# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables ifneq ($(strip $(SHELL_BIN)),) SHELL = $(SHELL_BIN) else SHELL = sh endif ifneq ($(strip $(MKDIR_BIN)),) MKDIR = $(MKDIR_BIN) MKDIR_OP = -p else MKDIR = mkdir MKDIR_OP = -p endif ifneq ($(strip $(UNAME_BIN)),) UNAME = $(UNAME_BIN) else UNAME = uname endif ifneq ($(strip $(M4_BIN)),) M4 = $(M4_BIN) else M4 = m4 endif ifneq ($(strip $(TR_BIN)),) TR = $(TR_BIN) else TR = tr endif ifneq ($(strip $(FIND_BIN)),) FIND = $(FIND_BIN) else FIND = find endif ifneq ($(strip $(SED_BIN)),) SED = $(SED_BIN) else SED = sed endif ifneq ($(strip $(GREP_BIN)),) GREP = $(GREP_BIN) else GREP = grep endif ifneq ($(strip $(EDJE_CC_BIN)),) EDJE_CC = $(EDJE_CC_BIN) else EDJE_CC = edje_cc endif ifneq ($(strip $(MSGFMT_BIN)),) MSGFMT = $(MSGFMT_BIN) else MSGFMT = msgfmt endif