path: root/tests/testfunctions.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/testfunctions.c')
1 files changed, 1203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/testfunctions.c b/tests/testfunctions.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21a5ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testfunctions.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1203 @@
+/* testfunctions.c generated by valac 0.18.0, the Vala compiler
+ * generated from testfunctions.vala, do not modify */
+/* testfunctions.vala
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Maciej Piechotka
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Author:
+ * Maciej Piechotka <>
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <gee.h>
+#define GEE_TYPE_TEST_CASE (gee_test_case_get_type ())
+#define GEE_TEST_CASE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GEE_TYPE_TEST_CASE, GeeTestCaseClass))
+typedef struct _GeeTestCase GeeTestCase;
+typedef struct _GeeTestCaseClass GeeTestCaseClass;
+typedef struct _GeeTestCasePrivate GeeTestCasePrivate;
+#define TYPE_FUNCTIONS_TESTS (functions_tests_get_type ())
+typedef struct _FunctionsTests FunctionsTests;
+typedef struct _FunctionsTestsClass FunctionsTestsClass;
+typedef struct _FunctionsTestsPrivate FunctionsTestsPrivate;
+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
+#define FUNCTIONS_TESTS_TYPE_MY_COMPARABLE (functions_tests_my_comparable_get_type ())
+typedef struct _FunctionsTestsMyComparable FunctionsTestsMyComparable;
+typedef struct _FunctionsTestsMyComparableClass FunctionsTestsMyComparableClass;
+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
+#define FUNCTIONS_TESTS_TYPE_MY_HASHABLE (functions_tests_my_hashable_get_type ())
+typedef struct _FunctionsTestsMyHashable FunctionsTestsMyHashable;
+typedef struct _FunctionsTestsMyHashableClass FunctionsTestsMyHashableClass;
+typedef struct _Block5Data Block5Data;
+typedef struct _Block6Data Block6Data;
+typedef struct _Block7Data Block7Data;
+typedef struct _Block8Data Block8Data;
+typedef struct _FunctionsTestsMyComparablePrivate FunctionsTestsMyComparablePrivate;
+typedef struct _FunctionsTestsMyHashablePrivate FunctionsTestsMyHashablePrivate;
+#define _vala_assert(expr, msg) if G_LIKELY (expr) ; else g_assertion_message_expr (G_LOG_DOMAIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, G_STRFUNC, msg);
+struct _GeeTestCase {
+ GObject parent_instance;
+ GeeTestCasePrivate * priv;
+struct _GeeTestCaseClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_class;
+ void (*set_up) (GeeTestCase* self);
+ void (*tear_down) (GeeTestCase* self);
+struct _FunctionsTests {
+ GeeTestCase parent_instance;
+ FunctionsTestsPrivate * priv;
+struct _FunctionsTestsClass {
+ GeeTestCaseClass parent_class;
+typedef void (*GeeTestCaseTestMethod) (void* user_data);
+struct _Block5Data {
+ int _ref_count_;
+ FunctionsTests * self;
+ gint i;
+ gint j;
+struct _Block6Data {
+ int _ref_count_;
+ Block5Data * _data5_;
+ gint k;
+struct _Block7Data {
+ int _ref_count_;
+ FunctionsTests * self;
+ gint i;
+struct _Block8Data {
+ int _ref_count_;
+ Block7Data * _data7_;
+ gint j;
+ gint start;
+struct _FunctionsTestsMyComparable {
+ GObject parent_instance;
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparablePrivate * priv;
+struct _FunctionsTestsMyComparableClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_class;
+struct _FunctionsTestsMyComparablePrivate {
+ gint i;
+struct _FunctionsTestsMyHashable {
+ GObject parent_instance;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashablePrivate * priv;
+struct _FunctionsTestsMyHashableClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_class;
+struct _FunctionsTestsMyHashablePrivate {
+ gint i;
+static gpointer functions_tests_parent_class = NULL;
+static gpointer functions_tests_my_comparable_parent_class = NULL;
+static GeeComparableIface* functions_tests_my_comparable_gee_comparable_parent_iface = NULL;
+static gpointer functions_tests_my_hashable_parent_class = NULL;
+static GeeComparableIface* functions_tests_my_hashable_gee_comparable_parent_iface = NULL;
+static GeeHashableIface* functions_tests_my_hashable_gee_hashable_parent_iface = NULL;
+GType gee_test_case_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GType functions_tests_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+enum {
+FunctionsTests* functions_tests_new (void);
+FunctionsTests* functions_tests_construct (GType object_type);
+GeeTestCase* gee_test_case_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* name);
+void gee_test_case_add_test (GeeTestCase* self, const gchar* name, GeeTestCaseTestMethod test, void* test_target, GDestroyNotify test_target_destroy_notify);
+void functions_tests_test_string_func (FunctionsTests* self);
+static void _functions_tests_test_string_func_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self);
+void functions_tests_test_int_func (FunctionsTests* self);
+static void _functions_tests_test_int_func_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self);
+void functions_tests_test_compare_func (FunctionsTests* self);
+static void _functions_tests_test_compare_func_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self);
+void functions_tests_test_hash_func (FunctionsTests* self);
+static void _functions_tests_test_hash_func_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self);
