISC: Removed unused method == donghyuk yang 2014-02-18 * 2.1.65 - EDITOR: Removed a function for validating .spec file == donghyuk yang 2014-02-10 * 2.1.64 - EDITOR: Added dependency plugin for spec file editor plugin == donghyuk yang 2014-02-05 * 2.1.63 - EDITOR: Added editor plugin for RPM .spec file. == donghyuk yang 2014-02-05 * 2.1.62 - PKGMGR: Improved in processing speed of repository management. == donghyuk yang 2014-02-03 * 2.1.61 - PREF: SITECONF: Removed proxy setting which is used by site configuration - VIEW: ROOTSTRAP: Check "ruby" package before creating a new rootstrap == donghyuk yang 2014-01-20 * 2.1.60 - DEBUG: COREDUMP: Supported a different .cs format (package information) - LAUNCH: Processing launching the application having two .xml files - PREF: Disable SSL cert validation == donghyuk yang 2014-01-20 * 2.1.59 - Fixed to use LaunchUtils to find available port == kh5325.kim 2014-01-15 * 2.1.58 - MISC: Changed message bundle key by nativecommon's change == kh5325.kim 2013-12-13 * 2.1.57 - PKGMGR: Supported repository priority - TEST: Modified test shell script == donghyuk yang 2013-12-03 * 2.1.56 - LAUNCH: Packaging project before checking rootstrap initializing == donghyuk yang 2013-12-02 * 2.1.55 - LAUNCH: Set device root on automatically when launching project - PREF: Fixed bug for checking null - MISC: Improved code quality - MISC: Modified package build script == donghyuk yang 2013-11-29 * 2.1.54 - EXTRAFILE: Added xml file for include path of arm platform - PREF: Import include paths as build configuration and set default indexer == donghyuk yang 2013-11-27 * 2.1.53 - COMMANDER: Set timeout 10000ms in case of refreshing repos and listing packages == donghyuk yang 2013-11-27 * 2.1.52 - COMMANDER: Set timeout value from preference value - PKGMGR: Modified height of repository group - BUILD: Rebuild source index after building the project == donghyuk yang 2013-11-26 * 2.1.51 - LAUNCH: Supported to sort table columns in coredump wizard page - LAUNCH: Check the device is root on only when normal debugging == donghyuk yang 2013-11-24 * 2.1.50 - MISC: Modified pkginfo.manifest == donghyuk yang 2013-11-23 * 2.1.49 - MISC: Removed org.tizen.nativecpp.ext.csviewer dependency == donghyuk yang 2013-11-23 * 2.1.48 - LAUNCH: Supported coredump debugging == donghyuk yang 2013-11-23 * 2.1.47 - MISC: Improved code quality - PROJ: WZD: Supported to create project on multi-profile - PROPS: Modified platform default include path == donghyuk yang 2013-11-18 * 2.1.46 - COMMANDER: Do not need to change smack if there is no access permission == donghyuk yang 2013-11-05 * 2.1.45 - LAUNCHER: Assign .debug file directly when debugging attach - LAUNCHER: Run EFL application after killing the process if it is running == donghyuk yang 2013-11-05 * 2.1.44 - LAUNCHER: Use expect script when generating new rootstrapy == donghyuk yang 2013-11-03 * 2.1.43 - LAUNCHER: Refactoring launch delegate and shortcut == donghyuk yang 2013-11-03 * 2.1.42 - CMDLAUNCH: Imporve monitor cancel process - PWDDLG: Changed password input dialog to input wizard - PWDDLG: Added API for verifying super-user password - PWDDLG: Added process for verifying super-user password - WIZARD: Fixed a problem for moving control through tab key == donghyuk yang 2013-11-02 * 2.1.41 - Modified test workspace == donghyuk yang 2013-10-29 * 2.1.40 - Modified test workspace == donghyuk yang 2013-10-28 * 2.1.39 - Disable "tip of the day" when testing platform ide - Supported RDS - Fixed a problem that "Text and Text box" are not seen property in "Generate rootstrap" dialog - Fixed a problem that Platform Project can't be created after closing the Tizen Platform perspective. - Hide help icon on launch wizard == donghyuk yang 2013-10-25 * 2.1.38 - Added sikuli