XML Security Library




templates -- Dynamic templates creation functions.


xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureCreate           (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId c14nMethodId,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId signMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureCreateNsPref     (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId c14nMethodId,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId signMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *nsPrefix);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureEnsureKeyInfo    (xmlNodePtr signNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureAddReference     (xmlNodePtr signNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId digestMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri,
                                                         const xmlChar *type);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureAddObject        (xmlNodePtr signNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *mimeType,
                                                         const xmlChar *encoding);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureGetSignMethodNode
                                                        (xmlNodePtr signNode);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureGetC14NMethodNode
                                                        (xmlNodePtr signNode);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplReferenceAddTransform     (xmlNodePtr referenceNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId transformId);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplObjectAddSignProperties   (xmlNodePtr objectNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *target);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplObjectAddManifest         (xmlNodePtr objectNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplManifestAddReference      (xmlNodePtr manifestNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId digestMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri,
                                                         const xmlChar *type);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataCreate             (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId encMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *type,
                                                         const xmlChar *mimeType,
                                                         const xmlChar *encoding);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureKeyInfo      (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureEncProperties
                                                        (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataAddEncProperty     (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *target);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureCipherValue  (xmlNodePtr encNode);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureCipherReference
                                                        (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataGetEncMethodNode   (xmlNodePtr encNode);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplCipherReferenceAddTransform
                                                        (xmlNodePtr cipherReferenceNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId transformId);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplReferenceListAddDataReference
                                                        (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplReferenceListAddKeyReference
                                                        (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddKeyName         (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *name);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddKeyValue        (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddX509Data        (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddRetrievalMethod (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri,
                                                         const xmlChar *type);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplRetrievalMethodAddTransform
                                                        (xmlNodePtr retrMethodNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId transformId);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddEncryptedKey    (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId encMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *type,
                                                         const xmlChar *recipient);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509DataAddIssuerSerial   (xmlNodePtr x509DataNode);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509IssuerSerialAddIssuerName
                                                        (xmlNodePtr x509IssuerSerialNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *issuerName);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509IssuerSerialAddSerialNumber
                                                        (xmlNodePtr x509IssuerSerialNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *serial);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509DataAddSubjectName    (xmlNodePtr x509DataNode);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509DataAddSKI            (xmlNodePtr x509DataNode);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509DataAddCertificate    (xmlNodePtr x509DataNode);
xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509DataAddCRL            (xmlNodePtr x509DataNode);
int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddHmacOutputLength
                                                        (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         xmlSecSize bitsLen);
int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddRsaOaepParam  (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlSecByte *buf,
                                                         xmlSecSize size);
int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddXsltStylesheet
                                                        (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *xslt);
int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddC14NInclNamespaces
                                                        (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *prefixList);
int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddXPath         (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *expression,
                                                         const xmlChar **nsList);
int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddXPath2        (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *type,
                                                         const xmlChar *expression,
                                                         const xmlChar **nsList);
int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddXPointer      (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *expression,
                                                         const xmlChar **nsList);


Dynamic templates creation functions.


xmlSecTmplSignatureCreate ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureCreate           (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId c14nMethodId,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId signMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id);

Creates new <dsig:Signature/> node with the mandatory <dsig:SignedInfo/>, <dsig:CanonicalizationMethod/>, <dsig:SignatureMethod/> and <dsig:SignatureValue/> children and sub-children. The application is responsible for inserting the returned node in the XML document.

doc :

the pointer to signature document or NULL; in the second case, application must later call xmlSetTreeDoc to ensure that all the children nodes have correct pointer to XML document.

c14nMethodId :

the signature canonicalization method.

signMethodId :

the signature method.

id :

the node id (may be NULL).

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <dsig:Signature/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplSignatureCreateNsPref ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureCreateNsPref     (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId c14nMethodId,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId signMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *nsPrefix);

Creates new <dsig:Signature/> node with the mandatory <dsig:SignedInfo/>, <dsig:CanonicalizationMethod/>, <dsig:SignatureMethod/> and <dsig:SignatureValue/> children and sub-children. This method differs from xmlSecTmplSignatureCreate in that it will define the http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig# namespace with the given prefix that will be used for all of the appropriate child nodes. The application is responsible for inserting the returned node in the XML document.

doc :

the pointer to signature document or NULL; in the second case, application must later call xmlSetTreeDoc to ensure that all the children nodes have correct pointer to XML document.

c14nMethodId :

the signature canonicalization method.

signMethodId :

the signature method.

id :

the node id (may be NULL).

nsPrefix :

the namespace prefix for the signature element (e.g. "dsig"), or NULL

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <dsig:Signature/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplSignatureEnsureKeyInfo ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureEnsureKeyInfo    (xmlNodePtr signNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id);

Adds (if necessary) <dsig:KeyInfo/> node to the <dsig:Signature/> node signNode.

signNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Signature/> node.

id :

the node id (may be NULL).