+void functions_tests_test_unfold (FunctionsTests* self);
+static void _functions_tests_test_unfold_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self);
+void functions_tests_test_concat (FunctionsTests* self);
+static void _functions_tests_test_concat_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self);
+static FunctionsTestsMyComparable* functions_tests_my_comparable_new (gint i);
+static FunctionsTestsMyComparable* functions_tests_my_comparable_construct (GType object_type, gint i);
+static GType functions_tests_my_comparable_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST G_GNUC_UNUSED;
+static FunctionsTestsMyHashable* functions_tests_my_hashable_new (gint i);
+static FunctionsTestsMyHashable* functions_tests_my_hashable_construct (GType object_type, gint i);
+static GType functions_tests_my_hashable_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST G_GNUC_UNUSED;
+static Block5Data* block5_data_ref (Block5Data* _data5_);
+static void block5_data_unref (void * _userdata_);
+static GeeLazy* __lambda19_ (Block5Data* _data5_);
+static Block6Data* block6_data_ref (Block6Data* _data6_);
+static void block6_data_unref (void * _userdata_);
+static gint __lambda20_ (Block6Data* _data6_);
+static gpointer ___lambda20__gee_lazy_func (gpointer self);
+static GeeLazy* ___lambda19__gee_unfold_func (gpointer self);
+static Block7Data* block7_data_ref (Block7Data* _data7_);
+static void block7_data_unref (void * _userdata_);
+static GeeLazy* __lambda21_ (Block7Data* _data7_);
+static Block8Data* block8_data_ref (Block8Data* _data8_);
+static void block8_data_unref (void * _userdata_);
+static GeeLazy* __lambda22_ (Block8Data* _data8_);
+static GeeLazy* ___lambda22__gee_unfold_func (gpointer self);
+static GeeLazy* ___lambda21__gee_unfold_func (gpointer self);
+enum {
+static gint functions_tests_my_comparable_real_compare_to (GeeComparable* base, FunctionsTestsMyComparable* cmp);
+static void functions_tests_my_comparable_finalize (GObject* obj);
+enum {
+static gint functions_tests_my_hashable_real_compare_to (GeeComparable* base, FunctionsTestsMyHashable* cmp);
+static guint functions_tests_my_hashable_real_hash (GeeHashable* base);
+static gboolean functions_tests_my_hashable_real_equal_to (GeeHashable* base, FunctionsTestsMyHashable* hash);
+static void functions_tests_my_hashable_finalize (GObject* obj);
+static void _functions_tests_test_string_func_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self) {
+ functions_tests_test_string_func (self);
+static void _functions_tests_test_int_func_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self) {
+ functions_tests_test_int_func (self);
+static void _functions_tests_test_compare_func_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self) {
+ functions_tests_test_compare_func (self);
+static void _functions_tests_test_hash_func_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self) {
+ functions_tests_test_hash_func (self);
+static void _functions_tests_test_unfold_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self) {
+ functions_tests_test_unfold (self);
+static void _functions_tests_test_concat_gee_test_case_test_method (gpointer self) {
+ functions_tests_test_concat (self);
+FunctionsTests* functions_tests_construct (GType object_type) {
+ FunctionsTests * self = NULL;
+ self = (FunctionsTests*) gee_test_case_construct (object_type, "Functions");
+ gee_test_case_add_test ((GeeTestCase*) self, "[Functions] comparing and hashing strings", _functions_tests_test_string_func_gee_test_case_test_method, g_object_ref (self), g_object_unref);
+ gee_test_case_add_test ((GeeTestCase*) self, "[Functions] comparing and hashing int", _functions_tests_test_int_func_gee_test_case_test_method, g_object_ref (self), g_object_unref);
+ gee_test_case_add_test ((GeeTestCase*) self, "[Functions] comparing instances of Comparable", _functions_tests_test_compare_func_gee_test_case_test_method, g_object_ref (self), g_object_unref);
+ gee_test_case_add_test ((GeeTestCase*) self, "[Functions] comparing and hashing instances of Hashable", _functions_tests_test_hash_func_gee_test_case_test_method, g_object_ref (self), g_object_unref);
+ gee_test_case_add_test ((GeeTestCase*) self, "[Iterator] unfold", _functions_tests_test_unfold_gee_test_case_test_method, g_object_ref (self), g_object_unref);
+ gee_test_case_add_test ((GeeTestCase*) self, "[Iterator] concat", _functions_tests_test_concat_gee_test_case_test_method, g_object_ref (self), g_object_unref);
+ return self;
+FunctionsTests* functions_tests_new (void) {
+ return functions_tests_construct (TYPE_FUNCTIONS_TESTS);
+void functions_tests_test_string_func (FunctionsTests* self) {
+ gchar* _tmp0_;
+ gchar* one;
+ gchar* _tmp1_;
+ gchar* two;
+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
+ gchar* two_copy;
+ void* _tmp3_ = NULL;
+ GDestroyNotify _tmp4_ = NULL;
+ GeeEqualDataFunc _tmp5_ = NULL;
+ GeeEqualDataFunc eq;
+ void* eq_target;
+ GDestroyNotify eq_target_destroy_notify;
+ void* _tmp6_ = NULL;
+ GDestroyNotify _tmp7_ = NULL;
+ GCompareDataFunc _tmp8_ = NULL;
+ GCompareDataFunc cmp;
+ void* cmp_target;
+ GDestroyNotify cmp_target_destroy_notify;
+ void* _tmp9_ = NULL;
+ GDestroyNotify _tmp10_ = NULL;
+ GeeHashDataFunc _tmp11_ = NULL;
+ GeeHashDataFunc hash;
+ void* hash_target;
+ GDestroyNotify hash_target_destroy_notify;
