XML Security Library




io -- Input/output support.


int                 xmlSecIOInit                        (void);
void                xmlSecIOShutdown                    (void);
void                xmlSecIOCleanupCallbacks            (void);
int                 xmlSecIORegisterDefaultCallbacks    (void);
int                 xmlSecIORegisterCallbacks           (xmlInputMatchCallback matchFunc,
                                                         xmlInputOpenCallback openFunc,
                                                         xmlInputReadCallback readFunc,
                                                         xmlInputCloseCallback closeFunc);
#define             xmlSecTransformInputURIId
xmlSecTransformId   xmlSecTransformInputURIGetKlass     (void);
int                 xmlSecTransformInputURIOpen         (xmlSecTransformPtr transform,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri);


Input/output support.


xmlSecIOInit ()

int                 xmlSecIOInit                        (void);

The IO initialization (called from xmlSecInit function). Applications should not call this function directly.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value otherwise.

xmlSecIOShutdown ()

void                xmlSecIOShutdown                    (void);

The IO clenaup (called from xmlSecShutdown function). Applications should not call this function directly.

xmlSecIOCleanupCallbacks ()

void                xmlSecIOCleanupCallbacks            (void);

Clears the entire input callback table. this includes the compiled-in I/O.

xmlSecIORegisterDefaultCallbacks ()

int                 xmlSecIORegisterDefaultCallbacks    (void);

Registers the default compiled-in I/O handlers.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value otherwise.

xmlSecIORegisterCallbacks ()

int                 xmlSecIORegisterCallbacks           (xmlInputMatchCallback matchFunc,
                                                         xmlInputOpenCallback openFunc,
                                                         xmlInputReadCallback readFunc,
                                                         xmlInputCloseCallback closeFunc);

Register a new set of I/O callback for handling parser input.

matchFunc :

the protocol match callback.

openFunc :

the open stream callback.

readFunc :

the read from stream callback.

closeFunc :

the close stream callback.

Returns :

the 0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.


#define             xmlSecTransformInputURIId

The Input URI transform id.

xmlSecTransformInputURIGetKlass ()

xmlSecTransformId   xmlSecTransformInputURIGetKlass     (void);

The input uri transform klass. Reads binary data from an uri.

Returns :

input URI transform id.

xmlSecTransformInputURIOpen ()

int                 xmlSecTransformInputURIOpen         (xmlSecTransformPtr transform,
                                                         const xmlChar *uri);

Opens the given uri for reading.

transform :

the pointer to IO transform.

uri :

the URL to open.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value otherwise.