/* win32/libxmlsec.def.src Pseudo-source used to create a .DEF file for proper dynamic linkage. Assuming you use Microsoft's C compiler, you run a cl /EP libxmlsec.def.src > libxmlsec.def in order to get the right .DEF file. Basically, all you do is preprocess this file using a C/C++ preprocessor and the right .DEF file should come out. Should you need a function which does not seem to be exported from the libxmlsec.dll, its name is most certainly missing here. Add the name of the offending function to this file and rebuild. 21.03.2002, Igor Zlatkovic (igor@stud.fh-frankfurt.de) Created for LibXML and LibXSLT April 2002, Aleksey Sanin Modified for XMLSec Libary */ LIBRARY libxmlsec EXPORTS