+ gboolean _tmp12_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp13_ = 0;
+ guint _tmp14_ = 0U;
+ guint _tmp15_ = 0U;
+ gboolean _tmp16_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp17_ = 0;
+ guint _tmp18_ = 0U;
+ guint _tmp19_ = 0U;
+ gboolean _tmp20_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp21_ = 0;
+ gboolean _tmp22_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp23_ = 0;
+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
+ _tmp0_ = g_strdup ("one");
+ one = _tmp0_;
+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup ("two");
+ two = _tmp1_;
+ _tmp2_ = g_strdup (two);
+ two_copy = _tmp2_;
+ _tmp5_ = gee_functions_get_equal_func_for (G_TYPE_STRING, &_tmp3_, &_tmp4_);
+ eq = _tmp5_;
+ eq_target = _tmp3_;
+ eq_target_destroy_notify = _tmp4_;
+ _tmp8_ = gee_functions_get_compare_func_for (G_TYPE_STRING, &_tmp6_, &_tmp7_);
+ cmp = _tmp8_;
+ cmp_target = _tmp6_;
+ cmp_target_destroy_notify = _tmp7_;
+ _tmp11_ = gee_functions_get_hash_func_for (G_TYPE_STRING, &_tmp9_, &_tmp10_);
+ hash = _tmp11_;
+ hash_target = _tmp9_;
+ hash_target_destroy_notify = _tmp10_;
+ _vala_assert (eq != NULL, "eq != null");
+ _vala_assert (cmp != NULL, "cmp != null");
+ _vala_assert (hash != NULL, "hash != null");
+ _tmp12_ = eq (two, two, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp12_, "eq (two, two)");
+ _tmp13_ = cmp (two, two, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp13_ == 0, "cmp (two, two) == 0");
+ _tmp14_ = hash (two, hash_target);
+ _tmp15_ = hash (two, hash_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp14_ == _tmp15_, "hash (two) == hash (two)");
+ _tmp16_ = eq (two, two_copy, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp16_, "eq (two, two_copy)");
+ _tmp17_ = cmp (two, two_copy, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp17_ == 0, "cmp (two, two_copy) == 0");
+ _tmp18_ = hash (two, hash_target);
+ _tmp19_ = hash (two_copy, hash_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp18_ == _tmp19_, "hash (two) == hash (two_copy)");
+ _tmp20_ = eq (one, two, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (!_tmp20_, "!eq (one, two)");
+ _tmp21_ = cmp (one, two, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp21_ < 0, "cmp (one, two) < 0");
+ _tmp22_ = eq (two, one, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (!_tmp22_, "!eq (two, one)");
+ _tmp23_ = cmp (two, one, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp23_ > 0, "cmp (two, one) > 0");
+ (hash_target_destroy_notify == NULL) ? NULL : (hash_target_destroy_notify (hash_target), NULL);
+ hash = NULL;
+ hash_target = NULL;
+ hash_target_destroy_notify = NULL;
+ (cmp_target_destroy_notify == NULL) ? NULL : (cmp_target_destroy_notify (cmp_target), NULL);
+ cmp = NULL;
+ cmp_target = NULL;
+ cmp_target_destroy_notify = NULL;
+ (eq_target_destroy_notify == NULL) ? NULL : (eq_target_destroy_notify (eq_target), NULL);
+ eq = NULL;
+ eq_target = NULL;
+ eq_target_destroy_notify = NULL;
+ _g_free0 (two_copy);
+ _g_free0 (two);
+ _g_free0 (one);
+void functions_tests_test_int_func (FunctionsTests* self) {
+ void* one;
+ void* two;
+ void* _tmp0_ = NULL;
+ GDestroyNotify _tmp1_ = NULL;
+ GeeEqualDataFunc _tmp2_ = NULL;
+ GeeEqualDataFunc eq;
+ void* eq_target;
+ GDestroyNotify eq_target_destroy_notify;
+ void* _tmp3_ = NULL;
+ GDestroyNotify _tmp4_ = NULL;
+ GCompareDataFunc _tmp5_ = NULL;
+ GCompareDataFunc cmp;
+ void* cmp_target;
+ GDestroyNotify cmp_target_destroy_notify;
+ void* _tmp6_ = NULL;
+ GDestroyNotify _tmp7_ = NULL;
+ GeeHashDataFunc _tmp8_ = NULL;
+ GeeHashDataFunc hash;
+ void* hash_target;
+ GDestroyNotify hash_target_destroy_notify;
+ gboolean _tmp9_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp10_ = 0;
+ guint _tmp11_ = 0U;
+ guint _tmp12_ = 0U;
+ gboolean _tmp13_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp14_ = 0;
+ gboolean _tmp15_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp16_ = 0;
+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
+ one = (void*) 1;
+ two = (void*) 2;
+ _tmp2_ = gee_functions_get_equal_func_for (G_TYPE_INT, &_tmp0_, &_tmp1_);
+ eq = _tmp2_;
+ eq_target = _tmp0_;
+ eq_target_destroy_notify = _tmp1_;
+ _tmp5_ = gee_functions_get_compare_func_for (G_TYPE_INT, &_tmp3_, &_tmp4_);
+ cmp = _tmp5_;
+ cmp_target = _tmp3_;
+ cmp_target_destroy_notify = _tmp4_;
+ _tmp8_ = gee_functions_get_hash_func_for (G_TYPE_INT, &_tmp6_, &_tmp7_);
+ hash = _tmp8_;
+ hash_target = _tmp6_;
+ hash_target_destroy_notify = _tmp7_;
+ _vala_assert (eq != NULL, "eq != null");
+ _vala_assert (cmp != NULL, "cmp != null");
+ _vala_assert (hash != NULL, "hash != null");
+ _tmp9_ = eq (two, two, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp9_, "eq (two, two)");
+ _tmp10_ = cmp (two, two, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp10_ == 0, "cmp (two, two) == 0");
+ _tmp11_ = hash (two, hash_target);
+ _tmp12_ = hash (two, hash_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp11_ == _tmp12_, "hash (two) == hash (two)");
+ _tmp13_ = eq (one, two, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (!_tmp13_, "!eq (one, two)");
+ _tmp14_ = cmp (one, two, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp14_ < 0, "cmp (one, two) < 0");
+ _tmp15_ = eq (two, one, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (!_tmp15_, "!eq (two, one)");
