XML Security Library




keysmngr -- Keys manager object support.


xmlSecKeysMngrPtr   xmlSecKeysMngrCreate                (void);
void                xmlSecKeysMngrDestroy               (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr);
xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeysMngrFindKey               (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr,
                                                         const xmlChar *name,
                                                         xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx);
int                 xmlSecKeysMngrAdoptKeysStore        (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr,
                                                         xmlSecKeyStorePtr store);
xmlSecKeyStorePtr   xmlSecKeysMngrGetKeysStore          (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr);
int                 xmlSecKeysMngrAdoptDataStore        (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataStorePtr store);
xmlSecKeyDataStorePtr  xmlSecKeysMngrGetDataStore       (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataStoreId id);
xmlSecKeyPtr        (*xmlSecGetKeyCallback)             (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode,
                                                         xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx);
struct              xmlSecKeysMngr;
xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeysMngrGetKey                (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode,
                                                         xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx);
struct              xmlSecKeyStore;
xmlSecKeyStorePtr   xmlSecKeyStoreCreate                (xmlSecKeyStoreId id);
void                xmlSecKeyStoreDestroy               (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store);
xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyStoreFindKey               (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store,
                                                         const xmlChar *name,
                                                         xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx);
#define             xmlSecKeyStoreGetName               (store)
#define             xmlSecKeyStoreIsValid               (store)
#define             xmlSecKeyStoreCheckId               (store, storeId)
#define             xmlSecKeyStoreCheckSize             (store, size)
#define             xmlSecKeyStoreIdUnknown
int                 (*xmlSecKeyStoreInitializeMethod)   (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store);
void                (*xmlSecKeyStoreFinalizeMethod)     (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store);
xmlSecKeyPtr        (*xmlSecKeyStoreFindKeyMethod)      (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store,
                                                         const xmlChar *name,
                                                         xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx);
struct              xmlSecKeyStoreKlass;
#define             xmlSecKeyStoreKlassGetName          (klass)
#define             xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreId
xmlSecKeyStoreId    xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreGetKlass       (void);
int                 xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreAdoptKey       (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store,
                                                         xmlSecKeyPtr key);
int                 xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreLoad           (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store,
                                                         const char *uri,
                                                         xmlSecKeysMngrPtr keysMngr);
int                 xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreSave           (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store,
                                                         const char *filename,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataType type);
xmlSecPtrListPtr    xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreGetKeys        (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store);


Keys manager object support.


xmlSecKeysMngrCreate ()

xmlSecKeysMngrPtr   xmlSecKeysMngrCreate                (void);

Creates new keys manager. Caller is responsible for freeing it with xmlSecKeysMngrDestroy function.

Returns :

the pointer to newly allocated keys manager or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeysMngrDestroy ()

void                xmlSecKeysMngrDestroy               (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr);

Destroys keys manager created with xmlSecKeysMngrCreate function.

mngr :

the pointer to keys manager.

xmlSecKeysMngrFindKey ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeysMngrFindKey               (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr,
                                                         const xmlChar *name,
                                                         xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx);

Lookups key in the keys manager keys store. The caller is responsible for destroying the returned key using xmlSecKeyDestroy method.

mngr :

the pointer to keys manager.

name :

the desired key name.

keyInfoCtx :

the pointer to <dsig:KeyInfo/> node processing context.

Returns :

the pointer to a key or NULL if key is not found or an error occurs.

xmlSecKeysMngrAdoptKeysStore ()

int                 xmlSecKeysMngrAdoptKeysStore        (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr,
                                                         xmlSecKeyStorePtr store);

Adopts keys store in the keys manager mngr.

mngr :

the pointer to keys manager.

store :

the pointer to keys store.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeysMngrGetKeysStore ()

xmlSecKeyStorePtr   xmlSecKeysMngrGetKeysStore          (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr);

Gets the keys store.

mngr :

the pointer to keys manager.

Returns :

the keys store in the keys manager mngr or NULL if there is no store or an error occurs.

xmlSecKeysMngrAdoptDataStore ()

int                 xmlSecKeysMngrAdoptDataStore        (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataStorePtr store);

Adopts data store in the keys manager.

mngr :

the pointer to keys manager.

store :

the pointer to data store.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeysMngrGetDataStore ()

xmlSecKeyDataStorePtr  xmlSecKeysMngrGetDataStore       (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr mngr,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataStoreId id);

Lookups the data store of given klass id in the keys manager.

mngr :

the pointer to keys manager.

id :

the desired data store klass.

Returns :

pointer to data store or NULL if it is not found or an error occurs.

xmlSecGetKeyCallback ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        (*xmlSecGetKeyCallback)             (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode,
                                                         xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx);

Reads the <dsig:KeyInfo/> node keyInfoNode and extracts the key.

keyInfoNode :

the pointer to <dsig:KeyInfo/> node.

keyInfoCtx :

the pointer to <dsig:KeyInfo/> node processing context.

Returns :

the pointer to key or NULL if the key is not found or an error occurs.

struct xmlSecKeysMngr

struct xmlSecKeysMngr {
    xmlSecKeyStorePtr		keysStore;	
    xmlSecPtrList		storesList;	
    xmlSecGetKeyCallback	getKey;		

The keys manager structure.

xmlSecKeyStorePtr keysStore;

the key store (list of keys known to keys manager).

xmlSecPtrList storesList;

the list of key data stores known to keys manager.

xmlSecGetKeyCallback getKey;

the callback used to read <dsig:KeyInfo/> node.

xmlSecKeysMngrGetKey ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeysMngrGetKey                (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode,
                                                         xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx);

Reads the <dsig:KeyInfo/> node keyInfoNode and extracts the key.

keyInfoNode :

the pointer to <dsig:KeyInfo/> node.

keyInfoCtx :

the pointer to <dsig:KeyInfo/> node processing context.

