XML Security Library




list -- Generic list structure implementation.


void                (*xmlSecPtrDebugDumpItemMethod)     (xmlSecPtr ptr,
                                                         FILE *output);
void                (*xmlSecPtrDestroyItemMethod)       (xmlSecPtr ptr);
xmlSecPtr           (*xmlSecPtrDuplicateItemMethod)     (xmlSecPtr ptr);
struct              xmlSecPtrList;
intxmlSecPtrListAdd                    (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecPtr item);
#define             xmlSecPtrListCheckId                (list,
intxmlSecPtrListCopy                   (xmlSecPtrListPtr dst,
                                                         xmlSecPtrListPtr src);
xmlSecPtrListPtr    xmlSecPtrListCreate                 (xmlSecPtrListId id);
voidxmlSecPtrListDebugDump              (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         FILE *output);
voidxmlSecPtrListDebugXmlDump           (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         FILE *output);
voidxmlSecPtrListDestroy                (xmlSecPtrListPtr list);
xmlSecPtrListPtrxmlSecPtrListDuplicate              (xmlSecPtrListPtr list);
voidxmlSecPtrListEmpty                  (xmlSecPtrListPtr list);
voidxmlSecPtrListFinalize               (xmlSecPtrListPtr list);
xmlSecPtr           xmlSecPtrListGetItem                (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecSize pos);
#define             xmlSecPtrListGetName                (list)
xmlSecSize          xmlSecPtrListGetSize                (xmlSecPtrListPtr list);
#define             xmlSecPtrListIdUnknown
intxmlSecPtrListInitialize             (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecPtrListId id);
#define             xmlSecPtrListIsValid                (list)
struct              xmlSecPtrListKlass;
#define             xmlSecPtrListKlassGetName           (klass)
intxmlSecPtrListRemove                 (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecSize pos);
xmlSecPtr           xmlSecPtrListRemoveAndReturn        (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecSize pos);
intxmlSecPtrListSet                    (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecPtr item,
                                                         xmlSecSize pos);
voidxmlSecPtrListSetDefaultAllocMode    (xmlSecAllocMode defAllocMode,
                                                         xmlSecSize defInitialSize);
xmlSecPtrListIdxmlSecStringListGetKlass            (void);
#define             xmlSecStringListId


Generic list structure implementation.


xmlSecPtrDebugDumpItemMethod ()

void                (*xmlSecPtrDebugDumpItemMethod)     (xmlSecPtr ptr,
                                                         FILE *output);

Prints debug information about item to output.

ptr :

the poinetr to list item.

output :

the output FILE.

xmlSecPtrDestroyItemMethod ()

void                (*xmlSecPtrDestroyItemMethod)       (xmlSecPtr ptr);

Destroys list item ptr.

ptr :

the poinetr to list item.

xmlSecPtrDuplicateItemMethod ()

xmlSecPtr           (*xmlSecPtrDuplicateItemMethod)     (xmlSecPtr ptr);

Duplicates item ptr.

ptr :

the poinetr to list item.

Returns :

pointer to new item copy or NULL if an error occurs.

struct xmlSecPtrList

struct xmlSecPtrList {
    xmlSecPtrListId             id;

    xmlSecPtr*                  data;
    xmlSecSize                  use;
    xmlSecSize                  max;
    xmlSecAllocMode             allocMode;

The pointers list.

xmlSecPtrListId id;

the list items description.

xmlSecPtr *data;

the list data.

xmlSecSize use;

the current list size.

xmlSecSize max;

the max (allocated) list size.

xmlSecAllocMode allocMode;

the memory allocation mode.

xmlSecPtrListAdd ()

int                 xmlSecPtrListAdd                    (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecPtr item);

Adds item to the end of the list.

list :

the pointer to list.

item :

the item.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.


#define             xmlSecPtrListCheckId(list, dataId)

Macro. Returns 1 if list is valid and list's id is equal to dataId.

list :

the pointer to list.

dataId :

the list Id.

xmlSecPtrListCopy ()

int                 xmlSecPtrListCopy                   (xmlSecPtrListPtr dst,
                                                         xmlSecPtrListPtr src);

Copies src list items to dst list using duplicateItem method of the list klass. If duplicateItem method is NULL then we jsut copy pointers to items.

dst :

the pointer to destination list.

src :

the pointer to source list.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecPtrListCreate ()

xmlSecPtrListPtr    xmlSecPtrListCreate                 (xmlSecPtrListId id);

Creates new list object. Caller is responsible for freeing returned list by calling xmlSecPtrListDestroy function.

id :

the list klass.