+ _tmp16_ = cmp (two, one, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp16_ > 0, "cmp (two, one) > 0");
+ (hash_target_destroy_notify == NULL) ? NULL : (hash_target_destroy_notify (hash_target), NULL);
+ hash = NULL;
+ hash_target = NULL;
+ hash_target_destroy_notify = NULL;
+ (cmp_target_destroy_notify == NULL) ? NULL : (cmp_target_destroy_notify (cmp_target), NULL);
+ cmp = NULL;
+ cmp_target = NULL;
+ cmp_target_destroy_notify = NULL;
+ (eq_target_destroy_notify == NULL) ? NULL : (eq_target_destroy_notify (eq_target), NULL);
+ eq = NULL;
+ eq_target = NULL;
+ eq_target_destroy_notify = NULL;
+void functions_tests_test_compare_func (FunctionsTests* self) {
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparable* _tmp0_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparable* two;
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparable* _tmp1_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparable* one;
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparable* _tmp2_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparable* two_copy;
+ void* _tmp3_ = NULL;
+ GDestroyNotify _tmp4_ = NULL;
+ GeeEqualDataFunc _tmp5_ = NULL;
+ GeeEqualDataFunc eq;
+ void* eq_target;
+ GDestroyNotify eq_target_destroy_notify;
+ void* _tmp6_ = NULL;
+ GDestroyNotify _tmp7_ = NULL;
+ GCompareDataFunc _tmp8_ = NULL;
+ GCompareDataFunc cmp;
+ void* cmp_target;
+ GDestroyNotify cmp_target_destroy_notify;
+ gboolean _tmp9_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp10_ = 0;
+ gboolean _tmp11_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp12_ = 0;
+ gboolean _tmp13_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp14_ = 0;
+ gboolean _tmp15_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp16_ = 0;
+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
+ _tmp0_ = functions_tests_my_comparable_new (2);
+ two = _tmp0_;
+ _tmp1_ = functions_tests_my_comparable_new (1);
+ one = _tmp1_;
+ _tmp2_ = functions_tests_my_comparable_new (2);
+ two_copy = _tmp2_;
+ _tmp5_ = gee_functions_get_equal_func_for (FUNCTIONS_TESTS_TYPE_MY_COMPARABLE, &_tmp3_, &_tmp4_);
+ eq = _tmp5_;
+ eq_target = _tmp3_;
+ eq_target_destroy_notify = _tmp4_;
+ _tmp8_ = gee_functions_get_compare_func_for (FUNCTIONS_TESTS_TYPE_MY_COMPARABLE, &_tmp6_, &_tmp7_);
+ cmp = _tmp8_;
+ cmp_target = _tmp6_;
+ cmp_target_destroy_notify = _tmp7_;
+ _vala_assert (eq != NULL, "eq != null");
+ _vala_assert (cmp != NULL, "cmp != null");
+ _tmp9_ = eq (two, two, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp9_, "eq (two, two)");
+ _tmp10_ = cmp (two, two, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp10_ == 0, "cmp (two, two) == 0");
+ _tmp11_ = eq (two, two_copy, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp11_, "eq (two, two_copy)");
+ _tmp12_ = cmp (two, two_copy, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp12_ == 0, "cmp (two, two_copy) == 0");
+ _tmp13_ = eq (one, two, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (!_tmp13_, "!eq (one, two)");
+ _tmp14_ = cmp (one, two, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp14_ < 0, "cmp (one, two) < 0");
+ _tmp15_ = eq (two, one, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (!_tmp15_, "!eq (two, one)");
+ _tmp16_ = cmp (two, one, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp16_ > 0, "cmp (two, one) > 0");
+ (cmp_target_destroy_notify == NULL) ? NULL : (cmp_target_destroy_notify (cmp_target), NULL);
+ cmp = NULL;
+ cmp_target = NULL;
+ cmp_target_destroy_notify = NULL;
+ (eq_target_destroy_notify == NULL) ? NULL : (eq_target_destroy_notify (eq_target), NULL);
+ eq = NULL;
+ eq_target = NULL;
+ eq_target_destroy_notify = NULL;
+ _g_object_unref0 (two_copy);
+ _g_object_unref0 (one);
+ _g_object_unref0 (two);
+void functions_tests_test_hash_func (FunctionsTests* self) {
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* _tmp0_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* two;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* _tmp1_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* one;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* _tmp2_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* two_copy;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* _tmp3_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* minus_one;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* _tmp4_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* minus_one2;
+ void* _tmp5_ = NULL;
+ GDestroyNotify _tmp6_ = NULL;
+ GeeEqualDataFunc _tmp7_ = NULL;
+ GeeEqualDataFunc eq;
+ void* eq_target;
+ GDestroyNotify eq_target_destroy_notify;
+ void* _tmp8_ = NULL;
+ GDestroyNotify _tmp9_ = NULL;
+ GCompareDataFunc _tmp10_ = NULL;
+ GCompareDataFunc cmp;
+ void* cmp_target;
+ GDestroyNotify cmp_target_destroy_notify;
+ void* _tmp11_ = NULL;
+ GDestroyNotify _tmp12_ = NULL;
+ GeeHashDataFunc _tmp13_ = NULL;
+ GeeHashDataFunc hash;
+ void* hash_target;
+ GDestroyNotify hash_target_destroy_notify;
+ gboolean _tmp14_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp15_ = 0;
+ guint _tmp16_ = 0U;
+ guint _tmp17_ = 0U;
+ gboolean _tmp18_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp19_ = 0;
+ guint _tmp20_ = 0U;
+ guint _tmp21_ = 0U;
+ gboolean _tmp22_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp23_ = 0;
+ gboolean _tmp24_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp25_ = 0;