Returns :

the pointer to key or NULL if the key is not found or an error occurs.

struct xmlSecKeyStore

struct xmlSecKeyStore {
    xmlSecKeyStoreId			id;

    /* for the future */
    void*				reserved0;
    void*				reserved1;

The keys store.

xmlSecKeyStoreId id;

the store id (xmlSecKeyStoreId).

void *reserved0;

reserved for the future.

void *reserved1;

reserved for the future.

xmlSecKeyStoreCreate ()

xmlSecKeyStorePtr   xmlSecKeyStoreCreate                (xmlSecKeyStoreId id);

Creates new store of the specified klass klass. Caller is responsible for freeing the returned store by calling xmlSecKeyStoreDestroy function.

id :

the key store klass.

Returns :

the pointer to newly allocated keys store or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyStoreDestroy ()

void                xmlSecKeyStoreDestroy               (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store);

Destroys the store created with xmlSecKeyStoreCreate function.

store :

the pointer to keys store.

xmlSecKeyStoreFindKey ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyStoreFindKey               (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store,
                                                         const xmlChar *name,
                                                         xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx);

Lookups key in the store. The caller is responsible for destroying the returned key using xmlSecKeyDestroy method.

store :

the pointer to keys store.

name :

the desired key name.

keyInfoCtx :

the pointer to <dsig:KeyInfo/> node processing context.

Returns :

the pointer to a key or NULL if key is not found or an error occurs.


#define             xmlSecKeyStoreGetName(store)

Macro. Returns key store name.

store :

the pointer to store.


#define             xmlSecKeyStoreIsValid(store)

Macro. Returns 1 if store is not NULL and store->id is not NULL or 0 otherwise.

store :

the pointer to store.


#define             xmlSecKeyStoreCheckId(store, storeId)

Macro. Returns 1 if store is valid and store's id is equal to storeId.

store :

the pointer to store.

storeId :

the store Id.


#define             xmlSecKeyStoreCheckSize(store, size)

Macro. Returns 1 if store is valid and stores's object has at least size bytes.

store :

the pointer to store.

size :

the expected size.


#define xmlSecKeyStoreIdUnknown 			((xmlSecKeyDataStoreId)NULL)

The "unknown" id.

xmlSecKeyStoreInitializeMethod ()

int                 (*xmlSecKeyStoreInitializeMethod)   (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store);

Keys store specific initialization method.

store :

the store.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyStoreFinalizeMethod ()

void                (*xmlSecKeyStoreFinalizeMethod)     (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store);

Keys store specific finalization (destroy) method.

store :

the store.

xmlSecKeyStoreFindKeyMethod ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        (*xmlSecKeyStoreFindKeyMethod)      (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store,
                                                         const xmlChar *name,
                                                         xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx);

Keys store specific find method. The caller is responsible for destroying the returned key using xmlSecKeyDestroy method.

store :

the store.

name :

the desired key name.

keyInfoCtx :

the pointer to key info context.

Returns :

the pointer to a key or NULL if key is not found or an error occurs.

struct xmlSecKeyStoreKlass

struct xmlSecKeyStoreKlass {
    xmlSecSize				klassSize;
    xmlSecSize				objSize;

    /* data */
    const xmlChar*			name;    
    /* constructors/destructor */
    xmlSecKeyStoreInitializeMethod	initialize;
    xmlSecKeyStoreFinalizeMethod	finalize;
    xmlSecKeyStoreFindKeyMethod		findKey;

    /* for the future */
    void*				reserved0;
    void*				reserved1;

The keys store id (klass).

xmlSecSize klassSize;

the store klass size.

xmlSecSize objSize;

the store obj size.

const xmlChar *name;

the store's name.

xmlSecKeyStoreInitializeMethod initialize;

the store's initialization method.

xmlSecKeyStoreFinalizeMethod finalize;

the store's finalization (destroy) method.

xmlSecKeyStoreFindKeyMethod findKey;

the store's find method.

void *reserved0;

reserved for the future.

void *reserved1;

reserved for the future.


#define             xmlSecKeyStoreKlassGetName(klass)

Macro. Returns store klass name.

klass :

the pointer to store klass.


#define xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreId		xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreGetKlass()

A simple keys store klass id.

xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreGetKlass ()

xmlSecKeyStoreId    xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreGetKlass       (void);

The simple list based keys store klass.

Returns :

simple list based keys store klass.

xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreAdoptKey ()

int                 xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreAdoptKey       (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store,
                                                         xmlSecKeyPtr key);

Adds key to the store.

store :

the pointer to simple keys store.

key :

the pointer to key.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreLoad ()

int                 xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreLoad           (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store,
                                                         const char *uri,
                                                         xmlSecKeysMngrPtr keysMngr);

Reads keys from an XML file.

store :

the pointer to simple keys store.

uri :

the filename.

keysMngr :

the pointer to associated keys manager.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreSave ()

int                 xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreSave           (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store,
                                                         const char *filename,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataType type);

Writes keys from store to an XML file.

store :

the pointer to simple keys store.

filename :

the filename.

type :

the saved keys type (public, private, ...).

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreGetKeys ()

xmlSecPtrListPtr    xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreGetKeys        (xmlSecKeyStorePtr store);

Gets list of keys from simple keys store.

store :

the pointer to simple keys store.

Returns :

pointer to the list of keys stored in the keys store or NULL if an error occurs.