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <dsig:KeyInfo/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplSignatureAddReference ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureAddReference     (xmlNodePtr signNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId digestMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri,
                                                         const xmlChar *type);

Adds <dsig:Reference/> node with given URI (uri), Id (id) and Type (type) attributes and the required children <dsig:DigestMethod/> and <dsig:DigestValue/> to the <dsig:SignedInfo/> child of signNode.

signNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Signature/> node.

digestMethodId :

the reference digest method.

id :

the node id (may be NULL).

uri :

the reference node uri (may be NULL).

type :

the reference node type (may be NULL).

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <dsig:Reference/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplSignatureAddObject ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureAddObject        (xmlNodePtr signNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *mimeType,
                                                         const xmlChar *encoding);

Adds <dsig:Object/> node to the <dsig:Signature/> node signNode.

signNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Signature/> node.

id :

the node id (may be NULL).

mimeType :

the object mime type (may be NULL).

encoding :

the object encoding (may be NULL).

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <dsig:Object/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplSignatureGetSignMethodNode ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureGetSignMethodNode
                                                        (xmlNodePtr signNode);

Gets pointer to <dsig:SignatureMethod/> child of <dsig:KeyInfo/> node.

signNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Signature /> node.

Returns :

pointer to <dsig:SignatureMethod /> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplSignatureGetC14NMethodNode ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplSignatureGetC14NMethodNode
                                                        (xmlNodePtr signNode);

Gets pointer to <dsig:CanonicalizationMethod/> child of <dsig:KeyInfo/> node.

signNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Signature /> node.

Returns :

pointer to <dsig:CanonicalizationMethod /> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplReferenceAddTransform ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplReferenceAddTransform     (xmlNodePtr referenceNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId transformId);

Adds <dsig:Transform/> node to the <dsig:Reference/> node referenceNode.

referenceNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Reference/> node.

transformId :

the transform method id.

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <dsig:Transform/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplObjectAddSignProperties ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplObjectAddSignProperties   (xmlNodePtr objectNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *target);

Adds <dsig:SignatureProperties/> node to the <dsig:Object/> node objectNode.

objectNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Object/> node.

id :

the node id (may be NULL).

target :

the Target (may be NULL).

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <dsig:SignatureProperties/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplObjectAddManifest ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplObjectAddManifest         (xmlNodePtr objectNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id);

Adds <dsig:Manifest/> node to the <dsig:Object/> node objectNode.

objectNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Object/> node.

id :

the node id (may be NULL).

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <dsig:Manifest/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplManifestAddReference ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplManifestAddReference      (xmlNodePtr manifestNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId digestMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri,
                                                         const xmlChar *type);

Adds <dsig:Reference/> node with specified URI (uri), Id (id) and Type (type) attributes and the required children <dsig:DigestMethod/> and <dsig:DigestValue/> to the <dsig:Manifest/> node manifestNode.

manifestNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Manifest/> node.

digestMethodId :

the reference digest method.

id :

the node id (may be NULL).

uri :

the reference node uri (may be NULL).

type :

the reference node type (may be NULL).

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <dsig:Reference/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplEncDataCreate ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataCreate             (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId encMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *type,
                                                         const xmlChar *mimeType,
                                                         const xmlChar *encoding);

Creates new <enc:EncryptedData /> node for encryption template.

doc :

the pointer to signature document or NULL; in the later case, application must later call xmlSetTreeDoc to ensure that all the children nodes have correct pointer to XML document.

encMethodId :

the encryption method (may be NULL).

id :

the Id attribute (optional).

type :

the Type attribute (optional)

mimeType :

the MimeType attribute (optional)

encoding :

the Encoding attribute (optional)

Returns :

the pointer newly created <enc:EncryptedData/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureKeyInfo ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureKeyInfo      (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id);

Adds <dsig:KeyInfo/> to the <enc:EncryptedData/> node encNode.

encNode :

the pointer to <enc:EncryptedData/> node.

id :

the Id attrbibute (optional).

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <dsig:KeyInfo/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureEncProperties ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureEncProperties
                                                        (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id);

Adds <enc:EncryptionProperties/> node to the <enc:EncryptedData/> node encNode.

encNode :

the pointer to <enc:EncryptedData/> node.

id :

the Id attribute (optional).

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <enc:EncryptionProperties/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplEncDataAddEncProperty ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataAddEncProperty     (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *target);

Adds <enc:EncryptionProperty/> node (and the parent <enc:EncryptionProperties/> node if required) to the <enc:EncryptedData/> node encNode.

encNode :

the pointer to <enc:EncryptedData/> node.

id :

the Id attribute (optional).

target :

the Target attribute (optional).