+ guint _tmp26_ = 0U;
+ gboolean _tmp27_ = FALSE;
+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
+ _tmp0_ = functions_tests_my_hashable_new (2);
+ two = _tmp0_;
+ _tmp1_ = functions_tests_my_hashable_new (1);
+ one = _tmp1_;
+ _tmp2_ = functions_tests_my_hashable_new (2);
+ two_copy = _tmp2_;
+ _tmp3_ = functions_tests_my_hashable_new (-1);
+ minus_one = _tmp3_;
+ _tmp4_ = functions_tests_my_hashable_new (-1);
+ minus_one2 = _tmp4_;
+ _tmp7_ = gee_functions_get_equal_func_for (FUNCTIONS_TESTS_TYPE_MY_HASHABLE, &_tmp5_, &_tmp6_);
+ eq = _tmp7_;
+ eq_target = _tmp5_;
+ eq_target_destroy_notify = _tmp6_;
+ _tmp10_ = gee_functions_get_compare_func_for (FUNCTIONS_TESTS_TYPE_MY_HASHABLE, &_tmp8_, &_tmp9_);
+ cmp = _tmp10_;
+ cmp_target = _tmp8_;
+ cmp_target_destroy_notify = _tmp9_;
+ _tmp13_ = gee_functions_get_hash_func_for (FUNCTIONS_TESTS_TYPE_MY_HASHABLE, &_tmp11_, &_tmp12_);
+ hash = _tmp13_;
+ hash_target = _tmp11_;
+ hash_target_destroy_notify = _tmp12_;
+ _vala_assert (eq != NULL, "eq != null");
+ _vala_assert (cmp != NULL, "cmp != null");
+ _vala_assert (hash != NULL, "hash != null");
+ _tmp14_ = eq (two, two, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp14_, "eq (two, two)");
+ _tmp15_ = cmp (two, two, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp15_ == 0, "cmp (two, two) == 0");
+ _tmp16_ = hash (two, hash_target);
+ _tmp17_ = hash (two, hash_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp16_ == _tmp17_, "hash (two) == hash (two)");
+ _tmp18_ = eq (two, two_copy, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp18_, "eq (two, two_copy)");
+ _tmp19_ = cmp (two, two_copy, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp19_ == 0, "cmp (two, two_copy) == 0");
+ _tmp20_ = hash (two, hash_target);
+ _tmp21_ = hash (two_copy, hash_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp20_ == _tmp21_, "hash (two) == hash (two_copy)");
+ _tmp22_ = eq (one, two, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (!_tmp22_, "!eq (one, two)");
+ _tmp23_ = cmp (one, two, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp23_ < 0, "cmp (one, two) < 0");
+ _tmp24_ = eq (two, one, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (!_tmp24_, "!eq (two, one)");
+ _tmp25_ = cmp (two, one, cmp_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp25_ > 0, "cmp (two, one) > 0");
+ _tmp26_ = hash (one, hash_target);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp26_ == ((guint) 1), "hash (one) == 1");
+ _tmp27_ = eq (minus_one, minus_one2, eq_target);
+ _vala_assert (!_tmp27_, "!eq (minus_one, minus_one2)");
+ (hash_target_destroy_notify == NULL) ? NULL : (hash_target_destroy_notify (hash_target), NULL);
+ hash = NULL;
+ hash_target = NULL;
+ hash_target_destroy_notify = NULL;
+ (cmp_target_destroy_notify == NULL) ? NULL : (cmp_target_destroy_notify (cmp_target), NULL);
+ cmp = NULL;
+ cmp_target = NULL;
+ cmp_target_destroy_notify = NULL;
+ (eq_target_destroy_notify == NULL) ? NULL : (eq_target_destroy_notify (eq_target), NULL);
+ eq = NULL;
+ eq_target = NULL;
+ eq_target_destroy_notify = NULL;
+ _g_object_unref0 (minus_one2);
+ _g_object_unref0 (minus_one);
+ _g_object_unref0 (two_copy);
+ _g_object_unref0 (one);
+ _g_object_unref0 (two);
+static Block5Data* block5_data_ref (Block5Data* _data5_) {
+ g_atomic_int_inc (&_data5_->_ref_count_);
+ return _data5_;
+static void block5_data_unref (void * _userdata_) {
+ Block5Data* _data5_;
+ _data5_ = (Block5Data*) _userdata_;
+ if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&_data5_->_ref_count_)) {
+ FunctionsTests * self;
+ self = _data5_->self;
+ _g_object_unref0 (self);
+ g_slice_free (Block5Data, _data5_);
+ }
+static Block6Data* block6_data_ref (Block6Data* _data6_) {
+ g_atomic_int_inc (&_data6_->_ref_count_);
+ return _data6_;
+static void block6_data_unref (void * _userdata_) {
+ Block6Data* _data6_;
+ _data6_ = (Block6Data*) _userdata_;
+ if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&_data6_->_ref_count_)) {
+ FunctionsTests * self;
+ self = _data6_->_data5_->self;
+ block5_data_unref (_data6_->_data5_);
+ _data6_->_data5_ = NULL;
+ g_slice_free (Block6Data, _data6_);
+ }
+static gint __lambda20_ (Block6Data* _data6_) {
+ Block5Data* _data5_;
+ FunctionsTests * self;
+ gint result = 0;
+ gint _tmp0_;
+ gint _tmp1_;
+ gint _tmp2_;
+ gint _tmp3_;
+ _data5_ = _data6_->_data5_;
+ self = _data5_->self;
+ _tmp0_ = _data6_->k;
+ _tmp1_ = _data5_->i;
+ _vala_assert ((_tmp0_ + 1) == _tmp1_, "k + 1 == i");
+ _tmp2_ = _data6_->k;
+ _data5_->j = _tmp2_;
+ _tmp3_ = _data6_->k;
+ result = _tmp3_;
+ return result;
+static gpointer ___lambda20__gee_lazy_func (gpointer self) {
+ gpointer result;
+ result = __lambda20_ (self);
+ return result;
+static GeeLazy* __lambda19_ (Block5Data* _data5_) {
+ FunctionsTests * self;
+ GeeLazy* result = NULL;
+ Block6Data* _data6_;
+ gint _tmp0_;
+ gint _tmp1_;
+ gint _tmp2_;
+ gint _tmp3_;
+ GeeLazy* _tmp4_;
+ self = _data5_->self;
+ _data6_ = g_slice_new0 (Block6Data);
+ _data6_->_ref_count_ = 1;
+ _data6_->_data5_ = block5_data_ref (_data5_);
+ _tmp0_ = _data5_->j;
+ _tmp1_ = _data5_->i;
+ _vala_assert ((_tmp0_ + 1) == _tmp1_, "j + 1 == i");
+ _tmp2_ = _data5_->i;
+ if (_tmp2_ == 10) {
+ result = NULL;
+ block6_data_unref (_data6_);
+ _data6_ = NULL;
+ return result;
+ }
+ _tmp3_ = _data5_->i;
+ _data5_->i = _tmp3_ + 1;
+ _data6_->k = _tmp3_;
