@echo on REM REM This is my personal configuration file. REM I am lazy to type all this crap again and again REM You are welcome to customize this file for your REM needs but do not check it into the GitHub, please. REM REM Aleksey Sanin REM SET PREFIX=C:\cygwin\home\local SET XMLSEC_INCLUDE=%PREFIX%\include;%PREFIX%\include\mozilla;%PREFIX%\include\mozilla\nspr;%PREFIX%\include\mozilla\nss;%MSSDK_INCLUDE% SET XMLSEC_LIB=%PREFIX%\lib;%MSSDK_LIB% SET XMLSEC_OPTIONS=static=no iconv=no debug=yes xslt=yes crypto=mscrypto,openssl unicode=yes del /F Makefile configure.txt cscript configure.js prefix=%PREFIX% %XMLSEC_OPTIONS% include=%XMLSEC_INCLUDE% lib=%XMLSEC_LIB% mkdir binaries copy %PREFIX%\bin\*.dll binaries copy %PREFIX%\lib\*.dll binaries