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <enc:EncryptionProperty/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureCipherValue ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureCipherValue  (xmlNodePtr encNode);

Adds <enc:CipherValue/> to the <enc:EncryptedData/> node encNode.

encNode :

the pointer to <enc:EncryptedData/> node.

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <enc:CipherValue/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureCipherReference ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureCipherReference
                                                        (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri);

Adds <enc:CipherReference/> node with specified URI attribute uri to the <enc:EncryptedData/> node encNode.

encNode :

the pointer to <enc:EncryptedData/> node.

uri :

the URI attribute (may be NULL).

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <enc:CipherReference/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplEncDataGetEncMethodNode ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplEncDataGetEncMethodNode   (xmlNodePtr encNode);

Gets pointer to <enc:EncrytpionMethod/> node.

encNode :

the pointer to <enc:EcnryptedData /> node.

Returns :

pointer to <enc:EncryptionMethod /> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplCipherReferenceAddTransform ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplCipherReferenceAddTransform
                                                        (xmlNodePtr cipherReferenceNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId transformId);

Adds <dsig:Transform/> node (and the parent <dsig:Transforms/> node) with specified transform methods transform to the <enc:CipherReference/> child node of the <enc:EncryptedData/> node encNode.

cipherReferenceNode :

the pointer to <enc:CipherReference/> node.

transformId :

the transform id.

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <dsig:Transform/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplReferenceListAddDataReference ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplReferenceListAddDataReference
                                                        (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri);

Adds <enc:DataReference/> and the parent <enc:ReferenceList/> node (if needed).

encNode :

the pointer to <enc:EncryptedKey/> node.

uri :

uri to reference (optional)

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <enc:DataReference/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplReferenceListAddKeyReference ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplReferenceListAddKeyReference
                                                        (xmlNodePtr encNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri);

Adds <enc:KeyReference/> and the parent <enc:ReferenceList/> node (if needed).

encNode :

the pointer to <enc:EncryptedKey/> node.

uri :

uri to reference (optional)

Returns :

the pointer to newly created <enc:KeyReference/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddKeyName ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddKeyName         (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *name);

Adds <dsig:KeyName/> node to the <dsig:KeyInfo/> node keyInfoNode.

keyInfoNode :

the pointer to <dsig:KeyInfo/> node.

name :

the key name (optional).

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:KeyName/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddKeyValue ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddKeyValue        (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode);

Adds <dsig:KeyValue/> node to the <dsig:KeyInfo/> node keyInfoNode.

keyInfoNode :

the pointer to <dsig:KeyInfo/> node.

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:KeyValue/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddX509Data ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddX509Data        (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode);

Adds <dsig:X509Data/> node to the <dsig:KeyInfo/> node keyInfoNode.

keyInfoNode :

the pointer to <dsig:KeyInfo/> node.

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:X509Data/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddRetrievalMethod ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddRetrievalMethod (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri,
                                                         const xmlChar *type);

Adds <dsig:RetrievalMethod/> node to the <dsig:KeyInfo/> node keyInfoNode.

keyInfoNode :

the pointer to <dsig:KeyInfo/> node.

uri :

the URI attribute (optional).

type :

the Type attribute(optional).

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:RetrievalMethod/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplRetrievalMethodAddTransform ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplRetrievalMethodAddTransform
                                                        (xmlNodePtr retrMethodNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId transformId);

Adds <dsig:Transform/> node (and the parent <dsig:Transforms/> node if required) to the <dsig:RetrievalMethod/> node retrMethod.

retrMethodNode :

the pointer to <dsig:RetrievalMethod/> node.

transformId :

the transform id.

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:Transforms/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddEncryptedKey ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddEncryptedKey    (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode,
                                                         xmlSecTransformId encMethodId,
                                                         const xmlChar *id,
                                                         const xmlChar *type,
                                                         const xmlChar *recipient);

Adds <enc:EncryptedKey/> node with given attributes to the <dsig:KeyInfo/> node keyInfoNode.

keyInfoNode :

the pointer to <dsig:KeyInfo/> node.

encMethodId :

the encryption method (optional).

id :

the Id attribute (optional).

type :

the Type attribute (optional).

recipient :

the Recipient attribute (optional).

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <enc:EncryptedKey/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplX509DataAddIssuerSerial ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509DataAddIssuerSerial   (xmlNodePtr x509DataNode);

Adds <dsig:X509IssuerSerial/> node to the given <dsig:X509Data/> node.

x509DataNode :

the pointer to <dsig:X509Data/> node.