+ _tmp4_ = gee_lazy_new (G_TYPE_INT, NULL, NULL, ___lambda20__gee_lazy_func, block6_data_ref (_data6_), block6_data_unref);
+ result = _tmp4_;
+ block6_data_unref (_data6_);
+ _data6_ = NULL;
+ return result;
+static GeeLazy* ___lambda19__gee_unfold_func (gpointer self) {
+ GeeLazy* result;
+ result = __lambda19_ (self);
+ return result;
+void functions_tests_test_unfold (FunctionsTests* self) {
+ Block5Data* _data5_;
+ GeeIterator* _tmp0_ = NULL;
+ GeeIterator* iter;
+ gint k;
+ gint _tmp10_;
+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
+ _data5_ = g_slice_new0 (Block5Data);
+ _data5_->_ref_count_ = 1;
+ _data5_->self = g_object_ref (self);
+ _data5_->i = 0;
+ _data5_->j = -1;
+ _tmp0_ = gee_iterator_unfold (G_TYPE_INT, NULL, NULL, ___lambda19__gee_unfold_func, block5_data_ref (_data5_), block5_data_unref, NULL);
+ iter = _tmp0_;
+ k = 0;
+ while (TRUE) {
+ GeeIterator* _tmp1_;
+ gboolean _tmp2_ = FALSE;
+ GeeIterator* _tmp3_;
+ gpointer _tmp4_ = NULL;
+ gint _tmp5_;
+ GeeIterator* _tmp6_;
+ gpointer _tmp7_ = NULL;
+ gint _tmp8_;
+ gint _tmp9_;
+ _tmp1_ = iter;
+ _tmp2_ = gee_iterator_next (_tmp1_);
+ if (!_tmp2_) {
+ break;
+ }
+ _tmp3_ = iter;
+ _tmp4_ = gee_iterator_get (_tmp3_);
+ _tmp5_ = k;
+ _vala_assert (((gint) ((gintptr) _tmp4_)) == _tmp5_, "iter.get () == k");
+ _tmp6_ = iter;
+ _tmp7_ = gee_iterator_get (_tmp6_);
+ _tmp8_ = k;
+ _vala_assert (((gint) ((gintptr) _tmp7_)) == _tmp8_, "iter.get () == k");
+ _tmp9_ = k;
+ k = _tmp9_ + 1;
+ }
+ _tmp10_ = k;
+ _vala_assert (_tmp10_ == 10, "k == 10");
+ _g_object_unref0 (iter);
+ block5_data_unref (_data5_);
+ _data5_ = NULL;
+static Block7Data* block7_data_ref (Block7Data* _data7_) {
+ g_atomic_int_inc (&_data7_->_ref_count_);
+ return _data7_;
+static void block7_data_unref (void * _userdata_) {
+ Block7Data* _data7_;
+ _data7_ = (Block7Data*) _userdata_;
+ if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&_data7_->_ref_count_)) {
+ FunctionsTests * self;
+ self = _data7_->self;
+ _g_object_unref0 (self);
+ g_slice_free (Block7Data, _data7_);
+ }
+static Block8Data* block8_data_ref (Block8Data* _data8_) {
+ g_atomic_int_inc (&_data8_->_ref_count_);
+ return _data8_;
+static void block8_data_unref (void * _userdata_) {
+ Block8Data* _data8_;
+ _data8_ = (Block8Data*) _userdata_;
+ if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&_data8_->_ref_count_)) {
+ FunctionsTests * self;
+ self = _data8_->_data7_->self;
+ block7_data_unref (_data8_->_data7_);
+ _data8_->_data7_ = NULL;
+ g_slice_free (Block8Data, _data8_);
+ }
+static GeeLazy* __lambda22_ (Block8Data* _data8_) {
+ Block7Data* _data7_;
+ FunctionsTests * self;
+ GeeLazy* result = NULL;
+ gint _tmp0_;
+ gint _tmp1_;
+ gint _tmp2_;
+ GeeLazy* _tmp3_;
+ _data7_ = _data8_->_data7_;
+ self = _data7_->self;
+ _tmp0_ = _data8_->j;
+ _tmp1_ = _data8_->start;
+ if (_tmp0_ == (_tmp1_ + 3)) {
+ result = NULL;
+ return result;
+ }
+ _tmp2_ = _data8_->j;
+ _data8_->j = _tmp2_ + 1;
+ _tmp3_ = gee_lazy_new_from_value (G_TYPE_INT, NULL, NULL, (gpointer) ((gintptr) _tmp2_));
+ result = _tmp3_;
+ return result;
+static GeeLazy* ___lambda22__gee_unfold_func (gpointer self) {
+ GeeLazy* result;
+ result = __lambda22_ (self);
+ return result;
+static GeeLazy* __lambda21_ (Block7Data* _data7_) {
+ FunctionsTests * self;
+ GeeLazy* result = NULL;
+ Block8Data* _data8_;
+ gint _tmp0_;
+ gint _tmp1_;
+ gint _tmp2_;
+ GeeIterator* _tmp3_ = NULL;
+ GeeIterator* iter;
+ GeeIterator* _tmp4_;
+ GeeLazy* _tmp5_;
+ self = _data7_->self;
+ _data8_ = g_slice_new0 (Block8Data);
+ _data8_->_ref_count_ = 1;
+ _data8_->_data7_ = block7_data_ref (_data7_);
+ _tmp0_ = _data7_->i;
+ if (_tmp0_ >= 3) {
+ result = NULL;
+ block8_data_unref (_data8_);
+ _data8_ = NULL;
+ return result;
+ }
+ _tmp1_ = _data7_->i;
+ _data7_->i = _tmp1_ + 1;
+ _data8_->j = _tmp1_ * 3;
+ _tmp2_ = _data8_->j;
+ _data8_->start = _tmp2_;
+ _tmp3_ = gee_iterator_unfold (G_TYPE_INT, NULL, NULL, ___lambda22__gee_unfold_func, block8_data_ref (_data8_), block8_data_unref, NULL);
+ iter = _tmp3_;
+ _tmp4_ = iter;
+ _tmp5_ = gee_lazy_new_from_value (GEE_TYPE_ITERATOR, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_object_ref, g_object_unref, _tmp4_);
+ result = _tmp5_;
+ _g_object_unref0 (iter);
+ block8_data_unref (_data8_);
+ _data8_ = NULL;
+ return result;
+static GeeLazy* ___lambda21__gee_unfold_func (gpointer self) {
+ GeeLazy* result;
+ result = __lambda21_ (self);
+ return result;
+void functions_tests_test_concat (FunctionsTests* self) {
+ Block7Data* _data7_;
+ GeeIterator* _tmp0_ = NULL;
+ GeeIterator* iter_;
+ gint j;
+ GeeIterator* _tmp1_;
+ GeeIterator* _tmp2_ = NULL;
+ GeeIterator* iter;
+ gint _tmp12_;
+ gint _tmp13_;
+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
+ _data7_ = g_slice_new0 (Block7Data);
+ _data7_->_ref_count_ = 1;
+ _data7_->self = g_object_ref (self);
+ _data7_->i = 0;
+ _tmp0_ = gee_iterator_unfold (GEE_TYPE_ITERATOR, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_object_ref, g_object_unref, ___lambda21__gee_unfold_func, block7_data_ref (_data7_), block7_data_unref, NULL);
+ iter_ = _tmp0_;
+ j = 0;
+ _tmp1_ = iter_;
+ _tmp2_ = gee_iterator_concat (G_TYPE_INT, NULL, NULL, _tmp1_);
+ iter = _tmp2_;
+ while (TRUE) {
+ GeeIterator* _tmp3_;
+ gboolean _tmp4_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp5_;
+ GeeIterator* _tmp6_;
+ gpointer _tmp7_ = NULL;