test - Bring test.sh from common-eplugin == donghyuk yang 2013-10-23 * 2.1.37 - Hide help icon on launch wizard - Fixed the problem which extra packages are not cleared == donghyuk yang 2013-10-14 * 2.1.36 - Added about files == donghyuk yang 2013-10-01 * 2.1.35 - Supported to show package properties on package manager == donghyuk yang 2013-09-30 * 2.1.34 - Exception skip: Ubuntu 12.04 browser compatibility problem == donghyuk yang 2013-09-05 * 2.1.33 - Added org.tizen.common.project.adapter extension for ProjectUtil#getTizenProject() == kh5325.kim 2013-08-30 * 2.1.32 - applied common-eplugin's change == kh5325.kim 2013-08-30 * 2.1.31 - Added cmake editor plugin (except site.xml) == donghyuk yang 2013-08-28 * 2.1.30 - Removed cmake editor plugin == donghyuk yang 2013-08-27 * 2.1.29 - Added cmake editor plugin - Supported to import platform project == donghyuk yang 2013-08-27 * 2.1.28 - Refactoring (collection type) - Added default platform includes == donghyuk yang 2013-08-23 * 2.1.27 - Fixed to use NewProjectChecker == kh5325.kim 2013-08-12 * 2.1.26 - Refactored wizard to common model == kh5325.kim 2013-08-09 * 2.1.25 - Modified test meta package attribute (root -> test) == donghyuk yang 2013-08-06 * 2.1.24 - Refactored PWComposite to common == kh5325.kim 2013-08-02 * 2.1.23 - Applied common wizard changing == donghyuk yang 2013-08-01 * 2.1.22 - Added meta-nativeplatform-elugin-test package == donghyuk yang 2013-07-31 * 2.1.21 - Fixed pkginfo.manifest problem == donghyuk yang 2013-07-31 * 2.1.20 - Added sikuli test script == donghyuk yang 2013-07-31 * 2.1.19 - Fixed GBS version parsing error - Added logger for performance == donghyuk yang 2013-07-31 * 2.1.18 - Refactoring as Protex's result - Launch refactoring - Added default include path - Supported header tracing (set default includes from xml) == kh5325.kim 2013-07-31 * 2.1.17 - Applied changing GBS buildroot path == kh5325.kim 2013-06-19 * 2.1.16 - Fixed missing buildRunner for building platform project == donghyuk yang 2013-06-12 * 2.1.15 - Supported header tracing == donghyuk yang 2013-06-12 * 2.1.14 - Applied changing sdblib == donghyuk yang 2013-06-11 * 2.1.13 - Applied changing installer for multi-SDK == donghyuk yang 2013-06-10 * 2.1.12 - Modified PackageListener & CommonProjectDependentPackager#buildPackage() == kh5325.kim 2013-06-04 * 2.1.11 - Refactoring sdblib == kh5325.kim 2013-06-04 * 2.1.10 - Removed express mode (IDE uses only normal CDT wizard mode) == kh5325.kim 2013-05-29 * 2.1.9 - Refactored to sdblib == kh5325.kim 2013-05-23 * 2.1.8 - Refactored to sdblib == kh5325.kim 2013-05-23 * 2.1.7 - Refactored to sdblib == kh5325.kim 2013-05-22 * 2.1.6 - Added base-ide-product-add-ons dependency for EGit == kh5325.kim 2013-05-06 * 2.1.5 - applied new method that get app's installation path. - Changed version from tizen2.0 to tizen2.1 - Fixed sonar violations - Modified initializing string in proxy url parser - Fixed bug for running gdbserver through sdb - Support platform debugging on SMACK - Added solib-search-path for "/usr/bin" and "/usr/lib" when attach debugging == donghyuk yang 2013-04-19 * 2.1.4 - Fixed a wrong label - Process architecture before creating new rootstrap - Added annotation == donghyuk yang 2013-03-18 * 2.1.3 - Modified supported toolchain type from tizen.obs to tizen.platform == donghyuk yang 2013-03-18 * 2.1.2 - Changed version from tizen2.0 to tizen2.1 == donghyuk yang 2013-03-18 * 2.1.1 - Version up for Tizen 2.1 dist == donghee yang 2013-03-15 * 2.1.0 - 2.1 package - Set nature and show platform launch menus just on platform project == donghyuk yang 2013-03-10 * 1.0.52 - Removed TizenDebianLaunchDelegateForCore class - Check rootstrap is initialized before packaging and launching == donghyuk yang 2013-03-08 * 1.0.51 - Supported local package repository - Fixed bug for installing package to rootstrap if proxy is null == donghyuk yang 2013-03-07 * 1.0.50 - Fixed bug for displaying new version on installed version field == donghyuk yang 2013-02-22 * 1.0.49 - Return null if device execution log is null - Implements proxy url parser == donghyuk yang 2013-02-22 * 1.0.48 - Modified plugin Provider and name == donghyuk yang 2013-02-20 * 1.0.47 - Fixed bug for comparing GBS version == donghyuk yang 2013-02-08 * 1.0.46 - Added EnternalBuildRunner for building platform project == donghyuk yang 2013-02-04 * 1.0.45 - Add naming condition in project renaming == donghyuk yang 2013-01-28 * 1.0.44 - Fixed a bug for cancel action on import dialog == donghyuk.yang 2013-01-21 * 1.0.43 - Modified export/import rootstrap process == donghyuk.yang 2013-01-21 * 1.0.42 - Added --nodeps --ignorearch option to rpm when installing local package == donghyuk yang 2013-01-16 * 1.0.41 - Removed AgentProject template == donghyuk.yang 2013-01-14 * 1.0.40 - Fixed a bug about exporting/import failure by localized rootstrap path - Modified to show more info when process fail == donghee yang 2013-01-09 * 1.0.39 - Merged latest changes == kh5325.kim 2013-01-08 * 1.0.38 - Added --incremental option to GBS as default == gune.kim 2013-01-04 19:22 * 1.0.37 - Added Boilerplate - Added --incremental option to GBS tool as default option == donghyuk.yang 2013-01-04 * 1.0.36 - Fixed a bug on gbs version checking - Fixed bug that sbi plugin-id does not allow dot(.) - Fixed invalid thread access bug when "Build Project" - Excluded sources when exporting rootstrap == donghee yang 2012-12-28 * 1.0.35 - Applied New GBS option == donghee yang 2012-12-27 * 1.0.34 - Add wizard preference page == ho.namkoong 2012-12-21 * 1.0.33 - Merge branch "develop" into release - [develop] Reinitialize SBI after adding and removing rootstrap - Fix express mode bug in platform wizard - Reinitialize SBI after adding and removing rootstrap == donghyuk.yang 2012-12-18 * 1.0.32 - Merge branch "develop" into release - [develop] Added property tab for GBS Options - [develop] emoved Sample tab from project wizard - [develop] Added build config action set - [develop] Check to exist GBS tool == donghyuk.yang 2012-12-18 * 1.0.31 - Removed launch menu of Package Manager == donghyuk.yang 2012-12-05 * 1.0.30 - Removed macos-64 from supported OS == donghee yang 2012-11-28 * 1.0.28 - Merge branch "develop" into release == donghyuk.yang 2012-11-26 * 1.0.27 - Hide preference page for git config and added filter for proxy port == donghyuk.yang 2012-11-03 * 1.0.26 - Rollback status of package manager before latest merging - Fixed a bug for setting rootstrap path to xml file when modify rootstrap == donghyuk.yang 2012-11-03 * 1.0.25 - Merged latest changes - [develop] Fixed a bug that project from git is not working when using schema in base uri - [develop] Check a mismatch architecture between rootstrap and configuration when selecting rootstrap - [develop] Changed base directory of user rootstraps to "~/tizen-sdk-data" - [develop] Removed double quotation marks from wizard title and description = donghyuk.yang 2012-11-23 * 1.0.24 - Added dis upgrade feature to package manager - [develop] Modified method for passing environment variables to command launcher == donghyuk.yang 2012-11-22 * 1.0.23 - [develop] Added question dialog if rootstrap is not initialized - [develop] Do not pass rootstrap name and arch arguments to sbi action script == donghyuk.yang 2012-11-21 * 1.0.22 - [develop] Release for test == donghee.yang 2012-11-21 * 1.0.21 - [develop] Applied new Platfrom SDK concept == ho.namkoong 2012-11-15 15:39 * 1.0.20 - [develop] Create fundamental folder when creating native project == ho.namkoong 2012-11-15 15:39