Returns :

pointer to newly allocated list or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecPtrListDebugDump ()

void                xmlSecPtrListDebugDump              (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         FILE *output);

Prints debug information about list to the output.

list :

the pointer to list.

output :

the pointer to output FILE.

xmlSecPtrListDebugXmlDump ()

void                xmlSecPtrListDebugXmlDump           (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         FILE *output);

Prints debug information about list to the output in XML format.

list :

the pointer to list.

output :

the pointer to output FILE.

xmlSecPtrListDestroy ()

void                xmlSecPtrListDestroy                (xmlSecPtrListPtr list);

Destroys list created with xmlSecPtrListCreate function.

list :

the pointer to list.

xmlSecPtrListDuplicate ()

xmlSecPtrListPtr    xmlSecPtrListDuplicate              (xmlSecPtrListPtr list);

Creates a new copy of list and all its items.

list :

the pointer to list.

Returns :

pointer to newly allocated list or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecPtrListEmpty ()

void                xmlSecPtrListEmpty                  (xmlSecPtrListPtr list);

Remove all items from list (if any).

list :

the pointer to list.

xmlSecPtrListFinalize ()

void                xmlSecPtrListFinalize               (xmlSecPtrListPtr list);

Cleans up the list initialized with xmlSecPtrListInitialize function.

list :

the pointer to list.

xmlSecPtrListGetItem ()

xmlSecPtr           xmlSecPtrListGetItem                (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecSize pos);

Gets item from the list.

list :

the pointer to list.

pos :

the item position.

Returns :

the list item at position pos or NULL if pos is greater than the number of items in the list or an error occurs.


#define             xmlSecPtrListGetName(list)

Macro. Returns lists's name.

list :

the ponter to list.

xmlSecPtrListGetSize ()

xmlSecSize          xmlSecPtrListGetSize                (xmlSecPtrListPtr list);

Gets list size.

list :

the pointer to list.

Returns :

the number of itmes in list.


#define xmlSecPtrListIdUnknown                  NULL

The "unknown" id.

xmlSecPtrListInitialize ()

int                 xmlSecPtrListInitialize             (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecPtrListId id);

Initializes the list of given klass. Caller is responsible for cleaning up by calling xmlSecPtrListFinalize function.

list :

the pointer to list.

id :

the list klass.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.


#define             xmlSecPtrListIsValid(list)

Macro. Returns 1 if list is not NULL and list->id is not NULL or 0 otherwise.

list :

the pointer to list.

struct xmlSecPtrListKlass

struct xmlSecPtrListKlass {
    const xmlChar*                      name;
    xmlSecPtrDuplicateItemMethod        duplicateItem;
    xmlSecPtrDestroyItemMethod          destroyItem;
    xmlSecPtrDebugDumpItemMethod        debugDumpItem;
    xmlSecPtrDebugDumpItemMethod        debugXmlDumpItem;

List klass.

const xmlChar *name;

the list klass name.

xmlSecPtrDuplicateItemMethod duplicateItem;

the duplciate item method.

xmlSecPtrDestroyItemMethod destroyItem;

the destroy item method.

xmlSecPtrDebugDumpItemMethod debugDumpItem;

the debug dump item method.

xmlSecPtrDebugDumpItemMethod debugXmlDumpItem;

the debug dump item in xml format method.


#define             xmlSecPtrListKlassGetName(klass)

Macro. Returns the list klass name.

klass :

the list klass. 2

xmlSecPtrListRemove ()

int                 xmlSecPtrListRemove                 (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecSize pos);

Destroys list item at the position pos and sets it value to NULL.

list :

the pointer to list.

pos :

the position.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecPtrListRemoveAndReturn ()

xmlSecPtr           xmlSecPtrListRemoveAndReturn        (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecSize pos);

Remove the list item at the position pos and return it back.

list :

the pointer to list.

pos :

the position.

Returns :

the pointer to the list item.

xmlSecPtrListSet ()

int                 xmlSecPtrListSet                    (xmlSecPtrListPtr list,
                                                         xmlSecPtr item,
                                                         xmlSecSize pos);

Sets the value of list item at position pos. The old value is destroyed.

list :

the pointer to list.

item :

the item.

pos :

the pos.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecPtrListSetDefaultAllocMode ()

void                xmlSecPtrListSetDefaultAllocMode    (xmlSecAllocMode defAllocMode,
                                                         xmlSecSize defInitialSize);

Sets new default allocation mode and minimal initial list size.

defAllocMode :

the new default memory allocation mode.

defInitialSize :

the new default minimal initial size.

xmlSecStringListGetKlass ()

xmlSecPtrListId     xmlSecStringListGetKlass            (void);

The strins list class.

Returns :

strings list klass.


#define             xmlSecStringListId

Strings list klass.