+ gint _tmp8_;
+ GeeIterator* _tmp9_;
+ gpointer _tmp10_ = NULL;
+ gint _tmp11_;
+ _tmp3_ = iter;
+ _tmp4_ = gee_iterator_next (_tmp3_);
+ if (!_tmp4_) {
+ break;
+ }
+ _tmp5_ = j;
+ _tmp6_ = iter;
+ _tmp7_ = gee_iterator_get (_tmp6_);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp5_ == ((gint) ((gintptr) _tmp7_)), "j == iter.get ()");
+ _tmp8_ = j;
+ _tmp9_ = iter;
+ _tmp10_ = gee_iterator_get (_tmp9_);
+ _vala_assert (_tmp8_ == ((gint) ((gintptr) _tmp10_)), "j == iter.get ()");
+ _tmp11_ = j;
+ j = _tmp11_ + 1;
+ }
+ _tmp12_ = _data7_->i;
+ _vala_assert (_tmp12_ == 3, "i == 3");
+ _tmp13_ = j;
+ _vala_assert (_tmp13_ == 9, "j == 9");
+ _g_object_unref0 (iter);
+ _g_object_unref0 (iter_);
+ block7_data_unref (_data7_);
+ _data7_ = NULL;
+static FunctionsTestsMyComparable* functions_tests_my_comparable_construct (GType object_type, gint i) {
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparable * self = NULL;
+ gint _tmp0_;
+ self = (FunctionsTestsMyComparable*) g_object_new (object_type, NULL);
+ _tmp0_ = i;
+ self->priv->i = _tmp0_;
+ return self;
+static FunctionsTestsMyComparable* functions_tests_my_comparable_new (gint i) {
+ return functions_tests_my_comparable_construct (FUNCTIONS_TESTS_TYPE_MY_COMPARABLE, i);
+static gint functions_tests_my_comparable_real_compare_to (GeeComparable* base, FunctionsTestsMyComparable* cmp) {
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparable * self;
+ gint result = 0;
+ gint _tmp0_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparable* _tmp1_;
+ gint _tmp2_;
+ self = (FunctionsTestsMyComparable*) base;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (cmp != NULL, 0);
+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->i;
+ _tmp1_ = cmp;
+ _tmp2_ = _tmp1_->priv->i;
+ if (_tmp0_ == _tmp2_) {
+ result = 0;
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ gint _tmp3_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparable* _tmp4_;
+ gint _tmp5_;
+ _tmp3_ = self->priv->i;
+ _tmp4_ = cmp;
+ _tmp5_ = _tmp4_->priv->i;
+ if (_tmp3_ >= _tmp5_) {
+ result = 1;
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ result = -1;
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+static void functions_tests_my_comparable_class_init (FunctionsTestsMyComparableClass * klass) {
+ functions_tests_my_comparable_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (FunctionsTestsMyComparablePrivate));
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = functions_tests_my_comparable_finalize;
+static void functions_tests_my_comparable_gee_comparable_interface_init (GeeComparableIface * iface) {
+ functions_tests_my_comparable_gee_comparable_parent_iface = g_type_interface_peek_parent (iface);
+ iface->compare_to = (gint (*)(GeeComparable*, gconstpointer)) functions_tests_my_comparable_real_compare_to;
+static void functions_tests_my_comparable_instance_init (FunctionsTestsMyComparable * self) {
+static void functions_tests_my_comparable_finalize (GObject* obj) {
+ FunctionsTestsMyComparable * self;
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (functions_tests_my_comparable_parent_class)->finalize (obj);
+static GType functions_tests_my_comparable_get_type (void) {
+ static volatile gsize functions_tests_my_comparable_type_id__volatile = 0;
+ if (g_once_init_enter (&functions_tests_my_comparable_type_id__volatile)) {
+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (FunctionsTestsMyComparableClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) functions_tests_my_comparable_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (FunctionsTestsMyComparable), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) functions_tests_my_comparable_instance_init, NULL };
+ static const GInterfaceInfo gee_comparable_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) functions_tests_my_comparable_gee_comparable_interface_init, (GInterfaceFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL};
+ GType functions_tests_my_comparable_type_id;
+ functions_tests_my_comparable_type_id = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT, "FunctionsTestsMyComparable", &g_define_type_info, 0);
+ g_type_add_interface_static (functions_tests_my_comparable_type_id, GEE_TYPE_COMPARABLE, &gee_comparable_info);
+ g_once_init_leave (&functions_tests_my_comparable_type_id__volatile, functions_tests_my_comparable_type_id);
+ }
+ return functions_tests_my_comparable_type_id__volatile;
+static FunctionsTestsMyHashable* functions_tests_my_hashable_construct (GType object_type, gint i) {
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable * self = NULL;
+ gint _tmp0_;
+ self = (FunctionsTestsMyHashable*) g_object_new (object_type, NULL);
+ _tmp0_ = i;
+ self->priv->i = _tmp0_;
+ return self;
+static FunctionsTestsMyHashable* functions_tests_my_hashable_new (gint i) {
+ return functions_tests_my_hashable_construct (FUNCTIONS_TESTS_TYPE_MY_HASHABLE, i);
+static gint functions_tests_my_hashable_real_compare_to (GeeComparable* base, FunctionsTestsMyHashable* cmp) {
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable * self;
+ gint result = 0;
+ gint _tmp0_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* _tmp1_;
+ gint _tmp2_;
+ self = (FunctionsTestsMyHashable*) base;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (cmp != NULL, 0);
+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->i;