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:X509IssuerSerial/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplX509IssuerSerialAddIssuerName ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509IssuerSerialAddIssuerName
                                                        (xmlNodePtr x509IssuerSerialNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *issuerName);

Adds <dsig:X509IssuerName/> node to the <dsig:X509IssuerSerial/> node x509IssuerSerialNode.

x509IssuerSerialNode :

the pointer to <dsig:X509IssuerSerial/> node.

issuerName :

the issuer name (optional).

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:X509IssuerName/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplX509IssuerSerialAddSerialNumber ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509IssuerSerialAddSerialNumber
                                                        (xmlNodePtr x509IssuerSerialNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *serial);

Adds <dsig:X509SerialNumber/> node to the <dsig:X509IssuerSerial/> node x509IssuerSerialNode.

x509IssuerSerialNode :

the pointer to <dsig:X509IssuerSerial/> node.

serial :

the serial number (optional).

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:X509SerialNumber/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplX509DataAddSubjectName ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509DataAddSubjectName    (xmlNodePtr x509DataNode);

Adds <dsig:X509SubjectName/> node to the given <dsig:X509Data/> node.

x509DataNode :

the pointer to <dsig:X509Data/> node.

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:X509SubjectName/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplX509DataAddSKI ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509DataAddSKI            (xmlNodePtr x509DataNode);

Adds <dsig:X509SKI/> node to the given <dsig:X509Data/> node.

x509DataNode :

the pointer to <dsig:X509Data/> node.

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:X509SKI/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplX509DataAddCertificate ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509DataAddCertificate    (xmlNodePtr x509DataNode);

Adds <dsig:X509Certificate/> node to the given <dsig:X509Data/> node.

x509DataNode :

the pointer to <dsig:X509Data/> node.

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:X509Certificate/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplX509DataAddCRL ()

xmlNodePtr          xmlSecTmplX509DataAddCRL            (xmlNodePtr x509DataNode);

Adds <dsig:X509CRL/> node to the given <dsig:X509Data/> node.

x509DataNode :

the pointer to <dsig:X509Data/> node.

Returns :

the pointer to the newly created <dsig:X509CRL/> node or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplTransformAddHmacOutputLength ()

int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddHmacOutputLength
                                                        (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         xmlSecSize bitsLen);

Creates <dsig:HMACOutputLength/> child for the HMAC transform node node.

transformNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Transform/> node

bitsLen :

the required length in bits

Returns :

0 on success and a negatie value otherwise.

xmlSecTmplTransformAddRsaOaepParam ()

int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddRsaOaepParam  (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlSecByte *buf,
                                                         xmlSecSize size);

Creates <enc:OAEPParam/> child node in the node.

transformNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Transform/> node.

buf :

the OAEP param buffer.

size :

the OAEP param buffer size.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecTmplTransformAddXsltStylesheet ()

int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddXsltStylesheet
                                                        (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *xslt);

Writes the XSLT transform expression to the node.

transformNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Transform/> node.

xslt :

the XSLT transform exspression.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value otherwise.

xmlSecTmplTransformAddC14NInclNamespaces ()

int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddC14NInclNamespaces
                                                        (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *prefixList);

Adds "inclusive" namespaces to the ExcC14N transform node node.

transformNode :

the pointer to <dsig:Transform/> node.

prefixList :

the white space delimited list of namespace prefixes, where "default" indicates the default namespace (optional).

Returns :

0 if success or a negative value otherwise.

xmlSecTmplTransformAddXPath ()

int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddXPath         (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *expression,
                                                         const xmlChar **nsList);

Writes XPath transform infromation to the <dsig:Transform/> node node.

transformNode :

the pointer to the <dsig:Transform/> node.

expression :

the XPath expression.

nsList :

the NULL terminated list of namespace prefix/href pairs (optional).

Returns :

0 for success or a negative value otherwise.

xmlSecTmplTransformAddXPath2 ()

int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddXPath2        (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *type,
                                                         const xmlChar *expression,
                                                         const xmlChar **nsList);

Writes XPath2 transform infromation to the <dsig:Transform/> node node.

transformNode :

the pointer to the <dsig:Transform/> node.

type :

the XPath2 transform type ("union", "intersect" or "subtract").

expression :

the XPath expression.

nsList :

the NULL terminated list of namespace prefix/href pairs. (optional).

Returns :

0 for success or a negative value otherwise.

xmlSecTmplTransformAddXPointer ()

int                 xmlSecTmplTransformAddXPointer      (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                         const xmlChar *expression,
                                                         const xmlChar **nsList);

Writes XPoniter transform infromation to the <dsig:Transform/> node node.

transformNode :

the pointer to the <dsig:Transform/> node.

expression :

the XPath expression.

nsList :

the NULL terminated list of namespace prefix/href pairs. (optional).

Returns :

0 for success or a negative value otherwise.