+ _tmp1_ = cmp;
+ _tmp2_ = _tmp1_->priv->i;
+ if (_tmp0_ == _tmp2_) {
+ result = 0;
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ gint _tmp3_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* _tmp4_;
+ gint _tmp5_;
+ _tmp3_ = self->priv->i;
+ _tmp4_ = cmp;
+ _tmp5_ = _tmp4_->priv->i;
+ if (_tmp3_ >= _tmp5_) {
+ result = 1;
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ result = -1;
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+static guint functions_tests_my_hashable_real_hash (GeeHashable* base) {
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable * self;
+ guint result = 0U;
+ gint _tmp0_;
+ self = (FunctionsTestsMyHashable*) base;
+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->i;
+ result = (guint) _tmp0_;
+ return result;
+static gboolean functions_tests_my_hashable_real_equal_to (GeeHashable* base, FunctionsTestsMyHashable* hash) {
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable * self;
+ gboolean result = FALSE;
+ gboolean _tmp0_ = FALSE;
+ gint _tmp1_;
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable* _tmp2_;
+ gint _tmp3_;
+ gboolean _tmp5_;
+ self = (FunctionsTestsMyHashable*) base;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (hash != NULL, FALSE);
+ _tmp1_ = self->priv->i;
+ _tmp2_ = hash;
+ _tmp3_ = _tmp2_->priv->i;
+ if (_tmp1_ == _tmp3_) {
+ gint _tmp4_;
+ _tmp4_ = self->priv->i;
+ _tmp0_ = _tmp4_ != (-1);
+ } else {
+ _tmp0_ = FALSE;
+ }
+ _tmp5_ = _tmp0_;
+ result = _tmp5_;
+ return result;
+static void functions_tests_my_hashable_class_init (FunctionsTestsMyHashableClass * klass) {
+ functions_tests_my_hashable_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (FunctionsTestsMyHashablePrivate));
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = functions_tests_my_hashable_finalize;
+static void functions_tests_my_hashable_gee_comparable_interface_init (GeeComparableIface * iface) {
+ functions_tests_my_hashable_gee_comparable_parent_iface = g_type_interface_peek_parent (iface);
+ iface->compare_to = (gint (*)(GeeComparable*, gconstpointer)) functions_tests_my_hashable_real_compare_to;
+static void functions_tests_my_hashable_gee_hashable_interface_init (GeeHashableIface * iface) {
+ functions_tests_my_hashable_gee_hashable_parent_iface = g_type_interface_peek_parent (iface);
+ iface->hash = (guint (*)(GeeHashable*)) functions_tests_my_hashable_real_hash;
+ iface->equal_to = (gboolean (*)(GeeHashable*, gconstpointer)) functions_tests_my_hashable_real_equal_to;
+static void functions_tests_my_hashable_instance_init (FunctionsTestsMyHashable * self) {
+static void functions_tests_my_hashable_finalize (GObject* obj) {
+ FunctionsTestsMyHashable * self;
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (functions_tests_my_hashable_parent_class)->finalize (obj);
+static GType functions_tests_my_hashable_get_type (void) {
+ static volatile gsize functions_tests_my_hashable_type_id__volatile = 0;
+ if (g_once_init_enter (&functions_tests_my_hashable_type_id__volatile)) {
+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (FunctionsTestsMyHashableClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) functions_tests_my_hashable_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (FunctionsTestsMyHashable), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) functions_tests_my_hashable_instance_init, NULL };
+ static const GInterfaceInfo gee_comparable_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) functions_tests_my_hashable_gee_comparable_interface_init, (GInterfaceFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL};
+ static const GInterfaceInfo gee_hashable_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) functions_tests_my_hashable_gee_hashable_interface_init, (GInterfaceFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL};
+ GType functions_tests_my_hashable_type_id;
+ functions_tests_my_hashable_type_id = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT, "FunctionsTestsMyHashable", &g_define_type_info, 0);
+ g_type_add_interface_static (functions_tests_my_hashable_type_id, GEE_TYPE_COMPARABLE, &gee_comparable_info);
+ g_type_add_interface_static (functions_tests_my_hashable_type_id, GEE_TYPE_HASHABLE, &gee_hashable_info);
+ g_once_init_leave (&functions_tests_my_hashable_type_id__volatile, functions_tests_my_hashable_type_id);
+ }
+ return functions_tests_my_hashable_type_id__volatile;
+static void functions_tests_class_init (FunctionsTestsClass * klass) {
+ functions_tests_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
+static void functions_tests_instance_init (FunctionsTests * self) {
+GType functions_tests_get_type (void) {
+ static volatile gsize functions_tests_type_id__volatile = 0;
+ if (g_once_init_enter (&functions_tests_type_id__volatile)) {
+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (FunctionsTestsClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) functions_tests_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (FunctionsTests), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) functions_tests_instance_init, NULL };
+ GType functions_tests_type_id;
+ functions_tests_type_id = g_type_register_static (GEE_TYPE_TEST_CASE, "FunctionsTests", &g_define_type_info, 0);
+ g_once_init_leave (&functions_tests_type_id__volatile, functions_tests_type_id);
+ }
+ return functions_tests_type_id__volatile;